def _subst(self, which, wdex):
        """ Do completion.
                which   Which variant to use
                            'next' / 'prev' / '#N'
                wdex    What list to use
                            'word' / 'expr' / 'curr'
        #LOG and log('which, wdex={}',(which, wdex))
        if wdex!='curr' and \
           not self._prep_sess(wdex):
        if not self.sess.bids:
            return app.msg_status(_('No in-text completions'))
        shft = 1 if which == 'next' else -1 if which == 'prev' else 0
        bids_i  = int(which)                if which.isdigit()  else \
                  self.sess.bids_i + shft   if self.incr_bfr    else \
        bids_i = bids_i % len(self.sess.bids)
        sub_s = self.sess.bids[bids_i]
        add_s = sub_s[len(self.sess.src_what):]
        #LOG and log('i, sub_s, add_s={}',(bids_i, sub_s, add_s))

        if self.sess.added:
            #LOG and log('undo mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        ed.delete(self.sess.src_kill_b, self.sess.row, self.sess.src_kill_e,
        #LOG and log('kill mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        ed.insert(self.sess.src_what_e, self.sess.row, add_s)
        #LOG and log('insr mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        self.sess.added = True
        if False: pass
        elif self.sess.sel_sub == 'be':
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_e + len(add_s), self.sess.row,
                         self.sess.src_what_b, self.sess.row)
        elif self.sess.sel_sub == 'eb':
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_b, self.sess.row,
                         self.sess.src_what_e + len(add_s), self.sess.row)
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_e + len(add_s), self.sess.row)
#           ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_crt,                 self.sess.row)
        self.sess.pre_mver = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION)
        self.sess.pre_crt0 = ed.get_carets()[0]

        #       next_i      = (self.sess.bids_i+shft) % len(self.sess.bids)
        #       next_info   = '' if 1==len(self.sess.bids) else \
        #                     f(_('. Next #{}: "{}"'), next_i, self.sess.bids[next_i][:50])
        #       app.msg_status(f(_('In-text completion #{} ({}){}'), 1+self.sess.bids_i, len(self.sess.bids), next_info))
            f(_('In-text completion #{} ({})'), 1 + self.sess.bids_i,
        #       shft                = 1 if which=='next' or which[0]=='#' else -1
        self.sess.bids_i = bids_i
        self.incr_bfr = True
Esempio n. 2
    def duplicate(self):
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_NORM_SEL_MODE.format(DUPLICATION))

        crts = ed.get_carets()
        if len(crts) > 1:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_SINGLE_CRT.format(DUPLICATION))

        (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) = crts[0]
        bEmpSel = -1 == rEnd
        bUseFLn = get_opt('duplicate_full_line_if_no_sel', True)
        bSkip = get_opt('duplicate_move_down', True)
        if bEmpSel:
            if not bUseFLn:
            # Dup whole row
            row_txt = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
            ed.insert(0, rCrt, row_txt + '\n')

            # Move crt to next row
            if bSkip and (rCrt + 1) < ed.get_line_count():
                _move_caret_down(cCrt, rCrt)

        (rFr, cFr), (rTo, cTo) = minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
        #LOG and log('(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo) ={}',(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo))
        sel_txt = ed.get_text_substr(cFr, rFr, cTo, rTo)
        #LOG and log('sel_txt={}',repr(sel_txt))
        ed.insert(cFr, rFr, sel_txt)
Esempio n. 3
    def duplicate(self):
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_NORM_SEL_MODE.format(DUPLICATION))

        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        if len(crts)>1:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_SINGLE_CRT.format(DUPLICATION))

        (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd)    = crts[0]
        if -1==cEnd:
            # Empty sel -- dup whole row
            row_txt    = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
            ed.insert(0, rCrt, row_txt+'\n')

