Esempio n. 1
def Update(campus_id, building_id, room_id):
    """ Update a given campus building room. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin', 'fire_officer')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({'message': 'no_access', 'nice_message': 'You do not have accdss to this page. Contact system administrator.'})

    # Get room object
    room = CampusBuildingRoomModel.findById(room_id)

    if not room:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({'message': 'room_missing', 'nice_message': 'Room not found.'})
    # Save new values to database
    name = request.form.get('room_name')
    floor = request.form.get('floor')
    capacity = request.form.get('capacity')

    if not name and not floor and not capacity:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({'message': 'missing_parameters', 'nice_message': 'Please enter a floor, capacity or name.'})
    if name:
    if floor:
    if capacity:

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 2
def Delete(student_id, module_id):
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    if not student_id or not module_id:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'missing_parameters',
            'nice_message': 'Missing parameter.'

    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('student', student_id)

    for enrolment in enrolments:
        if enrolment.getModule() == int(module_id):
            return JsonResponse.ok()

    return JsonResponse.notFound({
        'message': 'not_found',
        'nice_message': 'Enrolment does not exist.'
Esempio n. 3
def DeleteTerm(term_id):
    """ Creates a new Campus """
    # Authenticate user
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    if not term_id:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'bad_request',
            'nice_message': 'Please enter the term'

    term = TermModel.findById(term_id)

    if not term:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Term not found.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 4
def Update(id):
    """ Updates information for a Campus """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    name = request.form.get('campus_name')

    if not name:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'name_missing',
            'nice_message': 'Missing campus name.'

    campus = CampusModel.findById(id)

    if not campus:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'Campus could not be found.'

    campus.setName(name) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 5
def Create(campus_id):
    """ Creates new campus building """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin', )):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized()

    # Ensure campus exists
    campus = CampusModel.findById(campus_id)

    if not campus:
        return JsonResponse.notFound()

    # Parse and validate request body
    name = request.form.get('building_name')
    floorCount = request.form.get('floor_count')

    if not name or not floorCount:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest()

    # Save new data to database
    building = CampusBuildingModel()

    building.setName(name) \
            .setFloorCount(floorCount) \
            .setCampus(campus_id) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 6
def Create(campus_id, building_id):
    """ Create a room in a given campus building. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({'message': 'no_acces', 'nice_message': 'You do not have acess to this page. Contact system administrator.'})

    # Get building object
    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({'message': 'not_found', 'nice_message': 'Building not found.'})

    # Parse and validate request body
    name  = request.form.get('room_name')
    floor = request.form.get('floor')
    capacity = request.form.get('capacity')

    if not name or not floor or not capacity:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({'message': 'bad_request', 'nice_message': 'Please enter a capacity, name and floor.'})

    # Save new data to database
    room = CampusBuildingRoomModel()

    room.setIdentifier(name) \
        .setBuildingFloor(floor) \
        .setBuilding(building_id) \
        .setCapacity(capacity) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 7
def Update(id):
    """ Updates teachers information """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    first_name = request.form.get('first_name')
    last_name = request.form.get('last_name')
    email = request.form.get('email')
    mobile_phone = request.form.get('mobile_phone')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    if not first_name and not last_name and not email and not mobile_phone and not password:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter details for the teacher.'

    teachers = TeacherModel.findById(id)

    if not teachers:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    if first_name:

    if last_name:

    if email:

    if mobile_phone:

    if password:
        salt = teachers.getSalt()
        hashedPassword = Security.hashPassword(password, salt)

        return JsonResponse.badRequest({'error': 'database_error'})

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 8
def Update(module_id, session_id):
    """ Updates a module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get session object
    session = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not session:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    # Save new values to database
    teacher = request.form.get('teacher')
    sessionType = request.form.get('type')

    if not teacher and not sessionType:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a teacher and session type.'

    if teacher:
        if not TeacherModel.findById(teacher):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'message': 'not_found',
                'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'


    if sessionType:
        if not ModuleSessionModel.findById(sessionType):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'Session type not found.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 9
def UpdateTerm(term_id):
    """ Creates a new Campus """
    # Authenticate user
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    term = request.form.get('term')
    term_start = request.form.get('term_start')
    term_end = request.form.get('term_end')

    if not term or not term_start or not term_end:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a new term number, start date or end date.'

    if term not in ('1', '2', '3', 1, 2, 3):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please select a term between 1 and 3.'

    termObj = TermModel.findById(term_id)

    if not termObj:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Term not found.'

    if term:

    if term_start:

    if term_end:

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 10
def Create(module_id):
    """ Creates a new module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(module_id)

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Module not found.'

    # Parse and validate request body
    teacher = request.form.get('teacher')
    sessionType = request.form.get('type')

    if not TeacherModel.findById(teacher):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    if not ModuleSessionTypeModel.findById(sessionType):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Module session not found.'

    # Save new data to database
    moduleSession = ModuleSessionModel()

    moduleSession.setModule(module.getId()) \
                 .setStaff(teacher) \
                 .setType(sessionType) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 11
def Update(id):
    """ Updates a given module. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(id)

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Module not found.'

