def connect(connection: ConnectionSftp) -> Tuple[Transport, SFTPClient]: """Connect to sftp server.""" try: # there is no timeout in paramiko so... # continue to attemp to login during time limit # if we are getting timeout exceptions timeout = time.time() + 60 * 3 # 2 mins from now while True: try: transport = paramiko.Transport( f"{connection.address}:{(connection.port or 22)}") # build ssh key file key = None if connection.key: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", newline="") as key_file: key_file.write( em_decrypt(connection.key, app.config["PASS_KEY"])) key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(, password=em_decrypt(connection.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), ) transport.connect( username=str(connection.username), password=(em_decrypt(connection.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]) if key is None else ""), pkey=key, ) conn = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) if conn is None: raise ValueError("Failed to create connection.") break except (paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException, EOFError) as e: # pylint: disable=no-else-continue if str(e) == "Authentication timeout." and time.time( ) <= timeout: time.sleep(10) # wait 10 sec before retrying continue elif time.time() > timeout: raise ValueError("Connection timeout.") raise ValueError(f"Connection failed.\n{e}") return (transport, conn) except BaseException as e: raise ValueError(f"Connection failed.\n{e}")
def connect(connection: ConnectionFtp) -> FTP: """Connect to ftp server.""" try: # there is no timeout in paramiko so... # continue to attemp to login during time limit # if we are getting timeout exceptions timeout = time.time() + 60 * 3 # 2 mins from now while True: try: conn = FTP(connection.address or "") # noqa: S321 conn.login( user=(connection.username or ""), passwd=(em_decrypt(connection.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]) or ""), ) break except ftplib.error_reply as e: # pylint: disable=no-else-continue if time.time() <= timeout: time.sleep(10) # wait 10 sec before retrying continue elif time.time() > timeout: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise ValueError("Connection timeout.") else: raise ValueError(f"Connection failed.\n{e}") return conn except BaseException as e: raise ValueError(f"Connection failed.\n{e}")
def build_connect() -> SMBConnection: conn = SMBConnection( username, em_decrypt(password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), "EM2.0 Webapp", server_name, use_ntlm_v2=True, ) redis_client.set("smb_connection_" + str(server_name), pickle.dumps(conn)) return conn
def smb_online(smb_id: int) -> str: """Check if connection is online.""" try: smb_connection = ConnectionSmb.query.filter_by(id=smb_id).first() smb_connect( smb_connection.username, em_decrypt(smb_connection.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), smb_connection.server_name, smb_connection.server_ip, ) # we do not close smb connections. they are recycled. return '<span class="tag is-success is-light">Online</span>' except BaseException as e: return f'<span class="has-tooltip-arrow has-tooltip-right has-tooltip-multiline tag is-danger is-light" data-tooltip="{e}">Offline</span>'
def database_online(database_id: int) -> str: """Check if connection is online.""" try: database_connection = ConnectionDatabase.query.filter_by(id=database_id).first() if database_connection.type_id == 2: conn, _ = sql_connect( em_decrypt( database_connection.connection_string, app.config["PASS_KEY"] ).strip(), database_connection.timeout or app.config["DEFAULT_SQL_TIMEOUT"], ) conn.close() else: conn, _ = pg_connect( em_decrypt( database_connection.connection_string, app.config["PASS_KEY"] ).strip(), database_connection.timeout or app.config["DEFAULT_SQL_TIMEOUT"], ) conn.close() return '<span class="tag is-success is-light">Online</span>' except BaseException as e: return f'<span class="has-tooltip-arrow has-tooltip-right has-tooltip-multiline tag is-danger is-light" data-tooltip="{e}">Offline</span>'
def connect(connection: ConnectionSsh) -> paramiko.SSHClient: """Connect to SSH server.""" session = paramiko.SSHClient() session.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) session.connect( hostname=str(connection.address), port=(connection.port or 22), username=connection.username, password=em_decrypt(connection.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), timeout=5000, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, ) return session