            # Move crt to next row
            if (rCrt+1)<ed.get_line_count():
                colCrt  = pos2pos(cCrt  , rCrt,   'smb2col')
                smbCrt1 = pos2pos(colCrt, rCrt+1, 'col2smb')
                ed.set_caret(smbCrt1, rCrt+1)

        (rFr, cFr), (rTo, cTo)  = minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
        #pass;                   LOG and log('(cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd)={}',(cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd))
        pass;                   LOG and log('(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo) ={}',(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo))
        sel_txt = ed.get_text_substr(cFr, rFr, cTo, rTo)
        pass;                   LOG and log('sel_txt={}',repr(sel_txt))
        ed.insert(cFr, rFr, sel_txt)
        if -1==rEnd: # or rCrt==rEnd:
            # Move crt to next row
            colCrt  = pos2pos(cCrt  , rCrt,   'smb2col')
            smbCrt1 = pos2pos(colCrt, rCrt+1, 'col2smb')
            ed.set_caret(smbCrt1, rCrt+1)
Esempio n. 4
    def duplicate(self):
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_NORM_SEL_MODE.format(DUPLICATION))

        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        if len(crts)>1:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_SINGLE_CRT.format(DUPLICATION))

        (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd)    = crts[0]
        bEmpSel = -1==rEnd
        bUseFLn = get_opt('duplicate_full_line_if_no_sel', True)
        bSkip   = get_opt('duplicate_move_down', True)
        if bEmpSel:
            if not bUseFLn:
            # Dup whole row
            row_txt    = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
            ed.insert(0, rCrt, row_txt+'\n')

            # Move crt to next row
            if bSkip and (rCrt+1)<ed.get_line_count():
                _move_caret_down(cCrt, rCrt)

        (rFr, cFr), (rTo, cTo)  = minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
        pass;                  #LOG and log('(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo) ={}',(cFr , rFr , cTo , rTo))
        sel_txt = ed.get_text_substr(cFr, rFr, cTo, rTo)
        pass;                  #LOG and log('sel_txt={}',repr(sel_txt))
        ed.insert(cFr, rFr, sel_txt)
Esempio n. 5
    def do_insert(self, s):

        x, y, x1, y1 = ed.get_carets()[0]
        if y1 >= 0:
            if (y, x) > (y1, x1):
                x, y, x1, y1 = x1, y1, x, y
            ed.set_caret(x, y)
            ed.replace(x, y, x1, y1, s)
            ed.insert(x, y, s)

        app.msg_status('Date/time inserted')
    def _subst(self, which, wdex):
        """ Do completion.
                which   Which variant to use
                            'next' / 'prev' / '#N'
                wdex    What list to use
                            'word' / 'expr' / 'curr'
        pass;                  #LOG and log('which, wdex={}',(which, wdex))
        if wdex!='curr' and \
           not self._prep_sess(wdex): return
        if not self.sess.bids:
            return app.msg_status(_('No in-text completions'))
        shft                = 1 if which=='next' else -1 if which=='prev' else 0
        bids_i  = int(which)                if which.isdigit()  else \
                  self.sess.bids_i + shft   if self.incr_bfr    else \
        bids_i  = bids_i % len(self.sess.bids)
        sub_s   = self.sess.bids[bids_i]
        add_s   = sub_s[len(self.sess.src_what):]
        pass;                  #LOG and log('i, sub_s, add_s={}',(bids_i, sub_s, add_s))

