Esempio n. 1
    def StopVM(self, args):
        ''' Stop the VM '''

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "Running")
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode


        cmd = "aliyuncli ecs StopInstance"
        cmd += " --InstanceId %s" % args.vm_id

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (retcode == 0):
            status = self.GetRunStatus(args)

            # The instance becomes "Stopping" after a successful API request,
            # and the instance becomes "Stopped" after it is stopped successfully.

            if (status != "Stopping"):
                buf = "Asked VM to stop, but status = \"%s\"" % (status)
                retcode = 1
                retcode = self.WaitForRunStatus(args, "Stopped", TIMEOUT_2)

        return retcode  # 0 success, 1 failure
Esempio n. 2
    def GetImageId(self, args):

        # if already have the ID, can skip this step. Note "None" as string from args file

        if (args.image_id != "" and args.image_id != None
                and args.image_id != "None"):
            return 0

            # query name, to return id

        cmd = "aliyuncli ecs DescribeImages"
        cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region
        cmd += " --ImageName \"%s\"" % args.image_name
        cmd += " --ImageOwnerAlias %s" % args.image_owner_alias

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        if (retcode != 0):
            return 1

            # decode the JSON output

        decoded_output = json.loads(output)
        trace(2, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        args.image_id = decoded_output['Images']['Image'][0]['ImageId']
        return 0
Esempio n. 3
    def RestartVM(self, args):  # also known as 'RebootInstance' on Alibaba
        ''' Restarts the VM '''

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "Running")
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode


        cmd = "aliyuncli ecs RebootInstance"
        cmd += " --InstanceId %s" % args.vm_id

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        # currently running, with Alibaba, status never becomes "un-running"
        # durring a restart -- so we check when it FAILS to ping to know if
        # restart actually occured. Then we simply wait till it's back up
        # again - pingable and ssh-able to know it's running

        if (retcode == 0):
            if (args.pingable == 1):
                retcode = self.WaitForPing(args, False, TIMEOUT_2)
                time.sleep(5)  # let VM go down enough so SSH stops (we hope)
                retcode = 0  # fake success, since ping isn't supported

            if (retcode != 0):
                error("never went un-pingable. Did VM restart?")
                retcode = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "Running", TIMEOUT_1)
        return retcode  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 4
    def StopVM(self, args):
        ''' Stop the VM '''

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "running")
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode


        cmd = "aws ec2 stop-instances"
        cmd += " --instance-id %s" % args.vm_id
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (retcode == 0):
            status = self.GetRunStatus(args)

            # The instance becomes "Stopping" after a successful API request,
            # and the instance becomes "Stopped" after it is stopped successfully.

            if (status != "stopping"):
                error("Asked VM to stop, but status = \"%s\"" % (status))
                retcode = 1
                retcode = self.WaitForRunStatus(args, "stopped", TIMEOUT_2)

        return retcode  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 5
    def GetRunStatus(self, args):
        ''' Returns running-state of instance from describe-instance-status '''

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances describe"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note gclould takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describe VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc
        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        run_state = decoded_output['status']

        # returns something like "RUNNING" or "STOPPED"

        return (run_state)
Esempio n. 6
    def ArgSanity(self, parser, args):
        ''' Alibaba Arg sanity checking '''

        rc = 0
        if args.bandwidth_out < 1 or args.bandwidth_out > 200:
            error("bandwidth must be between 1 an 200")
            rc = 1

        return (rc)  # 0 good, 1 stop
Esempio n. 7
    def GetIPSetupCorrectly(self, args):
        ''' called after 'running' status to get IP. Does nothing for Alibaba '''

        if (args.vm_ip == ""):  # this ip value should have been set in Create
            error("No IP for VM: \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return (1)

        # TODO: see if new IP (which we query for RIGHT NOW is different than
        #       the vm_ip that was gathered before. Alibaba is NOT suppose to
        #       change the IP address once it's created for the life of
        #       the VM.. but that's an ass-u-m(e)-tion because it was seen
        #       to move more than once.
        return 0
Esempio n. 8
    def ShowSecurityGroups(self, args):
        ''' Displays all current security groups '''

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs DescribeSecurityGroups'
        cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += " --PageSize 50"  # default is 10, max is 50
        cmd += " --output json"
        cmd += " --filter SecurityGroups.SecurityGroup[].SecurityGroupName"

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the Alibaba command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describing security groups")
            return 1
        print output  # see function below for example of output
        return (0)
Esempio n. 9
    def DeleteSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' deletes the security group '''

        trace(2, "\"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))

        if (args.nsg_id == None):
            error("NSG %s already deleted", args.nsg_name)
            return (1)

        cmd = "aws ec2 delete-security-group"
        cmd += " --group-id %s" % args.nsg_id
        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the AWS command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            return retcode
        args.nsg_id = None  # remove id from args

        return (0)
Esempio n. 10
    def ExistingSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' Does the security group name currently exist ? get it if it does'''

        trace(2, "\"%s\"" % (args.nsg_name))

        if (args.nsg_name == "" or args.nsg_name == None
                or args.nsg_name == "None"):
            error("NetworkSecurityGroup name is \"%s\"" % args.nsg_name)
            return 1

