class RX(object):
    """ This class implements methods to handle the reception
        data over the p2p fox protocol
    def __init__(self, fisica):
        """ Initializes the TX class
        self.fisica = fisica
        self.buffer = bytes(bytearray())
        self.threadStop = False
        self.threadMutex = True
        self.READLEN = 1024
        self.crc = CRC()

    def thread(self):
        """ RX thread, to send data in parallel with the code
        essa é a funcao executada quando o thread é chamado. 
        while not self.threadStop:
            if (self.threadMutex == True):
                rxTemp, nRx =
                if (nRx > 0):
                    self.buffer += rxTemp

    def threadStart(self):
        """ Starts RX thread (generate and run)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread, args=())

    def threadKill(self):
        """ Kill RX thread
        self.threadStop = True

    def threadPause(self):
        """ Stops the RX thread to run

        This must be used when manipulating the Rx buffer
        self.threadMutex = False

    def threadResume(self):
        """ Resume the RX thread (after suspended)
        self.threadMutex = True

    def getIsEmpty(self):
        """ Return if the reception buffer is empty
        if (self.getBufferLen() == 0):
            return (True)
            return (False)

    def getBufferLen(self):
        """ Return the total number of bytes in the reception buffer
        return (len(self.buffer))

    def getAllBuffer(self, len):
        """ Read ALL reception buffer and clears it
        b = self.buffer[:]
        return (b)

    def getBuffer(self, nData):
        """ Remove n data from buffer
        b = self.buffer[0:nData]
        self.buffer = self.buffer[nData:]
        return (b)

    def getNData(self):
        """ Read N bytes of data from the reception buffer

        This function blocks until the number of bytes is received
        #        temPraLer = self.getBufferLen()
        #        print('leu %s ' + str(temPraLer) )

        #if self.getBufferLen() < size:
        #print("ERROS!!! TERIA DE LER %s E LEU APENAS %s", (size,temPraLer))
        size = 0
        time_out = time.time()
        package_arbitrario = bytes.fromhex("F5 A3 AA C3 C3 B5 B4")

        while (self.getBufferLen() > size or self.getBufferLen() == 0):
            size = self.getBufferLen()
            run_time = time.time() - time_out

            if run_time > 4:
                return (package_arbitrario, len(package_arbitrario))

        return (self.getBuffer(size), size)

    def clearBuffer(self):
        """ Clear the reception buffer
        self.buffer = b""

    def desfaz_package(self, package):
        #Faz o desempacotamento dos dados baseado-se no protocolo GG7.
        #Separa o payload do restante e verifica se o tamanho do payload esta correto
        ok = True
        found_eop = False
        byte_stuff = bytes.fromhex("AA")
        eop = bytes.fromhex("FF FE FD FC")
        head = package[0:10]
        tipo = int(head[0])
        n_pacote = int(head[4])
        total_pacotes = int(head[5])
        pacote_esperado = int(head[6])
        crc_chegou = int.from_bytes(head[7:], byteorder="big")
        package = package[10:]
        payload_size = int.from_bytes(head[1:4], byteorder="big")

        for i in range(len(package)):
            if package[i:i + 4] == eop:
                if package[i - 1] == byte_stuff:
                    #retira os bytes stuff
                    p1 = package[0:i - 1]
                    p2 = package[i:]
                    package = p1 + p2
                    found_eop = True
                    print("EOP encontrado na posição:{0}".format(i))
                    package = package[0:-4]
                    if len(package) != payload_size:
                        ok = False
                            "ERRO! Número de Bytes do Payload diferentes do informado no HEAD. Bytes Payload recebido:{0}"
                        print("Bytes que foram enviados:{0}".format(
        if not found_eop:
            ok = False
            print("ERRO! EOP não encontrado")

        payload = package
        crc_calculado = self.crc.encodeData(payload)
        crc_calculado = int(crc_calculado, 2)
        if crc_calculado == crc_chegou:
            encoding = True
            encoding = False

        return payload, tipo, ok, n_pacote, total_pacotes, pacote_esperado, encoding
Esempio n. 2
class TX(object):
    """ This class implements methods to handle the transmission
        data over the p2p fox protocol
    def __init__(self, fisica):
        """ Initializes the TX class
        self.fisica = fisica
        self.buffer = bytes(bytearray())
        self.transLen = 0
        self.empty = True
        self.threadMutex = False
        self.threadStop = False
        self.crc = CRC()

    def thread(self):
        """ TX thread, to send data in parallel with the code
        while not self.threadStop:
            if (self.threadMutex):
                self.transLen = self.fisica.write(self.buffer)
                #print("O tamanho transmitido. IMpressao dentro do thread {}" .format(self.transLen))
                self.threadMutex = False

    def threadStart(self):
        """ Starts TX thread (generate and run)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread, args=())

    def threadKill(self):
        """ Kill TX thread
        self.threadStop = True

    def threadPause(self):
        """ Stops the TX thread to run

        This must be used when manipulating the tx buffer
        self.threadMutex = False

    def threadResume(self):
        """ Resume the TX thread (after suspended)
        self.threadMutex = True

    def sendBuffer(self, data):
        """ Write a new data to the transmission buffer.
            This function is non blocked.

        This function must be called only after the end
        of transmission, this erase all content of the buffer
        in order to save the new value.
        self.transLen = 0
        self.buffer = data
        self.threadMutex = True

    def getBufferLen(self):
        """ Return the total size of bytes in the TX buffer
        return (len(self.buffer))

    def getStatus(self):
        """ Return the last transmission size
        #print("O tamanho transmitido. Impressao fora do thread {}" .format(self.transLen))
        return (self.transLen)

    def getIsBussy(self):
        """ Return true if a transmission is ongoing
        return (self.threadMutex)

    def cria_package(self, payload, tipo, n_pacote, total_pacotes,
        #pega os dados e empacota com HEAD, EOP e byte Stuffing

        byte_stuff = bytes.fromhex("AA")
        eop = bytes.fromhex("FF FE FD FC")
        payload_size = len(payload)
        crc_payload = self.crc.encodeData(payload)
        crc_payload = int(crc_payload, 2)

        for i in range(len(payload)):

            if payload[i:i + 4] == eop:
                p1 = payload[0:i]
                p2 = byte_stuff + payload[i:]
                payload = p1 + p2

        msg_type = (tipo).to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
        msg_size = (payload_size).to_bytes(3, byteorder="big")
        msg_n = (n_pacote).to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
        total_n = (total_pacotes).to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
        pacote_e = (pacote_esperado).to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
        msg_crc = (crc_payload).to_bytes(3, byteorder="big")
        head = msg_type + msg_size + msg_n + total_n + pacote_e + msg_crc
        package = head + payload + eop
        overhead = len(package) / len(payload)
        return package