def est(self, n_pca): # dimension of the dataset N = self.aX.size() # Step 1: Create the current permuted dataset G_per = GraphSet() for i in range(N): G = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i]) G.permute(self.f[i]) G_per.add(G) del (G) Mat = G_per.to_matrix_with_attr() #print(Mat) # Standardizing the features if (self.scale == True): Mat_scale = pd.DataFrame(scale(Mat), columns=Mat.columns) else: Mat_scale = Mat self.barycenter = np.mean(Mat_scale) print(self.barycenter) pca = PCA(n_components=n_pca) scores = pca.fit_transform(Mat_scale) vals = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ #scores=pca.transform(Mat_scale) vecs = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=Mat_scale.columns) #top=np.argmax(vals_k) # TO HERE #vals=(vals_k[top]/sum(vals_k)).real #vecs=vecs_k[:,[top]] del Mat, Mat_scale, G_per return (vals, vecs, scores)
def est(self, n_pca, k, old_pca=None): # dimension of the dataset N = self.aX.size() # Step 1: Create the current permuted dataset G_per = GraphSet() for i in range(N): G = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i]) G.permute(self.f[i]) G_per.add(G) del (G) Mat = G_per.to_matrix_with_attr() # Standardizing the features if (self.scale == True): Mat_scale = pd.DataFrame(scale(Mat), columns=Mat.columns) else: Mat_scale = Mat # self.barycenter=np.mean(Mat_scale) pca = PCA(n_components=n_pca) scores = pca.fit_transform(Mat_scale) vals = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ vecs = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=Mat_scale.columns) self.pcas[k] = [pca, Mat_scale] self.barycenter = pd.Series( pca.mean_, index=Mat_scale.columns) # np.mean(Mat_scale) if (k > 0): # Compute the alignment error Mat_along_old = pd.DataFrame(old_pca.inverse_transform(scores), columns=Mat_scale.columns) for i in range(N): x_along = Mat_along_old.iloc[i, :] X_curr_pca = self.give_me_a_network(x_along, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) matchID = ID(self.distance) a = matchID.align(G_per.X[i], X_curr_pca) self.pcaold_error[i, k] = a.dis() del (matchID, X_curr_pca, x_along, a) # Compute the pca error # FIT TRANSFORM THE DATA along the first pca Mat_along = pd.DataFrame(pca.inverse_transform(scores), columns=Mat_scale.columns) # PCA error: for i in range(N): x_along = Mat_along.iloc[i, :] X_curr_pca = self.give_me_a_network(x_along, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) matchID = ID(self.distance) a = matchID.align(G_per.X[i], X_curr_pca) self.pca_error[i, k] = a.dis() del (matchID, X_curr_pca, x_along, a) del Mat, Mat_scale, G_per return (vals, vecs, scores, pca)
def align_G(self,*args): if(isinstance(args,Graph)): if(self.m_C==None): return args else: a=self.m_matcher.align(args,self.m_C) return a.alignedSource() if(isinstance(args,GraphSet)): if(self.m_C==None): return args else: new_a_set=GraphSet() i=0 while(i==args.size()): Gi=args.X[i] # add to the new graph set an aligned graph new_a_set.add(self.align_G(Gi)) i+=1 return new_a_set
def variance(self): if (self.aX != None and self.aX.size() != 0): if (self.var != None): return self.var else: if (not isinstance(self.mean, Graph)): self.mean = self.align_and_est() n = self.aX.size() if (self.m_dis == None): # the variance is computed as a distance between the mean and the sample align_X = GraphSet() for i in range(n): G = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i]) G.permute(self.f[i]) align_X.add(G) del (G) self.m_dis = self.matcher.dis(align_X, self.mean) self.var = 0.0 for i in range(n): self.var += self.m_dis[i] self.var = self.var / n return self.var else: print("Sample of graphs is empty")
