Esempio n. 1
 def print_affected_modes(self):
     """Print out all the affected mode tuples associated with the differences."""
     assert config.is_mapping(self.old_file) and config.is_mapping(self.new_file), \
         "for --print-affected-modes both files must be mappings."
     modes = mapping_affected_modes(self.old_file, self.new_file, self.args.include_header_diffs)
     for affected in modes:
     return 1 if modes else 0
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, *args, **keys):
     super(MappingDifferencer, self).__init__(*args, **keys)
     assert config.is_mapping(self.old_file), \
         "File " + repr(self.old_file) + " is not a CRDS mapping."
     assert config.is_mapping(self.new_file), \
         "File " + repr(self.new_file) + " is not a CRDS mapping."
     assert os.path.splitext(self.old_file)[-1] == os.path.splitext(self.new_file)[-1], \
         "Files " + repr(self.old_file) + " and " + repr(self.new_file) + \
         " are not the same kind of CRDS mapping:  .pmap, .imap, .rmap"
Esempio n. 3
 def print_all_new_files(self):
     """Print the names of all files which are in `new_file` (or any intermediary context) but not
     in `old_file`.   new_file > old_file.  Both new_file and old_file are similar mappings.
     updated = get_updated_files(self.old_file, self.new_file)
     for mapping in updated:
         if config.is_mapping(mapping):
             print(mapping, self.instrument_filekind(mapping))
     for reference in updated:
         if not config.is_mapping(reference):
             print(reference, self.instrument_filekind(reference))
     return 1 if updated else 0
Esempio n. 4
    def get_affected(self):
        """Examine the diffs between `old_pmap` and `new_pmap` and return sorted lists of affected instruments and types.

        Returns { affected_instrument : { affected_type, ... } }
        instrs = defaultdict(set)
        diffs = self.mapping_diffs()
        diffs = remove_boring(diffs)
        for diff in diffs:
            for step in diff:
                # Walking down the diff steps 1-by-1 eventually hits an rmap comparison which
                # will define both instrument and type.  pmaps and imaps leave at least one blank.
                if len(step) == 2 and config.is_mapping(step[0]):
                    instrument, filekind = utils.get_file_properties(self.observatory, step[0])
                # This is inefficient since diff doesn't vary by step,  but set logic cleans up the redundancy
                # New rmaps imply reprocessing the entire type.
                elif isinstance(diff[-1],str) and diff[-1].startswith(("added","deleted")) and \
                    rmap_name = diff[-1].split()[-1].replace("'","")
                    rmapping = rmap.fetch_mapping(rmap_name, ignore_checksum=True)
                    instrument, filekind = rmapping.instrument, rmapping.filekind
                if instrument.strip() and filekind.strip():
                    if filekind not in instrs[instrument]:
                        log.verbose("Affected", (instrument, filekind), "based on diff", diff, verbosity=20)
        return { key:list(val) for (key, val) in instrs.items() }
Esempio n. 5
def get_flex_uri(filename, observatory=None):
    """If environment variables define the base URI for `filename`, append
    filename and return the combined URI.

    If no environment override has been specified, obtain the base URI from
    the server_info config,  append filename, and return the combined URI.

    If `filename` is a config file and no environment override is defined,
    return "none".
    if observatory is None:
        observatory = get_default_observatory()
    uri = config.get_uri(filename)
    if uri == "none":
        info = get_server_info()
        if config.is_config(filename):
            uri = _unpack_info(info, "config_url", observatory)
        elif config.is_pickle(filename):
            uri = _unpack_info(info, "pickle_url", observatory)
        elif config.is_mapping(filename):
            uri = _unpack_info(info, "mapping_url", observatory)
        elif config.is_reference(filename):
            uri = _unpack_info(info, "reference_url", observatory)
            raise CrdsError("Can't identify file type for:", srepr(filename))
        if uri == "none":
            return uri
        if not uri.endswith("/"):
            uri += "/"
        uri += filename
    return uri
Esempio n. 6
def get_file_properties(filename):
    """Figure out (instrument, filekind) based on `filename` which
    should be a mapping or FITS reference file.

