def test_01(self): """Tests Translation limits - 64 nesting levels of conditional inclusion, non-exhaustive.""" myIntRepr = self.retIntRep() myIncHandler = self.retIncHandler() print('self._itu size: %d' % len(self._itu.getvalue())) print('self._itu:\n', self._itu.getvalue()) while 1: #print 'myIntRepr:', myIntRepr #print #print 'myIntRepr:', myIntRepr myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( 'mt.h', myIncHandler, preIncFiles=[ io.StringIO(self.retPreIncludeMacros(myIntRepr)), ], diagnostic=None, ) myToks = [t for t in myLexer.ppTokens() if not t.isWs()] #print ' Got:', myToks expToks = self.retExpTokensNoWs(myIntRepr) #print ' Expected:', expToks # TODO: Fix this test self.assertEqual(expToks, myToks) myLexer.finalise() if myIntRepr == 0: break myIntRepr -= 1
def testSimpleInclude(self): """TestIncludeHandler_UsrSys_MultipleDepth.testSimpleInclude(): Tests multiple depth #include statements that resolve to usr/sys.""" #print myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer('src/spam.c', self._incSim) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) expectedResult = """Content of: system, include, spam.h\n\n\n\n\n""" self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise() #print 'FileIncludeGraph:' #print myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot expGraph = """src/spam.c [0, 0]: True "" "" 000001: #include usr/spam.h usr/spam.h [0, 0]: True "" "['"spam.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=usr']" 000001: #include usr/inc/spam.h usr/inc/spam.h [0, 0]: True "" "['"inc/spam.h"', 'CP=usr']" 000001: #include sys/spam.h sys/spam.h [0, 0]: True "" "['<spam.h>', 'sys=sys']" 000001: #include sys/inc/spam.h sys/inc/spam.h [15, 10]: True "" "['<inc/spam.h>', 'sys=sys']\"""" # print('\nFileIncludeGraph:') # print('Actual:') # print(str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot)) # print('Expected:') # print(str(expGraph)) self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot))
def testSimpleInclude_03(self): """TestIncludeHandler_UsrSys_Conditional.testSimpleInclude_03(): Tests conditional #include statements.""" preDefMacros = [ u"""#define INC 3 """, ] myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( 'src/spam.c', self._incSim, preIncFiles=[StringIO.StringIO(x) for x in preDefMacros], ) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) expectedResult = """\n\nContent of: system, include, spam.h\n\n\n""" self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise() #print 'FileIncludeGraph:' #print myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot expGraph = """Unnamed Pre-include [7, 4]: True "" "" src/spam.c [0, 0]: True "" "" 000008: #include sys/inc/spam.h sys/inc/spam.h [15, 10]: True "(!(INC == 0) && !(INC == 1) && !(INC == 2) && INC == 3)" "['<inc/spam.h>', 'sys=sys']\"""" # print('\nFileIncludeGraph:') # print('Actual:') # print(str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot)) # print('Expected:') # print(str(expGraph)) self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot))
def test_00(self): """TestPpLexerCoverage.test_00(): Tests code coverage.""" #print myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer('src/spam.c', self._incSim) resultTokS = [t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()] #self.pprintReplacementList(resultTokS) return assert (0) result = ''.join([t.t for t in resultTokS]) expectedResult = """ \n\n \n\nContent of: system, include, spam.h\n\n\n\n\n""" self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise() #print 'FileIncludeGraph:' #print myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot expGraph = """src/spam.c [20, 10]: True "" 000002: #include usr\spam.h usr\spam.h [0, 0]: True "" 000001: #include usr\inc\spam.h usr\inc\spam.h [0, 0]: True "" 000001: #include sys\spam.h sys\spam.h [0, 0]: True "" 000001: #include sys\inc\spam.h sys\inc\spam.h [15, 10]: True \"\"""" self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot))