        if self.sess.added:
            pass;              #LOG and log('undo mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        ed.delete(       self.sess.src_kill_b,              self.sess.row
                        ,self.sess.src_kill_e,              self.sess.row)
        pass;                  #LOG and log('kill mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        ed.insert(       self.sess.src_what_e,              self.sess.row,  add_s)
        pass;                  #LOG and log('insr mod_ver, line={}',(ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION), ed.get_text_line(self.sess.row)))
        self.sess.added     = True
        if False:pass
        elif self.sess.sel_sub=='be':
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_e+len(add_s),   self.sess.row
                        ,self.sess.src_what_b,              self.sess.row)
        elif self.sess.sel_sub=='eb':
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_b,              self.sess.row
                        ,self.sess.src_what_e+len(add_s),   self.sess.row)
            ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_what_e+len(add_s),   self.sess.row)
#           ed.set_caret(self.sess.src_crt,                 self.sess.row)
        self.sess.pre_mver  = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_MODIFIED_VERSION)
        self.sess.pre_crt0  = ed.get_carets()[0]
#       next_i      = (self.sess.bids_i+shft) % len(self.sess.bids)
#       next_info   = '' if 1==len(self.sess.bids) else \
#                     f(_('. Next #{}: "{}"'), next_i, self.sess.bids[next_i][:50])
#       app.msg_status(f(_('In-text completion #{} ({}){}'), 1+self.sess.bids_i, len(self.sess.bids), next_info))
        app.msg_status(f(_('In-text completion #{} ({})'),   1+self.sess.bids_i, len(self.sess.bids)))
#       shft                = 1 if which=='next' or which[0]=='#' else -1
        self.sess.bids_i    = bids_i
        self.incr_bfr       = True
Esempio n. 7
    def paste_to_1st_col(self):
        ''' Paste from clipboard without replacement caret/selection
                but only insert before current line
        pass;                  #LOG and log('')
        clip    = app.app_proc(app.PROC_GET_CLIP, '')
        if not clip:    return
        clip    = clip.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
        if not (clip[-1] in '\r\n'):
            clip= clip + '\n'
        rnews   = clip.count('\n')
        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        if len(crts)>1:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_SINGLE_CRT.format('Command'))
        (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd)    = crts[0]
        r4ins   = min(rCrt, rCrt if -1==rEnd else rEnd)
        ed.insert(0, r4ins, clip)
        rCrtN   = rCrt+ rnews
        rEndN   = rEnd+(rnews if -1!=rEnd else 0)
        pass;                  #LOG and log('(rCrtN, rEndN)={}',(rCrtN, rEndN))
        ed.set_caret(cCrt, rCrtN
                    ,cEnd, rEndN)
        pass;                   return  ##??
        for icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in reversed(list(enumerate(crts))):
#       for icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in enumerate(crts):
            pass;              #LOG and log('icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd), rnews={}',(icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd), rnews))
            rCrtA   = rCrt+rnews*icrt
            rEndA   = rEnd+rnews*icrt if -1!=rEnd else -1
            r4ins   = min(rCrt, rCrt if -1==rEnd else rEnd)
            pass;              #LOG and log('(rCrtA, rEndA), r4ins={}',((rCrtA, rEndA), r4ins))
            ed.insert(0, r4ins, clip)
            rCrtN   = rCrt+ rnews
            rEndN   = rEnd+(rnews if -1!=rEnd else 0)
            pass;              #LOG and log('(rCrtN, rEndN)={}',(rCrtN, rEndN))
            ed.set_caret(cCrt, rCrtN
                        ,cEnd, rEndN
Esempio n. 8
    def cmt_toggle_stream(self):
        ''' '''
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_NORM_SEL_MODE.format(COMMENTING))
        lex     = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_LEXER_CARET)
        ,end)   = self._get_cmt_pair(lex)
        if not bgn:
            return app.msg_status(CMT_NO_STRM_4LEX.format(lex))
        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        pass;                   LOG and log('lex, get_carets()={}', (lex, crts))
        pass;                   LOG and log('bgn,end={}', (bgn,end))
        for icrt, (c1, r1, c2, r2) in enumerate(crts):
            pass;               LOG and log('(r1, c1), (r2, c2)={}', ((r1, c1), (r2, c2)))
            if -1==c2:
                # Empty sel
            (r1, c1), (r2, c2) = minmax((r1, c1), (r2, c2))
            pass;               LOG and log('(r1, c1), (r2, c2)={}', ((r1, c1), (r2, c2)))
            selTx   = ed.get_text_substr(c1, r1, c2, r2)
            cmted   = selTx.startswith(bgn) and selTx.endswith(end)
            pass;               LOG and log('cmted, selTx={}', (cmted, selTx))

