def __init__(self, code, map_sz): self.cpu = Intcode(code, False, True) # self.area_map = [["?" for _ in range(map_sz)] for _ in range(map_sz)] self.pos = [map_sz // 2, map_sz // 2] with open("day15/map.txt") as fd: self.area_map = [[c for c in line] for line in] fd.close()
def part1(): comp = Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) r = comp.exec() comp_out = [] while comp.halt_fg: comp_out.append(r) r = comp.resume() out = np.array(comp_out) out = out.reshape(len(out) // 3, 3) unique, counts = np.unique(out[:, 2], return_counts=True) print(dict(zip(unique, counts)))
def part2(): amplifiers = [Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) for _ in range(5)] amp_out = np.array([(amplifier_feedback(amplifiers, phase_seq), phase_seq) for phase_seq in permutations(range(5, 10), 5)]) max_ndx = np.argmax(amp_out[:, 0]) print(amp_out[max_ndx])
def part1(): amplifiers = [Intcode(code) for _ in range(5)] amp_out = np.array([(amplifier_sequencer(amplifiers, phase_seq), phase_seq) for phase_seq in permutations(range(0, 5), 5)]) max_ndx = np.argmax(amp_out[:, 0]) print(amp_out[max_ndx])
def __init__(self, code, game_mode=1): code[0] = game_mode self.comp = Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) out_raw = [self.comp.exec()] for _ in range(_board_sz - 1): out_raw.append(self.comp.resume()) out = np.array(out_raw) out = out.reshape(len(out) // 3, 3) x_mx = np.argmax(out[:, 0]) + 1 y_mx = np.argmax(out[:, 1]) + 1 self.board = [[0 for _ in range(x_mx)] for _ in range(y_mx)] for x, y, tile_id in out: self.board[y][x] = tile_id if game_mode == 2: _, _, self.score = self.step() else: self.score = 0
def __init__(self, code, mode=1): self.cpu = Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) self.cpu._code[0] = mode self.update_feed()
class Droid: def __init__(self, code, mode=1): self.cpu = Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) self.cpu._code[0] = mode self.update_feed() def update_feed(self): out = [str(chr(self.cpu.exec()))] for _ in range(2340): out.append(str(chr(self.cpu.resume()))) out_str = "".join(out) self.area_map = [[c for c in line] for line in out_str.splitlines()] print(self) def read_line(self): ret = -1 rtcd = [] while ret != 10: ret = self.cpu.resume() rtcd.append(ret) return "".join([chr(c) for c in rtcd[:-1]]) def input_read_line(self, *cpu_in): ret = [self.cpu.resume(*cpu_in)] while ret[-1] != 10: ret.append(self.cpu.resume()) return "".join([chr(c) for c in ret[:-1]]) def _check_alignment(self, i, j): return (self.area_map[j - 1][i] == "#" and self.area_map[j][i - 1] == "#" and self.area_map[j][i + 1] == "#" and self.area_map[j + 1][i] == "#") def get_alignment(self): ret = 0 for j, row in enumerate(self.area_map[1:-1]): for i, v in enumerate(row[1:-1]): if v == "#" and self._check_alignment(j + 1, i + 1): ret += (i + 1) * (j + 1) return ret def program(self, main, f_a, f_b, f_c, display_camera=True): print(self.read_line()) main_int = [ord(c) for c in main] f_a_int = [ord(c) for c in f_a] f_b_int = [ord(c) for c in f_b] f_c_int = [ord(c) for c in f_c] print(self.input_read_line(*main_int, ord("\n"))) print(self.input_read_line(*f_a_int, ord("\n"))) print(self.input_read_line(*f_b_int, ord("\n"))) print(self.input_read_line(*f_c_int, ord("\n"))) print( self.input_read_line( ord('y') if display_camera else ord('n'), ord("\n"))) if display_camera: while self.cpu.halt_fg: self.update_feed() print(self) else: for _ in range(40): print(self.read_line()) print(self.cpu.resume()) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(["".join(c for c in line) for line in self.area_map])