def est(self, k): # Step 1: Create the current permuted dataset self.f_iteration[k] = self.f G_per = GraphSet() for i in range(self.aX.size()): G_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i]) G_temp.permute(self.f[i]) G_temp.s = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i].s) G_per.add(G_temp) del (G_temp) del (self.aX) self.aX = copy.deepcopy(G_per) # Step 2: Transform it into a matrix y = G_per.to_matrix_with_attr() # parameter saved: self.variables_names = y.columns # Step 3: create the x vector # Create the input value x = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(len(G_per.X[0].s)), index=range(y.shape[0])) for i in range(y.shape[0]): x.iloc[i] = [float(regressor) for regressor in G_per.X[i].s] self.regressor = x # Step 4: fit the chosen regression model # Ordinary Least Square if (self.model_type == 'OLS'): # Create linear regression object model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y) along_geo_pred = pd.DataFrame(model.predict(x), columns=self.variables_names) self.f_all[k] = self.f #self.regression_error.iloc[:, k] = (along_geo_pred - y).pow(2).sum(axis=1) return (model, along_geo_pred) # Gaussian Process elif (self.model_type == 'GPR'): along_geo_pred = pd.DataFrame(index=range(y.shape[0]), columns=self.variables_names) along_geo_pred_sd = pd.DataFrame(index=range(y.shape[0]), columns=self.variables_names) # list in which we save the temporary regression error regression_error_temp = [] # We are fitting a different Gaussian process for every variable (i.e. for every node or edge) for m in range(len(self.variables_names)): # Inizialize the gaussian process model = gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=self.kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=self.restarts, alpha=self.alpha) # Fitting the Gaussian Process means finding the correct hyperparameters, y.iloc[:, m]) # Saving the model self.models[self.variables_names[m]] = model # Predict to compute the regression error (to compare with the alignment error) y_pred, y_std = model.predict(x, return_std=True) # save both the predicted y and the std, to estimate the posterior along_geo_pred.loc[:, self.variables_names[m]] = pd.Series(y_pred) along_geo_pred_sd.loc[:, self.variables_names[m]] = pd.Series( y_std) # Compute the error # HERE! YOU CAN SUBSTITUTE IT WITH AN ERROR FUNCTION err_euclidean = (y_tr.iloc[:, 2] - y_pred).pow(2) err_weighted = [ err_euclidean[i] / y_std[i] for i in range(len(y_std)) ] self.regression_error.iloc[:, k] += err_weighted return (model, along_geo_pred, y_std) else: raise Exception("Wrong regression model: select either OLS or GPR")
class ggr_aac(aligncompute): def __init__(self, graphset, matcher, distance, regression_model='OLS', nr_iterations=100, alpha=1e-10, kernel=None, restarts=0): # distance and matcher used to compute the alignment aligncompute.__init__(self, graphset, matcher) # distance used to compute the regression error self.distance = distance # nr of iteration of the algorithm self.nr_iterations = nr_iterations # indicate which type of regression model: # OLS (e.g. network on scalar regression problems) # GPR (e.g. network on time regression problems) self.model_type = regression_model if (self.model_type == 'GPR'): self.alpha = alpha self.restarts = restarts self.models = {} if (kernel == None): # by deafault we select an exponential kernel # See kernel section in gaussian_process documentation # # Here we used: 1/2exp(-d(x1/l,x2/l)^2) # - s is the parameter of the ConstantKernel # - l is the parameter of the RBF (radial basis function) kernel self.kernel = gaussian_process.kernels.ConstantKernel( 1.0) * gaussian_process.kernels.RBF(1.0) else: self.kernel = kernel # Regression error for each iteration and each observation self.regression_error = { } #pd.DataFrame(0,index=range(graphset.size()), columns=range(self.nr_iterations)) self.postalignment_error = { } #pd.DataFrame(0,index=range(graphset.size()), columns=range(self.nr_iterations)) self.f_iteration = {} self.f_all = {} def align_and_est(self): # INITIALIZATION: # Select a Random Candidate: first_id = random.randint(0, self.aX.size() - 1) m_1 = self.aX.X[first_id] while (m_1.n_nodes == 1): first_id = random.randint(0, self.aX.size() - 1) m_1 = self.aX.X[first_id] # Sequential version: # Align all the points wrt the random candidate #for i in range(self.X.size()): # # Align X to Y # a = self.matcher.dis(self.aX.X[i],m_1) # # Permutation of X to go closer to Y # self.f[i] = range(0,9)#self.matcher.f # Parallel Version; Parallel(n_jobs=10, require='sharedmem')( delayed(self.two_net_match)(m_1, i, first_id) for