            if False:pass
            elif not cmted and r1==r2:
                # Comment ON, sel into one row
                ed.insert(c2, r2, end)
                ed.insert(c1, r1, bgn)
                ed.set_caret(c1, r1, c2+len(bgn)+len(end), r2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
            elif not cmted and r1!=r2:
                # Comment ON, sel ends on diff rows
                ed.insert(c2, r2, end)
                ed.insert(c1, r1, bgn)
                ed.set_caret(c1, r1, c2         +len(end), r2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)

            elif cmted and r1==r2:
                # Comment OFF, sel into one row
                ed.delete(c2-len(end), r2, c2, r2)
                ed.delete(c1, r1, c1+len(bgn), r1)
                ed.set_caret(c1, r1, c2-len(bgn)-len(end), r2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
            elif cmted and r1!=r2:
                # Comment OFF, sel ends on diff rows
                ed.delete(c2-len(end), r2, c2, r2)
                ed.delete(c1, r1, c1+len(bgn), r1)
                ed.set_caret(c1, r1, c2         -len(end), r2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
Esempio n. 9
    def cmt_toggle_stream(self):
        ''' '''
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(ONLY_NORM_SEL_MODE.format(COMMENTING))
        lex = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_LEXER_CARET)
        ((bgn_sgn, end_sgn), bOnlyLn) = self._get_cmt_pair(lex)
        if not bgn_sgn:
            return app.msg_status(CMT_NO_STRM_4LEX.format(lex))
        bUseFLn = get_opt('comment_full_line_if_no_sel', True)
        crts = ed.get_carets()
        #LOG and log('lex, get_carets()={}', (lex, crts))
        #LOG and log('(bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn={}', ((bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn))
        for icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in enumerate(crts):
            #LOG and log('(cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)={}', ((cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)))
            bEmpSel = -1 == rEnd
            bDrtSel = -1 == rEnd or (rCrt, cCrt) > (rEnd, cEnd)
            if False: pass
            elif bEmpSel and (bUseFLn or bOnlyLn):
                # Use full line
                line = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rCrt), (len(line), rCrt)
            elif bOnlyLn:  # and not bEmpSel
                # Only full lines
                rTx1, rTx2 = minmax(rCrt, rEnd)
                line = ed.get_text_line(rTx2)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rTx1), (len(line), rTx2)
            elif bEmpSel:  # and not bUseFLn and not bOnlyLn
                (rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2) = minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
            selTx = ed.get_text_substr(cTx1, rTx1, cTx2, rTx2)
            #LOG and log('(rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), selTx={}', ((rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), repr(selTx)))
            do_uncmt = selTx.startswith(bgn_sgn) and selTx.endswith(end_sgn)
            #LOG and log('do_uncmt={}', (do_uncmt))

            if False: pass
            elif not do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # Comment!
                ed.insert(0, rTx2 + 1, end_sgn + '\n')  #! true insert sequence
                ed.insert(0, rTx1, bgn_sgn + '\n')  #! true insert sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2,
                 rNSel2) = 0, rTx1, len(end_sgn), rTx2 + 2
            elif not do_uncmt:
                # Comment!
                ed.insert(cTx2, rTx2, end_sgn)  #! true insert sequence
                ed.insert(cTx1, rTx1, bgn_sgn)  #! true insert sequence
                if False: pass
                elif rTx1 == rTx2:
                    # sel into one row
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2, rNSel2
                     ) = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2 + len(bgn_sgn) + len(end_sgn), rTx2
                elif rTx1 != rTx2:
                    # sel ends on diff rows
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2,
                     rNSel2) = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2 + len(end_sgn), rTx2

