Esempio n. 1
def my_csp_problem_1():
    # Defined in notebook

    constraints = []

    variables = []
    variables.append(Variable("1", ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y']))
    variables.append(Variable("2", ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y']))
    variables.append(Variable("3", ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y']))
    variables.append(Variable("4", ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y']))
    variables.append(Variable("5", ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y']))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent slots
    adjacent_pairs = [
        ("1", "2"), ("1", "5"), ("2", "1"), ("2", "3"), ("2", "5"), ("3", "2"),
        ("3", "4"), ("3", "5"), ("4", "3"), ("4", "5"), ("5", "1"), ("5", "2"),
        ("5", "3"), ("5", "4")

    # No same neighbor colors
    def base_rule(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if val_a == val_b:
            return False
        return True

    for pair in adjacent_pairs:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], base_rule,
                             "No same color neighbors"))

    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 2
def time_traveling_csp_problem():
    constraints = []

    variables = []
    # order of the variables here is the order given in the problem
    variables.append(Variable("T", ["1"]))
    variables.append(Variable("L", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
    variables.append(Variable("B", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
    variables.append(Variable("C", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
    variables.append(Variable("S", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
    variables.append(Variable("P", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))
    variables.append(Variable("N", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent seats
    edges = [("C", "P"), ("C", "L"), ("C", "N"), ("C", "B"), ("B", "C"),
             ("B", "N"), ("N", "B"), ("N", "C"), ("N", "P"), ("N", "L"),
             ("N", "T"), ("T", "N"), ("T", "L"), ("L", "T"), ("L", "N"),
             ("L", "P"), ("P", "L"), ("P", "N"), ("P", "C"), ("P", "S"),
             ("S", "P")]

    # not allowed constraints:
    def conflict(val_a, val_b, var_a, var_b):
        if val_a == val_b:
            return False
        return True

    for pair in edges:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], conflict, "Time conflict"))
    return CSP(constraints, variables)
def map_coloring_csp_problem():
    constraints = []

    variables = []
    # order of the variables here is the order given in the problem
    variables.append(Variable("MA", ["B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("TX", ["R"]))
    variables.append(Variable("NE", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("OV", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("SE", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("GL", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("MID", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("MW", ["R", "B", "Y"]))
    variables.append(Variable("SO", ["R", "B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("NY", ["R", "B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("FL", ["R", "B"]))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent seats
    edges = [("NE", "NY"), ("NE", "MA"), ("MA", "NY"), ("GL", "NY"),
             ("GL", "OV"), ("MID", "NY"), ("OV", "NY"), ("OV", "MID"),
             ("MW", "OV"), ("MW", "TX"), ("TX", "SO"), ("SO", "OV"),
             ("SO", "FL"), ("FL", "SE"), ("SE", "MID"), ("SE", "SO")]
    # duplicate the edges the other way.
    all_edges = []
    for edge in edges:
        all_edges.append((edge[0], edge[1]))
        all_edges.append((edge[1], edge[0]))

    forbidden = [("R", "B"), ("B", "R"), ("Y", "Y")]

    # not allowed constraints:
    def forbidden_edge(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if (val_a, val_b) in forbidden or (val_b, val_a) in forbidden:
            return False
        return True

    for pair in all_edges:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], forbidden_edge,
                             "R-B, B-R, Y-Y edges are not allowed"))

    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 4
def my_csp_problem_2():
    # Defined in notebook

    constraints = []

    variables = []
    colors = ['R', 'O', 'Y', 'G', 'B']
    variables.append(Variable("1", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("2", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("3", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("4", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("5", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("6", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("7", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("8", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("9", colors.copy()))
    variables.append(Variable("10", colors.copy()))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent slots
    adjacent_pairs = [("1", "2"), ("1", "10"), ("10", "9"), ("10", "1")]

    for i in range(1, 9):
            (variables[i].get_name(), variables[i - 1].get_name()))
            (variables[i].get_name(), variables[i + 1].get_name()))

    # No same neighbor colors
    def base_rule(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if val_a == val_b:
            return False
        return True

    for pair in adjacent_pairs:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], base_rule,
                             "No same color neighbors"))

    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 5
def ta_scheduling_csp_problem():
    constraints = []

    variables = []
    # order of the variables here is the order given in the problem
    # the domains are those pre-reduced in part A.
    # constraints
    variables.append(Variable("C", ["Mark", "Rob", "Sam"]))
    # optimal search
    variables.append(Variable("O", ["Mark", "Mike", "Sam"]))
    # games
    variables.append(Variable("G", ["Mark"]))
    # rules
    variables.append(Variable("R", ["Mark", "Mike", "Sam"]))
    # id-trees
    variables.append(Variable("I", ["Mark", "Rob", "Sam"]))
    # neural nets
    variables.append(Variable("N", ["Mike", "Sam"]))
    # svms
    variables.append(Variable("S", ["Rob"]))
    # boosting
    variables.append(Variable("B", ["Mike"]))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent seats
    edges = [("C", "R"), ("B", "I"), ("B", "S"), ("S", "O"), ("S", "G"),
             ("S", "R"), ("S", "N"), ("N", "G")]

