def handleCounters (self, taskInstance, counterParser): """ Updates intermediate counter values for a job, then merge final jobInfo counters """ jobInfo, tasks = counterParser.jobInfo, counterParser.tasks # delete existing counters CounterValue.objects.filter (taskInstance=taskInstance).delete () # aggregate counters result = {} # tag -> value mapping blacklist = set () whitelist = set () def processCounter (result, blacklist, whitelist, counter): """ Return True if counter triplet (group, tag, value) must be included in result list """ gname, tag, val = counter if tag in blacklist: return white = tag in whitelist if white: result[tag] = result.get (tag, 0) + long (val) else: group = counters.classify (tag) if group != None: result[tag] = result.get (tag, 0) + long (val) whitelist.add (tag) else: blacklist.add (tag) # all counter values are summed up for t in tasks.values (): t.processCounters (lambda c: processCounter (result, blacklist, whitelist, c)) # then, we process final counters form jobInfo, but only not present in a list if jobInfo.counters != None: for gname, tag, val in jobInfo.counters: if not tag in result: group = counters.classify (tag) if group != None: result[tag] = long (val) counterValueList = [] for tag, val in result.iteritems (): if val == 0: continue counterGroup = CounterGroup.objects.get_or_create (name=counters.classify (tag))[0] counter = Counter.objects.get_or_create (tag=tag, (tag), counterGroup=counterGroup)[0] counterValueList.append (CounterValue (taskInstance=taskInstance, counter=counter, value=val)) if len (counterValueList) > 0: CounterValue.objects.bulk_create (counterValueList)
def processCounter (result, blacklist, whitelist, counter): """ Return True if counter triplet (group, tag, value) must be included in result list """ gname, tag, val = counter if tag in blacklist: return white = tag in whitelist if white: result[tag] = result.get (tag, 0) + long (val) else: group = counters.classify (tag) if group != None: result[tag] = result.get (tag, 0) + long (val) whitelist.add (tag) else: blacklist.add (tag)