Esempio n. 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.api = TextApi(testConfiguration.client)
Esempio n. 2

def gettokens(txt):
    return api.getTokensForText(config.RETINA_NAME, txt)

def getslices(txt):
    return api.getSlicesForText(config.RETINA_NAME, txt)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = config.client
    #api = TermsApi(client)
    #terms = api.getTerm("en_associative", term="apple", get_fingerprint=True)

    api = TextApi(client)
    scpr = scraper()
    kwords = []
    tokens = []
    targettxt = url2txt(scpr, TARGET_COMPANY_URL)
    candidatetxts = PDF2txt("resume.pdf")
    for i in range(len(candidatetxts)):
        kwords += getkw(candidatetxts[i])
        tokens += gettokens(candidatetxts[i])

    print("Keywords extracted, Tokens ready")
    #slices=[getslices(candidatetxts[i]) for i in range(len(candidatetxts))]

    if testing_slate:
        print([r.encode('utf-8') for r in kwords])
        print([r.encode('utf-8') for r in tokens])
def summarize(text, len_sentences = 5, retina = retina, apiKey = apiKey,
              min_length = min_length, similarity_measure = similarity_measure) :
    sentences = [sentence for sentence in text.split(".") if len(sentence) >= min_length]
    # Make request to cortical to compare sentence by sentence to get distance
    # for graph
    # graph representation, to use : graph[0][1] is edge of vertex 0 to 1
    graph = nx.Graph()
    request_body = []
    for s in sentences:
    request_body = json.dumps(request_body)
    client = ApiClient(apiKey=apiKey, apiServer="")
    api = TextApi(client)
    fingerprints = api.getRepresentationsForBulkText(retina, request_body)    
    pos_fingerprints = zip(range(0,len(sentences)),fingerprints)
    double_pos_fingerprints = itertools.combinations(pos_fingerprints, 2)    
    for (pos1,finger1),(pos2,finger2) in double_pos_fingerprints:
    request_body = []
    for s in sentences:
        for s2 in sentences:
    request_body = json.dumps(request_body)
    client = ApiClient(apiKey=apiKey, apiServer="")
    api = CompareApi(client)
    print("Sending to compare API")
    metrics = api.compareBulk(retina, request_body)    
    print("Receive compare API")

    for i in range(len(sentences)):
        for j in range(len(sentences)):
    pos_fingerprints = zip(range(0,len(sentences)),fingerprints)
    # Compute pagerank for all vertex in matrix, refer to
    page_rank = nx.pagerank(graph)
    sorted_rank = [(page_rank[key],key) for key in page_rank]
    sorted_rank.sort(reverse = True)
    summary_graph = nx.Graph()
    summaries = [pos for weight,pos in sorted_rank[:len_sentences]]
    for i in range(0,len(summaries)):
        for j in range(i+1,len(summaries)):
    gr = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(summary_graph)
    visited = {}
    summary = []
    for tup in list(nx.dfs_edges(gr)):
        for first in tup:
            if (visited.get(first) is None):
                visited[first] = True
    return summary
Esempio n. 4
# Code to get fingerprints from a string
# Body = "Semantic fingerprints are cool."

# Code to get fingerprints from a .txt file put filename
file_name = "15_UTX.txt"

with open('Company_Descriptions/' + file_name, "r") as myfile:
    body ='\n', '')

######### Code for fingerprint (vector) ############

# Chose either en_synonymous or en_associative retina
text = TextApi(client).getRepresentationForText("en_synonymous", body)
print text[0].positions

############# Code for keywords list ###############

# Chose either en_synonymous or en_associative retina
terms = TextApi(client).getKeywordsForText("en_synonymous", body)
print terms

########## Code for fingerprint (image) #############

body = '{"text":"%s"}' % body