from cpu import Intcode fp = "day11/code.txt" with open(fp) as fd: text = bot = Intcode([int(d) for d in text.split(",")], halt_on_output=True) sz = 200 class Navigation: x = int(sz / 2) y = int(sz / 2) direction = "UP" def advance(self): if self.direction == "UP": self.y -= 1 elif self.direction == "DOWN": self.y += 1 elif self.direction == "RIGHT": self.x += 1 elif self.direction == "LEFT": self.x -= 1 def rotate(self, turn_right_fg): if turn_right_fg: if self.direction == "UP": self.direction = "RIGHT" elif self.direction == "RIGHT": self.direction = "DOWN" elif self.direction == "DOWN":
from cpu import Intcode # fp = "day9/ex1.txt" fp = "day9/in.txt" with open(fp) as fd: code = [int(x) for x in",")] comp = Intcode(code, True) def part1(comp): print(comp.exec(1)) def part2(comp): print(comp.exec(2)) # part1(comp) part2(comp)
class Droid: def __init__(self, code, map_sz): self.cpu = Intcode(code, False, True) # self.area_map = [["?" for _ in range(map_sz)] for _ in range(map_sz)] self.pos = [map_sz // 2, map_sz // 2] with open("day15/map.txt") as fd: self.area_map = [[c for c in line] for line in] fd.close() def explore_man(self): dirs = {"w": 1, "a": 3, "s": 2, "d": 4} direction = 1 rtcd = self.cpu.exec(1) while rtcd != 2: new_pos = self.mark(direction, "#" if rtcd == 0 else " ") if rtcd != 0: self.pos = new_pos print(self) print("Direction (w,a,s,d): ") # direction = dirs.get(input("Direction (w, a, s, d): "), 1) # a = msvcrt.getch().decode("utf-8") key_in = msvcrt.getch().decode("utf-8") if key_in == "q": with open("day15/map.txt", "w+") as fd: fd.write(self.__repr__()) break direction = dirs.get(key_in, 1) rtcd = self.cpu.resume(direction) def explore_ai(self): routes = [] routes.append([1]) rtcd = self.cpu.exec(1) while rtcd != 2: new_pos = self.mark(, "#" if rtcd == 0 else " ") if rtcd != 0: self.pos = new_pos direction = random.randint(1, 4) rtcd = self.cpu.resume(direction) print("Area") print(self) def mark(self, direction, char): new_pos = self.pos.copy() if direction == 1: new_pos[1] -= 1 elif direction == 2: new_pos[1] += 1 elif direction == 3: new_pos[0] -= 1 elif direction == 4: new_pos[0] += 1 else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown direction {direction}") self.area_map[new_pos[1]][new_pos[0]] = char return new_pos def __repr__(self): self.area_map[self.pos[1]][self.pos[0]] = "D" ret = "\n".join(["".join([c for c in line]) for line in self.area_map]) self.area_map[self.pos[1]][self.pos[0]] = " " return ret
class Game: def __init__(self, code, game_mode=1): code[0] = game_mode self.comp = Intcode(code, halt_on_output=True) out_raw = [self.comp.exec()] for _ in range(_board_sz - 1): out_raw.append(self.comp.resume()) out = np.array(out_raw) out = out.reshape(len(out) // 3, 3) x_mx = np.argmax(out[:, 0]) + 1 y_mx = np.argmax(out[:, 1]) + 1 self.board = [[0 for _ in range(x_mx)] for _ in range(y_mx)] for x, y, tile_id in out: self.board[y][x] = tile_id if game_mode == 2: _, _, self.score = self.step() else: self.score = 0 def step(self): return self.comp.resume(), self.comp.resume(), self.comp.resume() def step_with_input(self, joy_in): return self.comp.resume(joy_in), self.comp.resume(), self.comp.resume() def update(self, joy_in): x, y, arg = self.step_with_input(joy_in) self.board[y][x] = arg if joy_in != 0: x, y, arg = self.step() self.board[y][x] = arg x, y, arg = self.step() self.board[y][x] = arg x, y, arg = self.step() while x == -1 and y == 0: # Update sore self.score = arg # Delete the block x, y, arg = self.step() if not self.comp.halt_fg: return self.board[y][x] = arg # Update ball x, y, arg = self.step() self.board[y][x] = arg def get_ball_loc(self): for j, row in enumerate(self.board): if 4 in row: return row.index(4), j raise Exception("No ball found") def get_paddle_loc(self): return self.board[21].index(3) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join([ "".join([_id_to_tile[i] for i in row]) for row in self.board[:23] ]) + f"\nScore: {self.score}"