            elif do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # UnComment!
                ed.delete(0, rTx2, 0, rTx2 + 1)  #! true delete sequence
                ed.delete(0, rTx1, 0, rTx1 + 1)  #! true delete sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2,
                 rNSel2) = 0, rTx1, len(ed.get_text_line(rTx2 - 2)), rTx2 - 2
            elif do_uncmt:
                # UnComment!
                ed.delete(cTx2 - len(end_sgn), rTx2, cTx2,
                          rTx2)  #! true delete sequence
                ed.delete(cTx1, rTx1, cTx1 + len(bgn_sgn),
                          rTx1)  #! true delete sequence
                if False: pass
                elif rTx1 == rTx2:
                    # sel into one row
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2, rNSel2
                     ) = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2 - len(bgn_sgn) - len(end_sgn), rTx2
                elif rTx1 != rTx2:
                    # sel ends on diff rows
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2,
                     rNSel2) = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2 - len(end_sgn), rTx2

            #LOG and log('bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)={}', (bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)))
            if bDrtSel:
                ed.set_caret(cNSel2, rNSel2, cNSel1, rNSel1,
                             app.CARET_SET_INDEX + icrt)
                ed.set_caret(cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2, rNSel2,
                             app.CARET_SET_INDEX + icrt)
        #for icrt
        bSkip = get_opt('comment_move_down', True)
        if False: pass
        elif 1 == len(crts) and bEmpSel and bUseFLn and bSkip:
            _move_caret_down(cCrt, rCrt)
            if bOnlyLn and not do_uncmt:
                crt = ed.get_carets()[0]
                _move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])
                crt = ed.get_carets()[0]
                _move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])
Esempio n. 10
    def cmt_toggle_stream(self):
        ''' '''
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(f(_('{} works only with normal selection'), _('Commenting')))
        lex     = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_LEXER_CARET)
        if not bgn_sgn:
            return app.msg_status(f(_('No stream comment for lexer "{}"'), lex))
        bUseFLn = apx.get_opt('comment_full_line_if_no_sel', True)
        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        pass;                  #LOG and log('lex, get_carets()={}', (lex, crts))
        pass;                  #LOG and log('(bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn={}', ((bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn))
        for icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in enumerate(crts):
            pass;              #LOG and log('(cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)={}', ((cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)))
            bEmpSel     = -1==rEnd
            bDrtSel     = -1==rEnd or (rCrt, cCrt)>(rEnd, cEnd)
            if False:pass
            elif bEmpSel and (bUseFLn or bOnlyLn):
                # Use full line
                line        = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rCrt), (len(line), rCrt)
            elif bOnlyLn: # and not bEmpSel
                # Only full lines
                rTx1, rTx2  = apx.minmax(rCrt, rEnd)
                line    = ed.get_text_line(rTx2)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rTx1), (len(line), rTx2)
            elif bEmpSel: # and not bUseFLn and not bOnlyLn
                (rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2) = apx.minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
            selTx   = ed.get_text_substr(cTx1, rTx1, cTx2, rTx2)
            pass;              #LOG and log('(rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), selTx={}', ((rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), repr(selTx)))
            do_uncmt= selTx.startswith(bgn_sgn) and selTx.endswith(end_sgn)
            pass;              #LOG and log('do_uncmt={}', (do_uncmt))

            if False:pass
            elif not do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # Comment!
                ed.insert(0, rTx2+1, end_sgn+'\n')    #! true insert sequence
                ed.insert(0, rTx1,   bgn_sgn+'\n')    #! true insert sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1
                ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = 0, rTx1, len(end_sgn), rTx2+2
            elif not do_uncmt:
                # Comment!
                ed.insert(cTx2, rTx2, end_sgn)        #! true insert sequence
                ed.insert(cTx1, rTx1, bgn_sgn)        #! true insert sequence
                if False:pass
                elif rTx1==rTx2:
                    # sel into one row
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2+len(bgn_sgn)+len(end_sgn), rTx2
                elif rTx1!=rTx2:
                    # sel ends on diff rows
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2             +len(end_sgn), rTx2