def testSimpleInclude_01(self): """TestIncludeHandler_UsrSys_Conditional.testSimpleInclude_01(): Tests conditional #include statements.""" # Note using comments in the predef preDefMacros = [ u"""#define INC /* comment */ 1 """, ] myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( 'src/spam.c', self._incSim, preIncFiles=[StringIO.StringIO(x) for x in preDefMacros], ) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) expectedResult = """\n\nContent of: user, include, spam.h\n\n\n""" self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise() #print 'FileIncludeGraph:' #print myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot expGraph = """Unnamed Pre-include [9, 4]: True "" "" src/spam.c [0, 0]: True "" "" 000004: #include usr/inc/spam.h usr/inc/spam.h [15, 10]: True "(!(INC == 0) && INC == 1)" "['"inc/spam.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=usr']\"""" # print('\nFileIncludeGraph:') # print('Actual:') # print(str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot)) # print('Expected:') # print(str(expGraph)) self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot))
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ '../usr', ], theSysDirs=[ '../sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True)) print(' Translation Unit '.center(75, '=')) print(tu) print(' Translation Unit END '.center(75, '=')) print() print(' File Include Graph '.center(75, '=')) print(repr(myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot)) print(myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot) print(' File Include Graph END '.center(75, '=')) print() print(' Conditional Compilation Graph '.center(75, '=')) print(myLex.condCompGraph) print(' Conditional Compilation Graph END '.center(75, '=')) print() print(' Macro Environment '.center(75, '=')) print(myLex.macroEnvironment) print(' Macro Environment END '.center(75, '=')) print() print(' Macro History '.center(75, '=')) print(myLex.macroEnvironment.macroHistory(incEnv=False, onlyRef=False)) print(' Macro History END '.center(75, '='))
def main(): try: print 'Processing:', sys.argv[1] myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ '../usr', ], theSysDirs=[ '../sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) m = hashlib.md5() for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True, incCond=False): m.update(tok.t) #print tok #print tok.t, #print myLex.condState #print 'Bad File: %s, line %d, col %d' % (myLex.fileName, myLex.lineNum, myLex.colNum) #print myLex.fileStack #print #print myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot #print #print myLex.definedMacros print print myLex.macroEnvironment.macroHistory(onlyRef=False) print print 'Checksum is: %s' % m.hexdigest() print print myLex._tokCountStk except ExceptionCpip, err: print 'Ooops: %s' % err
def _processFile(ituName, incHandler, stdPredefMacros, preIncFiles, showTokens, dOptions): """Process the file.""" myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( ituName, incHandler, preIncFiles=preIncFiles, stdPredefMacros=stdPredefMacros, ) tokenS = [tok for tok in myLexer.ppTokens(incWs=True, minWs=True, condLevel=0)] if 'D' in dOptions or len(dOptions) == 0: print(' Translation unit '.center(75, '-')) for tok in tokenS: if showTokens: print(tok) else: print(tok.t, end='') print(' END: Translation unit '.center(75, '-')) if 'M' in dOptions or 'D' in dOptions or 'N' in dOptions: print(' Macros '.center(75, '-')) if 'N' in dOptions: for m in sorted(myLexer.macroEnvironment.macros()): print(m) else: print(myLexer.macroEnvironment) print(' END: Macros '.center(75, '-'))
def test_00(self): """Test the time taken to process a 'real' code in test/PerfRealCode.""" for aName in os.listdir(self.REAL_PATH): sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write("Testing '%s' " % aName) myPath = os.path.join(self.REAL_PATH, aName) mySize = os.path.getsize(myPath) if sys.version_info.major == 2 and aName in ('doxygen.cpp', 'util.cpp'): # Under 2.7 this fails with Unicode EOL for some reason so just skip it: # # doxygen.cpp: # ExceptionCppDiagnosticUndefined: Can not evaluate constant expression # "!defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)\u000D", error: # Evaluation of " (1) or (0)0 " gives error: # invalid syntax (<string>, line 1) at line=93, col=1 of file # "cpip/tests/integration/core/PerfRealCode/doxygen.cpp" # # util.cpp: # ExceptionCppDiagnosticUndefined: Can not evaluate constant expression # "0\u000D", error: Evaluation of " 0\u000D " gives error: # unexpected character after line continuation character # (<string>, line 1) at line=2510, col=1 of file # "cpip/tests/integration/core/PerfRealCode/util.cpp" continue myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( myPath, CppIncludeStdOs([], []), preIncFiles=[], diagnostic=None, ) myToks, myTime = self.runLex(myLexer) sys.stderr.write(' %0.1f kB/S ' % (mySize / (1024 * myTime)))