i in range(self.aX.size())) # Compute the first Generalized Geodesic Regression line E_1 = self.est(k=0) # Align the set wrt the geodesic Parallel(n_jobs=10, require='sharedmem')(delayed(self.align_pred)(E_1[1], i, 0) for i in range(self.aX.size())) # AAC iterative algorithm for k in range(1, self.nr_iterations): # Compute the first Generalized Geodesic Regression line E_2 = self.est(k) # Align the set wrt the geodesic Parallel(n_jobs=6, require='sharedmem')( delayed(self.align_pred)(E_2[1], i, k) for i in range(self.aX.size())) #sequential version: self.align_pred(E_2[1],k) # Compute the step: the algorithmic step is computed as the square difference between the coefficients step_range = abs( sum([ self.regression_error[i, k - 1] for i in range(0, self.aX.size()) ]) - sum([ self.regression_error[i, k] for i in range(0, self.aX.size()) ])) #self.error+=[self.regression_error.iloc[:,k].sum()] if (step_range < 0.05): self.model = E_2[0] if (self.model_type == 'OLS'): # Return the coefficients self.network_coef = GraphSet() # self.vector_coef = pd.Series(data=E_2[0].coef_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names) self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_2[0].intercept_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s='Intercept')) for i_th in range(E_2[0].coef_.shape[1]): self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_2[0].coef_[:, i_th], index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s=str('beta' + str(i_th)))) self.regression_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.regression_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(k + 1) }) self.postalignment_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.postalignment_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(k + 1) }) self.nr_iterations = k print("Step Range smaller than 0.005") return #else Go on with the computation: update the new result and restart from step 1. del E_1 E_1 = E_2 del E_2 print("Maximum number of iteration reached.") # Return the result if ('E_2' in locals()): self.model = E_2[0] if (self.model_type == 'OLS'): # Return the coefficients self.network_coef = GraphSet() #self.vector_coef = pd.Series(data=E_2[0].coef_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names) self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_2[0].intercept_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s='Intercept')) for i_th in range(E_2[0].coef_.shape[1]): self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_2[0].coef_[:, i_th], index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s=str('beta' + str(i_th)))) self.regression_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.regression_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(self.nr_iterations) }) self.postalignment_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.postalignment_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(self.nr_iterations) }) else: # Return the prior and the posterior # ATTENTION: CHECK ON THE PRIOR WITH AASA self.y_post = E_2[1] self.y_post_std = E_2[2] del E_2, E_1 else: self.model = E_1[0] if (self.model_type == 'OLS'): # Return the coefficients self.network_coef = GraphSet() #self.vector_coef = pd.Series(data=E_2[0].coef_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names) self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_1[0].intercept_.flatten(), index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s='Intercept')) for i_th in range(E_1[0].coef_.shape[1]): self.network_coef.add( self.give_me_a_network(pd.Series( data=E_1[0].coef_[:, i_th], index=self.variables_names), self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr, s=str('beta' + str(i_th)))) self.regression_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.regression_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(self.nr_iterations) }) self.postalignment_error = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ iteration: [ self.postalignment_error[observation, iteration] for observation in range(self.aX.size()) ] for iteration in range(self.nr_iterations) }) else: # Return the prior and the posterior # ATTENTION: CHECK ON THE PRIOR WITH AASA self.y_post = E_1[1] self.y_post_std = E_1[2] del E_1 # Align wrt a geodesic def align_pred(self, y_pred, i, k): #self.f.clear() # the alignment wrt a geodesic aiming at predicting data is an alignment wrt the prediction along # the regression gamma(x_i) and the data point itself y_i # i.e. find the optimal candidate y* in [y] st d(gamma(x)-y) is minimum self.aX.get_node_attr() self.aX.get_edge_attr() # Sequential Version: # for every graph save the new alignment # for i in range(self.aX.size()): # # transform the estimation into a network to compute the networks distances # y_pred_net= self.give_me_a_network(y_pred.iloc[i], self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr) # # Regression error: # match=ID(self.distance) # self.regression_error.iloc[i,k]=match.dis(self.aX.X[i],y_pred_net) # # sum of squares of distances # self.postalignment_error.iloc[i,k]=self.matcher.dis(self.aX.X[i],y_pred_net) # self.f[i] = self.matcher.f # del(y_pred_net,match) # Parallel Version: see the function at the end of the code # transform the estimation into a network to compute the networks distances y_pred_net = self.give_me_a_network(y_pred.iloc[i], self.aX.node_attr, self.aX.edge_attr) # Regression error: match = ID(self.distance) self.regression_error[i, k] = match.dis(self.aX.X[i], y_pred_net) self.postalignment_error[i, k] = self.matcher.dis(self.aX.X[i], y_pred_net) self.f[i] = self.matcher.f del (y_pred_net, match) # Compute the generalized geodesic regression on the total space as a regression of the aligned graph set def est(self, k): # Step 1: Create the current permuted dataset self.f_iteration[k] = self.f G_per = GraphSet() for i in range(self.aX.size()): G_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i]) G_temp.permute(self.f[i]) G_temp.s = copy.deepcopy(self.aX.X[i].s) G_per.add(G_temp) del (G_temp) del (self.aX) self.aX = copy.deepcopy(G_per) # Step 2: Transform it into a matrix y = G_per.to_matrix_with_attr() # parameter saved: self.variables_names = y.columns # Step 3: create the x vector # Create the input value x = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(len(G_per.X[0].s)), index=range(y.shape[0])) for i in range(y.shape[0]): x.iloc[i] = [float(regressor) for regressor in G_per.X[i].s] self.regressor = x # Step 4: fit the chosen regression model # Ordinary Least Square if (self.model_type == 'OLS'): # Create linear regression object model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y) along_geo_pred = pd.DataFrame(model.predict(x), columns=self.variables_names) self.f_all[k] = self.f #self.regression_error.iloc[:, k] = (along_geo_pred - y).pow(2).sum(axis=1) return (model, along_geo_pred) # Gaussian Process elif (self.model_type == 'GPR'): along_geo_pred = pd.DataFrame(index=range(y.shape[0]), columns=self.variables_names) along_geo_pred_sd = pd.DataFrame(index=range(y.shape[0]), columns=self.variables_names) # list in which we save the temporary regression error regression_error_temp = [] # We are fitting a different Gaussian process for every variable (i.e. for every node or edge) for m in range(len(self.variables_names)): # Inizialize the gaussian process model = gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=self.kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=self.restarts, alpha=self.alpha) # Fitting the Gaussian Process means finding the correct hyperparameters, y.iloc[:, m]) # Saving the model self.models[self.variables_names[m]] = model # Predict to compute the regression error (to compare with the alignment error) y_pred, y_std = model.predict(x, return_std=True) # save both the predicted y and the std, to estimate the posterior along_geo_pred.loc[:, self.variables_names[m]] = pd.Series(y_pred) along_geo_pred_sd.loc[:, self.variables_names[m]] = pd.Series( y_std) # Compute the error # HERE! YOU CAN SUBSTITUTE IT WITH AN ERROR FUNCTION err_euclidean = (y_tr.iloc[:, 2] - y_pred).pow(2) err_weighted = [ err_euclidean[i] / y_std[i] for i in range(len(y_std)) ] self.regression_error.iloc[:, k] += err_weighted