Esempio n. 1
def _two_factor_required(view_func, domain, couch_user):
    exempt = getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
    if exempt:
        return False
    return ((domain.two_factor_auth
             or TWO_FACTOR_SUPERUSER_ROLLOUT.enabled(couch_user.username))
            and not couch_user.two_factor_disabled)
Esempio n. 2
def _two_factor_required(view_func, domain_obj, request):
    Check if Two Factor Authentication is required.
    :param view_func: the view function being accessed
    :param domain_obj: Domain instance associated with the view
    :param request: Request
    :return: Boolean (True if 2FA is required)
    exempt = getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
    if exempt:
        return False
    if not request.couch_user:
        return False
    if (ENTERPRISE_SSO.enabled_for_request(request)
            and is_request_using_sso(request)):
        # SSO authenticated users manage two-factor auth on the Identity Provider
        # level, so CommCare HQ does not attempt 2FA with them. This is one of
        # the reasons we require that domains establish TrustedIdentityProvider
        # relationships.
        return False
    return (
        # If a user is a superuser, then there is no two_factor_disabled loophole allowed.
        # If you lose your phone, you have to give up superuser privileges
        # until you have two factor set up again.
        and request.couch_user.is_superuser
    ) or (
        # For other policies requiring two factor auth,
        # allow the two_factor_disabled loophole for people who have lost their phones
        # and need time to set up two factor auth again.
         or TWO_FACTOR_SUPERUSER_ROLLOUT.enabled(request.couch_user.username))
        and not request.couch_user.two_factor_disabled)
Esempio n. 3
def _two_factor_required(view_func, domain, couch_user):
    exempt = getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
    if exempt:
        return False
    return (
        (domain.two_factor_auth or TWO_FACTOR_SUPERUSER_ROLLOUT.enabled(couch_user.username))
        and not couch_user.two_factor_disabled
Esempio n. 4
def _two_factor_required(view_func, domain, couch_user):
    exempt = getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
    if exempt:
        return False
    return (
        # If a user is a superuser, then there is no two_factor_disabled loophole allowed.
        # If you lose your phone, you have to give up superuser privileges
        # until you have two factor set up again.
        settings.REQUIRE_TWO_FACTOR_FOR_SUPERUSERS and couch_user.is_superuser
    ) or (
        # For other policies requiring two factor auth,
        # allow the two_factor_disabled loophole for people who have lost their phones
        # and need time to set up two factor auth again.
        (domain.two_factor_auth or TWO_FACTOR_SUPERUSER_ROLLOUT.enabled(
            couch_user.username)) and not couch_user.two_factor_disabled)
Esempio n. 5
def _two_factor_required(view_func, domain, couch_user):
    if TWO_FACTOR_SUPERUSER_ROLLOUT.enabled(couch_user.username):
        return not getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
    return (not getattr(view_func, 'two_factor_exempt', False)
            and domain.two_factor_auth and not couch_user.two_factor_disabled)