def simpleLexWithContent(self, theContent): return PpLexer.PpLexer( 'mt.h', CppIncludeStringIO([], [], theContent, {}), preIncFiles=[], diagnostic=None, )
def test_00(self): """CPIP core code coverage test.""" myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( 'mt.h', CppIncludeStringIO([], [], '', {}), ) myToks = [t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()] self.assertEqual([], myToks) myLexer.finalise()
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=['../usr',], theSysDirs=['../sys',], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True)) print(repr(myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot))
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ 'proj/usr', ], theSysDirs=[ 'proj/sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH)
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ 'proj/usr', ], theSysDirs=[ 'proj/sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) for tok in myLex.ppTokens(): print(tok.t, end=' ')
def test_00(self): """Tests Translation limits - 8 nesting levels of conditional inclusion, no predefines.""" myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( 'mt.h', self.retIncHandler(), preIncFiles=[ io.StringIO(u'#define SPAM(x,y) x+y\n#define EGGS SPAM\n'), ], diagnostic=None, ) myToks = [t for t in myLexer.ppTokens() if not t.isWs()] self.assertEqual(self.retExpTokensNoWs(0), myToks) myLexer.finalise()
def testSimpleInclude(self): """TestIncludeHandlerMacro_Simple.testSimpleInclude(): Tests multiple #include statements that resolve to usr/sys when expanded.""" myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer('src/spam.c', self._incSim) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) expectedResult = """ Content of: user, spam.h """ #print ' Actual:\n%s' % result #print 'Expected:\n%s' % expectedResult self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise()
def test_00(self): """Test the time taken to process a 'real' code in test/PerfRealCode.""" for aName in os.listdir(self.REAL_PATH): sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write("Testing '%s' " % aName) myPath = os.path.join(self.REAL_PATH, aName) mySize = os.path.getsize(myPath) myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( myPath, CppIncludeStdOs([],[]), preIncFiles=[], diagnostic=None, ) myToks, myTime = self.runLex(myLexer) sys.stderr.write(' %0.1f kB/S ' % (mySize/(1024*myTime)))
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ '../usr', ], theSysDirs=[ '../sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True)) myVis = FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTree(MyVisitorTreeNode) myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot.acceptVisitor(myVis) myTree = myVis.tree() print(myTree)
def testSimpleInclude(self): """TestIncludeHandler_UsrSys_MacroFunction.testSimpleInclude(): Tests multiple #include statements with function-like macros.""" myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer('src/spam.c', self._incSim) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) expectedResult = """ Content of: user, spam.h Content of: user, include, spam.h \n\n Content of: system, spam.h Content of: system, include, spam.h \n""" #print ' Actual:\n%s' % result #print 'Expected:\n%s' % expectedResult self._printDiff(self.stringToTokens(result), self.stringToTokens(expectedResult)) self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise()
def preProcessForIncludes(theItu, incUsr, incSys, theDefineS, preIncS, keepGoing, ignorePragma): """Pre-process a file for included files.""" myIncH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=incUsr or [], theSysDirs=incSys or [], ) myPreIncFiles = [] # Add macros in psuedo pre-include if theDefineS: myStr = '\n'.join( ['#define ' + ' '.join(d.split('=')) for d in theDefineS]) + '\n' myPreIncFiles = [ io.StringIO(myStr), ] myPreIncFiles.extend([open(f) for f in preIncS]) myDiag = None if keepGoing: myDiag = CppDiagnostic.PreprocessDiagnosticKeepGoing() myPh = None if ignorePragma: myPh = PragmaHandler.PragmaHandlerNull() # Create the lexer. myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer( theItu, myIncH, preIncFiles=myPreIncFiles, diagnostic=myDiag, pragmaHandler=myPh, )'Preprocessing TU: %s' % theItu) for t in myLexer.ppTokens(): pass'Preprocessing TU done.') retVal = retIncludedFileSet(myLexer) # Remove any artificial files try: retVal.remove(PpLexer.UNNAMED_FILE_NAME) except KeyError: pass return retVal
