class Task(Base): __tablename__ = 'task' """ A job that gets executed. Has a unique set of params within its Stage. """ # FIXME causes a problem with mysql? __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('stage_id', 'uid', name='_uc1'),) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uid = Column(String(255), index=True) mem_req = Column(Integer) core_req = Column(Integer) cpu_req = synonym('core_req') time_req = Column(Integer) NOOP = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) params = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False, server_default='{}') stage_id = Column(ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) log_dir = Column(String(255)) # output_dir = Column(String(255)) _status = Column(Enum34_ColumnType(TaskStatus), default=TaskStatus.no_attempt, nullable=False) successful = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) started_on = Column(DateTime) # FIXME this should probably be deleted. Too hard to determine. submitted_on = Column(DateTime) finished_on = Column(DateTime) attempt = Column(Integer, nullable=False) must_succeed = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) drm = Column(String(255)) queue = Column(String(255)) max_attempts = Column(Integer) parents = relationship("Task", secondary=TaskEdge.__table__, primaryjoin=id == TaskEdge.parent_id, secondaryjoin=id == TaskEdge.child_id, backref="children", passive_deletes=True, cascade="save-update, merge, delete", ) input_map = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False, server_default='{}') output_map = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False, server_default='{}') @property def input_files(self): return self.input_map.values() @property def output_files(self): return self.output_map.values() # command = Column(Text) drm_native_specification = Column(String(255)) drm_jobID = Column(String(255)) profile_fields = ['wall_time', 'cpu_time', 'percent_cpu', 'user_time', 'system_time', 'io_read_count', 'io_write_count', 'io_read_kb', 'io_write_kb', 'ctx_switch_voluntary', 'ctx_switch_involuntary', 'avg_rss_mem_kb', 'max_rss_mem_kb', 'avg_vms_mem_kb', 'max_vms_mem_kb', 'avg_num_threads', 'max_num_threads', 'avg_num_fds', 'max_num_fds', 'exit_status'] exclude_from_dict = profile_fields + ['command', 'info', 'input_files', 'output_files'] exit_status = Column(Integer) percent_cpu = Column(Integer) wall_time = Column(Integer) cpu_time = Column(Integer) user_time = Column(Integer) system_time = Column(Integer) avg_rss_mem_kb = Column(Integer) max_rss_mem_kb = Column(Integer) avg_vms_mem_kb = Column(Integer) max_vms_mem_kb = Column(Integer) io_read_count = Column(Integer) io_write_count = Column(Integer) io_wait = Column(Integer) io_read_kb = Column(Integer) io_write_kb = Column(Integer) ctx_switch_voluntary = Column(Integer) ctx_switch_involuntary = Column(Integer) avg_num_threads = Column(Integer) max_num_threads = Column(Integer) avg_num_fds = Column(Integer) max_num_fds = Column(Integer) extra = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False, server_default='{}') @declared_attr def status(cls): def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): if self._status != value: self._status = value signal_task_status_change.send(self) return synonym('_status', descriptor=property(get_status, set_status)) @property def workflow(self): return self.stage.workflow @property def log(self): return self.workflow.log @property def finished(self): return self.status in {TaskStatus.successful, TaskStatus.killed, TaskStatus.failed} _cache_profile = None output_profile_path = logplus('profile.json') output_command_script_path = logplus('command.bash') output_stderr_path = logplus('stderr.txt') output_stdout_path = logplus('stdout.txt') @property def stdout_text(self): return readfile(self.output_stdout_path) @property def stderr_text(self): r = readfile(self.output_stderr_path) if r == 'file does not exist': if self.drm == 'lsf' and self.drm_jobID: r += '\n\nbpeek %s output:\n\n' % self.drm_jobID try: r += codecs.decode(sp.check_output('bpeek %s' % self.drm_jobID, shell=True), 'utf-8') except Exception as e: r += str(e) return r @property def command_script_text(self): # return self.command return readfile(self.output_command_script_path).strip() or self.command def descendants(self, include_self=False): """ :return: (list) all stages that descend from this stage in the stage_graph """ x = nx.descendants(self.workflow.task_graph(), self) if include_self: return sorted({self}.union(x), key=lambda task: task.stage.number) else: return x @property def label(self): """Label used for the taskgraph image""" params = '' if len(self.params) == 0 else "\\n {0}".format( "\\n".join(["{0}: {1}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.params.items()])) return "[%s] %s%s" % (,, params) def args_as_query_string(self): import urllib return urllib.urlencode(self.params) def delete(self, descendants=False): if descendants: tasks_to_delete = self.descendants(include_self=True) self.log.debug('Deleting %s and %s of its descendants' % (self, len(tasks_to_delete) - 1)) for t in tasks_to_delete: self.session.delete(t) else: self.log.debug('Deleting %s' % self) self.session.delete(self) self.session.commit() @property def url(self): return url_for('cosmos.task',,, @property def params_pretty(self): return '%s' % ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, "'%s'" % v if isinstance(v, basestring) else v) for k, v in self.params.items()) @property def params_pformat(self): return pprint.pformat(self.params, indent=2, width=1) def __repr__(self): return "<Task[%s] %s(uid='%s')>" % ( or 'id_%s' % id(self), if self.stage else '', self.uid ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