    >>> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.rmap")
    ('acs', 'biasfile')

    >> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap'

    >> get_file_properties("test_data/s7g1700gl_dead.fits")
    if data_file.is_geis_data(filename):
        # determine GEIS data file properties from corresponding header file.
        filename = filename[:-1] + "h"
    if config.is_mapping(filename):
            return decompose_newstyle_name(filename)[2:4]
        except Exception:
            return properties_inside_mapping(filename)
    elif config.is_reference(filename):
        result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
            result = properties_inside_mapping(filename)
        except Exception:
            result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
    assert result[0] in INSTRUMENTS+[""], "Bad instrument " + \
        repr(result[0]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    assert result[1] in FILEKINDS+[""], "Bad filekind " + \
        repr(result[1]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 7
def get_file_properties(filename):
    """Figure out (instrument, filekind) based on `filename` which
    should be a mapping or FITS reference file.

    >>> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.rmap")
    ('acs', 'biasfile')

    >> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap'

    >> get_file_properties("test_data/s7g1700gl_dead.fits")
    if data_file.is_geis_data(filename):
        # determine GEIS data file properties from corresponding header file.
        filename = filename[:-1] + "h"
    if config.is_mapping(filename):
            return decompose_newstyle_name(filename)[2:4]
        except Exception:
            return properties_inside_mapping(filename)
    elif config.is_reference(filename):
        result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
            result = properties_inside_mapping(filename)
        except Exception:
            result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
    assert result[0] in INSTRUMENTS+[""], "Bad instrument " + \
        repr(result[0]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    assert result[1] in FILEKINDS+[""], "Bad filekind " + \
        repr(result[1]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 8
def get_file_properties(filename):
    """Figure out (instrument, filekind, serial) based on `filename` which
    should be a mapping or FITS reference file.

    >> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.rmap")
    ('acs', 'biasfile')

    >> get_file_properties("./hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: Invalid .pmap filename './hst_acs_biasfile_0001.pmap'

