Esempio n. 1
def test_number2(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])
    test_cases = {0: 0, 2: 1, 234252: 3, 345: 0}
    for tc in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(tc))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.number2(tc))
Esempio n. 2
def test_clamp(verbose):
    """Test clamp.
    If verbose is True, then each test input is printed out, as well."""
    fn_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + fn_name)

    # Format: each key is a tuple.
    # The item at index 0 of the key is a tuple version of the input list.
    # The item at index 1 of the key is the min value allowed.
    # The item at index 2 of the key is the max value allowed
    # The value is the list that the input list should match once the function
    #   is applied.
    test_cases = {
        ((-1, 1, 3, 5), 0, 4): [0, 1, 3, 4],
        ((4, -1, 1, 6, 3), 0, 5): [4, 0, 1, 5, 3],
        ((17, -1, 2, 27, 14), 2, 3): [3, 2, 2, 3, 3],
        ((17, -1, 2, 27, 14), 2, 2): [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
        ((5.3, 0, 2, 8.5, 4), 0, 8): [5.3, 0, 2, 8, 4],
        ((5.3, 0, 2, 8.5, 4), 1.3, 7.2): [5.3, 1.3, 2, 7.2, 4],
        ((), 2, 3): [],

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print("\tTesting input " + str(test_input))

        input_list = list(test_input[0])  # Need to convert tuple to list
        input_min = test_input[1]
        input_max = test_input[2]

        lab08for.clamp(input_list, input_min, input_max)
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[test_input], input_list)
Esempio n. 3
def test_space_runs():
    # print test procedure name
    print('Running ' + inspect.stack()[0][3])  # print test-procedure name

    for fn in [
            labfile.num_space_runs1, labfile.num_space_runs2,
        print('\t Testing', fn.__name__)  # print function name

        test_cases = {
            "a  f   g": 2,
            " a  f   g   ": 4,
            " a  f   g ": 4,
            " a  bc   d": 3,
            " a": 1,
            "ab": 0,
            "abc   a": 1,
            "abc    ": 1,
            "    ": 1
            for tc in test_cases:
                print('\t\t Testing "', tc + '"')
                result = fn(tc)
                right_answer = test_cases[tc]
                ca.assert_equals(right_answer, result)
            print(fn.__name__, "passed all test cases.  Hurrah!")
            print("ERROR:  something wrong with", fn.__name__, "for test case ", \
                "'" + tc + "'")
def test_pigify():
    print("Running test_pigify to test lab05.pigify")

    ## STUDENTS:
    ## At this point in the class, you do not know what dictionaries are.
    ## But for the curious: test_cases is a structure that lets you organize
    ## pairs of a so-called "key" (the first item in a pair) and an associated
    ## "value" (the second item in a pair).
    ## In our case, the keys and values are inputs and desired outputs.

    # These test cases come from the lab handout.
    test_cases = {
        'ask': 'askhay',
        'use': 'usehay',
        'quiet': 'ietquay',
        'quay': 'ayquay',
        'qu': 'quay',
        'tomato': 'omatotay',
        'school': 'oolschay',
        'you': 'ouyay',
        'pssst': 'pssstay'

    ## STUDENTS:  "
    ## At this point in the class, you do not know what for-loops/blocks are.
    ## But for the curious: the code below runs assert_equals on each
    ## input/output pair in the test_cases dictionary
    for w in test_cases:
        print('\tTrying "' + w + '"')
        cornellasserts.assert_equals(test_cases[w], lab05.pigify(w))
Esempio n. 5
def test_sum_digits(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {0: 0, 3: 3, 34: 7, 345: 12}
    for tc in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(tc))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.sum_digits(tc))
Esempio n. 6
def test_into(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {(5, 3): 0, (6, 3): 1, (3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 7, 3): 4}
    for tc in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(tc))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.into(tc[0], tc[1]))
Esempio n. 7
def test_exp(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {(3, 0): 1, (3, 2): 9, (2, 5): 32}
    for tc in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(tc))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.exp(tc[0], tc[1]))
Esempio n. 8
def test_helper2():
    """Test function a1.after"""
    print("Testing a1.after")