def __load_file(self, file_name: str) -> IO[str]: director = urllib.request.build_opener(SMBHandler) password = em_decrypt(self.password, app.config["PASS_KEY"]) open_file_for_read = f"smb://{self.username}:{password}@{self.server_name},{self.server_ip}/{self.share_name}/{file_name}" ) def load_data(file_obj: TextIOWrapper) -> Generator: with file_obj as this_file: while True: data = if not data: break yield data # send back contents with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb+", delete=False, dir=self.dir) as data_file: for data in load_data(open_file_for_read): if (self.task.source_smb_ignore_delimiter != 1 and self.task.source_smb_delimiter): my_delimiter = self.task.source_smb_delimiter or "," csv_reader = csv.reader( data.splitlines(), delimiter=my_delimiter, ) writer = csv.writer(data_file) writer.writerows(csv_reader) else: data_file.write(data) original_name = str(self.dir.joinpath(file_name.split("/")[-1])) if os.path.islink(original_name): os.unlink(original_name) elif os.path.isfile(original_name): os.remove(original_name), original_name) = original_name # type: ignore[misc] open_file_for_read.close() return data_file
def __get_source(self) -> None: if self.task.source_type_id == 1: # sql external_db = self.task.source_database_conn try: RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 8, "Loading query...") query = self.__get_query() except BaseException as e: raise RunnerException(self.task, self.run_id, 8, f"Failed to load query.\n{e}") RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 8, "Starting query run, waiting for results...") if == 1: # postgres try: self.query_output_size, self.source_files = Postgres( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=em_decrypt(external_db.connection_string, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), timeout=external_db.timeout or app.config["DEFAULT_SQL_TIMEOUT"], directory=self.temp_path, ).run(query) except ValueError as message: raise RunnerException(self.task, self.run_id, 21, message) except BaseException as message: raise RunnerException(self.task, self.run_id, 21, f"Failed to run query.\n{message}") elif == 2: # mssql try: self.query_output_size, self.source_files = SqlServer( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=em_decrypt(external_db.connection_string, app.config["PASS_KEY"]), timeout=external_db.timeout or app.config["DEFAULT_SQL_TIMEOUT"], directory=self.temp_path, ).run(query) except ValueError as message: raise RunnerException(self.task, self.run_id, 20, message) except BaseException as message: raise RunnerException(self.task, self.run_id, 20, f"Failed to run query.\n{message}") RunnerLog( self.task, self.run_id, 8, f"Query completed.\nData file {self.source_files[0].name} created. Data size: {file_size(str(Path(self.source_files[0].name).stat().st_size))}.", ) elif self.task.source_type_id == 2: # smb file file_name = self.param_loader.insert_file_params( self.task.source_smb_file) file_name = DateParsing( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, date_string=file_name, ).string_to_date() self.source_files = Smb( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=self.task.source_smb_conn, directory=self.temp_path, ).read(file_name=file_name) elif self.task.source_type_id == 3: # sftp file RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 9, "Loading data from server...") file_name = self.param_loader.insert_file_params( self.task.source_sftp_file) file_name = DateParsing( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, date_string=file_name, ).string_to_date() self.source_files = Sftp( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=self.task.source_sftp_conn, directory=self.temp_path, ).read(file_name=file_name) elif self.task.source_type_id == 4: # ftp file RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 13, "Loading data from server...") file_name = self.param_loader.insert_file_params( self.task.source_ftp_file) file_name = DateParsing( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, date_string=file_name, ).string_to_date() self.source_files = Ftp( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=self.task.source_ftp_conn, directory=self.temp_path, ).read(file_name=file_name) elif self.task.source_type_id == 6: # ssh command query = self.__get_query() Ssh( task=self.task, run_id=self.run_id, connection=self.task.source_ssh_conn, command=query, ).run()