            # Is there a better way to do this than to pull in the entire dictionary
            # and iterate through the keys?

        cmd = "aws ec2 describe-security-groups "  # build the AWS command to create an instance
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the AWS command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describing security groups")
            return 1
        decoded_output = json.loads(output)

        # number of security groups

        items = len(
            decoded_output["SecurityGroups"])  # number of security groups

        # slow search for name

        for idx in range(0, items):
            if (decoded_output["SecurityGroups"][idx]["GroupName"] ==
                args.nsg_id = decoded_output["SecurityGroups"][idx]["GroupId"]
                    2, "%2d %-12s \"%s\"" %
                    (idx, decoded_output["SecurityGroups"][idx]["GroupId"],
                return 0  # found it

            # returns 1 if did not find security group

        trace(2, "Did not find security group: \"%s\"" % args.nsg_name)
        return 1
Esempio n. 11
    def GetImageId(self, args):

        cmd = "aws ec2 describe-images"
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region
        cmd += " --filters Name=name,Values=\"%s\"" % args.image_name
        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        if (retcode != 0):
            sys.exit(1)  # fail to get name, exit script

            # decode the JSON output

        decoded_output = json.loads(output)

        # print json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        args.image_id = decoded_output['Images'][0]['ImageId']  # ami-8ee326f6

        return (0)
Esempio n. 12
    def StartVM(self, args):
        ''' Starts the VM '''

        rc = 1  # assume error
        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

            # get run status and check current state

        status = self.GetRunStatus(args)
        if (status == "running"):
            return 0  # already running, simply return
        elif (status == "stopping"):
            buf = "%s is in %s state, can't start running now" % (args.vm_id,
        elif (status == "stopped" or status == "null"):
            rc = 0  # ok to proceed
            buf = "id %s is in \"%s\" state, not sure can start running" % (
                args.vm_id, status)

        if (rc != 0):
            return rc  # unexpected status


        # start the VM

        cmd = "aws ec2 start-instances"
        cmd += " --instance-id %s" % args.vm_id
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2
        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (retcode == 0):
            rc = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "running", TIMEOUT_1)

        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 13
    def ShowSecurityGroups(self, args):
        ''' Displays all current security groups '''

        cmd = "aws ec2 describe-security-groups "  # build the AWS command to create an instance
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the AWS command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describing security groups")
            return 1
        decoded_output = json.loads(output)
        items = len(
            decoded_output["SecurityGroups"])  # number of security groups
        # trace(2, json.dumps(decoded_output["SecurityGroups"][0], 4, sort_keys = True))

        # returns a list of security groups. display them

        for idx in range(0, items):
            print "%2d %-12s \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (
                idx, decoded_output["SecurityGroups"][idx]["GroupId"],
        return 0
Esempio n. 14
    def RestartVM(self, args):  # also known as 'reboot' on aws
        ''' Restarts the VM '''

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "running")
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode


        cmd = "aws ec2 reboot-instances"
        cmd += " --instance-id %s" % args.vm_id
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        # on aws after "reset", the status never becomes "un-running"
        # anytime durring the reset procss -- so we check when it FAILS
        # to ping to know if estart actually occured. Then we simply wait
        # till it's back up again - pingable and ssh-able to know it's
        # running

        if (retcode == 0):
            if (args.pingable == 1):
                retcode = self.WaitForPing(args, False, TIMEOUT_2)
                time.sleep(5)  # let VM go down enough so SSH stops (we hope)
                retcode = 0  # fake success, since ping isn't supported

            if (retcode != 0):
                error("never went un-pingable. Did VM restart?")
                retcode = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "running", TIMEOUT_1)
        return retcode  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 15
    def DeleteVM(self, args):
        ''' delete the vm and all the pieces '''

        # check for a valid VM id, returns if it's not set, indicating that
        # either a VM hasn't been created, or it was deleted.

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances delete"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems deleting VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc

            # allocated them in Create, we probably need to deallocate them here

        # CSP_Sepecific_Dealloc(stuff...)

        # Is error handled ok? What if problems deleting?  -- instance left around?
        # This cleans out everything in the internal args file, so that user must
        # fully specify any options on the next create. This is the easiest/safest
        # way to make sure any CSP specific ID parmaters, like the VM id also
        # get cleared... Really Big hammer, but squishes everything fairly
        if (rc == 0):  # successful so far?
                args)  # remove file with the persistent id, ip address, ..
            self.m_args_fname = ""  # clear name, so won't write back args when done

        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 16
    def GetIPSetupCorrectly(self, args):
        ''' called after 'running' status to get IP. Does nothing for Alibaba '''

        # On aws, IP address change across stop/start cases.
        # get full description of the instance json record - large
        # from this we can get the public IP address of the instance

        cmd = "aws ec2 describe-instances"
        cmd += " --instance-id %s" % args.vm_id
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        # this return json structure from 'describe-instances' has about 50 values
        # in it that, as the command says, describes the instance. Only need a few
        # of them here.

        decoded_output = json.loads(output)

        args.vm_ip = decoded_output['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0][
        key_name = decoded_output['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['KeyName']

        debug(1, "ip: %s keyname: \"%s\"" % (args.vm_ip, key_name))