class Workflow(Base): """ An collection Stages and Tasks encoded as a DAG """ __tablename__ = 'workflow' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(VARCHAR(200), unique=True, nullable=False) successful = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) created_on = Column(DateTime) started_on = Column(DateTime) finished_on = Column(DateTime) max_cores = Column(Integer) primary_log_path = Column(String(255)) _log = None info = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) _status = Column(Enum_ColumnType(WorkflowStatus, length=255), default=WorkflowStatus.no_attempt) stages = relationship("Stage", cascade="all, merge, delete-orphan", order_by="Stage.number", passive_deletes=True, backref='workflow') exclude_from_dict = ['info'] dont_garbage_collect = None termination_signal = None @declared_attr def status(cls): def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): if self._status != value: self._status = value signal_workflow_status_change.send(self) return synonym('_status', descriptor=property(get_status, set_status)) @validates('name') def validate_name(self, key, name): assert re.match(r"^[\w-]+$", name), 'Invalid workflow name, characters are limited to letters, numbers, ' \ 'hyphens and underscores' return name @orm.reconstructor def constructor(self): self.__init__(manual_instantiation=False) def __init__(self, manual_instantiation=True, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME provide the cosmos_app instance? if manual_instantiation: raise TypeError( 'Do not instantiate an Workflow manually. Use the Cosmos.start method.' ) super(Workflow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # assert self.output_dir is not None, 'output_dir cannot be None' if is None: # mutable dict column defaults to None = dict() self.jobmanager = None if not self.created_on: self.created_on = self.dont_garbage_collect = [] @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = get_logger('%s' % self, self.primary_log_path) return self._log def make_output_dirs(self): """ Create directory paths of all output files """ dirs = set() for task in self.tasks: for out_name, v in task.output_map.iteritems(): dirname = lambda p: p if out_name.endswith( 'dir') or p is None else os.path.dirname(p) if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): dirs.update(map(dirname, v)) elif isinstance(v, dict): raise NotImplemented() else: dirs.add(dirname(v)) for d in dirs: if d is not None and '://' not in d: mkdir(d) def add_task(self, func, params=None, parents=None, stage_name=None, uid=None, drm=None, queue=None, must_succeed=True, time_req=None, core_req=None, mem_req=None, max_attempts=None, noop=False, job_class=None, drm_options=None): """ Adds a new Task to the Workflow. If the Task already exists (and was successful), return the successful Task stored in the database :param callable func: A function which returns a string which will get converted to a shell script to be executed. `func` will not get called until all of its dependencies have completed. :param dict params: Parameters to `func`. Must be jsonable so that it can be stored in the database. Any Dependency objects will get resolved into a string, and the Dependency.task will be added to this Task's parents. :param list[Tasks] parents: A list of dependent Tasks. :param str uid: A unique identifier for this Task, primarily used for skipping previously successful Tasks. If a Task with this stage_name and uid already exists in the database (and was successful), the database version will be returned and a new one will not be created. :param str stage_name: The name of the Stage to add this Task to. Defaults to `func.__name__`. :param str drm: The drm to use for this Task (example 'local', 'ge' or 'drmaa:lsf'). Defaults to the `default_drm` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param job_class: The name of a job_class to submit to; defaults to the `default_job_class` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param queue: The name of a queue to submit to; defaults to the `default_queue` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param bool must_succeed: Default True. If False, the Workflow will not fail if this Task does not succeed. Dependent Jobs will not be executed. :param bool time_req: The time requirement; will set the Task.time_req attribute which is intended to be used by :func:`get_submit_args` to request resources. :param int cpu_req: Number of cpus required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes precedence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int mem_req: Number of MB of RAM required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes predence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Defaults to the `default_max_attempts` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :rtype: cosmos.api.Task """ # Avoid cyclical import dependencies from cosmos.job.drm.DRM_Base import DRM from cosmos.models.Stage import Stage from cosmos import recursive_resolve_dependency # parents if parents is None: parents = [] elif isinstance(parents, Task): parents = [parents] else: parents = list(parents) # params if params is None: params = dict() for k, v in params.iteritems(): # decompose `Dependency` objects to values and parents new_val, parent_tasks = recursive_resolve_dependency(v) params[k] = new_val parents.extend(parent_tasks - set(parents)) # uid if uid is None: raise AssertionError, 'uid parameter must be specified' # Fix me assert params are all JSONable # uid = str(params) else: assert isinstance(uid, basestring), 'uid must be a string' if stage_name is None: stage_name = str(func.__name__) # Get the right Stage stage = only_one((s for s in self.stages if == stage_name), None) if stage is None: stage = Stage(workflow=self, name=stage_name, status=StageStatus.no_attempt) self.session.add(stage) # Check if task is already in stage task = stage.get_task(uid, None) if task is not None: # if task is already in stage, but unsuccessful, raise an error (duplicate params) since unsuccessful tasks # were already removed on workflow load if task.successful: # If the user manually edited the dag and this a resume, parents might need to be-readded task.parents.extend(set(parents).difference(set(task.parents))) for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) return task else: # TODO check for duplicate params here? would be a lot faster at raise ValueError( 'Duplicate uid, you have added a Task to Stage %s with the uid (unique identifier) `%s` twice. ' 'Task uids must be unique within the same Stage.' % (stage_name, uid)) else: # Create Task sig = funcsigs.signature(func) def params_or_signature_default_or(name, default): if name in params: return params[name] if name in sig.parameters: param_default = sig.parameters[name].default if param_default is funcsigs._empty: return default else: return param_default return default input_map = dict() output_map = dict() for keyword, param in sig.parameters.iteritems(): if keyword.startswith('in_'): v = params.get(keyword, param.default) assert v != funcsigs._empty, 'parameter %s for %s is required' % ( param, func) input_map[keyword] = v elif keyword.startswith('out_'): v = params.get(keyword, param.default) assert v != funcsigs._empty, 'parameter %s for %s is required' % ( param, func) output_map[keyword] = v task = Task( stage=stage, params=params, parents=parents, input_map=input_map, output_map=output_map, uid=uid, drm=drm if drm is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_drm, job_class=job_class if job_class is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_job_class, queue=queue if queue is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_queue, must_succeed=must_succeed, core_req=core_req if core_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or('core_req', 1), mem_req=mem_req if mem_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or('mem_req', None), time_req=time_req if time_req is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_time_req, successful=False, max_attempts=max_attempts if max_attempts is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_max_attempts, attempt=1, NOOP=noop) task.cmd_fxn = func task.drm_options = drm_options if drm_options is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_drm_options DRM.validate_drm_options(task.drm, task.drm_options) # Add Stage Dependencies for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) self.dont_garbage_collect.append(task) return task def run(self, max_cores=None, dry=False, set_successful=True, cmd_wrapper=signature.default_cmd_fxn_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=default_task_log_output_dir): """ Runs this Workflow's DAG :param int max_cores: The maximum number of cores to use at once. A value of None indicates no maximum. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Can be overridden with on a per-Task basis with Workflow.add_task(..., max_attempts=N, ...) :param callable log_out_dir_func: A function that returns a Task's logging directory (must be unique). It receives one parameter: the Task instance. By default a Task's log output is stored in log/stage_name/task_id. See _default_task_log_output_dir for more info. :param callable cmd_wrapper: A decorator which will be applied to every Task's cmd_fxn. :param bool dry: If True, do not actually run any jobs. :param bool set_successful: Sets this workflow as successful if all tasks finish without a failure. You might set this to False if you intend to add and run more tasks in this workflow later. Returns True if all tasks in the workflow ran successfully, False otherwise. If dry is specified, returns None. """ try: assert os.path.exists(os.getcwd( )), 'current working dir does not exist! %s' % os.getcwd() assert hasattr( self, 'cosmos_app' ), 'Workflow was not initialized using the Workflow.start method' assert hasattr(log_out_dir_func, '__call__'), 'log_out_dir_func must be a function' assert self.session, 'Workflow must be part of a sqlalchemy session' session = self.session"Preparing to run %s using DRM `%s`, cwd is `%s`", self, self.cosmos_app.default_drm, os.getcwd()) try: user = getpass.getuser() except: # fallback to uid if we can't respove a user name user = os.getuid()'Running as %s@%s, pid %s', user, os.uname()[1], os.getpid()) self.max_cores = max_cores from ..job.JobManager import JobManager if self.jobmanager is None: self.jobmanager = JobManager( get_submit_args=self.cosmos_app.get_submit_args, cmd_wrapper=cmd_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=log_out_dir_func) self.status = WorkflowStatus.running self.successful = False if self.started_on is None: self.started_on = task_graph = self.task_graph() stage_graph = self.stage_graph() assert len(set(self.stages)) == len( self.stages), 'duplicate stage name detected: %s' % (next( duplicates(self.stages))) # renumber stages stage_graph_no_cycles = nx.DiGraph() stage_graph_no_cycles.add_nodes_from(stage_graph.nodes()) stage_graph_no_cycles.add_edges_from(stage_graph.edges()) for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(stage_graph): stage_graph_no_cycles.remove_edge(cycle[-1], cycle[0]) for i, s in enumerate(topological_sort(stage_graph_no_cycles)): s.number = i + 1 if s.status != StageStatus.successful: s.status = StageStatus.no_attempt # Make sure everything is in the sqlalchemy session session.add(self) successful = filter(lambda t: t.successful, task_graph.nodes()) # print stages for s in sorted(self.stages, key=lambda s: s.number):'%s %s' % (s, s.status)) # Create Task Queue task_queue = _copy_graph(task_graph)'Skipping %s successful tasks...' % len(successful)) task_queue.remove_nodes_from(successful) handle_exits(self) if self.max_cores is not None:'Ensuring there are enough cores...') # make sure we've got enough cores for t in task_queue: assert int( t.core_req ) <= self.max_cores, '%s requires more cpus (%s) than `max_cores` (%s)' % ( t, t.core_req, self.max_cores) # Run this thing!'Committing to SQL db...') session.commit() if not dry: _run(self, session, task_queue) # set status if self.status == WorkflowStatus.failed_but_running: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed # set stage status to failed for s in self.stages: if s.status == StageStatus.running_but_failed: s.status = StageStatus.failed session.commit() return False elif self.status == WorkflowStatus.running: if set_successful: self.status = WorkflowStatus.successful session.commit() return True else: self.log.warning('%s exited with status "%s"', self, self.status) session.commit() return False else:'Workflow dry run is complete') return None except Exception as ex: self.log.fatal(ex, exc_info=True) raise def terminate(self, due_to_failure=True): self.log.warning('Terminating %s!' % self) if self.jobmanager: 'Processing finished tasks and terminating {num_running_tasks} running tasks' .format(num_running_tasks=len( self.jobmanager.running_tasks), )) _process_finished_tasks(self.jobmanager) self.jobmanager.terminate() if due_to_failure: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed else: self.status = WorkflowStatus.killed self.session.commit() def cleanup(self): if self.jobmanager:'Cleaning up {num_dead_tasks} dead tasks'.format( num_dead_tasks=len(self.jobmanager.dead_tasks), )) self.jobmanager.cleanup() @property def tasks(self): return [t for s in self.stages for t in s.tasks] # return session.query(Task).join(Stage).filter(Stage.workflow == ex).all() def stage_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the stages """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.stages) g.add_edges_from((s, c) for s in self.stages for c in s.children if c) return g def task_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the tasks """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.tasks) g.add_edges_from([(t, c) for t in self.tasks for c in t.children]) return g def get_stage(self, name_or_id): if isinstance(name_or_id, int): f = lambda s: == name_or_id else: f = lambda s: == name_or_id for stage in self.stages: if f(stage): return stage raise ValueError('Stage with name %s does not exist' % name_or_id) @property def url(self): return url_for('cosmos.workflow', def __repr__(self): return '<Workflow[%s] %s>' % ( or '', def __unicode__(self): return self.__repr__() def delete(self, delete_files=False): """ :param delete_files: (bool) If True, delete :attr:`output_dir` directory and all contents on the filesystem """ if hasattr(self, 'log'):'Deleting %s, delete_files=%s' % (self, delete_files)) for h in self.log.handlers: h.flush() h.close() self.log.removeHandler(h) if delete_files: raise NotImplementedError( 'This should delete all Task.output_files') print >> sys.stderr, '%s Deleting from SQL...' % self self.session.delete(self) self.session.commit() print >> sys.stderr, '%s Deleted' % self def get_first_failed_task(self, key=lambda t: t.finished_on): """ Return the first failed Task (chronologically). If no Task failed, return None. """ for t in sorted([t for t in self.tasks if key(t) is not None], key=key): if t.exit_status: return t return None
class Task(Base): __tablename__ = "task" """ A job that gets executed. Has a unique set of params within its Stage. """ # FIXME causes a problem with mysql? __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("stage_id", "uid", name="_uc1"), ) drm_options = {} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uid = Column(String(255), index=True) mem_req = Column(Integer) core_req = Column(Integer) cpu_req = synonym("core_req") time_req = Column(Integer) gpu_req = Column(Integer) NOOP = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) params = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False) stage_id = Column(ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) log_dir = Column(String(255)) # output_dir = Column(String(255)) _status = Column( Enum_ColumnType(TaskStatus, length=255), default=TaskStatus.no_attempt, nullable=False, ) status_reason = Column(String(255), nullable=True) successful = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) started_on = Column( DateTime ) # FIXME this should probably be deleted. Too hard to determine. submitted_on = Column(DateTime) finished_on = Column(DateTime) attempt = Column(Integer, nullable=False) must_succeed = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) drm = Column(String(255)) # FIXME consider making job_class a proper field next time the schema changes # job_class = Column(String(255)) queue = Column(String(255)) max_attempts = Column(Integer) parents = relationship( "Task", secondary=TaskEdge.__table__, primaryjoin=id == TaskEdge.parent_id, secondaryjoin=id == TaskEdge.child_id, backref="children", passive_deletes=True, cascade="save-update, merge, delete", ) environment_variables = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False) # input_map = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False) # output_map = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False) @property def input_map(self): d = dict() for key, val in list(self.params.items()): if key.startswith("in_"): d[key] = val return d @property def output_map(self): d = dict() for key, val in list(self.params.items()): if key.startswith("out_"): d[key] = val return d @property def input_files(self): return list(self.input_map.values()) @property def output_files(self): return list(self.output_map.values()) # command = Column(Text) drm_native_specification = Column(String(255)) drm_jobID = Column(String(255)) profile_fields = [ "wall_time", "cpu_time", "percent_cpu", "user_time", "system_time", "io_read_count", "io_write_count", "io_read_kb", "io_write_kb", "ctx_switch_voluntary", "ctx_switch_involuntary", "avg_rss_mem_kb", "max_rss_mem_kb", "avg_vms_mem_kb", "max_vms_mem_kb", "avg_num_threads", "max_num_threads", "avg_num_fds", "max_num_fds", "exit_status", ] exclude_from_dict = profile_fields + [ "command", "info", "input_files", "output_files", ] exit_status = Column(Integer) percent_cpu = Column(Integer) # time in seconds wall_time = Column(Integer) cpu_time = Column(Integer) user_time = Column(Integer) system_time = Column(Integer) avg_rss_mem_kb = Column(Integer) max_rss_mem_kb = Column(Integer) avg_vms_mem_kb = Column(Integer) max_vms_mem_kb = Column(Integer) io_read_count = Column(Integer) io_write_count = Column(Integer) io_wait = Column(Integer) io_read_kb = Column(Integer) io_write_kb = Column(Integer) ctx_switch_voluntary = Column(Integer) ctx_switch_involuntary = Column(Integer) avg_num_threads = Column(Integer) max_num_threads = Column(Integer) avg_num_fds = Column(Integer) max_num_fds = Column(Integer) extra = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict), nullable=False) @declared_attr def status(cls): def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): if self._status != value: self._status = value signal_task_status_change.send(self) return synonym("_status", descriptor=property(get_status, set_status)) @property def workflow(self): return self.stage.workflow @property def log(self): return self.workflow.log @property def finished(self): return self.status in { TaskStatus.successful, TaskStatus.killed, TaskStatus.failed, } _cache_profile = None output_profile_path = logplus("profile.json") output_command_script_path = logplus("command.bash") output_stderr_path = logplus("stderr.txt") output_stdout_path = logplus("stdout.txt") @property def stdout_text(self): return readfile(self.output_stdout_path) @property def stdout_text_brief(self): lines = self.stdout_text.split("\n") if len(lines) <= 50: return "\n".join(lines) else: return "*** TRUNCATED (showing last 50 lines)... \n" + "\n".join( lines[-50:]) @property def stderr_text(self): r = readfile(self.output_stderr_path) if r == "file does not exist": if self.drm == "lsf" and self.drm_jobID: r += "\n\nbpeek %s output:\n\n" % self.drm_jobID try: r += codecs.decode( sp.check_output("bpeek %s" % self.drm_jobID, shell=True), "utf-8", ) except Exception as e: r += str(e) return r @property def stderr_text_brief(self): lines = self.stderr_text.split("\n") if len(lines) <= 50: return "\n".join(lines) else: return "*** TRUNCATED (showing last 50 lines)... \n" + "\n".join( lines[-50:]) @property def command_script_text(self): # return self.command return readfile( self.output_command_script_path).strip() or self.command def descendants(self, include_self=False): """ :return: (list) all stages that descend from this stage in the stage_graph """ x = nx.descendants(self.workflow.task_graph(), self) if include_self: return sorted({self}.union(x), key=lambda task: task.stage.number) else: return x def ancestors(self, include_self=False): x = nx.ancestors(self.workflow.task_graph(), self) if include_self: return sorted({self}.union(x), key=lambda task: task.stage.number) else: return x @property def label(self): """Label used for the taskgraph image""" params = ("" if len(self.params) == 0 else "\\n {0}".format("\\n".join( ["{0}: {1}".format(k, v) for k, v in list(self.params.items())]))) return "[%s] %s%s" % (,, params) def args_as_query_string(self): import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error return urllib.parse.urlencode(self.params) def delete(self, descendants=False): if descendants: tasks_to_delete = self.descendants(include_self=True) self.log.debug("Deleting %s and %s of its descendants" % (self, len(tasks_to_delete) - 1)) for t in tasks_to_delete: self.session.delete(t) else: self.log.debug("Deleting %s" % self) self.session.delete(self) self.session.commit() @property def url(self): return url_for( "cosmos.task",,,, ) @property def params_pretty(self): return "%s" % ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, "'%s'" % v if isinstance(v, str) else v) for k, v in list(self.params.items())) @property def params_pformat(self): return pprint.pformat(self.params, indent=2, width=1) def __repr__(self): return "<Task[%s] %s(uid='%s')>" % ( or "id_%s" % id(self), if self.stage else "", self.uid, ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() # FIXME consider making job_class a proper field next time the schema changes def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.job_class = kwargs.pop("job_class", None) _declarative_constructor(self, **kwargs) @reconstructor def init_on_load(self): self.job_class = None @property def environment_variables_pretty(self): return "%s" % ", ".join( "%s=%s" % (k, "'%s'" % v if isinstance(v, str) else v) for k, v in list(self.environment_variables.items()))