    >> get_file_properties("test_data/s7g1700gl_dead.fits")
    if config.is_mapping(filename):
            return decompose_newstyle_name(filename)[2:4]
        except Exception:
            # NOTE: load_mapping more conservative than fetch_mapping used in properties_from_mapping
            mapping = rmap.load_mapping(filename)
            return mapping.instrument, mapping.filekind
    elif config.is_reference(filename):
        result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
            result = properties_inside_mapping(filename)
        except Exception as exc:
            result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
    assert result[0] in INSTRUMENTS+[""], "Bad instrument " + \
        repr(result[0]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    assert result[1] in FILEKINDS+[""], "Bad filekind " + \
        repr(result[1]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 9
def mapping_pairs(differences):
    """Return the sorted list of all mapping tuples found in differences."""
    pairs = set()
    for diff in differences:
        for pair in diff:
            if len(pair) == 2 and config.is_mapping(pair[0]):
    return sorted(pairs)
Esempio n. 10
 def _find_diff_str(self, diff_str):
     """Return True IFF `diff_str` is in some rmap diff."""
     diffs = self.mapping_diffs()
     diffs = remove_boring(diffs)
     for diff in diffs:
         for step in diff:
             if len(step) == 2 and config.is_mapping(step[0]):
                 if diff_str in diff_action(diff):
                     log.verbose("Found", repr(diff_str), "diff between", repr(step[0:1]))
                     return True
     return False
Esempio n. 11
def dump_files(pipeline_context, files, ignore_cache=False, raise_exceptions=True):
    """Unified interface to dump any file in `files`, mapping or reference.
    Returns localpaths,  downloads count,  bytes downloaded
    if files is None:
        files = get_mapping_names(pipeline_context)
    mappings = [ os.path.basename(name) for name in files if config.is_mapping(name) ]
    references = [ os.path.basename(name) for name in files if not config.is_mapping(name) ]
    if mappings:
        m_paths, m_downloads, m_bytes = dump_mappings3(
            pipeline_context, mappings=mappings, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions)
        m_paths, m_downloads, m_bytes = {}, 0, 0
    if references:
        r_paths, r_downloads, r_bytes = dump_references3(
            pipeline_context, baserefs=references, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions)
        r_paths, r_downloads, r_bytes = {}, 0, 0
    return dict(list(m_paths.items())+list(r_paths.items())), m_downloads + r_downloads, m_bytes + r_bytes
Esempio n. 12
def remove_checksum(file_):
    """Remove checksums from `file_`.""""Removing checksum for", repr(file_))
    if config.is_reference(file_):
    elif config.is_mapping(file_):
        raise exceptions.CrdsError("Mapping checksums cannot be removed for:",
        raise exceptions.CrdsError(
            "File", repr(file_),
            "does not appear to be a CRDS reference or mapping file.")
Esempio n. 13
 def print_new_files(self):
     """Print the references or mappings which are in the second (new) context and not
     the firtst (old) context.
     if not config.is_mapping(self.old_file) or not config.is_mapping(self.new_file):
         log.error("--print-new-files really only works for mapping differences.")
         return -1
     old = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.old_file)   # reviewed
     new = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.new_file)   # reviewed
     old_mappings = set(old.mapping_names())
     new_mappings = set(new.mapping_names())
     old_references = set(old.reference_names())
     new_references = set(new.reference_names())
     status = 0
     for name in sorted(new_mappings - old_mappings):
         status = 1
     for name in sorted(new_references - old_references):
         status = 1
     return status
Esempio n. 14
def add_checksum(file_):
    """Add checksums to file_.""""Adding checksum for", repr(file_))
    if config.is_reference(file_):
        with log.error_on_exception("Failed updating checksum for",
    elif config.is_mapping(file_):
        raise exceptions.CrdsError(
            "File", repr(file_),
            "does not appear to be a CRDS reference or mapping file.")
Esempio n. 15
def dump_files(pipeline_context=None, files=None, ignore_cache=False, raise_exceptions=True):
    """Unified interface to dump any file in `files`, mapping or reference.
    Returns localpaths,  downloads count,  bytes downloaded
    if pipeline_context is None:
        pipeline_context = get_default_context()
    if files is None:
        files = get_mapping_names(pipeline_context)
    mappings = [ os.path.basename(name) for name in files if config.is_mapping(name) ]
    references = [ os.path.basename(name) for name in files if not config.is_mapping(name) ]
    if mappings:
        m_paths, m_downloads, m_bytes = dump_mappings3(
            pipeline_context, mappings=mappings, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions)
        m_paths, m_downloads, m_bytes = {}, 0, 0
    if references:
        r_paths, r_downloads, r_bytes = dump_references3(
            pipeline_context, baserefs=references, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions)
        r_paths, r_downloads, r_bytes = {}, 0, 0
    return dict(list(m_paths.items())+list(r_paths.items())), m_downloads + r_downloads, m_bytes + r_bytes
Esempio n. 16
def get_root_url(filename, observatory=None):
    """Based on the server info,  return the base URL the server indicates
    should be used to download `filename`.
    if observatory is None:
        observatory = get_default_observatory()
    info = get_server_info()
    if config.is_mapping(filename):
        url = info["mapping_url"][observatory]
        url = info["reference_url"][observatory]
    if not url.endswith("/"):
            url += "/"
    return url
Esempio n. 17
def get_root_url(filename, observatory=None):
    """Based on the server info,  return the base URL the server indicates
    should be used to download `filename`.
    if observatory is None:
        observatory = get_default_observatory()
    info = get_server_info()
    if config.is_mapping(filename):
        url = info["mapping_url"][observatory]
        url = info["reference_url"][observatory]
    if not url.endswith("/"):
            url += "/"
    return url
Esempio n. 18
def verify_checksum(file_):
    """Verify checksums in `file_`.""""Verifying checksum for", repr(file_))
    if config.is_reference(file_):
    elif config.is_mapping(file_):
        if config.CRDS_IGNORE_MAPPING_CHECKSUM.get():
                "Mapping checksums are disabled by config.CRDS_IGNORE_MAPPING_CHECKSM."
        raise exceptions.CrdsError(
            "File", repr(file_),
            "does not appear to be a CRDS reference or mapping file.")
Esempio n. 19
 def list_tpns(self):
     """Print out the .tpn information related to each of the files either
     specified via the --tpns <files...> argument or implied by any of the
     other standard --list mechanisms like --mappings or --references.
     constrained_files = self.get_words(self.args.tpns) + self.implied_files
     for filename in constrained_files:
         path = self.locate_file(filename)
         if config.is_mapping(path):
             tpn_text = reftypes.get_types_object(
             tpn_text = reftypes.get_types_object(
         log.divider(f"Certify constraints for '{path}'")
Esempio n. 20
    def verify_file(self, file, info, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files):
        """Check one `file` against the provided CRDS database `info` dictionary."""
        path = config.locate_file(file, observatory=self.observatory)
        base = os.path.basename(file)
        n_bytes = int(info["size"])

        # Only output verification info for slow sha1sum checks by default
                "Verifying", base, path, n_bytes, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files),
            verbosity=10 if self.args.check_sha1sum else 60)

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            if base not in self.bad_files:
                log.error("File", repr(base), "doesn't exist at", repr(path))

