Esempio n. 1
def qlambdaMOO(name,
    command = [
        classMOO, '_' + QLambda.noInputsConf + ':=' + str(noStateVars),
        '_' + QLambda.noOutputsConf + ':=' + str(noActions),
        '_' + QLambda.sampleCountConf + ':=' + str(noValues),
        '_' + QLambda.logPeriodConf + ':=' + str(logPeriod),
        '_' + QLambda.filterConf + ':=' + str(maxDelay)
    g = NodeGroup("RL", True)
    g.addNode(command, "RL", "java")
    module = NeuralModule(name + '_QLambda', g, False)
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicAlpha, "float", 1)
    # alpha config
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicGamma, "float", 1)
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicLambda, "float", 1)
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicImportance, "float", 1)
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicProsperity, "float", 3)
    # float[]{prosperity, coverage, reward/step}
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicDataOut, "float",
                         noActions)  # decode actions
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicDataIn, "float",
                         noStateVars + 1)  # encode states (first is reward)
    return module
Esempio n. 2
def fuzzyMemTriangle(name):  # ____|\____
    g = NodeGroup("FuzzyMemTriangle", True)
    g.addNode(ftriangle, "FuzzyMemTriangle", "java")
    module = NeuralModule(name + '_FuzzyMemTriangle', g)
    module.createEncoder("logic/gates/ina", "float", 1)  # x
    module.createEncoder("logic/gates/confa", "float", 1)  # alpha
    module.createEncoder("logic/gates/confb", "float", 1)  # beta
    module.createEncoder("logic/gates/confc", "float", 1)  # gamma
    module.createDecoder("logic/gates/outa", "float", 1)  # y
    return module
Esempio n. 3
def qlambdaASM(name, noStateVars=2, noActions=4, noValues=5, logPeriod=100, maxDelay=1,
classname="org.hanns.rl.discrete.ros.sarsa.config.QlambdaCoverageReward", prospLen=3,synchronous=True):
	"""Method that returns synchronous NeuralModule implementing the QLambda algorithm with 
	the ASM inbuilt. Configuration parameters of the node can be found in 
	the javadoc. Number of data inputs (size of the vector) to the module 
	is determined as 1+*noStateVars*, where the first element is the reward value.
	The parameter *maxDelay* describes the number of time-steps in the closed-loop learning, 
	that is: how many time steps the module should wait before change of the state
	to evalueate that the action had no-effect (state of the world has not changed).
	Note: if the configEncoders (config INs) are not connected, the default values
	are sent to the ROS node instead of zeros. So non-configured QLambda module
	will learn with use of predefined parameters. 
	:param string mame: name of the neural module (TODO) to be created
	:param integer noStateVars: number of state variables to be taken into account 
	:param integer noActions: number of actions the node can produce (encoding 1ofN is used)
	:param integer noValues: the number of values that is expected for each state variable (interval [0,1] is sampled)
	:param integer logPeriod: how often to print out the data
	:param integer maxDelay: max delay in the closed-loop learning
	:param string classname: full className of the ROS node to be launched
	:param integer prospLen: size of the vector expected from the nodes prosperity publisher
	:returns: NeuralModule that should be added into the network, the node represents the QLambda ROS node 
	# this command is used to launch the ROSjava node
	command = [classname, '_'+QLambda.noInputsConf+ ':=' + str(noStateVars), 

	# represent the ROS node by means of Neural Module
	g = NodeGroup("RL", True);
	g.addNode(command, "RL", "java");
	module = NeuralModule(name+'_QLambda', g, synchronous)

	# create config IO
	module.createConfigEncoder(QLambda.topicAlpha,"float",QLambda.DEF_ALPHA); 	# alpha config input, def. value is DEF_ALPHA
	module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicImportance,"float",1);					# default value is 0

	# QLambdaCoverageReward classname => float[]{prosperity, coverage, reward/step}
	module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicProsperity, "float", prospLen);			

