Esempio n. 1
    def validate_hca(self, provider, nodes):
        """Check if HCA presence and ports."""
        for node in nodes:
            if provider.lower() in self.hca_checks:
                cmd = f"ssh {node} lspci -nn | grep '{provider.capitalize()}'"
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result =

                if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                    res = (f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters card "
                           f"(possibly with Infiniband capability) is not detected on {node}. "
                           f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                           f"CMD '{cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                ports_cmd = f"{cmd} | wc -l"
                ports_cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(ports_cmd)
                ports_run_result =

                if ports_run_result[1] or ports_run_result[2]:
                    res = (f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters ports were not "
                           f"detected by command {cmd}. "
                           f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                           f"CMD {cmd} failed. {ports_run_result[0]}. {ports_run_result[1]}")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                res = (ports_run_result[0].decode('utf-8').strip())
                if int(res) == 0:
                    res = (f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters ports were not "
                           f"detected by command {cmd}. "
                           "For high-speed data network, it is expected to "
                           "have at least one port present over some PCIe slot. ")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)
Esempio n. 2
    def validate_service_status(self):
        """Validate service status."""

        url = f"http://{}:{self.port}{self.service_url}"

            status_code = requests.get(url).status_code
            if status_code != 200:
                raise VError(errno.ECOMM, (
                    f"Error {status_code} obtained while "
                    f"connecting to {self.service_name} service on {}:{self.port}."
        except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         (f"Either or all inputs host '{}' and port "
                          f"'{self.port}' are invalid."))
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            raise VError(
                f"No {self.service_name} service running on {}:{self.port}"
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_ex:
            raise VError(
                (f"Error connecting to {self.service_name} service on "
                 f"{}:{self.port}. {req_ex}"))
Esempio n. 3
    def _validate(cortx_solution_config: dict):
        Validates a given node to have required properties

        Raises exception if there is any entry missing
        required_keys_for_cortx_conf = ['external', 'common']

        for k in required_keys_for_cortx_conf:
            if cortx_solution_config.get(k) is None:
                raise VError(
                    f"'{k}' property is unspecified in cortx_config.")

            if k == 'external':
                required_external_keys = const.REQUIRED_EXTERNAL_SW
                for e_key in required_external_keys:
                        if cortx_solution_config[k][e_key]['endpoints'] is None:
                            raise VError(
                                f"'Endpoint for {e_key}' is unspecified in cortx_config."
                    except KeyError as e:
                        raise CortxProvisionerError(
                            f'{str(e)} is unspecified for external in cortx_config.'
Esempio n. 4
    def validate_paths(self, host, paths):
        """Check if path are found and matching."""

        for path in paths:
            if ":" not in path:
                raise VError(
                    "Input should contain colon ':' separated values, given: %s"
                    % path)
            _type = path.split(":")[0]
            _path = path.split(":")[1]
            if _type not in ["file", "dir", "link", "device"]:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "invalid type: %s" % _type)
            if _type == "file":
                __type = "regular file"
            elif _type == "dir":
                __type = "directory"
            elif _type == "link":
                __type = "symbolic link"
            elif _type == "device":
                __type = "block special file"
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid type: %s" % _type)

            if _path == "":
                raise VError(
                    "Absolute path must be provided, given: %s!" % path)
            if host != None:
                result = self.__run_cmd(f"ssh {host} stat {_path} --printf=%F")
                result = self.__run_cmd(f"stat {_path} --printf=%F")
            if result.find(f"{__type}") == -1:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "object: %s not found" % path)
Esempio n. 5
    def validate_lvm(self, nodes):
        """Validate lvms are present and size."""

        for node in nodes:

            cmd = f"ssh {node} vgdisplay | grep vg_metadata_{node}"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result =

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Failed to get vg_metadata_{node} on {node}."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

            cmd = f"ssh {node} vgdisplay | grep vg_metadata | wc -l"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result =
            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Failed to get lvms on {node}."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

            res = (run_result[0].decode('utf-8').strip())
            if not res or (int(res) != len(nodes)):
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                             f"No. of Lvms {res} is not correct for {node}.")
Esempio n. 6
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process BMC validations.
        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. bmc accessible <node1> <node2> <...>
        2. bmc stonith <node> <bmc_ip> <bmc_user> <bmc_passwd>