class Workflow(Base): """ An collection Stages and Tasks encoded as a DAG """ __tablename__ = "workflow" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(VARCHAR(200), unique=True, nullable=False) successful = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) created_on = Column(DateTime) started_on = Column(DateTime) finished_on = Column(DateTime) max_cores = Column(Integer) max_gpus = Column(Integer) primary_log_path = Column(String(255)) _log = None info = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) _status = Column(Enum_ColumnType(WorkflowStatus, length=255), default=WorkflowStatus.no_attempt) stages = relationship( "Stage", cascade="all, merge, delete-orphan", order_by="Stage.number", passive_deletes=True, backref="workflow", ) exclude_from_dict = ["info"] _dont_garbage_collect = None termination_signal = None @property def wall_time(self): if self.started_on is None or self.finished_on is None: return None else: return self.finished_on - self.started_on @declared_attr def status(cls): def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): if self._status != value: self._status = value signal_workflow_status_change.send(self) return synonym("_status", descriptor=property(get_status, set_status)) @validates("name") def validate_name(self, key, name): assert re.match(r"^[\w-]+$", name), ( "Invalid workflow name, characters are limited to letters, numbers, " "hyphens and underscores") return name @orm.reconstructor def constructor(self): self.__init__(manual_instantiation=False) def __init__(self, manual_instantiation=True, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME provide the cosmos_app instance? if manual_instantiation: raise TypeError( "Do not instantiate an Workflow manually. Use the Cosmos.start method." ) super(Workflow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # assert self.output_dir is not None, 'output_dir cannot be None' if is None: # mutable dict column defaults to None = dict() self.jobmanager = None if not self.created_on: self.created_on = self._dont_garbage_collect = [] @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = get_logger("%s" % self, self.primary_log_path) return self._log def make_output_dirs(self): """ Create directory paths of all output files """ dirs = set() for task in self.tasks: for out_name, v in list(task.output_map.items()): dirname = lambda p: p if out_name.endswith( "dir") or p is None else os.path.dirname(p) if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): dirs.update(list(map(dirname, v))) elif isinstance(v, dict): raise NotImplemented() else: dirs.add(dirname(v)) for d in dirs: # don't add urls if d is not None and "://" not in d: mkdir(d) def add_task( self, func, params=None, parents=None, stage_name=None, uid=None, drm=None, queue=None, must_succeed=True, time_req=None, core_req=None, mem_req=None, gpu_req=None, max_attempts=None, noop=False, job_class=None, drm_options=None, environment_variables=None, if_duplicate="raise", ): """ Adds a new Task to the Workflow. If the Task already exists (and was successful), return the successful Task stored in the database :param callable func: A function which returns a string which will get converted to a shell script to be executed. `func` will not get called until all of its dependencies have completed. :param dict params: Parameters to `func`. Must be jsonable so that it can be stored in the database. Any Dependency objects will get resolved into a string, and the Dependency.task will be added to this Task's parents. :param list[Tasks] parents: A list of dependent Tasks. :param str uid: A unique identifier for this Task, primarily used for skipping previously successful Tasks. If a Task with this stage_name and uid already exists in the database (and was successful), the database version will be returned and a new one will not be created. :param str stage_name: The name of the Stage to add this Task to. Defaults to `func.__name__`. :param str drm: The drm to use for this Task (example 'local', 'ge' or 'drmaa:lsf'). Defaults to the `default_drm` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param job_class: The name of a job_class to submit to; defaults to the `default_job_class` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param queue: The name of a queue to submit to; defaults to the `default_queue` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param bool must_succeed: Default True. If False, the Workflow will not fail if this Task does not succeed. Dependent Jobs will not be executed. :param bool time_req: The time requirement; will set the Task.time_req attribute which is intended to be used by :func:`get_submit_args` to request resources. :param int core_req: Number of cpus required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes precedence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int mem_req: Number of MB of RAM required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes predence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int gpu_req: Number of gpus required for this Task. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Defaults to the `default_max_attempts` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param bool noop: Task is a No-op and will always be marked as successful. :param dict drm_options: Options for Distributed Resource Management (cluster). :param dict environment_variables: Environment variables to pass to the DRM (if supported). :param str if_duplicate: If "raise", raises an error if a Task with the same UID has already been added to this Workflow. If "return", return that Task, allowing for an easy way to avoid duplicate work. :rtype: cosmos.api.Task """ # Avoid cyclical import dependencies from cosmos.job.drm.DRM_Base import DRM from cosmos.models.Stage import Stage from cosmos import recursive_resolve_dependency # parents if parents is None: parents = [] elif isinstance(parents, Task): parents = [parents] else: parents = list(parents) # params if params is None: params = dict() for k, v in list(params.items()): # decompose `Dependency` objects to values and parents new_val, parent_tasks = recursive_resolve_dependency(v) params[k] = new_val parents.extend(parent_tasks - set(parents)) # uid if uid is None: raise AssertionError("uid parameter must be specified") # Fix me assert params are all JSONable # uid = str(params) else: assert isinstance(uid, str), "uid must be a string" if stage_name is None: stage_name = str(func.