	# create data IO
	module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicDataOut, "float", noActions)  	# decode actions
	module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicDataIn, "float", noStateVars+1) 	# encode states (first is reward)

	return module
Esempio n. 4
def make(net,
         name='NeuralModule which implements RL SARSA algorithm',

    # full name of the reosjava node to be started
    classname = "org.hanns.rl.discrete.ros.sarsa.config.QlambdaCoverageReward"

    #command to launch and configure the RL rosjava node
    command = [
        classname, '_' + QLambda.noInputsConf + ':=' + str(noStateVars),
        '_' + QLambda.noOutputsConf + ':=' + str(noActions),
        '_' + QLambda.sampleCountConf + ':=' + str(sampleCount),
        '_' + QLambda.logPeriodConf + ':=' + str(logPeriod),
        '_' + QLambda.filterConf + ':=' + str(maxDelay)

    # create a group with a given name
    g = NodeGroup(name, independent)
    g.addNode(command, "rl_sarsa", "java")
    # start and configure the rosjava node
    module = NeuralModule(name + '_QLambda', g)
    # create the neural module representing the node

    # create config IO
    module.createConfigEncoder(QLambda.topicAlpha, "float", QLambda.DEF_ALPHA)
    # alpha config input, def. value is DEF_ALPHA
    module.createConfigEncoder(QLambda.topicGamma, "float", QLambda.DEF_GAMMA)
    module.createConfigEncoder(QLambda.topicLambda, "float",
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicImportance, "float", 1)
    # default value is 0

    # QLambdaCoverageReward classname => float[]{prosperity, coverage, reward/step}
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicProsperity, "float", prospLen)

    # create data IO
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicDataOut, "float",
                         noActions)  # decode actions
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicDataIn, "float",
                         noStateVars + 1)  # encode states (first is reward)

    many = net.add(module)  # add it into the network
Esempio n. 5
def benchmarkTwoR(name, mapName="benchmark", logPeriod=200, synchronous=True):

    command = [bench, '_' + World.logPeriodConf + ':=' + str(logPeriod)]

    noActions = 4
    # hardcoded
    noStateVars = 2

    g = NodeGroup(mapName, True)
    g.addNode(command, name, "java")
    module = NeuralModule(name + '_GridWorld', g, synchronous)
    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicDataOut, "float",
                         noActions)  # decode actions
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicDataIn, "float",
                         noStateVars + 2)  # encode states (first is reward)
    return module
Esempio n. 6
def example(name, logPeriod=200):

    command = [nodep, '_' + World.logPeriodConf + ':=' + str(logPeriod)]

    noActions = 4
    # hardcoded
    noStateVars = 2

    g = NodeGroup("GridWorld", True)
    g.addNode(command, "GridWorld", "java")
    module = NeuralModule(name + '_GridWorld', g, True)

    module.createEncoder(QLambda.topicDataOut, "float",
                         noActions)  # decode actions
    module.createDecoder(QLambda.topicDataIn, "float",
                         noStateVars + 1)  # encode states (first is reward)

    return module
Esempio n. 7
def make(net,name='NeuralModule which implements FuzzyMembership function - Triangular - projectTemplate', 
independent=True, useQuick=True):

    finder = "org.hanns.myPackage.fuzzy.membership.impl.Triangular";

    # create group with a name
    g = NodeGroup(name, independent);   
    g.addNode(finder, "temp_FuzzyMemTriangular", "java");     

    neuron = NeuralModule(name+"_temp_FuzzyMemTriangular", g) 
    neuron.createEncoder("logic/gates/ina", "float",1)   	# termination = data input x 
    neuron.createEncoder("logic/gates/confa", "float",1)	# termination - config input alpha
    neuron.createEncoder("logic/gates/confb", "float",1)	# termination - config input betaa
    neuron.createEncoder("logic/gates/confc", "float",1)	# termination - config input gamma
    neuron.createDecoder("logic/gates/outa", "float",1)  	# origin = output of neuron = data output y

    many=net.add(neuron)                    # add it into the network