def computeNonlinearConstraint(x, y): nlcon = numpy.zeros(len(x)) target_surface = cubit.surface(1) vertex_on_surface = [False for i in range(0, len(x))] # First, determine whether the nonlinear constraint is satisfied for i in range(0, len(x)): vertex_on_surface[i] = target_surface.point_containment( [x[i], y[i], 0.]) # Second, determine the magnitude of the nonlinear constraint value # which is the distance of the point to the closest curve cid = cubit.get_entities("Curve") for i in range(0, len(x)): dist = numpy.zeros(len(cid)) pXYZ = numpy.array([x[i], y[i], 0.]) for c in range(0, 1): C = cubit.curve(cid[c]) cpXYZ = numpy.array(C.closest_point(pXYZ)) dist[c] = numpy.linalg.norm(cpXYZ - pXYZ) if vertex_on_surface[i] == True: # Nonlinear constraint is satisfied nlcon[i] = -1. * numpy.min(dist) else: # Nonlinear constraint not satisfied nlcon[i] = +1. * numpy.min(dist) return nlcon
def __init__(self): self.filename_nodes = 'node_coordinates' self.filename_hex8 = 'cell_connectivity_hex8' self.filename_tet4 = 'cell_connectivity_tet4' # self.hex8 = [] self.tet4 = [] # print "number of volumes = " + str(cubit.get_volume_count()) print "number of hexes in entire mesh: cubit.get_hex_count = " + str( cubit.get_hex_count()) print "number of tets in entire mesh: cubit.get_tet_count = " + str( cubit.get_tet_count()) # for volume in cubit.get_entities("volume"): print "VOLUME " + str(volume) + ":" print " number of elements: " + str( cubit.get_volume_element_count(volume)) hex8_list = cubit.get_volume_hexes(volume) self.hex8 += hex8_list print " number of hexes: " + str(len(hex8_list)) tet4_list = cubit.get_volume_tets(volume) self.tet4 += tet4_list print " number of tets: " + str(len(tet4_list)) # print "number of hexes found while iterating over all volumes: " + str( len(self.hex8)) print "number of tets found while iterating over all volumes: " + str( len(self.tet4))
def getMeshData(): ELEM = cubit.get_entities("tri") NODE = cubit.get_entities("node") nELEM = len(ELEM) nNODE = len(NODE) eCONNECT = numpy.zeros(shape=(nELEM,3),dtype="int64") COORD = numpy.zeros(shape=(nNODE,3),dtype="double") for i in range(0,nELEM): eCONNECT[i,:] = list(cubit.get_connectivity("tri",ELEM[i])) eCONNECT = eCONNECT - 1 for i in range(0,nNODE): COORD[i,:] = list(cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(NODE[i])) return ELEM, NODE, eCONNECT, COORD
def main(linear_number_grains, grain_size, num_elements_grain): ## Create the brick and move the back corner to the origin cubit.cmd("create brick x " + str(linear_number_grains * grain_size)) cubit.cmd("move vertex 7 location 0 0 0 include_merged") xmin, xmax, xrange, ymin, ymax, yrange, zmin, zmax, zrange, diagMeasure = cubit.get_bounding_box( "volume", 1) ## Create the boundary conditions cubit.cmd("sideset 100 surface 3") cubit.cmd('sideset 100 name "bottom"') cubit.cmd("sideset 200 surface 4") cubit.cmd('sideset 200 name "left"') cubit.cmd("sideset 300 surface 2") cubit.cmd('sideset 300 name "back"') cubit.cmd("sideset 400 surface 5") cubit.cmd('sideset 400 name "top"') cubit.cmd("sideset 500 surface 6") cubit.cmd('sideset 500 name "right"') cubit.cmd("sideset 600 surface 1") cubit.cmd('sideset 600 name "front"') ## Webcut sections to make the grains for i in range(0, linear_number_grains): cubit.cmd("webcut volume all with plane xplane offset " + str(grain_size * (i + 1))) cubit.cmd("webcut volume all with plane yplane offset " + str(grain_size * (i + 1))) cubit.cmd("webcut volume all with plane zplane offset " + str(grain_size * (i + 1))) cubit.cmd("imprint all") cubit.cmd("merge all") ## check visually that all interior surfaces are merged cubit.cmd("draw surf with is_merged") ## Set mesh up cubit.cmd("volume all scheme submap") cubit.cmd("volume all size " + str(grain_size / num_elements_grain)) cubit.cmd("mesh volume all") ## Create a separate block for each grain VOL = cubit.get_entities("volume") for i in range(0, len(VOL)): cubit.cmd("Block " + str(i + 1) + " Volume " + str(i + 1)) cubit.cmd("block all element type HEX8") ## And now save the generated mesh cubit.cmd( 'export mesh "~/projects/anteater/problems/geom/rubik_polyxtal.e" dimension 3 block all overwrite' )