    # tag in the middle
    t = '<a id="c111">'
    s = 'start <a id="c111">xthis that the other'
    result = a1.after(t, s)
    cornellasserts.assert_equals('xthis that the other', result)
Esempio n. 9
def test_convert_lines_to_string(verbose):
    """Test a3.test_convert_lines_to_string() and
       a3.test_convert_lines_to_string2() """

    # A generic line that can be pasted into any function;
    # retrieves the name of current function from its frame on the stack.
    # Each item in the list returned by inspect.stack() is a call frame.
    # You can print out the frame at the top of the stack by:
    #     print(str(inspect.stack()[0])
    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")

    # Have to store lists as tuples in order to have them be dict. keys.
    test_cases = {
        ("hi\n", "there"): "hi there",
        ("hi\n", "there\n"):  "hi there",
        ("    hola    ", "   salut \n  howdy  "): "hola salut \n  howdy",
        ("so", "la", "", "do"): "so la do",
        ("so", "\n", "la", "", "", "do"): "so  la do",  # no extra space after la
        # STUDENTS: you should add enough test cases to make the set of test cases
        # sufficient. Put any new test cases you want in the dictionary
        # below this line, and leave the next comment line in your code so the
        # graders to easily locate it and your additions.

    # Yes, functions can be elements of lists, too! Note that the elements
    # are not (values returned by) function calls, but the functions themselves.
    fns_to_test = [a3.convert_lines_to_string, a3.convert_lines_to_string2]
    for ind in range(len(fns_to_test)):  # also OK to wrap "list" around range()
        convertfn = fns_to_test[ind]
        print("testing " + convertfn.__name__)
        for test_input in test_cases:
            if verbose:
                print("\tTesting " + str(test_input))
            expected = test_cases[test_input]
                             # Convert tuple back to list

        # STUDENTS: you should add enough test cases to make the set of test cases
        # sufficient. If you have additional test cases to add that wouldn't be
        # suitable for encoding in dictionary test_cases, then place them here.
        # Make sure you call the generic alias `convertfn` so that both your
        # convert_line_to_string() and convert_line_to_string2() can be tested
        # on the same test cases.
        # Leave the following comment line in your submitted code so that the
        # graders can easily locate it and thus your additions.

        if ind < (len(fns_to_test)-1):  # Not the last fn to test
            # Check whether students are ready to test the next function
            ask_to_quit(verbose, fns_to_test[ind+1].__name__)
Esempio n. 10
def test_sum_list(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {(): 0, (34, ): 34, (7, 34, 1, 2, 2): 46}
    for tc in test_cases:
        inputlist = list(tc)
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(inputlist))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.sum_list(inputlist))
Esempio n. 11
def test_sum_to(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {1: 1, 3: 6, 5: 15}

    for tc in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(tc))
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], lab09_optional.sum_to(tc))
Esempio n. 12
def test_helper1():
    """Test function a1.before_first_double_quote"""
    print("Testing a1.before_first_double_quote")

    # 1st quote three in from beginning
    result = a1.before_first_double_quote('abd"def')
    cornellasserts.assert_equals('abd', result)

    # quote at beginning
    result = a1.before_first_double_quote('"def"')
    cornellasserts.assert_equals('', result)
Esempio n. 13
def test_lesser_than(verbose):
    """Test lesser_than and lesser_than2.
    If verbose is True, then each test input is printed out, as well."""

    # A generic line that can be pasted into any function;
    # retrieves the name of current function from its frame on the stack.
    # Each item in the list returned by inspect.stack() is a call frame.
    # You can print out the frame at the top of the stack by:
    #     print(str(inspect.stack()[0])
    fn_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + fn_name)

    # We turn to dictionaries and for-loops to make writing test cases less
    # tedious.
    # The keys are tuples representing the two inputs to lesser_than.
    # The values are the expected answers for those two inputs.
    # We have to use tuples because dictionaries don't allow the keys to be
    # "hashable".