            elif do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # UnComment!
                ed.delete(0, rTx2, 0, rTx2+1)    #! true delete sequence
                ed.delete(0, rTx1, 0, rTx1+1)    #! true delete sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1
                ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = 0, rTx1, len(ed.get_text_line(rTx2-2)), rTx2-2
            elif do_uncmt:
                # UnComment!
                ed.delete(cTx2-len(end_sgn), rTx2, cTx2, rTx2)    #! true delete sequence
                ed.delete(cTx1, rTx1, cTx1+len(bgn_sgn), rTx1)    #! true delete sequence
                if False:pass
                elif rTx1==rTx2:
                    # sel into one row
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2-len(bgn_sgn)-len(end_sgn), rTx2
                elif rTx1!=rTx2:
                    # sel ends on diff rows
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2             -len(end_sgn), rTx2

            pass;              #LOG and log('bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)={}', (bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)))
            if bDrtSel:
                ed.set_caret(cNSel2, rNSel2, cNSel1, rNSel1, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
                ed.set_caret(cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2, rNSel2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
           #for icrt
        bSkip    = apx.get_opt('comment_move_down', True)
        if False:pass
        elif 1==len(crts) and bEmpSel and bUseFLn and bSkip:
            apx._move_caret_down(cCrt, rCrt)
            if bOnlyLn and not do_uncmt:
                crt=ed.get_carets()[0]; apx._move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])
                crt=ed.get_carets()[0]; apx._move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])
Esempio n. 11
    def cmt_toggle_stream(self):
        ''' '''
        if ed.get_sel_mode() != app.SEL_NORMAL:
            return app.msg_status(f(_('{} works only with normal selection'), _('Commenting')))
        lex     = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_LEXER_CARET)
        if not bgn_sgn:
            return app.msg_status(f(_('No stream comment for lexer "{}"'), lex))
        bUseFLn = True
        crts    = ed.get_carets()
        pass;                  #LOG and log('lex, get_carets()={}', (lex, crts))
        pass;                  #LOG and log('(bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn={}', ((bgn_sgn,end_sgn),bOnlyLn,bUseFLn))
        for icrt, (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in enumerate(crts):
            pass;              #LOG and log('(cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)={}', ((cCrt, rCrt), (cEnd, rEnd)))
            bEmpSel     = -1==rEnd
            bDrtSel     = -1==rEnd or (rCrt, cCrt)>(rEnd, cEnd)
            bEntireLn   = (rEnd>=0) and (cEnd==0) and (cCrt==0)
            bEntireLn1  = bEntireLn and abs(rEnd-rCrt)==1
            bEntireLn2  = bEntireLn and abs(rEnd-rCrt)>1
            if False:pass
            elif bEmpSel and (bUseFLn or bOnlyLn):
                # Use full line
                line        = ed.get_text_line(rCrt)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rCrt), (len(line), rCrt)
            elif bOnlyLn: # and not bEmpSel
                # Only full lines
                rTx1, rTx2  = apx.minmax(rCrt, rEnd)
                line    = ed.get_text_line(rTx2)
                (cTx1, rTx1), (cTx2, rTx2) = (0, rTx1), (len(line), rTx2)
            elif bEmpSel: # and not bUseFLn and not bOnlyLn
                (rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2) = apx.minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd))
            selTx   = ed.get_text_substr(cTx1, rTx1, cTx2, rTx2)
            pass;              #LOG and log('(rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), selTx={}', ((rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2), repr(selTx)))
            do_uncmt= selTx.startswith(bgn_sgn) #and selTx.endswith(end_sgn)
                # don't check for ending of selection - for HTML and entire selected line(s)
            pass;              #LOG and log('do_uncmt={}', (do_uncmt))