import pickle cubit.init(['test', '-nojournal']) cubit.cmd('reset') cubit.cmd('create brick x 4000 y 4000 z 645') cubit.cmd('move volume all x 0 y 0 z +222.5') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane xy move x 0 y 0 z 0') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane xy move x 0 y 0 z 27') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane xy move x 0 y 0 z -7') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane yz move x -500 y 0 z 0') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane yz move x +500 y 0 z 0') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane xz move x 0 y -500 z 0') cubit.cmd('webcut body all with general plane xz move x 0 y +500 z 0') xmin = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[0] xmax = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[1] ymin = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[3] ymax = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[4] zmin = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[6] zmax = cubit.get_total_bounding_box('volume', cubit.get_entities('volume'))[7] cubit.cmd('webcut volume all with cylinder radius 20.0 axis z center 0,0,0') cubit.cmd('webcut volume all with cylinder radius 2.0 axis z center 0,0,0') cubit.cmd('webcut volume all with cylinder radius 1.8 axis z center 0,0,0') for icurve in cubit.get_entities('curve'): l = cubit.get_curve_length(icurve) r1 = 2 * math.pi * 1.8 r2 = 2 * math.pi * 2.0 r3 = 2 * math.pi * 20.0
def geom_cubit_solo(configfile): if not os.path.isfile(configfile): raise Exception("ERR: CONFIG FILE DON'T EXIST !!!") # READ CONFIGFILE cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cf.optionxform = str bathyfile = cf.get('Input', 'bathyfile') slabfile = cf.get('Input', 'slabfile') left_extension = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'left_extension') # (always positive) right_extension = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'right_extension') down_limit = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'down_limit') # (always positive) EET_OP = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'eet_op') # Thickness of the OP Litho EET_DP = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'eet_dp') # Thickness of the DP Litho # backstop_bool=cf.getboolean('Parameters','backstop_bool') # True or False x_backstop = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'backstop_distance') dip_backstop = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'backstop_angle') output_path = cf.get('Output', 'output_path') output_file_prefix = cf.get('Output', 'output_prefix') output_file_suffix = cf.get('Output', 'output_suffix') output_pathfile = output_path + '/' + output_file_prefix + '_' + output_file_suffix + '.exo' dx1 = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'dx_fine') dx2 = cf.getfloat('Parameters', 'dx_coarse') # ======================================================================= # PRIOR DESIGN # ======================================================================= # Loading the BATHY and SLAB files XYbathy = np.loadtxt(bathyfile) XYslab = np.loadtxt(slabfile) # Creating the bottom of the slab XslabBot, YslabBot, _ = rcl.shift_thickness(XYslab[:, 0], XYslab[:, 1], EET_DP) # Creating the bounding points in a dictionnary outpts = rcl.make_bounding_points(XYbathy[:, 0], XYbathy[:, 1], XYslab[:, 0], XYslab[:, 1], EET_OP, EET_DP, down_limit, left_extension, right_extension) # Creating the backstop Xbackstop, Ybackstop = rcl.make_backstop(XYbathy[:, 0], XYbathy[:, 1], XYslab[:, 0], XYslab[:, 1], x_backstop, dip_backstop, dupdown=150) # Adding the 'Bottom_Litho_DP' point to the Litho_DP Bottom rcl.add_point_in_list(XslabBot, YslabBot, outpts['vBottom_Litho_DP']) # Changing the description concept : Bathy & Slab ==> OP & DP Xop, Yop, Xdp, Ydp = rcl.bathyslab_2_OPDPtop(XYbathy[:, 0], XYbathy[:, 1], XYslab[:, 0], XYslab[:, 1]) # Adding the limit points of OP & DP Xop, Yop = rcl.add_point_in_list(Xop, Yop, outpts['vBathy_OP']) Xdp, Ydp = rcl.add_point_in_list(Xdp, Ydp, outpts['vBathy_DP']) # PLOT FOR SECURITY #plt.clf() #plt.axis('equal') #plt.plot(XYbathy[:,0],XYbathy[:,1],'+b') #plt.plot(XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1],'r+-') #plt.plot(XslabBot,YslabBot,'k+-') #plt.plot(Xbackstop,Ybackstop,'*-y') #for