__name__) # Get the right Stage stage = only_one((s for s in self.stages if == stage_name), None) if stage is None: stage = Stage(workflow=self, name=stage_name, status=StageStatus.no_attempt) self.session.add(stage) # Check if task is already in stage task = stage.get_task(uid, None) if task is not None: # if task is already in stage, but unsuccessful, raise an error (duplicate params) since unsuccessful tasks # were already removed on workflow load if task.successful: # If the user manually edited the dag and this a resume, parents might need to be-readded task.parents.extend(set(parents).difference(set(task.parents))) for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) return task else: if if_duplicate == "raise": raise DuplicateUid( "Duplicate uid, you have added a Task to Stage %s with the uid (unique identifier) `%s` twice. " "Task uids must be unique within the same Stage." % (stage_name, uid)) elif if_duplicate == "return": if task.params != params: raise InvalidParams( f"Tried to add a task with the same uid, but different parameters." ) return task else: raise ValueError(f"{if_duplicate} is not valid") else: # Create Task sig = funcsigs.signature(func) def params_or_signature_default_or(name, default): if name in params: return params[name] if name in sig.parameters: param_default = sig.parameters[name].default if param_default is funcsigs._empty: return default else: return param_default return default task = Task( stage=stage, params=params, parents=parents, uid=uid, drm=drm if drm is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_drm, job_class=job_class if job_class is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_job_class, queue=queue if queue is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_queue, must_succeed=must_succeed, core_req=core_req if core_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or("core_req", 1), mem_req=mem_req if mem_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or("mem_req", None), time_req=time_req if time_req is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_time_req, successful=False, max_attempts=max_attempts if max_attempts is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_max_attempts, attempt=1, NOOP=noop, gpu_req=gpu_req if gpu_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or("gpu_req", 0), environment_variables=environment_variables if environment_variables is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_environment_variables, ) task.cmd_fxn = func if drm_options is None: task.drm_options = {} else: task.drm_options = drm_options # use default for any keys not set if self.cosmos_app.default_drm_options is not None: for key, val in list( self.cosmos_app.default_drm_options.items()): if key not in task.drm_options: task.drm_options[key] = val DRM.validate_drm_options(task.drm, task.drm_options) # Add Stage Dependencies for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) self._dont_garbage_collect.append(task) return task def run( self, max_cores=None, dry=False, set_successful=True, cmd_wrapper=signature.default_cmd_fxn_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=default_task_log_output_dir, max_gpus=None, do_cleanup_atexit=True, lethal_signals=TERMINATION_SIGNALS, ): """ Runs this Workflow's DAG :param int max_cores: The maximum number of cores to use at once. A value of None indicates no maximum. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Can be overridden with on a per-Task basis with Workflow.add_task(..., max_attempts=N, ...) :param callable log_out_dir_func: A function that returns a Task's logging directory (must be unique). It receives one parameter: the Task instance. By default a Task's log output is stored in log/stage_name/task_id. See _default_task_log_output_dir for more info. :param callable cmd_wrapper: A decorator which will be applied to every Task's cmd_fxn. :param bool dry: If True, do not actually run any jobs. :param bool set_successful: Sets this workflow as successful if all tasks finish without a failure. You might set this to False if you intend to add and run more tasks in this workflow later. :param do_cleanup_atexit: if False, do not attempt to cleanup unhandled exits. :param lethal_signals: signals to catch and shutdown Returns True if all tasks in the workflow ran successfully, False otherwise. If dry is specified, returns None. """ if cmd_wrapper == signature.default_cmd_fxn_wrapper: warnings.warn( f"Having functions return bash strings as the default behavior is deprecated. While " f"this behavior will be supported, it is recommended that you set cmd_wrapper to " f"cosmos.api.py_call which will be the new default." f"See examples/ ") try: try: assert os.path.exists(os.getcwd( )), "current working dir does not exist! %s" % os.getcwd() assert hasattr( self, "cosmos_app" ), "Workflow was not initialized using the Workflow.start method" assert hasattr( log_out_dir_func, "__call__"), "log_out_dir_func must be a function" assert self.session, "Workflow must be part of a sqlalchemy session" session = self.session "Preparing to run %s using DRM `%s`, cwd is `%s`", self, self.cosmos_app.default_drm, os.getcwd(), ) try: user = getpass.getuser() except: # fallback to uid if we can't respove a user name user = os.getuid()"Running as %s@%s, pid %s", user, os.uname()[1], os.getpid()) self.max_cores = max_cores self.max_gpus = max_gpus # # Run some validation checks # # check GPU env variables are set correctly if