    # Format:
    #      (input1, input2): expected_value
    # where input1 is a tuple version of an input list.
    # STUDENTS: beware!  One test case is incorrect on purpose!
    test_cases = {
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), -1): 0,
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 1): 0,
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 5): 1,  # etc.
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 7): 2,
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 6): 2,
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 9): 3,
        ((5, 9, 1, 7), 10): 4,
        ((), -2): 0,  # testing empty list
        ((), 2): 0,
        ((4, 5, 6), 1): 0,
        ((4, 5, 6), 7): 3,
        ((4, 4, 4), 7): 3  # testing list with duplicates

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print("\tTesting input " + str(test_input))
        input_list = list(test_input[0])  # Convert from tuple to list
        orig = input_list[:]  # Create a copy to check that nothing is changed
        # by the function being tested
        input_value = test_input[1]

        # Test that output is correct
                         lab08for.lesser_than(input_list, input_value))

        # Test that the input list was not changed
        ca.assert_equals(orig, input_list)
Esempio n. 14
def test_open_status():
    """Test function a1.open_status"""

    print("Testing a1.open_status")

    # standard case
    d1 = '<a id="c10775"> fa-circle open-status-open"></i></span>'
    result = a1.open_status("10775", d1)
    cornellasserts.assert_equals("open", result)

    # a near-match at the beginning, so check for exact match
    d2 = '<a id="10775"> open-status-no <a id="c10775"> open-status-Y"></i></span>'
    result = a1.open_status("10775", d2)
    cornellasserts.assert_equals("Y", result)
def test_draw():
    """Quick diagnostic test of whether cardstuff.draw seems to be working.
    May depend on equality being correct for cards"""
    print("Testing test_draw")
    orig_clist = [card_lab06.Card(1, 11)]
    clist = orig_clist[:]
    orig_hand = [card_lab06.Card(2, 3)]
    hand = orig_hand[:]
    # Have a hand containing the 3 of hearts, drawing from a 'deck'
    # containing just the Jack of Diamonds

    c = cardstuff.draw(clist)

        cornellasserts.assert_not_equals(c, None)
        print("Error: draw is returning None")

        cornellasserts.assert_equals(0, len(clist))
        print("Error: the drawn card is not being removed from the list")
        print("Consider adding print statements to debug")

    # Now trying to draw from a full deck, checking that we don't seem to
    # be drawing from the same position each time
    orig_deck = card_lab06.full_deck()
    clist = card_lab06.full_deck()
    c1 = cardstuff.draw(clist)
    i1 = orig_deck.index(c1)
    c2 = cardstuff.draw(clist)
    i2 = orig_deck.index(c2)
    c3 = cardstuff.draw(clist)
    i3 = orig_deck.index(c3)

    if i1 == i2 and i2 == i3:
            "***Suspicious output***: seems like the drawn card is not randomly picked"
        print("\tbut is always drawn from the same position.")
        print("Consider testing in Python interactive mode")

    print("finished test of test_draw()")
Esempio n. 16
def test_embed(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])
    ca.assert_equals(0, lab09_optional.embed('cs1110'))
    ca.assert_equals(1, lab09_optional.embed(['cs1110']))
    ca.assert_equals(1, lab09_optional.embed(['cs1110', 'opython', 'typoon']))
        lab09_optional.embed(['cs1110', ['opython', ['recursion'], 'typoon']]))
Esempio n. 17
def test_score(verbose):
    """Test _score function.
    Extra info printed if `verbose` is True."""

    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")

    for tc in test_cases_in_common:
        if verbose:
            print('\tTesting ' + c11.cardlist_str(tc))
        answer = test_cases_in_common[tc]
        output = blackjack._score(list(tc))  # Convert tuple to list
        ca.assert_equals(answer, output)

    print_done_message(verbose, tester_name)
Esempio n. 18
def test_max_nested_list(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])
    ca.assert_equals(0, lab09_optional.max_nested_list(0))
                     lab09_optional.max_nested_list([0, [2, 5], 8, [-10, -1]]))
    ca.assert_equals(1, lab09_optional.max_nested_list([[[[1]]]]))
                     lab09_optional.max_nested_list([[[[1, 1110], 2], 3], 4]))
Esempio n. 19
def test_playerBust(verbose):
    """Test playerBust function.
    Extra info printed if `verbose` is True."""

    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")

    game = make_dummy_game()
    for tc in test_cases_bust:
        if verbose:
            print('\tTesting ' + c11.cardlist_str(tc))
        answer = test_cases_bust[tc]
        game.playerHand = list(tc)
        output = game.playerBust()
        ca.assert_equals(answer, output)

    print_done_message(verbose, tester_name)
Esempio n. 20
def test_dealerScore(verbose):
    """Test dealerScore function.
    Extra info printed if `verbose` is True."""

    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")

    game = make_dummy_game()
    for tc in test_cases_in_common:
        if verbose:
            print('\tTesting ' + c11.cardlist_str(tc))
        answer = test_cases_in_common[tc]
        game.dealerHand = list(tc)  # Set the dealerHand to be a test case.
        output = game.dealerScore()
        ca.assert_equals(answer, output)

    print_done_message(verbose, tester_name)
Esempio n. 21
def test_sum_nested_list(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])
    # dictionaries can't have lists as keys, so using list instead of dict.
    test_cases = [[0, 0], [4, 4], [[0, [2, 5], [8, [-10, -1]]], 4],
                  [[0, [2, 5, []], [8, [-10, -1]]], 4], [[], 0]]

    # We have several different implementations, and so use a list of functions
    # to test them all.
    fns_to_test = [lab09.sum_nested_list]
    for fn in fns_to_test:
        print("\tTesting " + fn.__name__)
        for item in test_cases:
            test_input = item[0]
            if verbose:
                print('\ttrying ' + str(test_input))
            correct = item[1]
            ca.assert_equals(correct, lab09.sum_nested_list(test_input))
Esempio n. 22
def test_number_not(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])
    mylist_as_tuple = (5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3)

    test_cases = {
        (mylist_as_tuple, 74): 4,
        (mylist_as_tuple, 3): 5,
        (mylist_as_tuple, 4): 7,
        ((3, ), 4): 1,  # Need comma to make Python realize we want a tuple
        ((), 4): 0
    for tc in test_cases:
        inputlist = list(tc[0])
        inputval = tc[1]
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(inputlist) + ' and ' + str(inputval))
                         lab09_optional.number_not(inputlist, inputval))
Esempio n. 23
def test_remove_first(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    # Using a list because converting everything to tuples for a dictionary
    # seems too painful.
    # Format: each item is (input1, input2, answer)
    test_cases = [([], 3, []), ([3], 3, []), ([3], 4, [3]),
                  ([3, 4, 4, 4, 5], 4, [3, 4, 4, 5]),
                  ([3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4], 4, [3, 5, 4, 4, 4])]

    for item in test_cases:
        inputlist = item[0]
        inputval = item[1]
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(inputlist) + ' and ' + str(inputval))
        expected = item[2]
                         lab09_optional.remove_first(inputlist, inputval))
Esempio n. 24
def test_numberof(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    # dictionaries can't have lists as keys, so using tuples
    test_cases = {
        ((5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3), 74): 3,
        ((5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3), 3): 2,
        ((5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3), 4): 0,
        ((4, ), 4): 1,
        ((4, 4), 4): 2,
        ((), 3): 0

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(test_input))
        output = lab09.numberof(list(test_input[0]), test_input[1])
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[test_input], output)
Esempio n. 25
def test_reverses(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    test_cases = {(): [], (3, ): [3], (3, 2, 1): [1, 2, 3]}
    fns_to_test = [lab09_optional.reverse1, lab09_optional.reverse2]
    for ind in range(len(fns_to_test)):
        reverse_fn = fns_to_test[ind]
        print("\ttesting " + reverse_fn.__name__)
        for tc in test_cases:
            inputlist = list(tc)
            if verbose:
                print('\ttrying ' + str(inputlist))
            ca.assert_equals(test_cases[tc], reverse_fn(inputlist))

        mylist = [3]
        ca.assert_equals(False, mylist is reverse_fn(mylist))
        if ind < len(fns_to_test) - 1:
            # Still another function to test
Esempio n. 26
def test_get_econ_vocab(verbose):
    """ Test a3.get_econ_vocab() """
    # Does just some rough checks

    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")
    print("...this takes a little while")

    result = a3.get_econ_vocab()
    assert type(result) == list
    ca.assert_equals(type(result), list)
    ca.assert_true(len(result) > 20)