p in outpts.viewvalues(): # plt.plot(p[0],p[1],'*k') #plt.plot(Xop,Yop,'b-') #plt.plot(Xdp,Ydp,'r-') # ======================================================================= # CUBIT MESHING # ======================================================================= # Initalisation cubit.cmd('reset') cubit.cmd("#{Units('si')}") # Chargement des courbes rcl.list_2_curve(Xop, Yop, 'Top_Litho_OP') rcl.list_2_curve(Xdp, Ydp, 'Top_Litho_limit_DP') rcl.list_2_curve(XslabBot, YslabBot, 'Bottom_Litho_DP') rcl.list_2_curve(Xbackstop, Ybackstop, 'Backstop') # Chargement des Points Isoles rcl.dico_2_listofvertices(outpts) ## fabrication de "courbes-segments" a partir de vertex v_Bottom_Litho_OP = cubit.vertex( cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Litho_OP')) v_Bathy_DP = rcl.find_extrema( cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name("Top_Litho_limit_DP")), 'r') v_Bathy_OP = rcl.find_extrema( cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name('Top_Litho_OP')), 'l') v_Bottom_Litho_DP = rcl.find_extrema( cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name("Bottom_Litho_DP")), 'r') v_scratch = cubit.vertex(cubit.get_id_from_name('vscratch')) v_Bottom_Astheno_OP = cubit.vertex( cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Astheno_OP')) v_Bottom_Astheno_DP = cubit.vertex( cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Astheno_DP')) # rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP, v_Bottom_Astheno_OP, 'Edge_Astheno_OP') rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP, v_scratch, 'Bottom_Litho_OP_PROTO') rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP, v_Bathy_OP, 'Edge_Litho_OP') rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Astheno_OP, v_Bottom_Astheno_DP, 'Bottom_PROTO') rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bathy_DP, v_Bottom_Litho_DP, 'Edge_Litho_DP') rcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_DP, v_Bottom_Astheno_DP, 'Edge_Astheno_DP') ## Split des courbes rcl.double_split_desc('Bottom_Litho_OP_PROTO', 'Top_Litho_limit_DP') rcl.double_split_desc("Bottom_PROTO", "Top_Litho_limit_DP_1") rcl.double_split_desc("Bottom_PROTO_2", "Bottom_Litho_DP") rcl.double_split_desc("Backstop", "Top_Litho_limit_DP_2") rcl.double_split_desc("Top_Litho_OP", "Backstop_1") rcl.double_split_desc("Top_Litho_limit_DP_2_2", "Top_Litho_OP_2") if True: # ## suppression des petits morceaux rcl.destroy_curve_desc("Top_Litho_limit_DP_1_1") rcl.destroy_curve_desc("Bottom_Litho_DP_1") rcl.destroy_curve_desc("Backstop_2") rcl.destroy_curve_desc("Bottom_Litho_OP_PROTO_2") rcl.destroy_curve_desc("Backstop_1_1") # ## renommage des courbes rcl.rename_curve_desc(7, 'Edge_Litho_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc(5, 'Edge_Astheno_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc(9, 'Edge_Litho_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc(10, 'Edge_Astheno_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_limit_DP_2_1", 'Contact_OP_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_limit_DP_2_2_1", 'Contact_Prism_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Backstop_1_2", 'Contact_Prism_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_OP_2_1", 'Top_Litho_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_OP_2_2", 'Top_Prism') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_OP_1", 'Top_Litho_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Bottom_PROTO_2_2", 'Bottom_Astheno_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Bottom_Litho_DP_2", 'Bottom_Litho_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Bottom_PROTO_1", 'Bottom_Astheno_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Bottom_Litho_OP_PROTO_1", 'Bottom_Litho_OP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Bottom_PROTO_2_1", 'Front_Litho_DP') rcl.rename_curve_desc("Top_Litho_limit_DP_1_2", 'Astheno_Litho_Contact') # # creation des surfaces rcl.create_surface_desc( ["Edge_Astheno_DP", "Bottom_Astheno_DP", "Bottom_Litho_DP"]) rcl.create_surface_desc([ "Front_Litho_DP", "Bottom_Litho_DP", "Edge_Litho_DP", "Top_Litho_DP", "Contact_Prism_DP", "Contact_OP_DP", "Astheno_Litho_Contact" ]) rcl.create_surface_desc([ "Bottom_Astheno_OP", "Astheno_Litho_Contact", "Bottom_Litho_OP", "Edge_Astheno_OP" ]) rcl.create_surface_desc([ "Bottom_Litho_OP", "Edge_Litho_OP", "Top_Litho_OP", "Contact_Prism_OP", "Contact_OP_DP" ]) rcl.create_surface_desc( ["Top_Prism", "Contact_Prism_DP", "Contact_Prism_OP"]) # # renomage des surfaces cubit.surface(1).entity_name('Astheno_DP') cubit.surface(2).entity_name('Litho_DP') cubit.surface(3).entity_name('Astheno_OP') cubit.surface(4).entity_name('Litho_OP') cubit.surface(5).entity_name('Prisme') # Fusion des surfaces cubit.cmd('delete vertex all') cubit.cmd('imprint all') cubit.cmd('merge all') cubit.cmd('stitch volume all') rcl.rename_curve_desc(45, 'Astheno_Litho_Contact') cubit.cmd('surface all scheme trimesh') cubit.cmd('curve all scheme default') cubit.cmd('surface all sizing function none') # nouveau decoupage des courbes rcl.curver_desc("Contact_Prism_DP", dx1) rcl.curver_desc("Contact_Prism_OP", dx1) rcl.curver_desc("Top_Prism", dx1) rcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Litho_DP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Astheno_OP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Front_Litho_DP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Astheno_DP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Edge_Astheno_OP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Edge_Litho_OP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Edge_Astheno_DP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Edge_Litho_DP", dx2) rcl.curver_desc("Contact_OP_DP", dx1) rcl.curver_start_end_desc("Bottom_Litho_OP", dx1, dx2, 'l') rcl.curver_start_end_desc("Top_Litho_OP", dx1, dx2, 'l') rcl.curver_start_end_desc("Top_Litho_DP", dx1, dx2, 'r') rcl.curver_start_end_desc("Astheno_Litho_Contact", dx1, dx2, 'l') # fabrication du mesh cubit.cmd('mesh surface all') cubit.cmd('surface all smooth scheme condition number beta 1.7 cpu 10') cubit.cmd('smooth surface all') cubit.cmd('surface 1 size auto factor 5') ## Fabrication de groupe et de nodeset for i, s in enumerate(cubit.get_entities("surface")): S = cubit.surface(s) cubit.cmd('block ' + str(i + 1) + ' surface ' + S.entity_name()) cubit.cmd('block ' + str(i + 1) + ' name "' + S.entity_name() + ' "') rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc( ['Astheno_Litho_Contact', 'Contact_OP_DP', 'Contact_Prism_DP'], "fault_top", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc( ['Top_Litho_OP', 'Top_Prism', 'Top_Litho_DP'], "ground_surface", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Bottom_Litho_OP'], "bottom_litho_OP", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Bottom_Litho_DP'], "bottom_litho_DP", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Litho_OP'], "edge_litho_OP", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Litho_DP'], "edge_litho_DP", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Front_Litho_DP'], "front_litho_DP", 20) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Contact_Prism_OP'], "contact_prism_OP", 20, ['fault_top']) print 'ca chie' rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc( ['Bottom_Astheno_DP', 'Bottom_Astheno_OP'], "bottom_astheno", 20, ['front_litho_DP']) print 'ca chie 2' rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Astheno_DP'], "edge_astheno_DP", 20, ['edge_litho_DP']) rcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Astheno_OP'], "edge_astheno_OP", 20, ['edge_litho_OP']) # ecriture fichier final cubit.cmd('export mesh "' + output_pathfile + '" dimension 2 overwrite') return None
def makeGeometry(self): for p in self.points: geo.createVertex(p[0],p[1],p[2]) heap = [self.root] while not (len(heap) == 0): atual = heap.pop() lineID = geo.createLine(atual.initialPoint+1, atual.finalPoint+1) atual.index = lineID if atual.son1 is not None: heap.append(atual.son1) if atual.son2 is not None: heap.append(atual.son2) heap = [self.root] count = 0 while not (len(heap) == 0): count += 1 if count < 15000: atual = heap.pop() else: break if atual.root is None: circleI = geo.createCircleNormal(atual.initialPoint+1, atual.radius, atual.index) else: circleI = if atual.nSplit > 0 and atual.nSplit < 6: ip = self.points[atual.initialPoint] fp = self.points[atual.finalPoint] lenght = geo.distance(ip, fp) t=(lenght-atual.getRadius()[1])/lenght ref = [(1-t)*ip[0]+t*fp[0],((1-t)*ip[1]+t*fp[1]),((1-t)*ip[2]+t*fp[2])] circleF = self.genArcFull(atual, atual.finalPoint+1, ref) if circleF == -1: circleF = geo.createCircleNormal(atual.finalPoint+1, atual.radius, atual.index) else: circleF = geo.createCircleNormal(atual.finalPoint+1, atual.radius, atual.index) atual.circleI = circleI atual.circleF = circleF if atual.son1 is not None and atual.son2 is not None: self.genSons(atual) if atual.son1.son1 is not None: heap.append(atual.son1.son1) if atual.son1.son2 is not None: heap.append(atual.son1.son2) if atual.son2.son1 is not None: heap.append(atual.son2.son1) if atual.son2.son2 is not None: heap.append(atual.son2.son2) else: if atual.son1 is not None: = circleF#geo.copyCurve(circleF) heap.append(atual.son1) self.genSurfaces() self.genVolumes() self.vol = cubit.get_entities("volume")[0] bb = geo.createBoudingBox(self.vol, self.root.radius) #cubit.cmd("brick x 20000 y 20000 z 20000") #cubit.cmd("create sphere radius 15100") #bb = cubit.get_last_id("volume") #cubit.cmd("move Volume %d location 0 0 0" % (self.vol)) #print cubit.volume(bb).volume() #self.vol = geo.subtractVolumes(bb, self.vol) self.vol = bb cubit.cmd('Color Define "%s" RGB %f %f %f' % ("darkred", 0.75,0,0)) geo.colorVolume(self.vol,'user "darkred"')
def makeGeometry(x, y): status = 0 cubit.cmd("reset") cubit.cmd('open "circleGeom.trelis"') cubit.cmd("compress ids") num_base_vertex = len(cubit.get_entities("vertex")) x = numpy.array(x) y = numpy.array(y) target_surface = cubit.surface(1) vertex_on_surface = numpy.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) for i in range(0, len(x)): vertex_on_surface[i] = target_surface.point_containment( [x[i], y[i], 0.]) if vertex_on_surface[i] == True: cubit.cmd("create vertex " + str(x[i]) + " " + str(y[i]) + " 0 on surface 1") nlcon = computeNonlinearConstraint(x, y) sys.stdout.write("Nonlinear Constraints: ") sys.stdout.write(str(nlcon)) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() X = x[vertex_on_surface] Y = y[vertex_on_surface] num_active_pins = len(X) if num_active_pins == 0: # No pins on board, return with nonlinear constraint values status = 1 return status, [], [], nlcon V = cubit.get_list_of_free_ref_entities("vertex") for i in range(0, len(V)): cubit.cmd("imprint volume all with vertex " + str(V[i])) cubit.cmd("delete free vertex all") cubit.cmd("compress ids") #for i in range(0,len(V)): # cubit.cmd("nodeset 1 add vertex " + str(V[i])) cubit.cmd("surface all size 0.2") cubit.cmd("mesh surf all") cubit.cmd("surface all smooth scheme mean ratio cpu 0.1") cubit.cmd("smooth surf all") cubit.cmd("compress ids") V = numpy.zeros(num_active_pins, dtype=int) #N = numpy.zeros(num_active_pins, dtype=int) bc_xyz = [[] for i in range(0, num_active_pins)] cubit.cmd('create group "cf_crease_entities"') for i in range(0, num_active_pins): bc_xyz[i] = [X[i], Y[i], 0.] N = cubit.parse_cubit_list( "node", " at " + str(X[i]) + " " + str(Y[i]) + " 0.") for n in range(0, len(N)): nodeEdges = cubit.parse_cubit_list("edge", "in node " + str(N[n])) for e in range(0, len(nodeEdges)): cubit.cmd("cf_crease_entities add Edge " + str(nodeEdges[e])) EinC = cubit.parse_cubit_list("edge", " in curve 1") #for e in range(0,len(EinC)): # cubit.cmd("cf_crease_entities add Edge " + str(EinC[e])) VinC = cubit.parse_cubit_list("node", " in curve 1") for n in range(0, len(VinC)): nxyz = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(VinC[n]) bc_xyz.append(list(nxyz)) N = cubit.parse_cubit_list( "node", " at " + str(nxyz[0]) + " " + str(nxyz[1]) + " 0.") for n in range(0, len(N)): nodeEdges = cubit.parse_cubit_list("edge", "in node " + str(N[n])) for e in range(0, len(nodeEdges)): if nodeEdges[e] in EinC: pass else: cubit.cmd("cf_crease_entities add Edge " + str(nodeEdges[e])) #V = cubit.get_entities("vertex")[num_base_vertex:] #cubit.cmd('create group "cf_crease_entities"') #bc_xyz = [[] for i in range(0,len(V))] #for i in range(0,len(V)): # #ssID = cubit.get_next_sideset_id() # bc_xyz[i] = list(cubit.vertex(V[i]).coordinates()) # cubit.parse_cubit_list("vertex", "at " + str(bc_) # N = cubit.get_vertex_node(V[i]) # nodeEdges = cubit.parse_cubit_list('edge','in node ' + str(N)) # for e in range(0,len(nodeEdges)): # #cubit.cmd("sideset " + str(ssID) + " add Edge " + str(nodeEdges[e])) # cubit.cmd("cf_crease_entities add Edge " + str(nodeEdges[e])) # #cubit.cmd("sideset " + str(ssID) + ' name "node_' + str(N) + '_edges"') cubit.cmd('save as "mesh.cub" overwrite') num_elem = len(cubit.get_entities("Face")) return status, bc_xyz, num_elem, nlcon
