Esempio n. 1
def submit_unfinished_form(session_id, include_case_side_effects=False):
    Gets the raw instance of the session's form and submits it. This is used with
    sms and ivr surveys to save all questions answered so far in a session that
    needs to close.

    If include_case_side_effects is False, no case create / update / close actions
    will be performed, but the form will still be submitted.

    The form is only submitted if the smsforms session has not yet completed.
    session = SQLXFormsSession.by_session_id(session_id)
    if session is not None and session.end_time is None:
        # Get and clean the raw xml
            xml = get_raw_instance(session_id)['output']
        except InvalidSessionIdException:
        root = XML(xml)
        case_tag_regex = re.compile(
        )  # Use regex in order to search regardless of namespace
        meta_tag_regex = re.compile("^(\{.*\}){0,1}meta$")
        timeEnd_tag_regex = re.compile("^(\{.*\}){0,1}timeEnd$")
        current_timstamp = json_format_datetime(datetime.utcnow())
        for child in root:
            if case_tag_regex.match(child.tag) is not None:
                # Found the case tag
                case_element = child
                case_element.set("date_modified", current_timstamp)
                if not include_case_side_effects:
                    # Remove case actions (create, update, close)
                    child_elements = [
                        case_action for case_action in case_element
                    for case_action in child_elements:
            elif meta_tag_regex.match(child.tag) is not None:
                # Found the meta tag, now set the value for timeEnd
                for meta_child in child:
                    if timeEnd_tag_regex.match(meta_child.tag):
                        meta_child.text = current_timstamp
        cleaned_xml = tostring(root)

        # Submit the xml and end the session
        process_sms_form_complete(session, cleaned_xml, completed=False)
Esempio n. 2
def submit_unfinished_form(session_id, include_case_side_effects=False):
    Gets the raw instance of the session's form and submits it. This is used with
    sms and ivr surveys to save all questions answered so far in a session that
    needs to close.

    If include_case_side_effects is False, no case create / update / close actions
    will be performed, but the form will still be submitted.

    The form is only submitted if the smsforms session has not yet completed.
    session = SQLXFormsSession.by_session_id(session_id)
    if session is not None and session.end_time is None:
        # Get and clean the raw xml
            xml = get_raw_instance(session_id)["output"]
        except InvalidSessionIdException:
        root = XML(xml)
        case_tag_regex = re.compile("^(\{.*\}){0,1}case$")  # Use regex in order to search regardless of namespace
        meta_tag_regex = re.compile("^(\{.*\}){0,1}meta$")
        timeEnd_tag_regex = re.compile("^(\{.*\}){0,1}timeEnd$")
        current_timstamp = json_format_datetime(datetime.utcnow())
        for child in root:
            if case_tag_regex.match(child.tag) is not None:
                # Found the case tag
                case_element = child
                case_element.set("date_modified", current_timstamp)
                if not include_case_side_effects:
                    # Remove case actions (create, update, close)
                    child_elements = [case_action for case_action in case_element]
                    for case_action in child_elements:
            elif meta_tag_regex.match(child.tag) is not None:
                # Found the meta tag, now set the value for timeEnd
                for meta_child in child:
                    if timeEnd_tag_regex.match(meta_child.tag):
                        meta_child.text = current_timstamp
        cleaned_xml = tostring(root)

        # Submit the xml and end the session
        process_sms_form_complete(session, cleaned_xml, completed=False)
Esempio n. 3
def handle_sms_form_complete(sender, session_id, form, **kwargs):
    from corehq.apps.smsforms.models import SQLXFormsSession
    session = SQLXFormsSession.by_session_id(session_id)
    if session:
        process_sms_form_complete(session, form, completed=True)
Esempio n. 4
def handle_sms_form_complete(sender, session_id, form, **kwargs):
    from corehq.apps.smsforms.models import SQLXFormsSession
    session = SQLXFormsSession.by_session_id(session_id)
    if session:
        process_sms_form_complete(session, form)