def __init__(self, ref_fpath, out_fhand, length=60, vcf_fpath=None, min_length=None): ''''It inits. The vcf will be used to replace in the reference sequence the SNPs around the SNP of interest with IUPAC codes ''' self._sep = u'\t' self._len = length if min_length is None: min_length = length if min_length > length: msg = 'Minimum length must be smaller than required length' raise ValueError(msg) self._min_len = min_length self._ref_seqs = seq_index(ref_fpath, format='fasta') if vcf_fpath: self._snvs = Reader(filename=vcf_fpath) else: self._snvs = None self._out_fhand = out_fhand out_fhand.write(u'CHROM\tPOS\tID\tseq\n') self._prev_chrom = None
def __init__(self, vcf_path, samples=None): reader = Reader(filename=vcf_path) self.index = {} self.samples = samples for vcf_record in reader: snp_name = create_snp_name(vcf_record) self.index[snp_name] = vcf_record
class IlluminaWriter(object): '''It writes the SNPs in Illumina format ref_fpath should be in fasta format and it has to have a name attribute. min_maf controls the SNPs reported in the adjacent segments as IUPAC codes. ''' # TODO add extra error classes # TODO include the error classes inside this class to easy access class NotEnoughAdjacentSequenceError(Exception): pass def __init__(self, ref_fpath, out_fhand, length=60, vcf_fpath=None, min_length=None): ''''It inits. The vcf will be used to replace in the reference sequence the SNPs around the SNP of interest with IUPAC codes ''' self._sep = u'\t' self._len = length if min_length is None: min_length = length if min_length > length: msg = 'Minimum length must be smaller than required length' raise ValueError(msg) self._min_len = min_length self._ref_seqs = seq_index(ref_fpath, format='fasta') if vcf_fpath: self._snvs = Reader(filename=vcf_fpath) else: self._snvs = None self._out_fhand = out_fhand out_fhand.write(u'CHROM\tPOS\tID\tseq\n') self._prev_chrom = None def write(self, snv): chrom_name = snv.CHROM prev_chrom = self._prev_chrom if prev_chrom is None or != chrom_name: chrom = self._ref_seqs[chrom_name] self._prev_chrom = chrom else: chrom = prev_chrom length = self._len min_len = self._min_len snv_start = snv.start # 0 based snv_end = snv.end # 1 based desired_start = snv_start - length # desired segment start end = snv_end + length # desired segment end chrom_seq = chrom.seq first_segment = unicode(chrom_seq[desired_start:snv_start]) if len(first_segment) < min_len: msg = "Not enough sequence in 3'. ID: %s, POS: %d, CHROM: %s" msg %= (snv.ID, snv.POS, snv.CHROM) raise self.NotEnoughAdjacentSequenceError(msg) if self._snvs: real_start = snv_start - len(first_segment) close_snvs = self._snvs.fetch(, start=real_start, end=snv_start) first_segment = _replace_snvs_with_iupac(first_segment, close_snvs, seq_offset=real_start) snv_segment = _build_snv_section(snv) second_segment = unicode(chrom_seq[snv_end:end]) if len(second_segment) < min_len: msg = "Not enough sequence in 5'. ID: %s, POS: %d, CHROM: %s" msg %= (snv.ID, snv.POS, snv.CHROM) raise self.NotEnoughAdjacentSequenceError(msg) if self._snvs: real_end = snv_end + len(second_segment) close_snvs = self._snvs.fetch(, start=snv_end, end=real_end) second_segment = _replace_snvs_with_iupac(second_segment, close_snvs, seq_offset=snv_end) out_fhand = self._out_fhand sep = self._sep out_fhand.write(unicode(snv.CHROM)) out_fhand.write(sep) out_fhand.write(unicode(snv.POS)) out_fhand.write(sep) snp_id = snv.ID if snp_id is None: snp_id = u'.' out_fhand.write(snp_id) out_fhand.write(sep) out_fhand.write(first_segment) out_fhand.write(snv_segment) out_fhand.write(second_segment) out_fhand.write(u'\n') def flush(self): self._out_fhand.flush() def close(self): self._out_fhand.close()