def main(): pass_word = password2 print("Hello, What name would like use to call you?") master_name = input() print("Please enter your master password :"******"Hello {master_name}. what would you like to do?") print('\n') while True: print("Use these short codes :") print(" cc - create a new account") print(" dc - display accounts") print(" fc -find a account") print(" ex -exit the account list") short_code = input().lower() if short_code == 'cc': #account print("New account") print("-" * 10) #account_name print( "Please type in the account:(Facebook, Twitter, Gmail e.t.c)") a_name = input() #user_name print("Username:"******"Do you what us to generate a password for you ....(yes or no)" ) shortcode = input() if shortcode == 'yes': password = pass_word print(f"your password is {password} ") else: print("enter your password") password = input() #Saves the credentials save_accounts(create_account(a_name, u_name, password)) print('\n') print( f"you have succesfully created your new credentials for {a_name} account" ) print('\n') elif short_code == 'dc': if Account.display_account(): print("Here is a list of all your accounts") print('\n') for account in Account.display_account(): print("Account Username Password") print( f"{account.account_name} {account.username} {account.password}" ) print('\n') else: print('\n') print("You dont seem to have any accounts saved yet") print('\n') elif short_code == 'fc': print("Enter the account you want to search for") search_account = input() if check_existing_accounts(search_account): search_account = find_account(search_account) print(f"{Account.search_account.account_name}") print('-' * 20) print(f"Username: .......{search_account.user_name}") print(f"Password: .......{search_account.password}") else: print("That account does not exist") elif short_code == "ex": print("Bye .......") break else: print("Invalid Input! ")
def test_display_all_account(self): ''' method that returns a list of all contacts saved ''' self.assertEqual(Account.display_account(), Account.accounts)