class WaveformCleanerFactory(Factory): """ Factory to obtain a WaveformCleaner. """ name = "WaveformCleanerFactory" description = "Obtain WavefromCleaner based on cleaner traitlet" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(WaveformCleaner) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses] cleaner = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'NullWaveformCleaner', help='Waveform cleaning method to ' 'use.').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits window_width = Int(16, help='Define the width of the pulse ' 'window').tag(config=True) window_shift = Int(8, help='Define the shift of the pulse window from the ' 'peakpos (peakpos - shift).').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.cleaner
class CameraR1CalibratorFactory(Factory): name = "CameraR1CalibratorFactory" description = "Obtain CameraR1Calibrator based on file origin" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(CameraR1Calibrator) subclass_names = [c.origin for c in subclasses] origin = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'hessio', help='Origin of events to be ' 'calibration.').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits pedestal_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to a pedestal file').tag(config=True) tf_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to a Transfer Function file').tag(config=True) adc2pe_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to an adc2pe file').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.origin
class ChargeExtractorFactory(Factory): """ Factory to obtain a ChargeExtractor. """ name = "ChargeExtractorFactory" description = "Obtain ChargeExtractor based on extractor traitlet" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(ChargeExtractor) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses] extractor = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'NeighbourPeakIntegrator', help='Charge extraction scheme to ' 'use.').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits # Would be nice to have these automatically set...! window_width = Int(7, help='Define the width of the integration ' 'window. Only applicable to ' 'WindowIntegrators.').tag(config=True) window_shift = Int(3, help='Define the shift of the integration window ' 'from the peakpos (peakpos - shift). Only ' 'applicable to ' 'PeakFindingIntegrators.').tag(config=True) t0 = Int(0, help='Define the peak position for all pixels. ' 'Only applicable to SimpleIntegrators.').tag(config=True) sig_amp_cut_HG = Int(None, allow_none=True, help='Define the cut above which a sample is ' 'considered as significant for PeakFinding ' 'in the HG channel. Only applicable to ' 'PeakFindingIntegrators.').tag(config=True) sig_amp_cut_LG = Int(None, allow_none=True, help='Define the cut above which a sample is ' 'considered as significant for PeakFinding ' 'in the LG channel. Only applicable to ' 'PeakFindingIntegrators.').tag(config=True) lwt = Int(0, help='Weight of the local pixel (0: peak from neighbours ' 'only, 1: local pixel counts as much as any neighbour). ' 'Only applicable to ' 'NeighbourPeakIntegrator').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.extractor
class DataVolumeReductorFactory(Factory): name = "DataVolumeReductorFactory" description = "Obtain DataVolumeReductor based on reductor traitlet" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(DataVolumeReductor) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses] reductor = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'NeighbourPeakIntegrator', help='Data volume reduction scheme to use for ' 'the conversion to dl0.').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.reductor
class SPEFitterFactory(Factory): """ Factory to obtain a ChargeFitter of type 'spe'. """ name = "SPEFitterFactory" description = "Obtain ChargeFitter based on fitter traitlet" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(ChargeFitter) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses if c.fitter_type == 'spe'] fitter = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'CHECMSPEFitter', help='Charge fitter to use.').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.fitter
class EventFileReaderFactory(Factory): name = "EventFileReaderFactory" description = "Obtain EventFileReader based on file type" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(EventFileReader) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses] reader = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, None, allow_none=True, help='Event file reader to use. If None then ' 'a reader will be chosen based on file ' 'extension').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits # Would be nice to have these automatically set...! input_path = Unicode(get_path('gamma_test.simtel.gz'), allow_none=True, help='Path to the input file containing ' 'events.').tag(config=True) max_events = Int(None, allow_none=True, help='Maximum number of events that will be read from' 'the file').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): if self.reader is not None: return self.reader else: if self.input_path is None: raise ValueError("Please specify an input_path for event file") try: for subclass in self.subclasses: if subclass.check_file_compatibility(self.input_path): return subclass.__name__ raise ValueError except ValueError: self.log.exception("Cannot find compatible EventFileReader " "for: {}".format(self.input_path)) raise
class EventFileReaderFactory(Factory): """ The `EventFileReader` `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory`. This `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory` allows the correct `EventFileReader` to be obtained for the event file being read. This factory tests each EventFileReader by calling `EventFileReader.check_file_compatibility` to see which `EventFileReader` is compatible with the file. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool or None Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs Attributes ---------- reader : traitlets.CaselessStrEnum A string with the `` of the reader you want to use. If left blank, `EventFileReader.check_file_compatibility` will be used to find a compatible reader. """ name = "EventFileReaderFactory" description = "Obtain EventFileReader based on file type" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(EventFileReader) subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses] reader = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, None, allow_none=True, help='Event file reader to use. If None then ' 'a reader will be chosen based on file ' 'extension').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits # Would be nice to have these automatically set...! input_path = Unicode(get_dataset('gamma_test.simtel.gz'), allow_none=True, help='Path to the input file containing ' 'events.').tag(config=True) max_events = Int(None, allow_none=True, help='Maximum number of events that will be read from' 'the file').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): if self.reader is not None: return self.reader else: if self.input_path is None: raise ValueError("Please specify an input_path for event file") try: for subclass in self.subclasses: if subclass.check_file_compatibility(self.input_path): return subclass.__name__ raise ValueError except ValueError: self.log.exception("Cannot find compatible EventFileReader " "for: {}".format(self.input_path)) raise
class CameraR1CalibratorFactory(Factory): """ The R1 calibrator `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory`. This `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory` allows the correct `CameraR1Calibrator` to be obtained for the data investigated. The discriminator used by this factory is the "origin" of the file, a string obtainable from ``. Additional filepaths are required by some cameras for R1 calibration. Due to the current inplementation of `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory`, every trait that could possibly be required for a child `ctapipe.core.component.Component` of `CameraR1Calibrator` must be included in this `ctapipe.core.factory.Factory`. The `CameraR1Calibrator` specific to a camera type should then define how/if that filepath should be used. The format of the file is not restricted, and the file can be read from inside ctapipe, or can call a different library created by the camera teams for the calibration of their camera. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool or None Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs Attributes ---------- origin : traitlets.CaselessStrEnum A string describing the origin of the event file being calibrated. Should be obtained from the `` attribute of the correct `` for the file. pedestal_path : traitlets.Unicode A string containing the path to a file containing the electronic pedestal to be subtracted from the waveforms. How/if this file is used is defined by the `CameraR1Calibrator` specific to the camera. tf_path : traitlets.Unicode A string containing the path to a file containing the transfer function to be applied to the waveforms to fix the non-linearity of the digitiser. How/if this file is used is defined by the `CameraR1Calibrator` specific to the camera. pe_path : traitlets.Unicode A string containing the path to a file containing the conversion coefficients into photoelectrons. How/if this file is used is defined by the `CameraR1Calibrator` specific to the camera. ff_path : traitlets.Unicode A string containing the path to a file containing the flat-field conversion coefficients. How/if this file is used is defined by the `CameraR1Calibrator` specific to the camera. """ name = "CameraR1CalibratorFactory" description = "Obtain CameraR1Calibrator based on file origin" subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(CameraR1Calibrator) subclass_names = [c.origin for c in subclasses] origin = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'hessio', help='Origin of events to be ' 'calibration.').tag(config=True) # Product classes traits pedestal_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to a pedestal file').tag(config=True) tf_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to a Transfer Function file').tag(config=True) pe_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to an pe conversion file').tag(config=True) ff_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True, help='Path to a flat field file').tag(config=True) def get_factory_name(self): return def get_product_name(self): return self.origin