def makeGeometry(x, y): status = 0 cubit.cmd("reset") cubit.cmd('open "pcb_geom.trelis"') cubit.cmd("compress ids") x = numpy.array(x) y = numpy.array(y) sys.stdout.write("PIN-X = " + str(x) + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() # Test to see if the vertex is contained on the target surface target_surface = cubit.surface(2) # Target surface is id = 2 vertex_on_surface = numpy.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) for i in range(0, len(x)): vertex_on_surface[i] = target_surface.point_containment( [x[i], y[i], 0.]) X = x[vertex_on_surface] Y = y[vertex_on_surface] # Compute Nonlinear Constraints nlcon = computeNonlinearConstraint(x, y) sys.stdout.write("Nonlinear Constraints: ") sys.stdout.write(str(nlcon)) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() num_active_pins = len(X) sys.stdout.write("#" * 10 + "NUMBER OF ACTIVE PINS = " + str(num_active_pins) + "#" * 10 + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() if num_active_pins == 0: # No pins on board, return with nonlinear constraint values status = 1 return status, [], [], nlcon # Delete the target surface -- we don't need it anymore cubit.cmd("delete vol 2") cubit.cmd("compress ids") # Imprint circles on the geometry surface # Get initial curve ids C = cubit.get_entities("curve") for i in range(0, num_active_pins): cubit.cmd( "webcut volume all with cylinder radius 2.75 axis z center " + str(X[i]) + " " + str(Y[i]) + " 0.") #cubit.cmd("create curve arc radius 2.75 center location " + str(X[i]) + " " + str(Y[i]) + " 0 normal 0 0 1 start angle 0 stop angle 360 ") cubit.cmd("imprint all") cubit.cmd("merge all") cubit.cmd("stitch volume all") cubit.cmd("compress ids") #CF = cubit.get_list_of_free_ref_entities("curve") #for i in range(0,len(CF)): # cubit.cmd("partition create surface all curve " + str(CF[i])) #cubit.cmd("delete free curve all") cubit.cmd("compress ids") # Mesh the pin surfaces first S = cubit.get_entities("surface") for i in range(0, len(S)): if cubit.surface(S[i]).area() <= (1.1 * numpy.pi * (2.75**2)): cubit.cmd("surface " + str(S[i]) + " size 4") cubit.cmd("surface " + str(S[i]) + " scheme circle") cubit.cmd("mesh surface " + str(S[i])) else: board_surf_id = S[i] # Now mesh the board cubit.cmd("surface " + str(board_surf_id) + " size 10") cubit.cmd("mesh surface " + str(board_surf_id)) # Smooth the surface mesh cubit.cmd("surface all smooth scheme mean ratio cpu 0.1") cubit.cmd("smooth surf all") # Set the BC edges to be creased to C^0 cubit.cmd('create group "cf_crease_entities"') S_BC = cubit.get_entities("surface") for i in range(0, len(S_BC)): if S_BC[i] == board_surf_id: pass else: surf_edges = cubit.parse_cubit_list("edge", "in surface " + str(S_BC[i])) for e in range(0, len(surf_edges)): cubit.cmd("group 2 add edge " + str(surf_edges[e])) ### Prepare function return ### num_elem = len(cubit.get_entities("Face")) # Package the pin locations for function return bc_xyz = [] for i in range(0, len(X)): bc_xyz.append([X[i], Y[i], 0.]) # Save the cubit file cubit.cmd('save as "mesh.cub" overwrite') return status, bc_xyz, num_elem, nlcon
def geom_cubit_main(configfile): if not os.path.isfile(configfile) : raise Exception("ERR: CONFIG FILE DON'T EXIST !!!") # READ CONFIGFILE cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() experience_name = cf.get('Input','experience_name') bathyfile = cf.get('Input','bathyfile') slabfile = cf.get('Input','slabfile') left_extension=cf.getfloat('Parameters','left_extension') # (always positive) right_extension=cf.getfloat('Parameters','right_extension') down_limit=cf.getfloat('Parameters','down_limit') # (always positive) EET_OP=cf.getfloat('Parameters','EET_OP') # Thickness of the OP Litho EET_DP=cf.getfloat('Parameters','EET_DP') # Thickness of the DP Litho