        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid parameters '{args}'")

        if v_type == "accessible":
            if len(args) < 1:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "No parameters specified")
        elif v_type == "stonith":
            if len(args) < 4:
                raise VError(
                    f"Insufficient parameters '{args}' for 'bmc stonith'. Refer usage."
            elif len(args) > 4:
                raise VError(
                    f"Too many parameters '{args}' for 'bmc stonith'. Refer usage."
            self.validate_bmc_stonith_config(args[0], args[1], args[2],
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         f"Action parameter '{v_type}' not supported")
Esempio n. 7
 def __search_pkg(self, cmd):
     # print(f"Running {cmd}")
     handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     stdout, stderr, retcode =
     if retcode != 0:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                      "cmd: %s failed with error code: %d" % (cmd, retcode))
     if stderr:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                      "cmd: %s failed with stderr: %s" % (cmd, stderr))
     # To calm down codacy.
     return stdout.decode("utf-8")
 def test_reconnect_ok(self):
     """ Check ssh re-connect after disconnection caller """
     # Close ssh connection
     if self.session.is_connection_alive():
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
             f"SSH connection is not closed with client '{}'")
     # Establish ssh to same client without invoking instance
     # and validate ssh connection is active
     if not self.session.is_connection_alive():
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
             f"Connection is lost with client '{}'")
Esempio n. 9
    def validate_salt_minion_connectivity(self, nodes):
        """Check salt minion connectivity."""
        if os.environ.get('USER') != 'root':
            res = ("validate_salt_minion: "
                   "This interface requires root privileges.")
            raise VError(errno.EACCES, res)

        for node in nodes:
            cmd = f"salt -t 5 {node}"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result =

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Salt minion {node} unreachable."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, res)
Esempio n. 10
 def _is_ip(self, ip):
         return ip.count(".") == 3 and all([
             self._is_valid_ipv4_part(ip_part) for ip_part in ip.split(".")
     except Exception as e:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid IP {ip}.") from e
Esempio n. 11
	def validate_services(self, host, services):
		"""Check if services are running."""
		for service in services:
			if host != None:
				cmd = f"ssh {host} systemctl status {service}"
				cmd = f"systemctl status {service}"
			handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
			_, stderr, retcode =
			if retcode != 0:
				raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
					     "cmd: %s failed with error code: %d"
					     %(cmd, retcode))
			if stderr:
				raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
					     "cmd: %s failed with stderr: %s"
					     %(cmd, stderr))
Esempio n. 12
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process consul validations.
        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. consul service localhost 8500

        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid parameters %s" % args)

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Insufficient parameters. %s" % args)

        if v_type == "service":
            self.validate_service_status(args[0], args[1])
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         "Action parameter %s not supported" % v_type)
 def test_command_execution_ok(self):
     """ Check if command is executed successfully """
     cmd = "whoami"
     rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
     if rc != 0 or self.__user not in output:
         raise VError(
             errno.EINVAL, f"Command execution failed on {self.hostname}.\
                             Command: '{cmd}'\
                             Return Code: {rc}")
Esempio n. 14
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process salt validations.
        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. salt minions <nodes>

        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid parameters %s" % args)

        if len(args) < 1:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Insufficient parameters. %s" % args)

        if v_type == "minions":
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         "Action parameter %s not supported" % v_type)
Esempio n. 15
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process network validations.
        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. network connectivity <ip1> <ip2> <ip3>

        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid parameters %s" % args)

        if len(args) < 1:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "Insufficient parameters. %s" % args)

        if v_type == "connectivity":
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         "Action parameter %s not supported" % v_type)
Esempio n. 16
    def validate_ip_connectivity(self, ips):
        """Check if IPs are reachable."""
        unreachable_ips = []
        for ip in ips:
            if ip.count(".") == 3 and all(self._is_valid_ipv4_part(ip_part)
                                          for ip_part in ip.split(".")):

                cmd = f"ping -c 1 -W 1 {ip}"
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result =

                if run_result[2]:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid ip {ip}.")

        if len(unreachable_ips) != 0:
            raise VError(
                errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Ping failed for IP(s). %s" % unreachable_ips)
Esempio n. 17
    def validate_bmc_stonith_config(self, node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_passwd):
        """Validations for BMC STONITH Configuration."""
        cmd = f"fence_ipmilan -P -a {bmc_ip} -o status -l {bmc_user} -p {bmc_passwd}"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Failed to check BMC STONITH Config. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
Esempio n. 18
    def validate_pip3s(self, host, pkgs):
        """Check if pip3 pkg is installed."""

        for pkg in pkgs:
            if host != None:
                result = self.__search_pkg(f"ssh {host} pip3 list")
                result = self.__search_pkg("pip3 list")
            if result.find(f"{pkg}") == -1:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "pip3 pkg: %s not found" % pkg)
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process elasticsearch validations.

        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. elasticsearch service localhost 9200
        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid parameters {args}")

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Insufficient parameters. {args}")

        if v_type == "service":
            HttpService("elasticsearch", args[0],
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         f"Action parameter {v_type} not supported")
Esempio n. 20
    def validate_inband_bmc_channel(self, node):
        """Get BMC channel information (inband)."""
        cmd = f"ipmitool {self.channel_cmd}"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Failed to get BMC channel info of '{node}''. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
        return True
Esempio n. 21
    def __ping_bmc(self, node):
        """Ping BMC IP."""
        ip = self.__get_bmc_ip(node)
        cmd = f"ping -c 1 -W 1 {ip}"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Ping failed for IP '{ip}'. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, msg)
Esempio n. 22
    def validate(self, v_type, args):
        Process BMC validations.

