def recognize_batch(event=None):
    """ Menu item : process all the faces of a single shape
    # then traverse the topology using the Topo class
    t = Topo(shp)
    # loop over faces only
    for f in t.faces():
        # call the recognition function
Esempio n. 2
def shape_faces_surface():
    """ Compute the surface of each face of a shape
    # first create the shape
    the_shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(50., 30., 10.).Shape()
    # then loop over faces
    t = Topo(the_shape)
    props = GProp_GProps()
    shp_idx = 1
    for face in t.faces():
        brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(face, props)
        face_surf = props.Mass()
        print("Surface for face nbr %i : %f" % (shp_idx, face_surf))
        shp_idx += 1
def shape_faces_surface():
    """ Compute the surface of each face of a shape
    # first create the shape
    the_shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(50., 30., 10.).Shape()
    # then loop over faces
    t = Topo(the_shape)
    props = GProp_GProps()
    shp_idx = 1
    for face in t.faces():
        brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(face, props)
        face_surf = props.Mass()
        print("Surface for face nbr %i : %f" % (shp_idx, face_surf))
        shp_idx += 1
Esempio n. 4
#section_height = zmin+1e-3
section_height = zmax - 1e-3

# A horizontal plane is created from which a face is constructed to intersect with
# the building. The face is transparently displayed along with the building.
section_plane =, 0, section_height),
                    , 0, 1))
section_face = OCC.BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
    section_plane, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).Face()

#section_face_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(section_face)
#ifcopenshell.geom.utils.set_shape_transparency(section_face_display, 0.5)

# Explore the faces of the shape (these are known to be named)
exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
while exp.More():
    s = exp.Current()

    tp = Topo(s)
    for face in tp.faces():

        #        ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(face)
        section = OCC.BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Section(section_face,
        section_edges = list(Topo(section).edges())

        for edge in section_edges:
            ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(edge, clr=RED)

def build_curve_network(event=None):
    mimic the curve network surfacing command from rhino
    root_compound_shape = read_step_file("./models/splinecage.stp")
    topo = Topo(root_compound_shape)

    # approximate the hell out of all surfaces and curves
    # I wanna see it in its full glory
    display.Context.SetDeviationAngle(0.00001)  # 0.001 -> default
    display.Context.SetDeviationCoefficient(0.0001)  # 0.001 -> default

    tangent_constraint_faces = [f for f in topo.faces()]

    # loop through the imported faces
    # associate the length of each of the faces edges to the corresponding face
    _edge_length_to_face, _edge_length_to_edge = hash_edge_lenght_to_face(

    # loop through the imported curves, avoiding the imported faces
    # when we've got these filtered out, we retrieved the geometry to build the surface from
    filtered_edges = [
        for e in topo._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, root_compound_shape, TopAbs_FACE)

    filtered_length = {}
    for e in filtered_edges:
        l = round(length_from_edge(e), 3)
        filtered_length[l] = e

    input_edge_face_pairs, edges_no_adjacent_face = [], []
    for l, edg in filtered_length.items():
        if l in _edge_length_to_edge:
            edge_face_pair = (_edge_length_to_edge[l], _edge_length_to_face[l])

    brep_plate_builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling()

    enforce_tangency = True

    if enforce_tangency:
        print("going for surface quality")
            0.0001, 0.001, 0.01,
            0.01)  # ?!!! Tol2d=1.0, Tol3d=1.0, TolAng=1.0, TolCurv=1.0
        brep_plate_builder.SetApproxParam(8, 240)  # MaxDeg=8, MaxSegments=9
            3, 64, 3)  # Degree=3, NbPtsOnCur=15, NbIter=2, Anisotropie=0
        print("quick and dirty")

    # illegal instruction 4???
    for i in input_edge_face_pairs:
        display.DisplayShape(i, color=random_color())
        constraint_edg, support_face = i
        if constraint_edg.IsNull() or support_face.IsNull():
            print("OMG null")
        brep_plate_builder.Add(constraint_edg, support_face, GeomAbs_G1)

    # not entirely sure why this fails... how is that different from adding from points?
    # for e in edges_no_adjacent_face:
    #     brep_plate_builder.Add(e, GeomAbs_C0)

    # libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Standard_OutOfRange
    for e in edges_no_adjacent_face:
        for pt in divide_edge_by_nr_of_points(e, 12)[2:-2]:

    if brep_plate_builder.IsDone():
        face = brep_plate_builder.Shape()
        display.DisplayColoredShape(face, "ORANGE")
        print("constructing the surface failed")
def build_curve_network(event=None):
    mimic the curve network surfacing command from rhino
    root_compound_shape = read_step_file("./models/splinecage.stp")
    topo = Topo(root_compound_shape)

    # approximate the hell out of all surfaces and curves
    # I wanna see it in its full glory
    display.Context.SetDeviationAngle(0.00001)  # 0.001 -> default
    display.Context.SetDeviationCoefficient(0.0001)  # 0.001 -> default

    tangent_constraint_faces = [f for f in topo.faces()]

    # loop through the imported faces
    # associate the length of each of the faces edges to the corresponding face
    _edge_length_to_face, _edge_length_to_edge = hash_edge_lenght_to_face(tangent_constraint_faces)

    # loop through the imported curves, avoiding the imported faces
    # when we've got these filtered out, we retrieved the geometry to build the surface from
    filtered_edges = [e for e in topo._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, root_compound_shape, TopAbs_FACE)]

    filtered_length = {}
    for e in filtered_edges:
        l = round(length_from_edge(e), 3)
        filtered_length[l] = e

    input_edge_face_pairs, edges_no_adjacent_face = [], []
    for l, edg in filtered_length.items():
        if l in _edge_length_to_edge:
            edge_face_pair = ( _edge_length_to_edge[l], _edge_length_to_face[l] )

    brep_plate_builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling()

    enforce_tangency = True

    if enforce_tangency:
        print("going for surface quality")
        brep_plate_builder.SetConstrParam(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01) # ?!!! Tol2d=1.0, Tol3d=1.0, TolAng=1.0, TolCurv=1.0
        brep_plate_builder.SetApproxParam(8, 240) # MaxDeg=8, MaxSegments=9
        brep_plate_builder.SetResolParam(3, 64, 3) # Degree=3, NbPtsOnCur=15, NbIter=2, Anisotropie=0
        print("quick and dirty")

    # illegal instruction 4???
    for i in input_edge_face_pairs:
        display.DisplayShape(i, color=random_color())
        constraint_edg, support_face = i
        if constraint_edg.IsNull() or support_face.IsNull():
            print("OMG null")
        brep_plate_builder.Add(constraint_edg, support_face, GeomAbs_G1)

    # not entirely sure why this fails... how is that different from adding from points?
    # for e in edges_no_adjacent_face:
    #     brep_plate_builder.Add(e, GeomAbs_C0)

    # libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Standard_OutOfRange
    for e in edges_no_adjacent_face:
        for pt in divide_edge_by_nr_of_points(e, 12)[2:-2]:

    if brep_plate_builder.IsDone():
        face = brep_plate_builder.Shape()
        display.DisplayColoredShape(face, "ORANGE")
        print("constructing the surface failed")