def save(self) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Create and save the file. returns [filename, filepath] of final file. """ if (self.task.destination_file_name is None or self.task.destination_file_name == ""): RunnerLog( self.task, self.run_id, 11, f"No filename specified, {Path(} will be used.", ) if (self.task.destination_file_name != "" and self.task.destination_file_name is not None): # insert params self.file_name = self.params.insert_file_params( self.task.destination_file_name.strip()) # parse python dates self.file_name = DateParsing(self.task, self.run_id, self.file_name).string_to_date() else: self.file_name = Path( # 4 is other if self.task.destination_file_type_id != 4 and self.task.file_type is not None: self.file_name += "." + (self.task.file_type.ext or "csv") self.file_path = str(Path(self.base_path).joinpath(self.file_name)) # if the source name matches the destination name, rename the source and update tmp file name. if == self.file_path: data_file_as_path = Path( new_data_file_name = str( data_file_as_path.parent / (data_file_as_path.stem + "_tmp" + data_file_as_path.suffix)) os.rename(, new_data_file_name) = new_data_file_name # type: ignore[misc] with open(, "r", newline="") as data_file: reader = csv.reader(data_file) with open(self.file_path, mode="w") as myfile: # if csv (1) or text (2) and had delimiter if (self.task.destination_file_type_id == 1 or self.task.destination_file_type_id == 2 or self.task.destination_file_type_id == 4) and ( self.task.destination_ignore_delimiter is None or self.task.destination_ignore_delimiter != 1): wrtr = ( csv.writer( myfile, delimiter=str(self.task.destination_file_delimiter) .encode("utf-8").decode("unicode_escape"), quoting=self.__quote_level(), ) if self.task.destination_file_delimiter is not None and len(self.task.destination_file_delimiter) > 0 and (self.task.destination_file_type_id == 2 or self.task.destination_file_type_id == 4 ) # txt or other else csv.writer( myfile, quoting=self.__quote_level(), )) for row in reader: new_row = [(x.strip('"').strip("'") if isinstance( x, str) else x) for x in row] if (self.task.destination_file_type_id == 1 or self.task.destination_file_type_id == 2 or self.task.destination_file_type_id == 4 ) and (self.task.destination_file_line_terminator is not None and self.task.destination_file_line_terminator != ""): new_row.append( self.task.destination_file_line_terminator) wrtr.writerow(new_row) # if xlxs (3) elif self.task.destination_file_type_id == 3: wrtr = csv.writer( myfile, dialect="excel", quoting=self.__quote_level(), ) for row in reader: new_row = [(x.strip('"').strip("'") if isinstance( x, str) else x) for x in row] wrtr.writerow(new_row) else: for line in data_file: myfile.write(line) RunnerLog( self.task, self.run_id, 11, f"File {self.file_name} created. Size: {file_size(Path(self.file_path).stat().st_size)}.\n{self.file_path}", ) # encrypt file if self.task.file_gpg == 1: gpg = gnupg.GPG("/usr/local/bin/gpg") # import the key keychain = gpg.import_keys( em_decrypt(self.task.file_gpg_conn.key, app.config["PASS_KEY"])) # set it to trusted gpg.trust_keys(keychain.fingerprints, "TRUST_ULTIMATE") # encrypt file with open(self.file_path, "rb") as my_file: encrypt_status = gpg.encrypt_file( file=my_file, recipients=keychain.fingerprints, output=self.file_path + ".gpg", ) # remove key gpg.delete_keys(keychain.fingerprints) # update global file name if not encrypt_status.ok: raise RunnerException( self.task, self.run_id, 11, "File failed to encrypt.\n%s\n%s\n%s" % ( self.file_path, encrypt_status.status, encrypt_status.stderr, ), ) self.file_path = self.file_path + ".gpg" self.file_name = self.file_name + ".gpg" RunnerLog( self.task, self.run_id, 11, "File encrypted.\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (self.file_path, encrypt_status.status, encrypt_status.stderr), ) # get file hash.. after encrypting with open(self.file_path, "rb") as my_file: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break self.file_hash.update(chunk) RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 11, f"File md5 hash: {self.file_hash.hexdigest()}") # create zip if self.task.destination_create_zip == 1: self.zip_name = DateParsing( self.task, self.run_id, str(self.task.destination_zip_name)).string_to_date() # parse params self.zip_name = self.params.insert_file_params(self.zip_name) self.zip_name = self.zip_name.replace(".zip", "") + ".zip" with zipfile.ZipFile( str(Path(self.base_path).joinpath(self.zip_name)), "w") as zip_file: zip_file.write( self.file_path, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, arcname=self.file_name, ) # now we change all file stuff to our zip. self.file_name = self.zip_name self.file_path = str(Path(self.base_path).joinpath(self.zip_name)) RunnerLog(self.task, self.run_id, 11, f"ZIP archive created.\n{self.file_path}") return self.file_name, self.file_path, self.file_hash.hexdigest()