return (model, along_geo_pred, y_std) else: raise Exception("Wrong regression model: select either OLS or GPR") # Given x_new is predicting the corresponding graph: def predict(self, x_new, std=False): if (not isinstance(x_new, pd.core.frame.DataFrame)): print( "The new observation should be a pandas dataframe of real values" ) self.y_vec_pred = self.model.predict(X=x_new) self.y_net_pred = GraphSet() for i in range(self.y_vec_pred.shape[0]): self.y_net_pred.add( self.give_me_a_network(geo=pd.Series( data=self.y_vec_pred[i], index=self.variables_names), n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr, s=float(x_new.loc[i]))) if (std == True and self.model_type == 'GPR'): self.y_vec_pred, self.y_std_pred = self.model.predict( X=x_new, return_std=True) self.y_net_pred = GraphSet() for i in range(self.y_vec_pred.shape[0]): self.y_net_pred.add( self.give_me_a_network(geo=pd.Series( data=self.y_vec_pred[i], index=self.variables_names), n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr, s=float(x_new.loc[i]))) # These functions are auxiliary function to compute the ggr # geo is a pd Series # n_a and e_a are nodes and edges attributes def give_me_a_network(self, geo, n_a, e_a, s=None): ind = [re.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', k) for k in geo.axes[0]] x_g = {} for i in range(len(ind)): if (len(ind[i]) > 2 and int(ind[i][0]) == int(ind[i][1]) and not (int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])) in x_g): x_g[int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])] = [ geo.loc[geo.axes[0][i + j]] for j in range(n_a) ] elif (len(ind[i]) > 2 and int(ind[i][0]) != int(ind[i][1]) and not (int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])) in x_g): x_g[int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])] = [ geo.loc[geo.axes[0][i + j]] for j in range(e_a) ] elif (len(ind[i]) == 2 and not (int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])) in x_g): x_g[int(ind[i][0]), int(ind[i][1])] = [geo.loc[geo.axes[0][i]]] geo_net = Graph(x=x_g, adj=None, s=s) return geo_net # Conformal prediction def align_est_and_predRegions( self, alpha, ): # Divide training and test # save the training in aX # X.s you can find the regressors # self.est and self.align_pred are the two function for the estimation of the coefficients # you can extract the coefficient as self.network_coef (graphset) # you can extract the s return 0 # This function is used to parallelized the alignment procedure # receive two graphs, a matcher, an f where you are willing to save the permutations and gives back the # optimal permutation def two_net_match(self, X2, i, first_id): if (i == first_id): self.f[first_id] = range(self.aX.n_nodes) # Align X to Y else: self.matcher.the_dis(self.aX.X[i], X2) # Permutation of X to go closer to Y self.f[i] = self.matcher.f
def align_and_est(self, max_iterations=200, eps=0.001): # Select a Random Candidate: first_id = random.randint(0, self.aX.size() - 1) # first_id = 318 m_1 = self.aX.X[first_id] self.f[first_id] = range(self.X.n_nodes) # k=200 maximum number of iteration for self.k in range(max_iterations): print("\n start of iteration: " + str(self.k)) for i in range(self.X.size()): # print('\t already matched: ' + str(i)) # Align X to Y a = self.matcher.align(self.aX.X[i], m_1) # Permutation of X to go closer to Y self.f[i] = a.f # self.aX.X[i]=a.alignedSource() # print m_1.x # print a.alignedSource().x m_2 = self.est(m_1) step_range = self.matcher.dis(m_1, m_2) if (step_range < eps): self.mean = m_2 # Update aX with the final permutations: Aligned = GraphSet() # Aligned.add(self.aX.X[0]) for i in range(self.X.size()): G = self.aX.X[i] G.permute(self.f[i]) Aligned.add(G) del G self.aX = copy.deepcopy(Aligned) del Aligned print("Step Range smaller than 0.001") return else: del m_1 m_1 = m_2 del m_2 # check here self.f.clear() print("Maximum number of iteration reached.") if ('m_2' in locals()): self.mean = m_2 # Update aX with the final permutations: Aligned = GraphSet() Aligned.add(self.aX.X[0]) for i in range(self.X.size()): G = self.aX.X[i] G.permute(self.f[i]) Aligned.add(G) del G self.aX = copy.deepcopy(Aligned) del Aligned del m_2, m_1 else: self.mean = m_1 # Update aX with the final permutations: Aligned = GraphSet() Aligned.add(self.aX.X[0]) for i in range(1, self.X.size()): G = self.aX.X[i] G.permute(self.f[i]) Aligned.add(G) del G self.aX = copy.deepcopy(Aligned) del Aligned del m_1
