Esempio n. 1
def checkKeys(keyA, keyB, mode):
    if keyA == 1 and mode == 'encrypt':
        sys.exit('The affine cipher becomes weak when key A is set to 1. Choose different key')
    if keyB == 0 and mode == 'encrypt':
        sys.exit('The affine cipher becomes weak when key A is set to 1. Choose different key')
    if keyA < 0 or keyB < 0 or keyB > len(SYMBOLS) - 1:
        sys.exit('Key A must be greater than 0 and key B must be between 0 and %s.' % (len(SYMBOLS) - 1))
    if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) != 1:
        sys.exit('Key A %s and the symbol set size %s are not relatively prime. Choose a different key.' % (keyA, len(SYMBOLS)))
Esempio n. 2
def checkKeys(keyA, keyB, mode):
    if keyA == 1 and mode == 'encrypt':
        sys.exit('The affine cipher becomes weak when key A is set to 1. Choose different key')
    if keyB == 0 and mode == 'encrypt':
        sys.exit('The affine cipher becomes weak when key A is set to 1. Choose different key')
    if keyA < 0 or keyB < 0 or keyB > len(SYMBOLS) - 1:
        sys.exit('Key A must be greater than 0 and key B must be between 0 and %s.' % (len(SYMBOLS) - 1))
    if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) != 1:
        sys.exit('Key A %s and the symbol set size %s are not relatively prime. Choose a different key.' % (keyA, len(SYMBOLS)))
Esempio n. 3
def check_keys(keyA, keyB, mode):
    if mode == "encrypt":
        if keyA == 1:
            sys.exit("The affine cipher becomes weak when key "
                     "A is set to 1. Choose different key")
        if keyB == 0:
            sys.exit("The affine cipher becomes weak when key "
                     "B is set to 0. Choose different key")
    if keyA < 0 or keyB < 0 or keyB > len(SYMBOLS) - 1:
        sys.exit("Key A must be greater than 0 and key B must "
                 f"be between 0 and {len(SYMBOLS) - 1}.")
    if cryptomath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) != 1:
        sys.exit(f"Key A {keyA} and the symbol set size {len(SYMBOLS)} "
                 "are not relatively prime. Choose a different key.")
Esempio n. 4
def generateKey(keySize):
    print('Generating prime p...')
    p = rabinMiller.generateLargePrime(keySize)
    print('Generating prime q...')
    q = rabinMiller.generateLargePrime(keySize)
    n = p * q

    print('Generating e that is relatively prime to (p - 1) * (q - 1)...')
    while True:
        e = random.randrange(2 ** (keySize - 1), 2 ** (keySize))
        if cryptoMath.gcd(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1:

    print('Calculating d that is mod inverse of e...')
    d = cryptoMath.findModInverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))

    publicKey = (n, e)
    privateKey = (n, d)
    return (publicKey, privateKey)
Esempio n. 5
def generateKey(keySize):
    print('Generating prime p...')
    p = rabinMiller.generateLargePrime(keySize)
    print('Generating prime q...')
    q = rabinMiller.generateLargePrime(keySize)
    n = p * q

    print('Generating e that is relatively prime to (p - 1) * (q - 1)...')
    while True:
        e = random.randrange(2 ** (keySize - 1), 2 ** (keySize))
        if cryptoMath.gcd(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1:

    print('Calculating d that is mod inverse of e...')
    d = cryptoMath.findModInverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))

    publicKey = (n, e)
    privateKey = (n, d)
    return (publicKey, privateKey)
def hackAffine(message):
    print('Hacking...\n[Press CTRL + C or CTRL + D to quit at any time]')
    for key in range(len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS) ** 2):
        keyA = affineCipher.getKeyParts(key)[0]
        if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS)) != 1:

        decryptedText = affineCipher.decryptMessage(key, message)
        if not SILENT_MODE:
            print('Key #%s: %s...' % (key, decryptedText[:40]))

        if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText):
            print('\nPossible encryption hack:')
            print('Key #%s: %s...' % (key, decryptedText[:40]))
            print("Enter 'D' for done, or just press 'Enter' to continue hacking:")
            response = input('> ')
            if response.strip().upper().startswith('D'):
                return decryptedText
    return None
Esempio n. 7
# Affine Key Test
# Source: (BSD Licensed)
# Modified by: Harshil Darji (

# This program proves that the keyspace of the affine cipher is limited to len(SYMBOLS) ^ 2.

import affine_cipher as affineCipher, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath

message = 'Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.'
print('Message: %s\nEncryption using key,' % message)
for keyA in range(2, 100):
    key = keyA * len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS) + 1

    if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(affineCipher.SYMBOLS)) == 1:
        print('%s | %s' % (keyA, affineCipher.encryptMessage(key, message)))
Esempio n. 8
def getRandomKey():
    while True:
        keyA = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        keyB = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) == 1:
            return keyA * len(SYMBOLS) + keyB
Esempio n. 9
def getRandomKey():
    while True:
        keyA = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        keyB = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
    if cryptoMath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) == 1:
        return keyA * len(SYMBOLS) + keyB