        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1. bmc accessible <node> <bmc_ip> <bmc_user> <bmc_passwd>
        2. bmc stonith <node> <bmc_ip> <bmc_user> <bmc_passwd>
        if not isinstance(args, list):
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid parameters '{args}'")

        if len(args) < 1:
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, "No parameters specified")

        if len(args) < 4:
            raise VError(
                f"Insufficient parameters '{args}' for 'bmc validate'. Refer usage."
        elif len(args) > 4:
            raise VError(
                f"Too many parameters '{args}' for 'bmc validate'. Refer usage."

        # Root user to execute ipmitool command
        user = "******"
        node = args[0]
        self.session = SSHChannel(node,

        if v_type == "accessible":
            self.validate_bmc_accessibility(node, args[1], args[2], args[3])
        elif v_type == "stonith":
            self.validate_bmc_stonith_config(node, args[1], args[2], args[3])
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         f"Action parameter '{v_type}' not supported")

Esempio n. 23
    def __get_bmc_ip(self, node):
        """Get BMC IP along with status of command."""
        cmd = "ipmitool lan print 1 | grep 'IP Address'"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Failed to get BMC IP of {node}. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
        bmc_ip = output.split()[-1]
        return bmc_ip
Esempio n. 24
    def validate_network_drivers(self, driver, nodes):
        """Check if drivers (eg: Mellanox OFED) are proper."""
        for node in nodes:
            cmd = f"ssh {node} rpm -qa | grep {driver}"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result =

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Given Driver '{driver}' Is Not Installed on {node}. "
                       f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)
Esempio n. 25
    def validate_bmc_channel_over_lan(self, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_passwd):
        """Get BMC channel information over lan (out-of-band)."""
        # check BMC ip is accessible over lan (out of band)
        cmd = f"ipmitool -H {bmc_ip} -U {bmc_user} -P {bmc_passwd} -I lan {self.channel_cmd}"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Failed to get BMC channel info of '{bmc_ip}' over lan. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
        return True
Esempio n. 26
    def validate_controller_accessibility(self, ip, username, password):
        """Check contoller console is accessible to node."""
        # Check if ssh connection is successful
            session = SSHChannel(host=ip, username=username, password=password)
            err = traceback.format_exc()
            raise VError(
                "Failed to create ssh connection to %s, Error: %s" % (ip, err))

        # ping controller IP
        cmd = "ping -c 1 -W 1 %s" % ip
        cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        _, stderr, rc =
        if rc != 0:
            msg = "Ping failed for IP '%s'. Command: '%s', Return Code: '%s'." % (
                ip, cmd, rc)
            msg += stderr.decode("utf-8").replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
Esempio n. 27
    def validate(self, v_type: str, index: str, keylist: list):
        Process confstore key validations.

        Usage (arguments to be provided):
        1.  exists keylist <i.e. ['k1', 'k2>k3', ...]>
        if v_type == "exists":
            return self.validate_keys(index, keylist)
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                         "Action parameter %s not supported" % v_type)
Esempio n. 28
    def __get_bmc_power_status(self, node):
        """Get BMC power status."""
        cmd = "ipmitool chassis status | grep 'System Power'"
        rc, output = self.session.execute(cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            msg = f"Failed to get BMC power status of {node}. Command: '{cmd}',\
                    Return Code: '{rc}'."

            msg += output
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
        pw_status = output.split()[-1]
        return pw_status
Esempio n. 29
    def validate_passwordless_ssh(self, user, nodes):
        """Check passwordless ssh."""
        for node in nodes:
            cmd = ("ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey "
                   f"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{node} /bin/true")
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result =

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Passwordless ssh not configured for {node}."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, res)
Esempio n. 30
    def validate_hba(self, provider, nodes):
        """Check HBA presence and ports."""
        for node in nodes:
            if provider.lower() == "lsi":
                cmd = f"ssh {node} lspci -nn | grep 'SCSI'"
                # TO DO: Use paramiko for ssh.
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result =

                if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                ports_cmd = f"ssh {node} ls /sys/class/scsi_host/ | wc -l"
                ports_cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(ports_cmd)
                ports_result =

                if ports_result[1] or ports_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD {cmd} failed. {ports_result[0]}. {ports_result[1]}"
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                res = ports_result[0].decode('utf-8').strip()
                if int(res) == 0:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        "For storage connectivity over SAS channels "
                        "to JBOD/RBOD there is expectation for a PCIe HBA card "
                        "to be present. Please check HW, if this system "
                        "expects a connection to either JBOD or RBOD.")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)