            if False:pass
            elif not do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # Comment!
                ed.insert(0, rTx2+1, end_sgn+'\n')    #! true insert sequence
                ed.insert(0, rTx1,   bgn_sgn+'\n')    #! true insert sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1
                ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = 0, rTx1, len(end_sgn), rTx2+2

            elif not do_uncmt:
                # Comment!
                if bEntireLn1:
                    s = ed.get_text_line(rTx1)
                    ed.set_text_line(rTx1, bgn_sgn+s+end_sgn)
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2) = (0, rTx1, 0, rTx2)

                elif bEntireLn2:
                    ed.insert(0, rTx2, end_sgn+'\n')
                    ed.insert(0, rTx1, bgn_sgn+'\n')
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2) = (0, rTx1, 0, rTx2+2)

                    ed.insert(cTx2, rTx2, end_sgn)        #! true insert sequence
                    ed.insert(cTx1, rTx1, bgn_sgn)        #! true insert sequence
                    if False:pass
                    elif rTx1==rTx2:
                        # sel into one row
                        (cNSel1, rNSel1
                        ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2+len(bgn_sgn)+len(end_sgn), rTx2
                    elif rTx1!=rTx2:
                        # sel ends on diff rows
                        (cNSel1, rNSel1
                        ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2             +len(end_sgn), rTx2

            elif do_uncmt and bOnlyLn:
                # UnComment!
                ed.delete(0, rTx2, 0, rTx2+1)    #! true delete sequence
                ed.delete(0, rTx1, 0, rTx1+1)    #! true delete sequence
                (cNSel1, rNSel1
                ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = 0, rTx1, len(ed.get_text_line(rTx2-2)), rTx2-2

            elif do_uncmt:
                # UnComment!
                if selTx.endswith(end_sgn):
                    ed.delete(cTx2-len(end_sgn), rTx2, cTx2, rTx2)    #! true delete sequence
                    ed.delete(cTx1, rTx1, cTx1+len(bgn_sgn), rTx1)    #! true delete sequence
                    if False:pass
                    elif rTx1==rTx2:
                        # sel into one row
                        (cNSel1, rNSel1
                        ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2-len(bgn_sgn)-len(end_sgn), rTx2
                    elif rTx1!=rTx2:
                        # sel ends on diff rows
                        (cNSel1, rNSel1
                        ,cNSel2, rNSel2)    = cTx1, rTx1, cTx2             -len(end_sgn), rTx2

                elif bEntireLn1:
                    s = ed.get_text_line(rTx1)
                    if s.startswith(bgn_sgn):
                        s = s[len(bgn_sgn):]
                    if s.endswith(end_sgn):
                        s = s[:-len(end_sgn)]
                    ed.set_text_line(rTx1, s)
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2) = (0, rTx1, 0, rTx2)

                elif bEntireLn2:
                    ed.delete(0, rTx2-1, 0, rTx2)
                    ed.delete(0, rTx1, 0, rTx1+1)
                    (cNSel1, rNSel1
                    ,cNSel2, rNSel2) = (0, rTx1, 0, rTx2-2)

            pass;              #LOG and log('bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)={}', (bDrtSel, (cNSel1, rNSel1), (cNSel2, rNSel2)))
            if bDrtSel:
                ed.set_caret(cNSel2, rNSel2, cNSel1, rNSel1, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
                ed.set_caret(cNSel1, rNSel1, cNSel2, rNSel2, app.CARET_SET_INDEX+icrt)
           #for icrt
        bSkip    = apx.get_opt('comment_move_down', True)
        if False:pass
        elif 1==len(crts) and bEmpSel and bUseFLn and bSkip:
            apx._move_caret_down(cCrt, rCrt)
            if bOnlyLn and not do_uncmt:
                crt=ed.get_carets()[0]; apx._move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])
                crt=ed.get_carets()[0]; apx._move_caret_down(crt[0], crt[1])