def run(self): import doctest import cram failures, tests = doctest.testmod(cram) sys.stdout.write('doctests: %s/%s passed\n' % (tests - failures, tests)) os.environ['PYTHON'] = sys.executable if self.coverage: # Note that when is run, it uses the version # of Python it was installed with, NOT the version # was run with. os.environ['COVERAGE'] = '1' os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = os.path.abspath('./.coverage') cram.main(['-v', 'tests'])
def main(args): # paranoia: our script name is the same as the library we want # from an external repo, so delete the main in this module to # avoid accidental infinite recursion in case the imports bind the # wrong way. That shouldn't happen with the absolute_import change # above, but this saved a fair amount of confusion while setting up # this contraption. global main del main # Import the bogon cram from external from external import cram as fakecram # insert it into the start of sys.path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(fakecram.__file__)) from cram import _main args = args[1:] unused_opts, paths, unused_getusage = _main._parseopts(args) td = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ['TEST_TMPDIR']) for p in paths: dest = os.path.join(td, os.path.basename(p)) shutil.copyfile(p, dest) for i, x in enumerate(args): if x == p: args[i] = dest # now we can import cram and be on our merry way import cram sys.exit(cram.main(args))
def run(self): import doctest import cram import pkgutil if getattr(pkgutil, 'walk_packages', None) is not None: def getmodules(): """Yield all cram modules""" yield cram path = cram.__path__ for loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path): if name == '__main__': continue yield loader.find_module(name).load_module(name) else: def getmodules(): """Yield all cram modules""" pkgdir = os.path.join(CRAM_DIR, 'cram') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgdir): if '__pycache__' in dirs: dirs.remove('__pycache__') for fn in files: if not fn.endswith('.py') or fn == '': continue modname = fn.replace(os.sep, '.')[:-len('.py')] if modname.endswith('.__init__'): modname = modname[:-len('.__init__')] modname = '.'.join(['cram', modname]) if '.' in modname: fromlist = [modname.rsplit('.', 1)[1]] else: fromlist = [] yield __import__(modname, {}, {}, fromlist) totalfailures = totaltests = 0 for module in getmodules(): failures, tests = doctest.testmod(module) totalfailures += failures totaltests += tests sys.stdout.write('doctests: %s/%s passed\n' % (totaltests - totalfailures, totaltests)) os.environ['PYTHON'] = sys.executable if self.coverage: # Note that when is run, it uses the version # of Python it was installed with, NOT the version # was run with. os.environ['COVERAGE'] = '1' os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = os.path.join(CRAM_DIR, '.coverage') args = ['-v'] if self.xunit_file is not None: xunit_file = os.path.abspath(self.xunit_file) args.append('--xunit-file=%s' % pipes.quote(xunit_file)) ret = cram.main(args + ['tests']) if ret or totalfailures: raise DistutilsError('tests failed')
def run(self): import cram import sys test_root = os.path.abspath("tests/cram") tests = [os.path.join(test_root, test) for test in os.listdir("tests/cram")] sys.exit(cram.main(tests))
def test_(self): self.assertFalse( main(['--shell', 'bash', os.path.join(DIR, test_name)]))
def run(self): import cram os.environ["PYTHON"] = sys.executable cram.main(["-v", "tests"])
def run_tests(self): import cram sys.exit(cram.main(['tests.t']))
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import cram try: sys.exit(cram.main(sys.argv[1:])) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def check_file(path): """Run cram over a single file, and return the number of failures.""" return cram.main([str(path)])