self.max_gpus is not None and self.cosmos_app.default_drm == "local": if "COSMOS_LOCAL_GPU_DEVICES" not in os.environ: raise EnvironmentError( "COSMOS_LOCAL_GPU_DEVICES environment variable must be set to a " "comma delimited list of gpu devices if using a local DRM to manage " "GPUs") # check for duplicate output files output_fnames_to_task_and_key = dict() for task in self.tasks: for key, fname in list(task.output_map.items()): current_value = output_fnames_to_task_and_key.setdefault( fname, (task, key)) if current_value != (task, key): task2, key2 = current_value raise ValueError( "Duplicate output files detected!: " '{task}.params["{key}"] == {task2}.params["{key2}"] == {fname}' .format(**locals())) output_fnames_to_task_and_key[fname] = (task, key) from ..job.JobManager import JobManager if self.jobmanager is None: self.jobmanager = JobManager( get_submit_args=self.cosmos_app.get_submit_args, cmd_wrapper=cmd_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=log_out_dir_func, logger=self.log, session=self.session, workflow=self, ) self.status = WorkflowStatus.running self.successful = False if self.started_on is None: self.started_on = task_graph = self.task_graph() stage_graph = self.stage_graph() assert len(set(self.stages)) == len( self.stages), "duplicate stage name detected: %s" % (next( duplicates(self.stages))) # renumber stages stage_graph_no_cycles = nx.DiGraph() stage_graph_no_cycles.add_nodes_from(stage_graph.nodes()) stage_graph_no_cycles.add_edges_from(stage_graph.edges()) for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(stage_graph): stage_graph_no_cycles.remove_edge(cycle[-1], cycle[0]) for i, s in enumerate(topological_sort(stage_graph_no_cycles)): s.number = i + 1 if s.status != StageStatus.successful: s.status = StageStatus.no_attempt # Make sure everything is in the sqlalchemy session session.add(self) successful = list( [t for t in task_graph.nodes() if t.successful]) # print stages for s in sorted(self.stages, key=lambda s: s.number):"%s %s" % (s, s.status)) # Create Task Queue task_queue = _copy_graph(task_graph)"Skipping %s successful tasks..." % len(successful)) task_queue.remove_nodes_from(successful) if do_cleanup_atexit: handle_exits(self) if self.max_cores is not None:"Ensuring there are enough cores...") # make sure we've got enough cores for t in task_queue: assert int(t.core_req) <= self.max_cores, ( "%s requires more cpus (%s) than `max_cores` (%s)" % ( t, t.core_req, self.max_cores, )) # Run this thing!"Committing to SQL db...") session.commit() except KeyboardInterrupt: # haven't started submitting yet, just raise the exception self.log.fatal("ctrl+c caught") self.terminate(due_to_failure=False) raise if not dry: _run(self, session, task_queue, lethal_signals=lethal_signals) # set status if self.status == WorkflowStatus.failed_but_running: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed # set stage status to failed for s in self.stages: if s.status == StageStatus.running_but_failed: s.status = StageStatus.failed session.commit() return False elif self.status == WorkflowStatus.running: if set_successful: self.status = WorkflowStatus.successful session.commit() return True else: self.log.warning('%s exited with status "%s"', self, self.status) session.commit() return False else:"Workflow dry run is complete") return None except Exception as ex: self.log.fatal("Exception was raised") self.log.fatal(ex, exc_info=True) self.terminate(due_to_failure=False) raise def terminate(self, due_to_failure=True):"Terminating %s, due_to_failure=%s" % (self, due_to_failure)) if self.jobmanager: "Processing finished tasks and terminating {num_running_tasks} running tasks" .format(num_running_tasks=len( self.jobmanager.running_tasks), )) _process_finished_tasks(self.jobmanager) self.jobmanager.terminate() if due_to_failure: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed else: self.status = WorkflowStatus.killed self.session.commit() @property def tasks(self): return [t for s in self.stages for t in s.tasks] # return session.query(Task).join(Stage).filter(Stage.workflow == ex).all() def stage_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the stages """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.stages) g.add_edges_from((s, c) for s in self.stages for c in s.children if c) return g def task_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the tasks """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.tasks) g.add_edges_from([(t, c) for t in self.tasks for c in t.children]) return g def get_stage(self, name_or_id): if isinstance(name_or_id, int): f = lambda s: == name_or_id else: f = lambda s: == name_or_id for stage in self.stages: if f(stage): return stage raise ValueError("Stage with name %s does not exist" % name_or_id) @property def url(self): return url_for("cosmos.workflow", def __repr__(self): return "<Workflow[%s] %s>" % ( or "", def __unicode__(self): return self.__repr__() def delete(self, delete_files=False): """ :param delete_files: (bool) If True, delete :attr:`output_dir` directory and all contents on the filesystem """ if hasattr(self, "log"):"Deleting %s, delete_files=%s" % (self, delete_files)) for h in self.log.handlers: h.flush() h.close() self.log.removeHandler(h) if delete_files: raise NotImplementedError( "This should delete all Task.output_files") print("%s Deleting from SQL..." % self, file=sys.stderr) self.session.delete(self) self.session.commit() print("%s Deleted" % self, file=sys.stderr) def get_first_failed_task(self, key=lambda t: t.finished_on): """ Return the first failed Task (chronologically). If no Task failed, return None. """ for t in sorted([t for t in self.tasks if key(t) is not None], key=key): if t.exit_status: return t return None