        # name of SSH keyfile was sent to Create function when VM was built, and we
        # get a chance to read it back here. Parinoid check to verify that it is
        # the same. This should never happen, but check for safety

        if (key_name != args.key_name):  # cross-check
            error("args.key_name:\"%s\" != version vm thinks its using:\"%s\"",
                  args.key_name, key_name)
            return 1

        return 0
Esempio n. 17
    def GetIPSetupCorrectly(self, args):
        ''' called after 'running' status to get IP. Does nothing for Google '''

        # With google, it looks like the IP address gets changed when restarting
        # from 'stop'. -- SO we must clear it in our stop command !
        # If we don't have IP run "describe" and get it.
        # If we have it, simply return it

        if (args.vm_ip != ""):  # this ip value should have been set in Create
            # print "GetIPSetupCorrectly: already have ip:%s" % args.vm_ip
            return 0  # so we don't need to get it

            # don't have IP value, hopefully VM is in running state and will
            # have a IP that we can get

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances describe"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describe VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc
        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        # ip value that was all that was really needed

        args.vm_ip = decoded_output['networkInterfaces'][0]['accessConfigs'][

        # sanity -- is VM id returned same as what we got from Create?
        # got the value for free, might as well check it

        vm_id = decoded_output['id']
        if (vm_id != args.vm_id):
            error("Sanity - Returned vm_id:%s != vm_id value from create: %s" %
                  (vm_id, args.vm_id))
            return 1

            # check status -- we should be RUNNING

        status = decoded_output['status']
        if (status != "RUNNING"):
            error("Shouldn't we be RUNNING? -- current status is \"$status\"")

        return (0)
Esempio n. 18
    def CreateVM(self, args):
        ''' Creates a new VM. 'args' holds parameters '''

        if (args.vm_id != "None" and args.vm_id != None):
                "Instance \"%s\" already exists, run 'deleteVM' first, or 'clean' if stale arg list"
                % args.vm_id)
            return 1

        args.vm_ip = ""  # make sure IP address is clear

        # ssh key file, builds path from options, checks existance

        retcode = self.CheckSSHKeyFilePath(args, ".pem")
        if (retcode != 0):
            return (retcode)

            # security group, create if neeeded, does nothing if already exists
            # should move this step outside this VM create so that better reflects
            # real VM timing?

        retcode = self.CreateNSG(args)  # sets args.nsg_id
        if (retcode != 0):
            return (retcode)
        trace(2, "nsg_id: \"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))

        # look up image-name, return region specific image id
        # TODO: saw this 'aliyuncli ecs describe-images' fail with network error
        #       check if connection to Alibaba is working before calling this

        if (self.GetImageId(args) != 0):
            return 1
        trace(2, "image_id: \"%s\" %s" % (args.image_name, args.image_id))

        # with security group and image id, we can now create the instance

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs CreateInstance'
        cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += " --ImageId %s" % args.image_id  # m-rj9gjqbdwtwlhtgqjeov"
        cmd += " --SecurityGroupId %s" % args.nsg_id  # sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += " --InstanceType %s" % args.instance_type  # ecs.gn5-c4g1.xlarge
        cmd += " --InstanceName %s" % args.vm_name  # Name to create VM: "newton-gn5-1gpu"
        cmd += " --InternetMaxBandwidthOut %d" % args.bandwidth_out  # 10
        cmd += " --InstanceChargeType %s" % args.charge_type  # PostPaid
        cmd += " --KeyPairName %s" % args.key_name  # baseos-alibaba-siliconvalley

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the Alibaba command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems creating VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return 1

            # decode the JSON output

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure

        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        args.vm_id = decoded_output['InstanceId']

        # with Alibaba, Instances created via CLI are not automatically given a public IP address.
        # To assign a public IP address to the instance you just created
        # note -- this may not work immediatly after creating VM. try a few times

        args.vm_ip = ""
        for retrycnt in range(0, 4):
            cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AllocatePublicIpAddress'
            cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
            cmd += " --InstanceId %s" % args.vm_id  # i-rj9a0iw25hryafj0fm4v
            cmd += " 2> /dev/null"  # don't show errors (the timeout)

            retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmdNoError(
                cmd)  # call the Alibaba command, no errors
            if (retcode == 0):  # check for error code
                decoded_output = json.loads(
                    output)  # convert json format to python structure
                trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
                args.vm_ip = decoded_output['IpAddress']
                break  # got IP we think -- done now

                3 - retrycnt,
                "Problems allocating IP address for %s, retry:%d" %
                (args.vm_id, retrycnt))

        if (args.vm_ip == ""):
            error("Unable to allocating IP address for \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return 1

        # print "args.vm_ip: %s" % args.vm_ip

        # save vm ID and other fields setup here so don't use them if error later
        # do this again later when we are fully started


        # unlike Alibaba or azure, alibaba does not automaticly start an instance
        # when it is created. Start it here to be consistent

        retcode = self.StartVM(args)

        return 0
Esempio n. 19
    def CreateVM(self, args):
        ''' Creates a new VM. 'args' holds parameters '''

        if (args.vm_id != "None" and args.vm_id != None):
                "Instance \"%s\" already exists, run 'deleteVM' first, or 'clean' if stale arg list"
                % args.vm_id)
            return 1

        args.vm_ip = ""  # make sure IP address is clear

        # ssh key file, builds path from options, checks existance

        retcode = self.CheckSSHKeyFilePath(args, ".pem")
        if (retcode != 0):
            return (retcode)

