def test_logging(self):
        p = ConnectionPool([Host('', '9160')])

        class MockConnection(object):
            host = 'localhost'
            port = 6379
            def cursor(self):
                raise OperationalError('test')

        with patch.object(p, 'get', return_value=MockConnection()):
            with self.assertRaises(OperationalError):
                p.execute("select * from system.peers", {}, ONE)
Esempio n. 2
class ConnectionPoolFailoverTestCase(BaseCassEngTestCase):
    """Test cassandra connection pooling."""

    def setUp(self): = Host('', '9160')
        self.pool = ConnectionPool([])

    def test_totally_dead_pool(self):
        # kill the con
        with patch('cqlengine.connection.cql.connect') as mock:
            with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException):
                self.pool.execute("select * from system.peers", {})

    def test_dead_node(self):
        tests that a single dead node doesn't mess up the pool

        # cursor mock needed so set_cql_version doesn't crap out
        ok_cur = MagicMock()

        ok_conn = MagicMock()
        ok_conn.return_value = ok_cur

        returns = [CQLEngineException(), ok_conn]

        def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
            result = returns.pop(0)
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                raise result
            return result

        with patch('cqlengine.connection.cql.connect') as mock:
            mock.side_effect = side_effect
            conn = self.pool._create_connection()