def checkTKIPtestVector(self, description, key, ta, iv, plainText, cipherText):
		""" Process TKIP encryption test vectors (no MIC) """
		print '%s %s %s'%('='*((54-len(description))/2),description,'='*((54-len(description))/2))
		# Convert from octet lists to string
		key = a2b_p(key)
		ta	= a2b_p(ta)
		iv	= a2b_p(iv)
		pt	= a2b_p(plainText)
		kct = a2b_p(cipherText)
		mixer = TKIP_Mixer(key,ta)
		rc4key = mixer.newKey(iv)

		alg = TKIP_encr(key)

		print 'key:    %s'%b2a_p(key)[9:]
		print 'rc4Key  %s'%b2a_p(rc4key)[9:]  # calculated
		print 'ta:	%s'%b2a_p(ta)[9:]
		print 'iv:	%s'%b2a_p(iv)[9:]
		print 'pt:	%s'%b2a_p(pt)[9:]
		print 'kct:    %s'%b2a_p(kct)[9:]

		ct	= alg.encrypt(pt, iv)
		print 'ct:	%s'%b2a_p(ct)[9:]

		cpt = alg.decrypt(kct)
		print 'cpt:    %s'%b2a_p(cpt)[9:]

		print '========================================================'
		self.assertEqual( ct, kct )
		dct = alg.decrypt( ct )
		self.assertEqual( dct, pt )
Esempio n. 2
    def testTKIP_crc_modify(self):
        """ TKIP crc modification test """
        key = a2b_p(
            "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f")  # the PMK
        ta = a2b_p(
            "10 22 33 44 55 66")  # the TK (key) is created from the iv and ta
        keyID = 0
        alg = TKIP_encr(
            key, ta,
            keyID)  # this is just the encryption algorithm with no Michael MIC
        plainText = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(20)])  # 20 octets (0 t 19)
        iv = a2b_p(
            "01 00 00 00 00 00")  # the little-endian encoded PacketNumber
        cipherText = alg.encrypt(plainText, iv)

        ctHeader = cipherText[0:8]  # encoded iv and keyId
        ctData = cipherText[8:-4]
        ctCrcEncrypted = cipherText[-4:]  # just the encrypted crc fields

        # lets change the first octet of the data from 0x00 to 0x01
        base = (len(ctData)) * chr(0)
        baseCrc = crc32(base)
        bitMask = chr(1) + (len(ctData) - 1) * chr(0)
        maskCrc = crc32(bitMask)

        maskedCt = xor(bitMask, ctData)
        maskedCtCrc = crc32(maskedCt)

        print "--------------- make a modified packet and MIC ------------"
        print "plainText = %s " % b2a_hex(plainText)
        print "cipherText= %s " % b2a_hex(cipherText)
        print "ctData	 = %s " % b2a_hex(ctData)
        print "ctxtCrc	 = %s " % b2a_hex(ctCrcEncrypted)
        print "base 	 = %s " % b2a_hex(base)
        print "baseCrc	 = %0X" % baseCrc
        print "mask 	 = %s " % b2a_hex(bitMask)
        print "maskCrc	 = %0X" % maskCrc
        print "maskedCt = %s " % b2a_hex(maskedCt)
        print "maskCtCrc= %0X" % maskedCtCrc
        maskDiff = maskCrc ^ baseCrc
        newCtCrc = pack('<I', (maskDiff ^ unpack('<I', ctCrcEncrypted)[0]))
        newCt = ctHeader + maskedCt + newCtCrc
        newPt = alg.decrypt(
            newCt)  # this will raise an exception if the crc is 'bad'!
        print "newPt	 = %s " % b2a_hex(newPt)
Esempio n. 3
	def testTKIP_crc_modify(self):
		""" TKIP crc modification test """
		key = a2b_p( "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f" ) # the PMK
		ta	= a2b_p( "10 22 33 44 55 66" ) # the TK (key) is created from the iv and ta
		keyID = 0
		alg = TKIP_encr(key, ta, keyID)  # this is just the encryption algorithm with no Michael MIC
		plainText  = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(20)]) # 20 octets (0 t 19)
		iv = a2b_p( "01 00 00 00 00 00" ) # the little-endian encoded PacketNumber
		cipherText = alg.encrypt(plainText, iv)

		ctHeader	   = cipherText[0:8]  # encoded iv and keyId
		ctData		   = cipherText[8:-4]
		ctCrcEncrypted = cipherText[-4:]  # just the encrypted crc fields

		# lets change the first octet of the data from 0x00 to 0x01
		base	= (len(ctData))*chr(0)
		baseCrc = crc32(base)
		bitMask = chr(1)+(len(ctData)-1)*chr(0)
		maskCrc = crc32(bitMask)

		maskedCt	 = xor(bitMask,ctData)
		maskedCtCrc  = crc32(maskedCt)

		print "--------------- make a modified packet and MIC ------------"
		print "plainText = %s "  % b2a_hex(plainText)
		print "cipherText= %s "  % b2a_hex(cipherText)
		print "ctData	 = %s "  % b2a_hex(ctData)
		print "ctxtCrc	 = %s "  % b2a_hex(ctCrcEncrypted)
		print "base 	 = %s " % b2a_hex(base)
		print "baseCrc	 = %0X" % baseCrc
		print "mask 	 = %s " % b2a_hex(bitMask)
		print "maskCrc	 = %0X" % maskCrc
		print "maskedCt = %s " % b2a_hex(maskedCt)
		print "maskCtCrc= %0X" % maskedCtCrc
		maskDiff = maskCrc ^ baseCrc
		newCtCrc = pack('<I', (maskDiff ^ unpack('<I',ctCrcEncrypted)[0]) )
		newCt = ctHeader + maskedCt + newCtCrc
		newPt = alg.decrypt(newCt)	 # this will raise an exception if the crc is 'bad'!
		print "newPt	 = %s " % b2a_hex(newPt)
Esempio n. 4
    def checkTKIPtestVector(self, description, key, ta, iv, plainText,
        """ Process TKIP encryption test vectors (no MIC) """
        print '%s %s %s' % ('=' *
                            ((54 - len(description)) / 2), description, '=' *
                            ((54 - len(description)) / 2))
        # Convert from octet lists to string
        key = a2b_p(key)
        ta = a2b_p(ta)
        iv = a2b_p(iv)
        pt = a2b_p(plainText)
        kct = a2b_p(cipherText)
        mixer = TKIP_Mixer(key, ta)
        rc4key = mixer.newKey(iv)

        alg = TKIP_encr(key)

        print 'key:    %s' % b2a_p(key)[9:]
        print 'rc4Key  %s' % b2a_p(rc4key)[9:]  # calculated
        print 'ta:	%s' % b2a_p(ta)[9:]
        print 'iv:	%s' % b2a_p(iv)[9:]
        print 'pt:	%s' % b2a_p(pt)[9:]
        print 'kct:    %s' % b2a_p(kct)[9:]

        ct = alg.encrypt(pt, iv)
        print 'ct:	%s' % b2a_p(ct)[9:]

        cpt = alg.decrypt(kct)
        print 'cpt:    %s' % b2a_p(cpt)[9:]

        print '========================================================'
        self.assertEqual(ct, kct)
        dct = alg.decrypt(ct)
        self.assertEqual(dct, pt)