    # not allowed constraints:
    def conflict(val_a, val_b, var_a, var_b):
        if val_a == val_b:
            return False
        return True

    for pair in edges:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], conflict,
                             "TA(subject_a) != TA(subject_b) constraint"))
    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 6
def sudoku_csp_problem(partial_grid=grid):

    #Ensure board is 9x9.  This could easily be extended to n^2 by n^2
    if len(partial_grid) <> 9: 'Error: Board must be 9x9'

    for i in range(len(partial_grid)):
        if len(partial_grid[i]) <> 9:
            return 'Error: Board must be 9x9'

    # Initialize...
    constraints = []

    indices = [(i, j) for i in range(1, 10) for j in range(1, 10)]

    variables = []

    #Initialize variables with one variable for each square.
    for (i, j) in indices:
        if partial_grid[i - 1][j - 1] <> 0:
            theval = [partial_grid[i - 1][j - 1]]
            theval = range(1, 10)

        variables.append(Variable(str(i) + ',' + str(j), theval))

    #returns i coordinate of a variable
    def i(var):
        return var.get_name()[0]

    #returns j coordinate of a variable
    def j(var):
        return var.get_name()[2]

    #gives the 3x3 box a given square is in, they are numbered left to right, top to bottom.
    def getbox(stri, strj):
        i = int(stri)
        j = int(strj)
        if i <= 3:
            if j <= 3: return 1
            elif 4 <= j <= 6: return 2
            elif 7 <= j <= 9: return 3
        elif 4 <= i <= 6:
            if j <= 3: return 4
            elif 4 <= j <= 6: return 5
            elif 7 <= j <= 9: return 6
        elif 7 <= i <= 9:
            if j <= 3: return 7
            elif 4 <= j <= 6: return 8
            elif 7 <= j <= 9: return 9

        return 'Error: Please enter i,j in the correct range'

    # make list of all square sharing a row, column or box
    # no need to duplicate the other way around since this loops through all

    edges = []
    for v1 in variables:
        for v2 in variables:
            if v1 <> v2 and (i(v1) == i(v2) or j(v1) == j(v2)
                             or getbox(i(v1), j(v1)) == getbox(i(v2), j(v2))):
                edges.append((v1.get_name(), v2.get_name()))

    # not allowed to have same value for square:
    def nomatch_constraint(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if val_a == val_b:
            return False
        return True

    for e in edges:
            BinaryConstraint(e[0], e[1], nomatch_constraint,
                             "Cant match squares in same row, column, or box"))

    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 7
def moose_csp_problem():
    constraints = []

    # We start with the reduced domain.
    # So the constraint that McCain must sit in seat 1 is already
    # covered.
    variables = []
    variables.append(Variable("1", ["Mc"]))
    variables.append(Variable("2", ["Y", "M", "P"]))
    variables.append(Variable("3", ["Y", "M", "O", "B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("4", ["Y", "M", "O", "B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("5", ["Y", "M", "O", "B"]))
    variables.append(Variable("6", ["Y", "M", "P"]))

    # these are all variable pairing of adjacent seats
    adjacent_pairs = [("1", "2"), ("2", "1"), ("2", "3"), ("3", "2"),
                      ("3", "4"), ("4", "3"), ("4", "5"), ("5", "4"),
                      ("5", "6"), ("6", "5"), ("6", "1"), ("1", "6")]
    # now we construct the set of non-adjacent seat pairs.
    nonadjacent_pairs = []
    variable_names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
    for x in range(len(variable_names)):
        for y in range(x, len(variable_names)):
            if x == y:
            tup = (variable_names[x], variable_names[y])
            rev = (variable_names[y], variable_names[x])
            if tup not in adjacent_pairs:
            if rev not in adjacent_pairs:

    # all pairs is the set of all distinct seating pairs
    # this list is useful for checking where
    # the two seat are assigned to the same person.
    all_pairs = adjacent_pairs + nonadjacent_pairs

    # 1. The Moose is afraid of Palin
    def M_not_next_to_P(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if ((val_a == "M" and val_b == "P")
                or (val_a == "P" and val_b == "M")):
            return False
        return True

    for pair in adjacent_pairs:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], M_not_next_to_P,
                             "Moose can't be " + "next to Palin"))

