def main(): global Cell1List global Cell2List global Cell3List global Cell4List global TempList global HumList global IrrList global i global Wattsum voltchop() humchop() irrchop() if i >= 10: cell1ave = sum(Cell1List) / len(Cell1List) cell1ave = round(cell1ave, precision) cell2ave = sum(Cell2List) / len(Cell2List) cell2ave = round(cell2ave, precision) cell3ave = sum(Cell3List) / len(Cell3List) cell3ave = round(cell3ave, precision) cell4ave = sum(Cell4List) / len(Cell4List) cell4ave = round(cell4ave, precision) tempave = sum(TempList) / len(TempList) tempave = round(tempave, precision) humave = sum(HumList) / len(HumList) humave = round(humave, precision) irrave = sum(IrrList) / len(IrrList) irrave = round(irrave, precision) Wattsum += irrave #time = '{:%y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S}'.format( time = c = str([ cell1ave, cell2ave, cell3ave, cell4ave, tempave, humave, irrave, Wattsum ]) c = c[1:-1] f = open(credentialsPi.get_path("data"), 'a+') f.write(str(time)) #f.write(time+','+c+"\n") f.write(c + '\n') Cell1List = [] Cell2List = [] Cell3List = [] Cell4List = [] TempList = [] HumList = [] IrrList = [] i = 0 upload_to_drive.main() else: i += 1
def irrchop(): irr = Irradiance.main() if len(irr)>1: try: f = open(credentialsPi.get_path("irrchop"), 'a+') #time = '{:%y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S}'.format( time = #data = str(time+', '+irr) data = str(irr) f.write(str(time)) f.write(data+'\n') upload_to_drive_rawdata.main() irrchopped = irr[:-10] IrrList.append(float(irrchopped)) except Exception: irrchop()
def humchop(): hum = Humidity.main() if len(hum) > 1: try: f = open(credentialsPi.get_path("humchop"), 'a+') time = #time = '{:%y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S}'.format( #data = str(time+', '+hum) data = str(hum) f.write(str(time)) f.write(data+'\n') upload_to_drive_rawdata.main() x = hum[:-8] HumList.append(float(x)) except: humchop()
def voltchop(): vt = VoltTemp.main() if len(vt) > 1: try: f = open(credentialsPi.get_path("voltchop"), 'a+') #time = '{:%y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S}'.format( time = #data = str(time+', '+vt) f.write(str(time)) f.write(vt+'\n') upload_to_drive_rawdata.main() x, y, w, z, t= vt.split(',') Cell1List.append(float(x)) Cell2List.append(float(y)) Cell3List.append(float(w)) Cell4List.append(float(z)) TempList.append(float(t)) except: voltchop()
import credentialsPi # Import our folder uploading script # import initial_upload # If modifying these scopes, delete your previously saved credentials # at ~/.credentials/drive-python-quickstart.json SCOPES = [ '', '', '' ] CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json' APPLICATION_NAME = 'Drive Sync' # Declare full path to folder and folder name FULL_PATH = credentialsPi.get_path() #DIR_NAME = 'Data_autoupdated' # Or simply DIR_NAME = FULL_PATH.split('/')[-1] # Don't really need it here GOOGLE_MIME_TYPES = { 'application/': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', # 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', # 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' # 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'
Created on Tue Oct 31 09:41:28 2017 Editted on Tue May 8 @author: Zachary Taylor @editor: Cam Khanh Dao """ import pandas as pd import VoltTemp import Humidity import Irradiance import datetime from time import sleep import upload_to_drive import upload_to_drive_rawdata import credentialsPi import sys sys.path.append(credentialsPi.get_path("sys")) precision = 2 # how many decimal places you want in the readings timer = 1 # reading delay Cell1List = [] Cell2List = [] Cell3List = [] Cell4List = [] TempList = [] HumList = [] IrrList = [] i = 0 Wattsum = 0