    # Save new values to database
    name = request.form.get('module_name')
    leader = request.form.get('leader')

    if not name and not leader:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a new name or module leader.'

    if name:

    if leader:
        if not TeacherModel.findById(leader):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'message': 'not_found',
                'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 12
def Update(campus_id, building_id):
    """ Update information for given building """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin', )):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get building object
    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    # Save new values to database
    name = request.form.get('building_name')
    floorCount = request.form.get('floor_count')

    if not name and not floorCount:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a new name or floor count.'

    if name:

    if floorCount:

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 13
def Delete(id):
    """ Deletes teacher """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    teachers = TeacherModel.findById(id)

    if not teachers:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    modules = ModuleModel.findBy('leader', id)

    if len(modules) != 0:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Modules exist with this teacher as module leader.'

    sessions = ModuleSessionModel.findBy('staff', id)

    if len(sessions) != 0:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Sessions exist for this teacher.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 14
def DeleteBooking(module_id, session_id, booking_id):
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    theBooking = RoomBookingModel.findById(booking_id)

    if not theBooking:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Booking not found.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 15
def Create():
    """ Creates a new teacher """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    first_name = request.form.get('first_name')
    last_name = request.form.get('last_name')
    email = request.form.get('email')
    mobile_phone = request.form.get('mobile_phone')

    password = request.form.get('password')
    salt = Security.generateSalt()
    hashedPassword = Security.hashPassword(password, salt)

    teachers = TeacherModel()

    if not teachers:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'


        return JsonResponse.badRequest({'error': 'database_error'})

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 16
def Delete(id):
    """Deletes a Student"""
    #Authorise (Change who is authorised)
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    #Find student and check they exist
    student = StudentModel.findById(id)

    if not student:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Student not found.'

    #Delete record of student
    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 17
def Delete(id):
    """DELETE /staff/[id] - Deletes a staff member. (JSON)"""
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    #Find student and check they exist
    staff = StaffModel.findById(id)

    if not staff:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Staff member not found.'

    #Delete record of student
    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 18
def Delete(id):
    """ Deletes a Campus """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    campus = CampusModel.findById(id)

    if not campus:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'Campus could not be found.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 19
def Delete(module_id, session_id):
    """ Deletes a module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    # Delete from database

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 20
def Delete(campus_id, building_id):
    """ Deletes a building """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('building_admin', )):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get building object
    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    # Delete from database

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 21
def Enrol(id):
    """Enrols Student to a Module"""

    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator..'

    studentId = request.form.get(student)

    if not studentId:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Student not found'

    enrol = StudentModuleModel()
Esempio n. 22
def Delete(id):
    """ Deletes a given module. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(id)

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Module not found.'

    # Delete from database

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 23
def CreateRecurringBooking(module_id, session_id):
    """ Updates a module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    module = ModuleModel.findById(theSession.getModule())

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
            'Module not found.'

    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', module.getId())

    # Get post values
    building_id = request.form.get('building')
    duration = request.form.get('duration')
    day = request.form.get('day')
    frequency = request.form.get('frequency')
    term_id = request.form.get('term')

    if not building_id or not duration or not day or not frequency or not term_id:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a building, duration, day, frequency and term'

    if day not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please choose a day Monday to Friday.'

    day = int(day)

    if frequency not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please select a frequency.'

    frequency = int(frequency)
    duration = int(duration)

    if duration <= 0 or duration > 3:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please select a duration betweene 1 and 3 hours.'

    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    term = TermModel.findById(term_id)

    if not term:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Term not found.'

    #def scheduleRecurring(term_id, session_id, building_id, day_of_week, frequency, duration, sessionType):
    res = Scheduler.scheduleRecurring(term.getId(), theSession.getId(),
                                      building.getId(), day, frequency,
                                      duration, theSession.getType())

    #if not res:
    #    return JsonResponse.badRequest()

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Esempio n. 24
def CreateBooking(module_id, session_id):
    """ Creates a new room booking. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact sytem administrator.'

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    module = ModuleModel.findById(theSession.getModule())

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
            'Module not found.'

    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', module.getId())

    # Get post values
    building_id = request.form.get('building')
    duration = request.form.get('duration')
    day = request.form.get('day')
    hour = request.form.get('hour')

    duration = int(duration)

    if duration <= 0 or duration > 3:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a duration between 1 and 3.'

    if not building_id or not duration or not day or not hour:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please ensure you enter a buildng, duration and time.'

    day = day + " 03:00"  # Daylight savings time fix

    ts = int(
        datetime.strptime(day + " UTC", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z").strftime("%s"))

    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    #def scheduleOneOff(building_id, duration, capacity, day, hour, sessionType = None, session = None):
    res = Scheduler.scheduleOneOff(building_id, duration, len(enrolments), ts,
                                   hour, theSession.getType(),

    if not res:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'booking_failed',
            'nice_message': 'Booking not made.'

    return JsonResponse.ok()