            # security group, create if neeeded, does nothing if already exists
            # consider moving this step outside this VM create so that better
            # reflects real VM timing?

        if (self.CreateNSG(args) != 0):  # sets args.nsg_id
            return 1
        trace(2, "nsg_id: \"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))

        # look up image-name, return region specific image id

        if (self.GetImageId(args) != 0):
            return 1
        trace(2, "image_id: \"%s\" %s" % (args.image_name, args.image_id))

        # with security group and image id, we can now create the instance

        cmd = "aws ec2 run-instances"  # build the AWS command to create an instance
        cmd += " --image-id %s" % args.image_id  # aws image identifer via self.GetImageid()
        cmd += " --instance-type %s" % args.instance_type  # t2.micro
        cmd += " --region %s" % args.region  # us-west-2
        cmd += " --key-name %s" % args.key_name  # my-security-key
        cmd += " --security-group-ids %s" % args.nsg_id  # Security Group

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the AWS command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems creating VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return 1  # nothing to delete, can return

            # decode the JSON output

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure

        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        args.vm_id = decoded_output['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']
        args.vm_ip = ""  # don't have IP we see it running

        # Name your instance! . Done here instead of in run-instances call
        # it's tricky in bash to get space/qoutes right, at least in original bash code where
        # this was orginally written.. :-)


        cmd = "aws ec2 create-tags"
        cmd += " --resource %s" % args.vm_id
        cmd += " --tags Key=Name,Value=%s" % args.vm_name  # unique time-stamped name

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)

        # wait till the instance is up and running, pingable and ssh-able

        if (retcode == 0):
            retcode = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "running", TIMEOUT_1)

            # save vm ID and other fields setup here so don't use them if error later


        debug(2, "createVM returning %d" % retcode)
        return retcode  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 20
def time_test(my_class, outer_loop_value, args):
    ''' generic CSP vm create/stop/start/reset/delete timing test '''

    my_time = TimeClass(outer_loop_value)

    # create/get id for Network Security Group

    ts = my_time.Start()
    rc = my_class.CreateNSG(args)
    my_time.End("createNSG", 0, ts)
    if (rc != 0):
        return rc

    ts = my_time.Start()
    rc = my_class.CreateVM(args)  # args is from parser.parse_args(argv)
    my_time.End("createVM", 0, ts)
    if (rc != 0):
        error("createVM returned %d, stopping test" % rc)
        return rc

        # type of VM created - size, number of CPUs, GPUs... defined by name


    # start/stop/restart loops, default is 2

    loop = 0  # initialize value if loop isn't run (loop_cnt = 0)
    for loop in range(0, args.inner_loop_cnt):
        ts = my_time.Start()
        my_time.End("stopVM", loop, ts)


        ts = my_time.Start()
        my_time.End("startVM", loop, ts)


        ts = my_time.Start()
        my_time.End("restartVM", loop, ts)


        # delete vm

    ts = my_time.Start()
    my_time.End("deleteVM", loop, ts)

    # delete Security Group

    time.sleep(5)  # for alibaba, need a delay before trying to delete NSG
    # immediatly after deleting the VM -- the deleteNSG fails
    ts = my_time.Start()
    my_time.End("deleteNSG", loop, ts)

    # delete the persistent information - VM/NSG id, name..


    # final report

    my_time.SummaryInit(my_class, args)  # caculate any conclusions..
    if (args.summary_report != 0):  # extra possiblly redundant
                              args)  # but nicely formatted user report
    my_time.SummaryLog(my_class, args)  # cut/pasteable format in log file

    # successful return

    return 0
Esempio n. 21
def process_cmd(my_class, argv):

    # first thing, verify that the connection to the CSP is up and
    # running correctly (cli app downloaded, user logged in, etc...)

    rc = my_class.CSPSetupOK()  # csp name dependent function
    if (rc != 0):
            "CSP \"%s\" access is not configured correctly, set it up first" %
        return rc  # unhappy

        # create the main command line argument parser class

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='CSP simple python interface for %s' %

    # common options arguments

    add_common_options(my_class, parser)

    # add in positional arguments

                        help="command to execute, run 'help' for details")
                        help="optional csp specific args run '-h' for details",

    # class specific arguments

    my_class.ArgOptions(parser)  # csp dependent function

    # update the defaults with values saved in file if that file exists


    # actual argument parser, and any CSP class specific checks
    # 'args' here contains all the argument and option values in this order
    #   1) hardcoded defaults in arg-command, or programaticly determined
    #   2) overridden by any value specifed in the saved args from last run (if saved)
    #   3) overridden by any values specified on command line ]
    # Then the command is run
    # Then, At very end of this function, if commands were successful all the
    # option values and computed/inquired values like CSP ID values are written
    # back to a file -- to be picked up in #2 above.

