filelist = [ins] else: fileflag = 0 indir, outdir = core.getOutdir(ins, "run_gblocks", starttime) filelist = os.listdir(indir) print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory..." os.system("mkdir " + outdir) logfilename = outdir + "run_gblocks.log" logfile = open(logfilename, "w") logfile.write("") logfile.close() core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "=======================================================================") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tMasking alignments with GBlocks") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()) if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Masking alignment from file: " + ins) else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Masking alignments from all files in: " + indir) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | GBlocks path set to: " + gb_path) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Sequence type set to: " + seqtype) if m == 1: core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "INFO | Only accepting alignments with < 20% of sequence masked (for tree making)."
else: script_outdir = script_outdir + "-" + outdir_suffix + "/"; outdir = script_outdir + "codeml_out/"; filelist = os.listdir(indir); if aopt == 1: ancdir = script_outdir + "anc_seqs_fa/"; print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir; os.system("mkdir " + script_outdir); logfilename = script_outdir + "run_codeml.log"; logfile = open(logfilename, "w"); logfile.write(""); logfile.close(); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "======================================================================="); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tRunning codeml"); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()); if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t" + ins); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Running codeml on all files in:\t" + indir); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | PAML path set to:\t\t\t" + ppath); if treefile != "": core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using tree from file:\t\t" + treefile); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | No tree file specified. codeml will infer a tree for each gene."); if prune == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Pruning the tree for each gene."); if bsopt == 0: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Not doing branch-site test.");
indir, outdir = core.getOutdir(indir, "run_gblocks", starttime); filelist = [ins]; else: fileflag = 0; indir, outdir = core.getOutdir(ins, "run_gblocks", starttime); filelist = os.listdir(indir); print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory..."; os.system("mkdir " + outdir); logfilename = outdir + "run_gblocks.log"; logfile = open(logfilename, "w"); logfile.write(""); logfile.close(); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "======================================================================="); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tMasking alignments with GBlocks"); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()); if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Masking alignment from file: " + ins); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Masking alignments from all files in: " + indir); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | GBlocks path set to: " + gb_path); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Sequence type set to: " + seqtype); if m == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Only accepting alignments with < 20% of sequence masked (for tree making)."); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using default GBlocks settings (stringent)."); if v == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Printing all GBlocks output to the screen."); else:
script_outdir = script_outdir[:len(script_outdir) - 1] + "-" + outdir_suffix + "/" else: script_outdir = script_outdir + "-" + outdir_suffix + "/" print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir os.system("mkdir '" + script_outdir + "'") logfilename = script_outdir + "supertreemaker.log" logfile = open(logfilename, "w") logfile.write("") logfile.close() ##Pre-run prep: creating log files and output directories, etc... core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "=======================================================================") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\tSupertree making with SDM, R, newickutils, and r8s") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t\t" + infilename) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Input file located in:\t\t\t" + indir) if njopt == 1: core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "INFO | Using Average Consensus method in SDM to build distance matrix." ) core.logCheck( l, logfilename,
outdir = os.path.join(script_outdir, "codeml_out") filelist = os.listdir(indir) if aopt == 1: ancdir = os.path.join(script_outdir, "anc_seqs_fa") print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir mk_cmd = "mkdir " + script_outdir os.system(mk_cmd) logfilename = os.path.join(script_outdir, "run_codeml.log") # logfile = open(logfilename, "w"); # logfile.write(""); # logfile.close(); core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "=======================================================================") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tRunning codeml") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()) if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t" + ins) else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Running codeml on all files in:\t" + indir) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | PAML path set to:\t\t\t" + ppath) if treefile != "": core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using tree from file:\t\t" + treefile) else: core.logCheck(
if outdir_suffix != None: if script_outdir[-1] == "/": script_outdir = script_outdir[:len(script_outdir)-1] + "-" + outdir_suffix + "/"; else: script_outdir = script_outdir + "-" + outdir_suffix + "/"; print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir; os.system("mkdir '" + script_outdir + "'"); logfilename = script_outdir + "supertreemaker.log"; logfile = open(logfilename, "w"); logfile.write(""); logfile.close(); ##Pre-run prep: creating log files and output directories, etc... core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "======================================================================="); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\tSupertree making with SDM, R, newickutils, and r8s"); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t\t" + infilename); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Input file located in:\t\t\t" + indir); if njopt == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using Average Consensus method in SDM to build distance matrix."); core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using R to build a neighbor-joining tree from matrix."); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Not creating consensus tree."); if rr == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Rooting the NJ tree with species:\t\t" + outgroup); if d == 0: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | NOT estimating divergence times with r8s."); else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Will estimate divergence times with r8s.");
fileflag = 0 filelist = os.listdir(ins) ins = os.path.abspath(ins) script_outdir = os.path.abspath(script_outdir) bestdir = os.path.join(script_outdir, "raxml-best") outdir = os.path.join(script_outdir, "raxml-out") print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir os.system("mkdir '" + script_outdir + "'") logfilename = os.path.join(script_outdir, "run_raxml.log") core.filePrep(logfilename) core.logCheck( l, logfilename, "=======================================================================") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tBuilding trees with RAxML") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()) if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t" + ins) else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making trees from all files in:\t" + ins) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | RAxML path set to:\t\t\t" + rax_path) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using the following DNA or AA model:\t" + model) if b > 0: core.logCheck( l, logfilename,
else: fileflag = 0 indir, script_outdir = core.getOutdir(ins, "run_raxml", starttime) bestdir = script_outdir + "raxml_best/" outdir = script_outdir + "raxml_out/" filelist = os.listdir(indir) print core.getTime() + " | Creating main output directory:\t" + script_outdir os.system("mkdir '" + script_outdir + "'") logfilename = script_outdir + "run_raxml.log" logfile = open(logfilename, "w") logfile.write("") logfile.close() core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "=======================================================================") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\tBuilding trees with RAxML") core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime()) if fileflag == 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making tree from file:\t\t" + indir) else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | Making trees from all files in:\t" + indir) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INPUT | RAxML path set to:\t\t\t" + rax_path) core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using the following DNA or AA model:\t" + model) if b > 0: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Performing " + str(b) + " bootstrap replicates per tree.") else: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Not performing bootstrap analysis.") if t > 1: core.logCheck(l, logfilename, "INFO | Using " + str(t) + " threads.") else: