Esempio n. 1
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' %
        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            node = rst2node(_dedent(info['docstring']))
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()
            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response
            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 2
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.route_name)
        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            node = rst2node(_dedent(info['docstring']))
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()
            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response
            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 3
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' %

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            if 'validator' in info:
                validators = to_list(info['validator'])
                for validator in validators:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            docstring += '\n' + validator.__doc__.strip()

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 4
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.route_name)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            if 'validator' in info:
                validators = to_list(info['validator'])
                for validator in validators:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            docstring += '\n' + validator.__doc__.strip()

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 5
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.path)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + '\n'

            if 'schema' in args:
                schema = args['schema']

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('headers', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(text='values in the %s' %
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " %

                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                desc += " %s, " % attr.type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            for validator in args.get('validators', ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            if 'accept' in args:
                accept = to_list(args['accept'])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = args['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 6
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' %

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if 'attr' in info:
                docstring = getattr(info['func'], info['attr']).__doc__ or ""
                docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            docstring = trim(docstring) + '\n'

            if method in service.schemas:
                schema = service.schemas[method]

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('headers', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(
                                text='values in the %s' % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " %

                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                desc += " %s, " % attr.type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            if 'validators' in info:
                for validator in info['validators']:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            doc = trim(validator.__doc__)
                            docstring += '\n' + doc

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 7
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.path)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + '\n'

            if 'schema' in args:
                schema = args['schema']

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('headers', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(
                                text='values in the %s' % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " %

                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                desc += " %s, " % attr.type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            for validator in args.get('validators', ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            if 'accept' in args:
                accept = to_list(args['accept'])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = args['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Esempio n. 8
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.route_name)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if 'attr' in info:
                docstring = getattr(info['func'], info['attr']).__doc__ or ""
                docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            docstring = trim(docstring) + '\n'

            if method in service.schemas:
                schema = service.schemas[method]

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('headers', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(text='values in the %s' %
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " %

                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                desc += " %s, " % attr.type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            if 'validators' in info:
                for validator in info['validators']:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            doc = trim(validator.__doc__)
                            docstring += '\n' + doc

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node