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # set global value used for trace level, as 'args' isn't passed around everywhere


    # CSP class specific arg checks,
    # bail here if something isn't set correctly

    rc = my_class.ArgSanity(parser, args)
    if (rc != 0):
        error("In ArgSanity rc:%d" % rc)
        return (rc)

        # this is the command that is to be run, pull from the args

    cmd = args.command

    # commands to handle the persistent arg list --

    if cmd == "clean":
        my_class.Clean(args)  # cleans out args an other cached files
        return 0
    elif cmd == "args":
        return 0
    elif cmd == "help":
        return 1

        # print args if higher trace level

    if (trace_do(2)):
        print vars(args)
        print "============"
        print "cmd=%s" % cmd

    rc = 0  # return value if forget to set below

    # parse the commands

    if cmd == "validCSP":
        rc = 0  # invalid CSP name errors out above
    elif cmd == "createNSG":
        rc = my_class.CreateNSG(args)
    elif cmd == "deleteNSG":
        rc = my_class.DeleteNSG(args)
    elif cmd == "showNSGs":
        rc = my_class.ShowNSGs(args)
    elif cmd == "createVM":
        rc = my_class.CreateVM(args)  # args is from parser.parse_args(argv)
    elif cmd == "startVM":
        rc = my_class.StartVM(args)
    elif cmd == "stopVM":
        rc = my_class.StopVM(args)
    elif cmd == "restartVM":
        rc = my_class.RestartVM(args)
    elif cmd == "deleteVM":
        rc = my_class.DeleteVM(args)
    elif cmd == "ssh":
        rc, stdoutstr, stderrstr = my_class.Ssh(
            args, True, argv[1:])  # args is historical and incl
    elif cmd == "ping":
        rc = my_class.Ping(args)
    elif cmd == "status":
        rc = my_class.Status(args)
    elif cmd == "show":
        rc = my_class.Show(args)
    elif cmd == "boottime":
        rc, kernel, user, total = my_class.KernelBootTime(args)
        if (rc == 0):
            print("kernel:%s user:%s total:%s" % (kernel, user, total))
    elif cmd == "running":
        rc = my_class.ShowRunning(args)
    elif cmd == "regions":
        rc = my_class.ShowRegions(args)
    elif cmd == "ip":
        rc = my_class.ShowIP(args)
    elif cmd == "test":  # default is 1 outer create/delete loop
        if (args.outer_loop_cnt <= 0):
            error("outer_loop_cnt=0, no tests run")
            for loop in range(0, args.outer_loop_cnt):
                rc = time_test(my_class, loop, args)
                if (rc != 0):
                time.sleep(30)  # time between loops
            if (rc != 0):
                error("Test returned %d" % rc)
        error("Undefined command", cmd)
        rc = 1

        # save all the persistent args values to file after the above commands have
        # run and modified them -- like the VM or SecurityGroup IDs

    if (cmd != "DeleteVM"):

    if rc == None:  # handle "None" return case -- should be an error?
        error("No return code for cmd \"%s\"" % cmd)
        rc = 2

    return rc  # exit code
Esempio n. 22
    def StopVM(self, args):
        ''' Stop the VM '''

        # check for a valid VM id, returns if it's not set, indicating that
        # either a VM hasn't been created, or it was deleted.

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

            # Checks status. Note that "running" string may be CSP specific

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "RUNNING")  # running
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode

            # Stop the VM

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances stop"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems deleting VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        # The CSP may return from the above command once the request
        # for stopping has been received. However we don't want to
        # return from this function until we are actually positive that
        # the VM has compleatly stopped. This check will be CSP specific

        if (rc == 0):
            # make sure our persistant IP address is clear -
            # google changes IP address after stop. So make sure
            # the next time we need it, we go and ask for it

            args.vm_ip = ""

            # get status

            status = self.GetRunStatus(args)

            # CSP specific..
            # The instance becomes "stopping" after a successful API request,
            # and the instance becomes "stopped" after it is stopped successfully.

            if (status != "TERMINATED"):  # "stopping" - transiant state
                error("Asked VM to stop, but status = \"%s\"" % (status))
                rc = 1
                rc = self.WaitForRunStatus(args, "TERMINATED",
                                           TIMEOUT_2)  # stopped

            # return 0 only when the VM is fully stopped

        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 23
    def StartVM(self, args):
        ''' Starts the VM '''

        rc = 1  # assume error

        # check for a valid VM id, returns if it's not set, indicating that
        # either a VM hasn't been created, or it was deleted.

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):  # checks for a valid VM id
            return 1  #

            # Get run status and check current state
            # The strings being checked here may be CSP specific.

        status = self.GetRunStatus(args)
        if (status == "RUNNING"):
            return 0  # already running, simply return
        elif (status == "stopping"):
            buf = "%s is in %s state, can't start running now" % (args.vm_id,
        elif (status == "TERMINATED" or status == "null"):
            rc = 0  # ok to proceed
            buf = "id %s is in \"%s\" state, not sure can start running" % (
                args.vm_id, status)

        if (rc != 0):
            return rc  # unexpected status

            # start the VM

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances start"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems deleting VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        # CSP specific - verify that the VM is fully up and running, and that
        # we have it's IP address and can ssh into it.
        # Some CSP's may return from their StartVM in this state, so this call
        # is optional

        if (rc == 0):
            rc = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "RUNNING", TIMEOUT_1)  # running