        # Checks which force repairs should do if/else to avoid repeat repair
        size = os.stat(path).st_size
        if int(info["size"]) != size:
            self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "length mismatch LOCAL size=" + srepr(size),
                                  "CRDS size=" + srepr(info["size"]))
        elif self.args.check_sha1sum or config.is_mapping(base):
            log.verbose("Computing checksum for", repr(base), "of size", repr(size), verbosity=60)
            sha1sum = utils.checksum(path)
            if info["sha1sum"] == "none":
                log.warning("CRDS doesn't know the checksum for", repr(base))
            elif info["sha1sum"] != sha1sum:
                self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "checksum mismatch CRDS=" + repr(info["sha1sum"]),
                                      "LOCAL=" + repr(sha1sum))

        if info["state"] not in ["archived", "operational"]:
            log.warning("File", repr(base), "has an unusual CRDS file state", repr(info["state"]))

        if info["rejected"] != "false":
            log.verbose_warning("File", repr(base), "has been explicitly rejected.", verbosity=60)
            if self.args.purge_rejected:
                self.remove_files([path], "file")

        if info["blacklisted"] != "false":
            log.verbose_warning("File", repr(base), "has been blacklisted or is dependent on a blacklisted file.",
            if self.args.purge_blacklisted:
                self.remove_files([path], "file")
Esempio n. 21
    def verify_file(self, file, info, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files):
        """Check one `file` against the provided CRDS database `info` dictionary."""
        path = rmap.locate_file(file, observatory=self.observatory)
        base = os.path.basename(file)
        n_bytes = int(info["size"])
        # Only output verification info for slow sha1sum checks by default
                "Verifying", base, path, n_bytes, bytes_so_far, total_bytes, nth_file, total_files),
            verbosity=10 if self.args.check_sha1sum else 60)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            log.error("File", repr(base), "doesn't exist at", repr(path))

        # Checks which force repairs should do if/else to avoid repeat repair
        size = os.stat(path).st_size
        if int(info["size"]) != size:
            self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "length mismatch LOCAL size=" + srepr(size), 
                                  "CRDS size=" + srepr(info["size"]))
        elif self.args.check_sha1sum or config.is_mapping(base):
            log.verbose("Computing checksum for", repr(base), "of size", repr(size), verbosity=60)
            sha1sum = utils.checksum(path)
            if info["sha1sum"] == "none":
                log.warning("CRDS doesn't know the checksum for", repr(base))
            elif info["sha1sum"] != sha1sum:
                self.error_and_repair(path, "File", repr(base), "checksum mismatch CRDS=" + repr(info["sha1sum"]), 
                                      "LOCAL=" + repr(sha1sum))

        if info["state"] not in ["archived", "operational"]:
            log.warning("File", repr(base), "has an unusual CRDS file state", repr(info["state"]))

        if info["rejected"] != "false":
            log.verbose_warning("File", repr(base), "has been explicitly rejected.", verbosity=60)
            if self.args.purge_rejected:
                self.remove_files([path], "files")

        if info["blacklisted"] != "false":
            log.verbose_warning("File", repr(base), "has been blacklisted or is dependent on a blacklisted file.",
            if self.args.purge_blacklisted:
                self.remove_files([path], "files")
Esempio n. 22
def get_file_properties(filename):
    """Figure out (instrument, filekind, serial) based on `filename` which
    should be a mapping or ASDF reference file.

    >>> get_file_properties('tests/data/roman_wfi16_f158_flat_small.asdf')
    ('wfi', 'flat')

    >>> get_file_properties('tests/data/roman_wfi_flat_0004.rmap')
    ('wfi', 'flat')

    >>> get_file_properties('tests/data/roman_0001.pmap')
    ('', '')

    >>> get_file_properties('tests/data/ascii_tab.csv') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: string indices must be integers

    if config.is_mapping(filename):
            return decompose_newstyle_name(filename)[2:4]
        except Exception:
            # NOTE: load_mapping more conservative than fetch_mapping used in properties_from_mapping
            mapping = rmap.load_mapping(filename)
            return mapping.instrument, mapping.filekind
    elif config.is_reference(filename):
        result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
            result = properties_inside_mapping(filename)
        except Exception as exc:
            result = get_reference_properties(filename)[2:4]
    assert result[0] in INSTRUMENTS+[""], "Bad instrument " + \
        repr(result[0]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    assert result[1] in FILEKINDS+[""], "Bad filekind " + \
        repr(result[1]) + " in filename " + repr(filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 23
 def archive_url(self, filename):
     """Return the URL used to fetch `filename` from the archive."""
     if config.is_mapping(filename):
         return os.path.join(self.mapping_url, filename)
         return os.path.join(self.reference_url, filename)