def align_and_est(self, n_comp, scale, s): # If True scaling is applied to the GraphSet self.scale = scale # Range for the alignment wrt a geodesic self.s_min = s[0] self.s_max = s[1] # k=100 maximum number of iteration for k in range(100): # STEP 0: Align wrt an randomly selected observation, Compute the first pca if (k == 0): self.f[0] = list(range(self.aX.n_nodes)) # PREVIOUS: m_1 = self.aX.X[0] # Align wrt one of the minimum size random element #size_obs = {i: len(self.aX.X[i].adj.keys()) for i in range(self.aX.size())} #min_size = min(size_obs.values()) #id_min_size=[i for i, v in size_obs.items() if v == min_size] #m_1=self.aX.X[id_min_size[0]] for i in range(1, self.aX.size()): # Align X to Y a = self.matcher.align(self.aX.X[i], m_1) # Permutation of X to go closer to Y self.f[i] = a.f # Compute the first Principal Component in the first step E_1 = self.est(n_comp) continue #return E1 # STEP 1: Align wrt the first principal component self.align_geo(E_1[1].loc[0, :]) # STEP 2: Compute the principal component if (k > 0): E_2 = self.est(n_comp) # STEP 3: Step range is the difference between the eigenvalues step_range = distance = math.sqrt( sum([(a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(E_2[0], E_1[0])])) if (step_range < 0.01): # IF small enough, I am converging! Save and exit. self.e_val = E_2[0] self.scores = E_2[2] if (n_comp == 1): self.e_vec = self.give_me_a_network(E_2[1].loc[0, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) self.barycenter_net = self.give_me_a_network( self.barycenter, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) else: G_PCA = GraphSet() for n_pca in range(n_comp): G_PCA.add( self.give_me_a_network(E_2[1].loc[n_pca, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr)) self.e_vec = G_PCA self.barycenter_net = self.give_me_a_network( self.barycenter, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) print("Step Range smaller than 0.001") return else: # Go on with the computation: update the new result and restart from step 1. del E_1 E_1 = E_2 del E_2 print("Maximum number of iteration reached.") # Return the result if ('E_2' in locals()): self.e_val = E_2[0] self.scores = E_2[2] self.barycenter_net = self.give_me_a_network(self.barycenter, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) if (n_comp == 1): self.e_vec = self.give_me_a_network(E_2[1].loc[0, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) else: G_PCA = GraphSet() for n_pca in range(n_comp): G_PCA.add( self.give_me_a_network(E_2[1].loc[n_pca, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr)) self.e_vec = G_PCA del G_PCA del E_2 else: self.e_val = E_1[0] self.scores = E_1[2] self.barycenter_net = self.give_me_a_network(self.barycenter, n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) if (n_comp == 1): self.e_vec = self.give_me_a_network(E_1[1].loc[0, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr) else: G_PCA = GraphSet() for n_pca in range(n_comp): G_PCA.add( self.give_me_a_network(E_1[1].loc[n_pca, :], n_a=self.aX.node_attr, e_a=self.aX.edge_attr)) self.e_vec = G_PCA del G_PCA del E_1
x2 = {} x2[0, 0] = [1] x2[1, 1] = [1] x2[2, 2] = [1] x2[3, 3] = [1] x2[4, 4] = [1] x2[5, 5] = [1] x2[0, 1] = [1] x2[1, 0] = [1] x2[1, 2] = [1] x2[2, 1] = [1] x2[3, 4] = [1] x2[4, 3] = [1] # Create Graph set: G = GraphSet(graph_type='directed') G.add(Graph(x=x1, s=[1, 2], adj=None)) G.add(Graph(x=x2, s=[2, 3], adj=None)) # Compute a distance with euclidean distance without matching the graphs match = ID(hamming()) match.dis(G.X[0], G.X[1]) # 2) GRAPHS with Euclidean scalar and vector attributes on both nodes and edges # Define the graphs: x1 = {} x1[0, 0] = [0.813, 0.630] x1[1, 1] = [1.606, 2.488] x1[2, 2] = [2.300, 0.710] x1[3, 3] = [0.950, 1.616] x1[4, 4] = [2.046, 1.560] x1[5, 5] = [2.959, 2.387]