    # 2. Obama and Biden must sit next to each other.
    # This constraint can be directly phrased as:
    #   for all sets of adjacents seats
    #      there must exist one pair where O & B are assigned
    #   C(1,2) or C(2,3) or C(3,4) or ... or C(6,1)
    # where C is a binary constraint that checks
    # whether the value of the two variables have values O and B
    # However the way our checker works, the constraint needs to be
    # expressed as a big AND.
    # So that when any one of the binary constraints
    # fails the entire assignment fails.
    # To turn our original OR formulation to an AND:
    # We invert the constraint condition as:
    #  for all sets of nonadjacent seats
    #     there must *not* exist a pair where O & B are assigned.
    #  not C(1,3) and not C(1,4) and not C(1,5) ... not C(6,4)
    # Here C checks whether the values assigned are O and B.
    # Finally, this is an AND of all the binary constraints as required.

    def OB_not_next_to_each_other(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if (val_a == "O" and val_b == "B") or \
                (val_a == "B" and val_b == "O"):
            return False
        return True

    for pair in nonadjacent_pairs:
            BinaryConstraint(pair[0], pair[1], OB_not_next_to_each_other,
                             "Obama, Biden must be next to each-other"))

    # 3. McCain and Palin must sit next to each other
    def McP_not_next_to_each_other(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if ((val_a == "P" and val_b == "Mc")
                or (val_a == "Mc" and val_b == "P")):
            return False
        return True

    for pair in nonadjacent_pairs:
                pair[0], pair[1], McP_not_next_to_each_other,
                "McCain and Palin must be " + "next to each other"))

    # 4. Obama + Biden can't sit next to Palin or McCain
    def OB_not_next_to_McP(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        if ((val_a == "O" or val_a == "B") \
                and (val_b == "Mc" or val_b == "P")) or \
                ((val_b == "O" or val_b == "B") \
                     and (val_a == "Mc" or val_a == "P")):
            return False
        return True

    for pair in adjacent_pairs:
                pair[0], pair[1], OB_not_next_to_McP,
                "McCain, Palin can't be next " + "to Obama, Biden"))

    # No two seats can be occupied by the same person
    def not_same_person(val_a, val_b, name_a, name_b):
        return val_a != val_b

    for pair in all_pairs:
                pair[0], pair[1], not_same_person,
                "No two seats can be occupied " + "by the same person"))
    return CSP(constraints, variables)
Esempio n. 8
def moose_csp_problem_1():

    # We start with the reduced domain.
    # So the constraint that McCain must sit in seat 1 is already
    # covered.

    domain = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    variables = []

    variables.append(Variable("Mc", [1]))
    variables.append(Variable("O", domain))
    variables.append(Variable("B", domain))
    variables.append(Variable("P", domain))
    variables.append(Variable("M", domain))

    constraints = []

    def next_to(val_a, val_b, name_a=None, name_b=None):
        return val_a == val_b + 1 or val_a == val_b - 1

    def not_next_to(val_a, val_b, name_a=None, name_b=None):
        return val_a != val_b + 1 and val_a != val_b - 1

    # not two people can sit in one seat
    def not_equal(val_a, val_b, name_a=None, name_b=None):
        return val_a != val_b

    # no one can sit in two seats

    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("P", "Mc", next_to, "P next to Mc"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("B", "O", next_to, "B next to O"))
        BinaryConstraint("Mc", "O", not_next_to, "Mc not next to O"))
        BinaryConstraint("Mc", "B", not_next_to, "Mc not next to B"))
        BinaryConstraint("P", "B", not_next_to, "P not next to B"))
        BinaryConstraint("P", "O", not_next_to, "P not next to O"))
        BinaryConstraint("O", "Mc", not_next_to, "O not next to Mc"))
        BinaryConstraint("O", "P", not_next_to, "O not next to P"))
        BinaryConstraint("B", "Mc", not_next_to, "B not next to Mc"))
        BinaryConstraint("B", "P", not_next_to, "B not next to P"))
        BinaryConstraint("M", "P", not_next_to, "M not next to P"))

    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("Mc", "O", not_equal, "Mc != O"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("Mc", "B", not_equal, "Mc != B"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("Mc", "P", not_equal, "Mc != P"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("Mc", "M", not_equal, "Mc != M"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("O", "B", not_equal, "O != B"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("O", "P", not_equal, "O != P"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("O", "M", not_equal, "O != M"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("B", "P", not_equal, "B != P"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("B", "M", not_equal, "B != M"))
    constraints.append(BinaryConstraint("P", "M", not_equal, "P != M"))

    return CSP(constraints, variables)