Esempio n. 1
def gentransInputPage(request, model='', header='Generate Transformation Pathways', formData=None):
    import gentrans_parameters
    # from cts_app.models.pchemprop import pchemprop_parameters
    from cts_app.models.chemspec import chemspec_parameters

    html = render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_jquery.html', { 'model': model }) # loads scripts_gentrans.js
    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_start_tabbed.html', {
            'model': model,
            'model_attributes': header

    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_tabbed_nav.html', {
            'nav_dict': {
                'class_name': ["Chemical", "ReactionPathSim"],
                'tab_label': ['Chemical Editor', 'Reaction Pathway Simulator'],
            'nextTabName': 'Reaction Pathway Simulator'

    html = html + str(chemspec_parameters.form(formData)) # Loads the Chemical Speciation tables to the page
    html = html + render_to_string('cts.html', {}) # Builds Marvin JS, lookup table, and results table
    html = html + str(gentrans_parameters.form(formData))
    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_tabbed_end.html', {'sub_title': 'Submit'})

    # Check if tooltips dictionary exists
    # try:
    #     import gentrans_tooltips
    #     hasattr(gentrans_tooltips, 'tooltips')
    #     tooltips = gentrans_tooltips.tooltips
    # except:
    #     tooltips = {}
    # html = html + render_to_string('05cts_ubertext_tooltips_right.html', {'tooltips':tooltips})

    return html
Esempio n. 2
def chemspecBatchInputPage(request, model='', header='Chemical Speciation Properties', formData=None):
    Currently, I'm using these model specific batch input page functions
    for drawing the models' unique input selection. For chemspec, the p-chem
    appears after the user has uploaded a chemical file for batch

    from cts_app.models.chemspec import chemspec_parameters

    # for chemspec batch, use p-chem for selecting inputs for batch data:
    html = """
    <div id="pchem_batch_wrap" hidden>
        <h3>Edit speciation parameters for batch chemicals</h3>
    html += str(chemspec_parameters.form(None))

    html += """
        <div class="input_nav">
            <div class="input_right">
                <input type="button" value="Clear" id="clearbutton" class="input_button">
                <input class="submit input_button" type="submit" value="Submit">

    return html
Esempio n. 3
def pchempropInputPage(request, model='', header='P-Chem Properties', formData=None):
    import pchemprop_parameters
    from cts_app.models.chemspec import chemspec_parameters

    html = render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_jquery.html', { 'model': model}) # loads scripts_pchemprop.js

    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_start_tabbed.html', {
            'model': model,
            'model_attributes': header

    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_uberinput_tabbed_nav.html', {
            'nav_dict': {
                'class_name': ['Chemical', 'ChemCalcs'],
                'tab_label': ['Chemical Editor', 'P-Chem Calculators']
            'nextTabName': 'P-Chem Calculators'

    # chemspec inputs
    html = html + str(chemspec_parameters.form(formData)) # Loads the Chemical Speciation tables to the page
    html = html + render_to_string('cts.html', {})

    # pchemprop inputs
    html = html + render_to_string('cts_pchem.html', {})
    # html = html + str(pchemprop_parameters.form(formData)) # str(pchemprop_properties.form()) returns html table with ids

    html = html + render_to_string('04cts_ubercts_end.html', {'sub_title': 'Submit'})
    # Check if tooltips dictionary exists
    # try:
    #     import pchemprop_tooltips
    #     hasattr(pchemprop_tooltips, 'tooltips')
    #     tooltips = pchemprop_tooltips.tooltips
    # except:
    #     tooltips = {}
    # html = html + render_to_string('05cts_ubertext_tooltips_right.html', {'tooltips':tooltips})

    return html