backstop_bool=cf.getboolean('Parameters','backstop_bool') # True or False x_backstop=cf.getfloat('Parameters','x_backstop') dip_backstop=cf.getfloat('Parameters','dip_backstop') output_path=cf.get('Output','output_path') output_file_prefix=cf.get('Output','output_file_prefix') output_pathfile = output_path + '/' + output_file_prefix + '_' + experience_name + '.exo' # ======================================================================= # PRIOR DESIGN # ======================================================================= # Loading the BATHY and SLAB files XYbathy = np.loadtxt(bathyfile) XYslab = np.loadtxt(slabfile) # Creating the bottom of the slab XslabBot,YslabBot,_ = gcl.shift_thickness(XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1],EET_DP) # Creating the bounding points in a dictionnary outpts = gcl.make_bounding_points(XYbathy[:,0],XYbathy[:,1],XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1],EET_OP,EET_DP,down_limit,left_extension,right_extension) # Creating the backstop Xbackstop,Ybackstop = gcl.make_backstop(XYbathy[:,0],XYbathy[:,1],XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1],x_backstop,dip_backstop,dupdown=150) # Adding the 'Bottom_Litho_DP' point to the Litho_DP Bottom gcl.add_point_in_list(XslabBot,YslabBot,outpts['vBottom_Litho_DP']) # Changing the description concept : Bathy & Slab ==> OP & DP Xop,Yop,Xdp,Ydp = gcl.bathyslab_2_OPDPtop(XYbathy[:,0],XYbathy[:,1],XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1]) # Adding the limit points of OP & DP Xop,Yop = gcl.add_point_in_list(Xop,Yop,outpts['vBathy_OP']) Xdp,Ydp = gcl.add_point_in_list(Xdp,Ydp,outpts['vBathy_DP']) # PLOT FOR SECURITY #plt.clf() #plt.axis('equal') #plt.plot(XYbathy[:,0],XYbathy[:,1],'+b') #plt.plot(XYslab[:,0],XYslab[:,1],'r+-') #plt.plot(XslabBot,YslabBot,'k+-') #plt.plot(Xbackstop,Ybackstop,'*-y') #for p in outpts.viewvalues(): # plt.plot(p[0],p[1],'*k') #plt.plot(Xop,Yop,'b-') #plt.plot(Xdp,Ydp,'r-') # ======================================================================= # CUBIT MESHING # ======================================================================= # Initalisation cubit.cmd('reset') cubit.cmd("#{Units('si')}") # Chargement des courbes gcl.list_2_curve(Xop,Yop,'Top_Litho_OP') gcl.list_2_curve(Xdp,Ydp,'Top_Litho_limit_DP') gcl.list_2_curve(XslabBot,YslabBot,'Bottom_Litho_DP') gcl.list_2_curve(Xbackstop,Ybackstop,'Backstop') # Chargement des Points Isolés gcl.dico_2_listofvertices(outpts) ## fabrication de "courbes-segments" a partir de vertex v_Bottom_Litho_OP = cubit.vertex(cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Litho_OP')) v_Bathy_DP = gcl.find_extrema(cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name("Top_Litho_limit_DP")),'r') v_Bathy_OP = gcl.find_extrema(cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name('Top_Litho_OP')),'l') v_Bottom_Litho_DP = gcl.find_extrema(cubit.curve(cubit.get_id_from_name("Bottom_Litho_DP")),'r') v_scratch = cubit.vertex(cubit.get_id_from_name('vscratch')) v_Bottom_Astheno_OP = cubit.vertex(cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Astheno_OP')) v_Bottom_Astheno_DP = cubit.vertex(cubit.get_id_from_name('vBottom_Astheno_DP')) # gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP,v_Bottom_Astheno_OP,'Edge_Astheno_OP') gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP,v_scratch,'Bottom_Litho_OP_PROTO') gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_OP,v_Bathy_OP,'Edge_Litho_OP') gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Astheno_OP,v_Bottom_Astheno_DP,'Bottom_PROTO') gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bathy_DP,v_Bottom_Litho_DP,'Edge_Litho_DP') gcl.vertices_2_curve(v_Bottom_Litho_DP,v_Bottom_Astheno_DP,'Edge_Astheno_DP') ## Split des courbes gcl.double_split_desc(2,6) gcl.double_split_desc(8,11) gcl.double_split_desc(16,3) gcl.double_split_desc(4,12) gcl.double_split_desc(1,23) gcl.double_split_desc(26,28) ## suppression des petits morceaux gcl.destroy_curve(cubit.curve(14)) gcl.destroy_curve(cubit.curve(24)) gcl.destroy_curve(cubit.curve(17)) gcl.destroy_curve(cubit.curve(21)) gcl.destroy_curve(cubit.curve(29)) ## renommage des courbes