            # returns 0 only if VM is fully up and running, we have it's public IP
            # and can ssh into it

        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 24
    def CreateSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' creates security group. saves it in args.nsg_id '''

        trace(2, "\"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))
        error("gcp (google cloud) does not use network security groups")
        return 1
Esempio n. 25
    def ExistingSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' Does the security group name currently exist ? get it if it does'''

        trace(2, "\"%s\"" % (args.nsg_name))
        error("gcp (google cloud) does not use network security groups")
        return 0
Esempio n. 26
    def CreateSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' creates security group. saves it in args.nsg_id '''

        trace(2, "\"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))

        # create security group

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs CreateSecurityGroup'
        cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += " --SecurityGroupName \"%s\"" % args.nsg_name  # "NvidiaSG"

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the Alibaba command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems creating security group")
            return 1

            # decode the JSON output

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure

        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        security_group_id = decoded_output['SecurityGroupId']

        # new Security group ID is saved in the args structure

        args.nsg_id = security_group_id

        # A new security group will not have any rules in it.
        # The following commands will open inbound ports 22 (for SSH),
        # 443 (for HTTPS), and 5000 (for DIGITS6):

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup'
        cmd += ' --RegionId %s' % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += ' --SecurityGroupId %s' % security_group_id  # "sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += ' --IpProtocol tcp --PortRange 22/22 --SourceCidrIp'
        cmd += ' --Policy accept --Description SSH'

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup'
        cmd += ' --RegionId %s' % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += ' --SecurityGroupId %s' % security_group_id  # "sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += ' --IpProtocol tcp --PortRange 443/443 --SourceCidrIp'
        cmd += ' --Policy accept --Description HTTPS'

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup'
        cmd += ' --RegionId %s' % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += ' --SecurityGroupId %s' % security_group_id  # "sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += ' --IpProtocol tcp --PortRange 5000/5000 --SourceCidrIp'
        cmd += ' --Policy accept --Description DIGITS6'

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup'
        cmd += ' --RegionId %s' % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += ' --SecurityGroupId %s' % security_group_id  # "sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += ' --IpProtocol icmp --PortRange -1/-1'  # Is value Ok? (-1/8 for Alibaba?)
        cmd += ' --SourceCidrIp'
        cmd += ' --Policy accept --Description \"Support for ping\"'

        # The following command will open all outbound ports:

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress'
        cmd += ' --RegionId %s' % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += ' --SecurityGroupId %s' % security_group_id  # "sg-rj999tz2kpxehy7obsjn"
        cmd += ' --IpProtocol all --PortRange -1/-1 --DestCidrIp'
        cmd += ' --Policy accept --Description \"All open!\"'
        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the Alibaba command

        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems setting up security group rules")
            return 1

        return 0  # happy return
Esempio n. 27
    def ExistingSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' Does the security group name currently exist ? get it if it does '''

        trace(2, "\"%s\"" % (args.nsg_name))

        if (args.nsg_name == "" or args.nsg_name == None
                or args.nsg_name == "None"):
            error("NetworkSecurityGroup name is \"%s\"" % args.nsg_name)
            return 1

            # can it be found by name? -- get list of all names first

        cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs DescribeSecurityGroups'
        cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
        cmd += " --PageSize 50"  # default is 10, max is 50
        cmd += " --output json"
        cmd += " --filter SecurityGroups.SecurityGroup[].SecurityGroupName"

        retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)  # call the Alibaba command
        if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems describing security groups")
            return 1

            # returns a Json object like:
            #     [
            #        "NexposeSG",
            #        "NewtonSG",
            #        "sg-rj93y8iuj33uosositpw"
            #     ]
            # Use json converter to make it into a list
            #     [u'NexposeSG', u'NewtonSG', u'sg-rj93y8iuj33uosositpw']

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure

        # does the list contain our requested security group name?

        if (args.nsg_name in decoded_output):

            # yes it does, now go back and find the index into the list of names
            # then go back and pull the json record for that idx and filter it
            # for the SecurityGroupId id.

            idx = 0
            for item in decoded_output:
                if (unicode(args.nsg_name) == item):
                    # print "List contains SG name \"%s\" at index %d" % (args.nsg_name, idx)

                    cmd = 'aliyuncli ecs DescribeSecurityGroups'
                    cmd += " --RegionId %s" % args.region  # us-west-1
                    cmd += " --PageSize 50"  # default is 10, max is 50
                    cmd += " --output json"
                    cmd += " --filter SecurityGroups.SecurityGroup["
                    cmd += str(idx)  # index to string
                    cmd += "].SecurityGroupId"

                    retcode, output, errval = self.DoCmd(
                        cmd)  # call the Alibaba command
                    if (retcode != 0):  # check for return code
                        error("Problems describing security groups")
                        return False

                    trace(3, output)

                    # existing Security group ID is saved in the args structure
                    # just to make it more of a pain because it's not hard enough
                    # it's necessary to remove the surrounding qoute charaters from
                    # the group id here

                    args.nsg_id = (output.replace(
                        '"', '')).strip()  # remove surrounding qoutes
                    # use strip() to remove newline
                    trace(2, "args.nsg_id: \"%s\"" % args.nsg_id)
                    return 0
                idx = idx + 1