def tree_codes(file_name): report = [] #print('Processing:', ) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ 'proj/usr', ], theSysDirs=[ 'proj/sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(file_name, myH) stack = [] for tok in myLex.ppTokens(): if tok.t == '\n': code = ("".join(stack)) if re.match(r'^\s+$', code): pass else: if code: # macro name # class name # class of node # arguments? #print "CODE(%s)"% code; m = re.match(r'DEFTREECODE\((\w+),\"(\w+)",(\w+),(\d)\)', code) report.append(m.groups()) stack = [] else: if tok.t == ' ': pass elif re.match(r'^[\s\n\t]*$', tok.t): pass else: #print "TOK(%s)" % tok.t stack.append(tok.t) return report
def main(): print('Processing:', sys.argv[1]) myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs( theUsrDirs=[ '../usr', ], theSysDirs=[ '../sys', ], ) myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH) for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True): # print(tok.t, end=' ') # print(myLex.condState) # print(myLex.fileStack) # print(myLex.fileLineCol) print(myLex.macroEnvironment) print(' File Include Graph '.center(75, '=')) print(myLex.fileIncludeGraphRoot) print(' File Include Graph END '.center(75, '=')) print(' Macro Environment '.center(75, '=')) print(myLex.macroEnvironment) print(' Macro Environment END '.center(75, '='))
def preprocessFileToOutput(ituPath, outDir, jobSpec): """Preprocess a single file. May raise ExceptionCpip (or worse!). Returns a PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName(ituPath)).""" assert os.path.isfile(ituPath)'preprocessFileToOutput(): %s' % ituPath) if not os.path.exists(outDir): try: os.makedirs(outDir) except OSError: pass myItuToHtmlFileSet = set() # Create the lexer. myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer(ituPath, jobSpec.incHandler, preIncFiles=jobSpec.preIncFiles, diagnostic=jobSpec.diagnostic, pragmaHandler=jobSpec.pragmaHandler, stdPredefMacros=jobSpec.preDefMacros, gccExtensions=jobSpec.gccExtensions) myDestFile = os.path.join(outDir, tuFileName(ituPath))'TU in HTML:')' %s', myDestFile) myTokCntr, mySetItuLines = Tu2Html.processTuToHtml( myLexer, myDestFile, ituPath, jobSpec.conditionalLevel, tuIndexFileName(ituPath), # Path back to the index incItuAnchors=True, )'preprocessFileToOutput(): Processing TU done.') myFileCountMap = retFileCountMap(myLexer) # Write out the HTML for each source file for aSrc in sorted(myFileCountMap.keys()): myItuToHtmlFileSet.add(aSrc) # Now output state # Conditional compilation graph if 'C' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpCondCompGraph(myLexer) # File include graph if 'I' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpIncludeGraph(myLexer) # List files encountered if 'F' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpFileCount(myFileCountMap) # Token count if 'T' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpTokenCount(myTokCntr) # Macro environment if 'M' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpMacroEnv(myLexer) if 'R' in jobSpec.dumpList: _dumpMacroEnvDot(myLexer) # Macro environment and history # outPath = os.path.join(outDir, macroHistoryFileName(ituPath))'Macro history to:')' %s', outDir) myMacroRefMap, macroHistoryIndexName = MacroHistoryHtml.processMacroHistoryToHtml( myLexer, outDir, ituPath, tuIndexFileName(ituPath), ) # Write Include graph in SVG outPath = os.path.join(outDir, includeGraphFileNameSVG(ituPath))'Include graph (SVG) to:')' %s', outPath) IncGraphSVGBase.processIncGraphToSvg( myLexer, outPath, IncGraphSVG.SVGTreeNodeMain, 'left', '+', ) # Write Include graph in Text'Writing include graph (TEXT) to:')' %s', outPath) writeIncludeGraphAsText(outDir, ituPath, myLexer) # Include graph as a dot file if jobSpec.includeDOT:'Writing include graph (DOT) to:')' %s', outPath) hasIncGraphDot = writeIncludeGraphAsDot(outDir, ituPath, myLexer) else: hasIncGraphDot = False # Write Conditional compilation graph in HTML outPath = os.path.join(outDir, includeGraphFileNameCcg(ituPath))'Conditional compilation graph in HTML:')' %s', outPath) CppCondGraphToHtml.processCppCondGrphToHtml( myLexer, outPath, 'Conditional Compilation Graph', tuIndexFileName(ituPath), ) # This is an index for the TU writeTuIndexHtml(outDir, ituPath, myLexer, myFileCountMap, myTokCntr, hasIncGraphDot, macroHistoryIndexName)'Done: %s', ituPath) # Write ITU HTML i.e. HTMLise the original files # Create a CppCondGraphVisitorConditionalLines myCcgvcl = CppCond.CppCondGraphVisitorConditionalLines() myLexer.condCompGraph.visit(myCcgvcl) for aSrc in sorted(myItuToHtmlFileSet): try: # Could be 'Unnamed Pre-include' if aSrc != PpLexer.UNNAMED_FILE_NAME:'ITU in HTML: .../%s', os.path.basename(aSrc)) ItuToHtml.ItuToHtml( aSrc, outDir, keepGoing=jobSpec.keepGoing, macroRefMap=myMacroRefMap, cppCondMap=myCcgvcl, ituToTuLineSet=mySetItuLines if aSrc == ituPath else None, ) except ItuToHtml.ExceptionItuToHTML as err: logging.error('Can not write ITU "%s" to HTML: %s', aSrc, str(err)) indexPath = writeIndexHtml([ ituPath, ], outDir, jobSpec)'preprocessFileToOutput(): %s DONE' % ituPath) # Return the path to the ITU and to the index.html path for consolidation # by the caller - to be used in multiprocessing. return PpProcessResult(ituPath, indexPath, tuIndexFileName(ituPath))
def test_00(self): _pathsUsr = [ os.path.join('usr'), os.path.join('usr', 'inc'), ] _pathsSys = [ os.path.join('sys'), os.path.join('sys', 'inc'), ] _initialTuContents = u"""Include usr/spam: #include "spam.h" Include usr/inc/eggs: #include "inc/eggs.h" Include sys/chips: #include <chips.h> Include sys/inc/beans: #include <inc/beans.h> """ _incFileMap = { os.path.join('usr', 'spam.h'): u"""Content of: user, spam.h """, os.path.join('usr', 'inc', 'eggs.h'): u"""Content of: user, include, eggs.h Which is much bigger.""", os.path.join('sys', 'chips.h'): u"""chips.h """, os.path.join('sys', 'inc', 'beans.h'): u"""Content of: system, include, beans.h Which is very big, 1, def, 345, and loads of other things. """, } _incSim = CppIncludeStringIO( _pathsUsr, _pathsSys, _initialTuContents, _incFileMap, ) _incSim.validateCpStack() self.assertEqual([], _incSim.cpStack) self.assertEqual(0, _incSim.cpStackSize) myLexer = PpLexer.PpLexer('src/spam.c', _incSim) result = ''.join([t.t for t in myLexer.ppTokens()]) # print('Result:') # print(result) expectedResult = """Include usr/spam: Content of: user, spam.h Include usr/inc/eggs: Content of: user, include, eggs.h Which is much bigger. Include sys/chips: chips.h Include sys/inc/beans: Content of: system, include, beans.h Which is very big, 1, def, 345, and loads of other things. """ self.assertEqual(result, expectedResult) myLexer.finalise() myFigr = myLexer.fileIncludeGraphRoot # print('FileIncludeGraph:') # print(myFigr) # WARN: excape \b (two places on last two lines expGraph = """src/spam.c [32, 24]: True "" "" 000002: #include usr/spam.h usr/spam.h [12, 8]: True "" "['"spam.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=usr']" 000004: #include usr/inc/eggs.h usr/inc/eggs.h [23, 15]: True "" "['"inc/eggs.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=usr']" 000006: #include sys/chips.h sys/chips.h [4, 3]: True "" "['<chips.h>', 'sys=sys']" 000008: #include sys/inc/beans.h sys/inc/beans.h [44, 27]: True "" "['<inc/beans.h>', 'sys=sys']\"""" # print('Exp FileIncludeGraph:') # print(expGraph) # self.maxDiff = None #for i, c in enumerate(str(myFigr)): # if c != expGraph[i]: # print '[%d] %s != %s' % (i, c, expGraph[i]) self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myFigr)) # print() # myFigr.dumpGraph() self.assertEqual(expGraph, str(myFigr)) # Now visit the graph myVis = FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTree(IncGraphSVG.SVGTreeNodeMain) myFigr.acceptVisitor(myVis) # Tree is now a graph of IncGraphSVG.SVGTreeNode myIgs = myVis.tree() # print() # print('myIgs') #print myIgs # myIgs.dumpToStream() # print() # Create a plot configuration myTpt = TreePlotTransform.TreePlotTransform(myIgs.plotCanvas, 'left', '+') mySvg = io.StringIO() myIgs.plotToFileObj(mySvg, myTpt) # print() # print(mySvg.getvalue()) for aPos in myTpt.genRootPos(): for aDir in myTpt.genSweepDir(): aTpt = TreePlotTransform.TreePlotTransform( myIgs.plotCanvas, aPos, aDir) mySvg = io.StringIO() myIgs.plotToFileObj(mySvg, aTpt)