    # spot checks
    ca.assert_equals(672, len(result))
    some_terms = ['agency costs', 'capital gains', 'euro', 'poverty', 'third way']
    some_terms.extend(['tax base', 'volatility', 'yield', 'welfare'])
    for term in some_terms:
        ca.assert_true(term in result)
    ca.assert_false('Tariff' in result)
Esempio n. 27
def test_remove_dups(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    # dictionaries can't have lists as keys, so using tuples
    test_cases = {
        (): [],
        (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1],
        (3, 3): [3],
        (4, ): [4],
        (4, 3, 4): [4, 3, 4],

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(test_input))
        test_list = list(test_input)
        output = lab09_optional.remove_dups(test_list)
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[test_input], output)
        # see if new list is a different list
        ca.assert_false(output is test_list)
Esempio n. 28
def test_get_content_lines(verbose):
    """Test a3.get_content_lines()"""

    # A generic line that can be pasted into any function;
    # retrieves the name of current function from its frame on the stack.
    # Each item in the list returned by inspect.stack() is a call frame.
    # You can print out the frame at the top of the stack by:
    #     print(str(inspect.stack()[0])
    tester_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    print("Running " + tester_name + "()")

    test_cases = {
        # Different operating systems have different ways of dealing with
        # subdirectories, which is what os.path.join helps us deal with.
        #  See section 14.4 "Filenames and paths" of the text.
        ["abc abcabc natural language processing\n", "3 o'clock bc!d\n"],
        add_sources_to_fname('short.txt'): [
            "here is a small piece of text a small piece of text a small piece of text here is a small piece of text at nine o'clock in the morning\n"
        ["abc abcabc natural language processing\n", "bc!d bc!d\n"],

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print("\tTesting " + str(test_input))
        expected = test_cases[test_input]
        ca.assert_equals(expected, a3.get_content_lines(test_input))

    # For longer files, rough check that we get the right number of lines
    test_cases = {
        add_sources_to_fname('imbeciles.txt'): 33 - 6,
        add_sources_to_fname('lonely_as_a_cloud.txt'): 29 - 2,
        add_sources_to_fname('2013_obama.txt'): 184,
    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print("\tTesting " + str(test_input))
        expected = test_cases[test_input]
        ca.assert_equals(expected, len(a3.get_content_lines(test_input)))
Esempio n. 29
def test_label():
    """Test function a1.label"""

    print("Testing a1.label")

    # STUDENTS, we have constructed enough test cases for you, so
    # you don't need to add any more.  You're welcome.

    print(" running test case 1")
    s1 = 'blah blah blah <a id="c10782"> more stuff '
    s1 = s1 + 'class="course-repeater">CS 1110&nbsp;abcedfgh'
    s1 = s1 + 'data-ssr-component="DIS" data-section="208"789012'
    result = a1.label("10782", s1)
    cornellasserts.assert_equals("CS 1110 DIS 208", result)

    print(" running test case 2, has two courses in it and some tricky stuff")
    s2 = s1 + '<a id="c45">        class="course-repeater">ART 314&nbsp;    '
    s2 = s2 + 'data-ssr-component data-ssr-component="LEC"   '
    s2 = s2 + 'data-section=118 data-section="412"'
    result = a1.label("45", s2)
    cornellasserts.assert_equals("ART 314 LEC 412", result)
Esempio n. 30
def test_replace(verbose):
    print("Running " + inspect.stack()[0][3])

    # dictionaries can't have lists as keys, so using tuples
    test_cases = {
        ((5, 6), 5, 4): [4, 6],
        ((5, 6), 6, 4): [5, 4],
        ((5, 5), 5, -4): [-4, -4],
        ((), 1, 2): [],
        ((5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3), 3, 20): [5, 20, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 20],
        ((5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3), 1, 20): [5, 3, 3455, 74, 74, 74, 3],

    for test_input in test_cases:
        if verbose:
            print('\ttrying ' + str(test_input))
        test_list = list(test_input[0])
        output = lab09.replace(test_list, test_input[1], test_input[2])
        ca.assert_equals(test_cases[test_input], output)
        # see if new list is a different list, even if no values are different
        ca.assert_false(output is test_list)