            # returns 1 if did not find security group

        trace(2, "Did not find security group: \"%s\"" % args.nsg_name)
        return 1
Esempio n. 28
    def CreateVM(self, args):
        ''' Creates a new VM. 'args' holds parameters '''

        if (args.vm_id != "None" and args.vm_id != None):
                "Instance \"%s\" already exists, run 'deleteVM' first, or 'clean' if stale arg list"
                % args.vm_id)
            return 1

            # make sure our persistant IP address is clear

        args.vm_ip = ""

        # public ssh key file, builds path from options, checks existance
        # this sets args.key_file to ""  (better known as "")

        retcode = self.CheckSSHKeyFilePath(args, ".pub")
        if (retcode != 0):
            return (retcode)
        keyfile_pub = args.key_file
        # print "keyfile_pub:%s" % keyfile_pub

        # however other than in the createVM, the private Key file
        # is required for all the local ssh'ing that we will be doing

        retcode = self.CheckSSHKeyFilePath(args, "")
        if (retcode != 0):
            return (retcode)

            # ssh key file, builds path from options, checks existance
            # metadata consists of user name, and the "ssh key" file
            # Note that where we pass azure the name of our public ssh key,
            # with Google the entire public key string is passsed in the metadata
            # Example:
            #     metadata = "ssh-keys=newtonl:ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDbzMfRh2nXbcwqqVjGvMgOqD3FyJHk4hGdXofLfBAsfQtZQbUg208yWqPEdFgPVyw8zwhd2WAEnaRSK6TmNOok5qgCydpjxbqoCNIfdhfOSFl+T6veiibzQ2UyWolxNPaQ4IPE4FdQsNDM37lsQNCFyZfBaqfbTSmDi5W8Odoqf7E2tfXcLD4gsFpexM4bgK43aaOCp/ekCiJi+Y13MJTw5VmLIdLgJZ/40oMRpK6nZcipbkHkVQEV9mLpTKDLG/xvb7gRzFiXbp4qgF9dWQKqIkfL4UNpcKTjYXqmdt2okoeDGVhQ0AnVM1pHKIyVulV5c17jz7wyj+0UaizAFvSh [email protected]"
            # Note: The first few characters of the file is "ssh-rsa AAAAB3..."
            #       don't need to explicitly pass in "ssh-rsa" here. Don't over complicate it
        with open(keyfile_pub, "r") as f:
            ssh_rsa_data =

        metadata = "ssh-keys=%s:%s" % (args.user, ssh_rsa_data)

        # with Google, don't need to create a network security group.
        # mostly inherit defaults from the main scription

        # neat thing with Google, is that we can specify GPU's at VM init time
        # with other CSPs, number/type of GPU's is a function of the "instance_type"

        accelerator_count = 0  # used for delay before ping below
        if (args.accelerator_type != None and args.accelerator_type != ""
                and args.accelerator_type != "None"
                and args.accelerator_count > 0):
            accelerator = "%s,count=%d" % (args.accelerator_type,
            accelerator_count = args.accelerator_count

            # if adding GPUs, add additional info to the VM name
            # Google GPU 'accelerator' types are of form: nvidia-tesla-p100 - too long for VM name which is
            # limited to 61 chars - so strip of last what's after last '-' as name
            # Remember with google, names must all be lowercase numbers/letters

            if (args.vm_name.find("gpu") == -1):  # haven't added "gpu" yet
                type = args.accelerator_type[args.accelerator_type.rfind("-") +
                args.vm_name += "-%dx%sgpu" % (args.accelerator_count, type)
            accelerator = None  # don't assign gpus

            # Create the VM
            # NOTE: with gcp, it's not necessary to assign it Network Security Groups
            #       when creating the VM's -- Called "network firewall rules", they are
            #       added later after the VM is created.

        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " --project \"%s\" " % args.project  # "my-project"
        cmd += "instances create \"%s\"" % args.vm_name  # "pbradstr-Fri-2018Mar02-181931"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # reduces noize output
        cmd += " --machine-type \"%s\"" % args.instance_type  # "n1-standard-1"
        cmd += " --subnet \"%s\"" % args.subnet  # default
        cmd += " --metadata \"%s\"" % metadata
        cmd += " --maintenance-policy \"%s\"" % args.maintenance_policy  # "TERMINATE"
        cmd += " --service-account \"%s\"" % args.service_account  # "*****@*****.**"
        #       cmd += " --scopes %s"                     % args.scopes              #","","","","","" \
        if (accelerator != None):  # optional if we want GPUs
            cmd += " --accelerator type=%s" % accelerator  # nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1"
        cmd += " --min-cpu-platform \"%s\"" % args.min_cpu_platform  # "Automatic"
        cmd += " --image \"%s\"" % args.image_name  # "nvidia-gpu-cloud-image-20180227"
        cmd += " --image-project \"%s\"" % args.image_project  # "nvidia-ngc-public"
        cmd += " --boot-disk-size %d" % args.boot_disk_size  # 32, in GB
        cmd += " --boot-disk-type \"%s\"" % args.boot_disk_type  # "pd-standard"
        cmd += " --boot-disk-device-name \"%s\"" % args.vm_name  #  assume same as VM name

        # To break big command into individual options per line for debugging
        # echo $V | sed -e $'s/ --/\\\n --/g'

        # execute the command

        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems creating VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc

            # Get the returend information, pull out the vmID and (if possible)
            # the public IP address of the VM
            # NOTE: with gcp, IP address is assigned in output from 'create' commmand
            #       don't need to poll for it  (we waited for command to complete instead)

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        # FYI: reason why [0] is user here is that json output format could
        #      possibly supply more than one instance of data. Since our request
        #      is specific to one instance, the [0] grouping is kind of redundant

        args.vm_id = decoded_output[0][
            'id']  # may not actually need the ID, all vm_name based
        args.vm_ip = decoded_output[0]['networkInterfaces'][0][

        # save vm ID and other fields setup here so don't use them if error later
        # actually don't care if it's fully running, (that would be nice) but
        # need to save the VM id here since we need to delete it in any case


        # Google has a habbit of reusing the IP addresses, way more than any other
        # csp that I've tested. But since this is an old IP with a new VM, if that
        # IP exists in the known_hosts file, it's going to cause problems when
        # we try to ssh into it (as will happen right away with "WaitTillRunning"
        # Blow away value in known-hosts now. Note that it's also removed when
        # the VM is deleted... but done here on create if forgot or removed some
        # other way.   (TODO: This step needed on other CSPs ? )


        # quick sanity check -- verify the name returned from the create command
        # is the same as we were given

        returned_name = decoded_output[0]["name"]
        # print("name:%s" % returned_name)
        if (decoded_output[0]["name"] != args.vm_name):
                "sanity check: vm name returned \"%s\" != vm_name \"%s\" given to create command"
                % (returned_name, args.vm_name))
            json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return 1

            # Seeing an error here on gcloud only where
            #      1) VM is up in gcloud web page, and can ssh into it there from the web page
            #      2) the first ping in WaitTillRunning succeeds
            #      3) the ssh in WaitTillRunning fails with a timeout
            #      4) any further ping or ssh fails
            #      5) see #1
            # A delay before the first ping seems to workaround the problem
            # 5 seconds is not enough, got 30% error rates. 10 seconds seems
            # to work at least with"n1-standard-1" instances and no gpus
            # Adding and additional 10 seconds per GPU. Emperical value

        delay = 10 + (accelerator_count * 10)
            "WORKAROUND: external network connect - sleep for %d seconds before ping"
            % (delay))
        time.sleep(delay)  # wait a few seconds before ANY command to vm

        # Another sanity check -- gcp will return from create only once the
        # vm is up and running. This code here (which comes from aws implementation)
        # wait's till we can ping and ssh into the VM. It should take little
        # time here with gcp, but on the other hand it's a good confidence booster
        # to know that we have checked and hav verified that can ping and ssh into
        # the vm.

        if (rc == 0):
            rc = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "RUNNING", TIMEOUT_1)

            # returns 0 only if VM is fully up and running, we have it's public IP
            # and can ssh into it

        debug(2, "createVM returning %d" % rc)
        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure
Esempio n. 29
    def DeleteSecurityGroup(self, args):
        ''' deletes the security group '''

        trace(2, "\"%s\" %s" % (args.nsg_name, args.nsg_id))
        error("gcp (google cloud) does not use network security groups")
        return 1
Esempio n. 30
    def RestartVM(self, args):  # also known as 'reboot' on aws
        ''' Restarts the VM '''

        # check for a valid VM id, returns if it's not set, indicating that
        # either a VM hasn't been created, or it was deleted.

        if (self.CheckID(args) == False):
            return 1

            # can only restart a VM if it's currently running.
            # This "running" string may be CSP specific

        retcode = self.CheckRunStatus(args, "RUNNING")  # running
        if (retcode != 0):
            error("Not running")
            return retcode

            # Restart the VM


        cmd = "gcloud --format=\"json\" beta compute"
        cmd += " instances start"
        cmd += " --zone \"%s\"" % args.region  # "us-west1-b"
        cmd += " --quiet"  # 'quiet' prevents prompting "do you want to delete y/n?"
        cmd += " \"%s\" " % args.vm_name  # note takes VM Name, not a uuid as with aws/azure..
        rc, output, errval = self.DoCmd(cmd)
        if (rc != 0):  # check for return code
            error("Problems deleting VM \"%s\"" % args.vm_name)
            return rc

        decoded_output = json.loads(
            output)  # convert json format to python structure
        trace(3, json.dumps(decoded_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        # this code is CSP specific.
        # on aws after "reset", the status never becomes "un-running"
        # anytime durring the reset procss -- so we check when it FAILS
        # to ping to know if estart actually occured. Then we simply wait
        # till it's back up again - pingable and ssh-able to know it's
        # running
        # Ability to ping the VM is also CSP specific, and is normally
        # setup in the Network Security Group as a specific rule.

        if (retcode == 0):
            if (args.pingable == 1):
                rc = self.WaitForPing(args, False, TIMEOUT_2)
                print "Saw Pingable rc=%d" % rc
                time.sleep(5)  # let VM go down enough so SSH stops (we hope)
                rc = 0  # fake success, since ping isn't supported

            if (rc != 0):
                error("never went un-pingable. Did VM restart?")
                rc = self.WaitTillRunning(args, "RUNNING",
                                          TIMEOUT_1)  # running

            # returns 0 only if VM is fully up and running, we have it's public IP
            # and can ssh into it

        return rc  # 0: succcess, 1: failure