Esempio n. 1
import sys
import os
import requests
import json
from time import sleep
from random import randint, uniform
from credentials import getToken
from help import help
from check import check, set_check, get_loc_status

if __name__ == "__main__":
    token = getToken()
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        command = sys.argv[1]
        if (command in set(["-h", "--help"])):
        elif (command == "run"):
            dry = -1
            if len(sys.argv) > 2:
                flag = sys.argv[2]
                if len(flag) > 2 and flag[:2] == "-d":
                        dry = int(flag[2:])
                        print("Not a valid value for `n`!")

            if dry == -1:
                os.system("echo 'Replace this with git push code'")
            os.system("echo 'Replace this with checker API code'")
        elif (command == "status"):
Esempio n. 2
class Router:
    fromLoc = 0
    toLoc = 0
    names = []
    token = getToken()['access_token']

    def __init__(self, fromLoc, toLoc):
        self.fromLoc = fromLoc
        self.toLoc = toLoc

    def getAverageCovid(self, locationObjects):
        locationObjects = self.names
        covidSum = 0
        for location in locationObjects:
            if location['P14_100k_T'] != 'Less than 5 cases':
                covidSum += float(location['P14_100k_T'])
        return covidSum / len(locationObjects)

    def getMaxCovid(self, locationObjects):
        locationObjects = self.names

        covidMax = 0
        maxLocation = 0
        for location in locationObjects:
            if location['P14_100k_T'] != 'Less than 5 cases':
                if float(location['P14_100k_T']) > covidMax:

                    covidMax = float(location['P14_100k_T'])

                    maxLocation = location
        return maxLocation

    def getRoutes(self):
        routes = []

        response = self.routeApi()
        locationObjects = response['response']['route'][0]['leg'][0][
        self.names = getLocNames(locationObjects)
        locationJson = self.locationsToJsonRoute(locationObjects)

        average1 = self.getAverageCovid(locationObjects)
        bboxstr = self.getBboxString(locationObjects)
        response1 = self.routeApi(bboxstr=bboxstr)
        secondRoute = response1['response']['route'][0]['leg'][0]['maneuver']
        self.names = getLocNames(secondRoute)

        secondjson = self.locationsToJsonRoute(secondRoute)
        average2 = self.getAverageCovid(secondRoute)
        return routes

    def locationsToJsonRoute(self, locations):
        latlons = []
        returnObject = []
        for location in locations:
                'lat': location['lat'],
                'lon': location['lon'],
                'id': location['id']
        returnObject.append({'LocNames': self.names, 'latlons': latlons})
        return json.dumps(returnObject)

    def routeApi(self, *args, **kwargs):

        payload = {
            'geo!' + str(self.fromLoc['lat']) + ',' + str(self.fromLoc['lng']),
            'geo!' + str(self.toLoc['lat']) + ',' + str(self.toLoc['lng']),
        if isinstance(kwargs.get('bboxstr', None), str):
            payload['avoidareas'] = kwargs.get('bboxstr', None)
        securityparams = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}

        r = requests.get(
            headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.token)},
        r = r.json()
        locations = r['response']['route'][0]['leg'][0]['maneuver']
        for location in locations:
            location['lat'] = location['position']['latitude']
            location['lon'] = location['position']['longitude']

            del location['position']
        r['response']['route'][0]['leg'][0]['maneuver'] = locations
        return r

    def getBboxString(self, locationObjects):
        avoidareas = ''
        maxCovid = self.getMaxCovid(locationObjects[1:len(locationObjects) -
        boundingBox = getBoudingBox(maxCovid['ENGLISH'])
        avoidareas += str(boundingBox[3]) + ',' + str(
            boundingBox[2]) + ';' + str(boundingBox[1]) + ',' + str(
        return avoidareas
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import asyncio
import discord
import youtube_dl
import credentials
from discord.ext import tasks, commands
import datetime
import time

youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''

token = credentials.getToken()

ytdl_options = {
    'format': 'bestaudio/best',
    'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
    'restrictfilenames': True,
    'noplaylist': True,
    'nocheckcertificate': True,
    'ignoreerrors': False,
    'logtostderr': False,
    'quiet': True,
    'no_warnings': True,
    'default_search': 'auto',
    # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes
    'source_address': '',
    'cachedir': False

ffmpeg_options = {
    'options': '-vn'
Esempio n. 4
    #I need to fix this.

    plays = [
        "with himself", "with your mind", "with gravity", "dead", "with fire"
    playing = randSample(plays, 1)[0]

    while True:

        await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=playing))

        for _ in range(3600):
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    if list(gmtime())[3] % 2:
        await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=playing))

async def call_admin(channel, reason=None):

    text = "Generals @admin , another settlement needs your help. #{0} {1}".format(, reason)

    #434578647110778882 is the channel id for LearnJapanese #secret-scheming.
    await client.send_message(client.get_channel("434578647110778882"), text)
    #await client.send_message(client.get_channel("434287964269445122"), text)