Esempio n. 1
    def handle_redirect(self, entity, mbid, filename):
        """ Handle the 307 redirect. """

        if not filename:
            return [statuscode (400), "no filename specified"]

        filename = filename.replace("-250.jpg", "_thumb250.jpg")
        filename = filename.replace("-500.jpg", "_thumb500.jpg")

        return [statuscode (307), "%s/mbid-%s/mbid-%s-%s" % (
                self.config.s3.prefix, mbid, mbid, filename)]
Esempio n. 2
    def handle_index(self):
        '''Serve up the one static index page'''

            f = open(os.path.join(self.config.static_path, "index"))
        except IOError:
            return [statuscode (500), "Internal Server Error"]

        txt =

        return [statuscode (200), txt]
Esempio n. 3
    def handle_redirect(self, request, mbid, filename):
        """Handle the 307 redirect."""

        if not filename:
            return [statuscode(400), "no filename specified"]

        filename = re.sub("-250.(jpg|gif|png|pdf)", "_thumb250.jpg", filename)
        filename = re.sub("-500.(jpg|gif|png|pdf)", "_thumb500.jpg", filename)

        url = "%s/mbid-%s/mbid-%s-%s" % (self.config.s3.prefix, mbid, mbid, filename)
        return request.redirect(code=307, location=url)
Esempio n. 4
    def handle_redirect(self, request, mbid, filename):
        """Handle the 307 redirect."""

        if not filename:
            return [statuscode(400), "no filename specified"]

        filename = re.sub("-250.(jpg|gif|png|pdf)", "_thumb250.jpg", filename)
        filename = re.sub("-500.(jpg|gif|png|pdf)", "_thumb500.jpg", filename)

        url = "%s/mbid-%s/mbid-%s-%s" % (self.config.s3.prefix, mbid, mbid, filename)
        return request.redirect(code=307, location=url)
Esempio n. 5
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
            with closing(self.engine.connect()) as conn:
                (status, txt) = CoverArtRedirect(self.config, conn).handle(environ)

            if status.startswith("307"):
                start_response(status, [
                        ('Location', txt),
                        ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
                return ["See: ", txt, "\n"]
            elif status.startswith("200"):
                start_response(statuscode (200), [
                ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'),
                ('Content-Length', str(len(txt)))])
                return [txt]
                start_response(status, [])
                return [txt, "\n"]
            cherrypy.log("Caught exception\n" + traceback.format_exc())
            start_response(statuscode (500), [])
            return ["Whoops. Our bad.\n"]
Esempio n. 6
    def handle(self, environ):
        '''Handle a request, parse and validate arguments and dispatch the request'''

        entity = shift_path_info(environ)
        if not entity:
            return self.handle_index()

        if entity not in ('release', 'release-group'):
            return [statuscode (400), "Only release and release-group entities are currently supported"]

        req_mbid = shift_path_info(environ)
        if not req_mbid:
            return [statuscode (400), "no MBID specified."]
        if not re.match('[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$', req_mbid):
            return [statuscode (400), "invalid MBID specified."]

        mbid = self.resolve_mbid (entity, req_mbid)
        if not mbid:
            return [statuscode (404), "No %s found with identifier %s" % (entity, req_mbid)]

        filename = shift_path_info(environ)
        if not filename:
            if entity == 'release':
                return self.handle_dir(entity, mbid, environ)
                return [statuscode (400), "Invalid request."]

        if filename.startswith ('front'):
            (filename, mbid) = self.resolve_cover (entity, mbid, 'Front', self.thumbnail (filename))
            if not filename:
                return [statuscode (404),
                        "No front cover image found for %s with identifier %s" % (entity, req_mbid)]
        elif filename.startswith ('back'):
            if entity == 'release':
                (filename, mbid) = self.resolve_cover (entity, mbid, 'Back', self.thumbnail (filename))
                if not filename:
                    return [statuscode (404),
                            "No back cover image found for %s with identifier %s" % (entity, req_mbid)]
                return [statuscode (400),
                        "Back cover is not defined for %s" % entity]

        (code, response) = self.handle_redirect(entity, mbid, filename.encode('utf8'))
        return code, response
Esempio n. 7
    def handle_dir(self, entity, mbid, environ):
        '''When the user requests no file, redirect to the root of the bucket to give the user an
           index of what is in the bucket'''

        index_url = "%s/mbid-%s/index.json" % (self.config.s3.prefix, mbid)
        return [statuscode (307), index_url]