gcl.rename_curve_desc(7,'Edge_Litho_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(5,'Edge_Astheno_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(9,'Edge_Litho_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(10,'Edge_Astheno_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(25,'Contact_OP_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(31,'Contact_Prism_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(30,'Contact_Prism_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(32,'Top_Litho_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(33,'Top_Prism') gcl.rename_curve_desc(27,'Top_Litho_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(20,'Bottom_Astheno_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(22,'Bottom_Litho_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(15,'Bottom_Astheno_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(13,'Bottom_Litho_OP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(19,'Front_Litho_DP') gcl.rename_curve_desc(18,'Astheno_Litho_Contact') # creation des surfaces gcl.create_surface_desc([10,20,22]) gcl.create_surface_desc([19,18,25,31,32,9,22]) gcl.create_surface_desc([13,18,15,5]) gcl.create_surface_desc([13,7,27,30,25]) gcl.create_surface_desc([30,31,33]) # renomage des surfaces cubit.surface(1).entity_name('Astheno_DP') cubit.surface(2).entity_name('Litho_DP') cubit.surface(3).entity_name('Astheno_OP') cubit.surface(4).entity_name('Litho_OP') cubit.surface(5).entity_name('Prisme') # Fusion des surfaces cubit.cmd('delete vertex all') cubit.cmd('imprint all') cubit.cmd('merge all') cubit.cmd('stitch volume all') cubit.cmd('surface all scheme trimesh') cubit.cmd('curve all scheme default') cubit.cmd('surface all sizing function none') # nouveau decoupage des courbes dx1 = 4.0 dx2 = 25.0 dx3 = 8 b1=1.1 gcl.curver_desc("Contact_Prism_DP",dx1) gcl.curver_desc("Contact_Prism_OP",dx1) gcl.curver_desc("Top_Prism",dx1) gcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Litho_DP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Astheno_OP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Front_Litho_DP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Bottom_Astheno_DP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Edge_Astheno_OP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Edge_Litho_OP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Edge_Astheno_DP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Edge_Litho_DP",dx2) gcl.curver_desc("Contact_OP_DP",dx1) gcl.curver_start_end_desc("Bottom_Litho_OP",dx1,dx2,'l') gcl.curver_start_end_desc("Top_Litho_OP",dx1,dx2,'l') gcl.curver_start_end_desc("Top_Litho_DP",dx1,dx2,'r') gcl.curver_start_end_desc("Astheno_Litho_Contact",dx1,dx2,'l') # fabrication du mesh cubit.cmd('mesh surface all') cubit.cmd('surface all smooth scheme condition number beta 1.7 cpu 10') cubit.cmd('smooth surface all') cubit.cmd('surface 1 size auto factor 5') ## Fabrication de groupe et de nodeset for i,s in enumerate(cubit.get_entities("surface")): S = cubit.surface(s) cubit.cmd('block ' + str(i+1) + ' surface ' + S.entity_name()) cubit.cmd('block ' + str(i+1) + ' name "' + S.entity_name() + ' "' ) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Astheno_Litho_Contact','Contact_OP_DP','Contact_Prism_DP'],"fault_top",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Top_Litho_OP','Top_Prism','Top_Litho_DP'],"ground_surface",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Bottom_Litho_OP'],"bottom_litho_OP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Bottom_Litho_DP'],"bottom_litho_DP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Bottom_Astheno_DP','Bottom_Astheno_OP'],"bottom_astheno",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Litho_OP'],"edge_litho_OP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Litho_DP'],"edge_litho_DP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Astheno_OP'],"edge_astheno_OP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Edge_Astheno_DP'],"edge_astheno_DP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Front_Litho_DP'],"front_litho_DP",20) gcl.create_group_nodeset_desc(['Contact_Prism_OP'],"contact_prism_OP",20) # ecriture fichier final cubit.cmd('export mesh "' + output_pathfile + '" dimension 2 overwrite') return None