Esempio n. 1
def findCollision(message, prefix):
    extra = (7 - len(prefix))%16
    if extra == 0:
        extra = 16
    for extraPadding in itertools.product([chr(c) for c in xrange(0x30, 0x7b)], repeat=extra):
        new_prefix = prefix + "".join(list(extraPadding))
        print new_prefix
        prefixHash = h2a(hash(new_prefix))
        mid_part = h2a(xor_ascii_strings(prefixHash, message[:16]))
        if not all(ord(c)>=32 and ord(c)<127 for c in mid_part):
        mal_message = h2a(pad_pkcs_7(a2h(new_prefix)) + h2a(xor_ascii_strings(prefixHash, message[:16])) + message[16:]
        return mal_message
    return ""

def solver():
    message = "alert('MZA who was that?');\n"
    h = hash(message)

    prefix = b"alert('Ayo, the Wu is back!'); //"
    collision = findCollision(message, prefix)
    print "[+] Found one."
    print a2h(collision)

if __name__=='__main__':
Esempio n. 2
def oracle(msg):
    key = generate_key()
    iv = generate_key()
    request = build_request(msg)
    compressed_request = zlib.compress(request)
    encrypted_request = aes_cbc.infra.encrypt_manual(pad_pkcs_7(a2h(compressed_request)), key, iv)
    return len(encrypted_request)
Esempio n. 3
def encryption_oracle(plaintext):
    global KEY
    global prefix
    if KEY is None:
        KEY = crypty.generate_key()
    if prefix is None:
        # I am getting integer between 0 to 100
        prefix = crypty.generate_key(key_size=randint(0, 100))
        print "[*] Using Prefix of size : %d" % (len(prefix) / 2)
    plaintext = crypty.pad_pkcs_7(prefix + plaintext +
    return aes_ecb.infra.encrypt(plaintext, KEY)
Esempio n. 4
def encrypt_manual(hex_string, key, iv):
  Manually AES-128-CBC Encrypts the input hex string using key, iv and AES-128-ECB
  :param hex_string: Hex string
  :param key: Hex string
  :param iv: Hex string
  :return: hex string
    assert len(iv) == len(key)
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(hex_string, block_size=16)
    ciphertext = ""
    for block in blocks:
        if len(crypty.h2a(block)) % 16 is not 0:
            block = crypty.pad_pkcs_7(block, block_size=16)
        xor_block = crypty.xor_hex_strings(block, iv)
        iv = ecb_cipher.infra.encrypt(xor_block, key)
        ciphertext += iv

    return ciphertext
Esempio n. 5
def simplePadMessageFn(message_hex):
    return h2a(pad_pkcs_7(message_hex, block_size=8))
Esempio n. 6
def hash(message):
    message = pad_pkcs_7(a2h(message))
    return aes_cbc.infra.encrypt_manual(message, a2h("YELLOW SUBMARINE"), "00"*16)
Esempio n. 7
def solve():
  print crypty.pad_pkcs_7(crypty.a2h("YELLOW SUBMARINE"), block_size=20)
Esempio n. 8
def encrypt_profile(profile):
  global key
  if key is None:
    key = crypty.generate_key()
  ciphertext = ecb_cipher.infra.encrypt(crypty.pad_pkcs_7(crypty.a2h(profile)), key)
  return (key,ciphertext)
Esempio n. 9
def encryption_oracle(plaintext):
  global KEY
  if KEY is None:
    KEY = crypty.generate_key()
  plaintext = crypty.pad_pkcs_7(plaintext+crypty.convert_b64_to_hex(suffix))
  return aes_ecb.infra.encrypt(plaintext, KEY)