def test_irregular_subplots(): df = cf.datagen.bubble(10, 50, mode='stocks') figs = cf.figures(df, [ dict(kind='histogram', keys='x', color='blue'), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5), dict( kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5, color='teal') ], asList=True) figs.append( cf.datagen.lines(1).figure(bestfit=False, colors=['blue'], bestfit_colors=['pink'])) base_layout = sp = cf.subplots( figs, shape=(3, 2), base_layout=base_layout, vertical_spacing=.15, horizontal_spacing=.03, specs=[[{ 'rowspan': 2 }, {}], [None, {}], [{ 'colspan': 2 }, None]], subplot_titles=['Histogram', 'Scatter 1', 'Scatter 2', 'Bestfit Line']) sp['layout'].update(showlegend=False) return sp
def test_irregular_subplots(): df = cf.datagen.bubble(10, 50, mode='stocks') figs = cf.figures(df, [ dict(kind='histogram', keys='x', color='blue'), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5, color='teal')],asList=True) figs.append(cf.datagen.lines(1).figure(bestfit=False, colors=['blue'], bestfit_colors=['pink'])) base_layout = sp = cf.subplots(figs, shape=(3, 2), base_layout=base_layout, vertical_spacing=.15, horizontal_spacing=.03, specs=[[{'rowspan': 2}, {}], [None, {}], [{'colspan': 2}, None]], subplot_titles=['Histogram', 'Scatter 1', 'Scatter 2', 'Bestfit Line']) sp['layout'].update(showlegend=False) return sp
def test_irregular_subplots(): df = cf.datagen.bubble(10, 50, mode="stocks") figs = cf.figures( df, [ dict(kind="histogram", keys="x", color="blue"), dict(kind="scatter", mode="markers", x="x", y="y", size=5), dict(kind="scatter", mode="markers", x="x", y="y", size=5, color="teal"), ], asList=True, ) figs.append(cf.datagen.lines(1).figure(bestfit=False, colors=["blue"], bestfit_colors=["pink"])) base_layout = sp = cf.subplots( figs, shape=(3, 2), base_layout=base_layout, vertical_spacing=0.15, horizontal_spacing=0.03, specs=[[{"rowspan": 2}, {}], [None, {}], [{"colspan": 2}, None]], subplot_titles=["Histogram", "Scatter 1", "Scatter 2", "Bestfit Line"], ) sp["layout"].update(showlegend=False) return sp
def plot_chart(self, data_frame, style, chart_type): mode = 'line' if style is None: style = Style() marker_size = 1 x = '' y = '' z = '' fig = None scale = 1 try: if (style.plotly_plot_mode == 'offline_html'): scale = 2 / 3 except: pass # check other plots implemented by Cufflinks if fig is None: cm = ColorMaster() # create figure data_frame_list = self.split_data_frame_to_list(data_frame, style) fig_list = [] cols = [] for data_frame in data_frame_list: cols.append(data_frame.columns) cols = list(np.array(cols).flat) # get all the correct colors (and construct gradients if necessary eg. from 'Blues') # need to change to strings for cufflinks color_list = cm.create_color_list(style, [], cols=cols) color_spec = [] # if no colors are specified then just use our default color set from chart constants if color_list == [None] * len(color_list): color_spec = [None] * len(color_list) for i in range(0, len(color_list)): # get the color if color_spec[i] is None: color_spec[i] = self.get_color_list(i) try: color_spec[i] = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex( color_spec[i]) except: pass else: # otherwise assume all the colors are rgba for color in color_list: color = 'rgba' + str(color) color_spec.append(color) start = 0 for i in range(0, len(data_frame_list)): data_frame = data_frame_list[i] if isinstance(chart_type, list): chart_type_ord = chart_type[i] else: chart_type_ord = chart_type end = start + len(data_frame.columns) color_spec1 = color_spec[start:start + end] start = end if chart_type_ord == 'surface': fig = data_frame.iplot( kind=chart_type, title=style.title, xTitle=style.x_title, yTitle=style.y_title, x=x, y=y, z=z, mode=mode, size=marker_size, theme=style.plotly_theme, bestfit=style.line_of_best_fit, legend=style.display_legend, colorscale=style.color, dimensions=(style.width * style.scale_factor * scale, style.height * style.scale_factor * scale), asFigure=True) elif chart_type_ord == 'line': chart_type_ord = 'scatter' elif chart_type_ord == 'scatter': mode = 'markers' marker_size = 5 elif chart_type_ord == 'bubble': x = data_frame.columns[0] y = data_frame.columns[1] z = data_frame.columns[2] # special case for choropleth which has yet to be implemented in Cufflinks # will likely remove this in the future elif chart_type_ord == 'choropleth': for col in data_frame.columns: try: data_frame[col] = data_frame[col].astype(str) except: pass if style.color != []: color = style.color else: color = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'], [0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'], [0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'], \ [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'], [0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'], [1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']] text = '' if 'text' in data_frame.columns: text = data_frame['Text'] data = [ dict(type='choropleth', colorscale=color, autocolorscale=False, locations=data_frame['Code'], z=data_frame[ style.plotly_choropleth_field].astype(float), locationmode=style.plotly_location_mode, text=text, marker=dict( line=dict(color='rgb(255,255,255)', width=1)), colorbar=dict(title=style.units)) ] layout = dict( title=style.title, geo=dict( scope=style.plotly_scope, projection=dict(type=style.plotly_projection), showlakes=True, lakecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', ), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) if chart_type_ord not in ['surface', 'choropleth']: fig = data_frame.iplot( kind=chart_type_ord, title=style.title, xTitle=style.x_title, yTitle=style.y_title, x=x, y=y, z=z, subplots=False, mode=mode, size=marker_size, theme=style.plotly_theme, bestfit=style.line_of_best_fit, legend=style.display_legend, color=color_spec1, dimensions=(style.width * style.scale_factor * scale, style.height * style.scale_factor * scale), asFigure=True) fig.update(dict(layout=dict(legend=dict(x=0.05, y=1)))) fig.update(dict(layout=dict(paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)'))) fig.update(dict(layout=dict(plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)'))) fig_list.append(fig) if len(fig_list) > 1: import cufflinks fig = cufflinks.subplots(fig_list) else: fig = fig_list[0] self.publish_plot(fig, style)
#!/usr/bin/python3 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from optparse import OptionParser import pathos.multiprocessing as mp import cufflinks import plotly as py from tqdm import tqdm import time pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False) df=pd.read_csv('del.csv',index_col=[0]) pvt=df.pivot_table(values='mse',columns='method', index=['quant_size','number_of_bins','std_threshold'],aggfunc=[lambda x: x.count()/len(x),np.mean]).rename(columns={'<lambda>':'pass','mean':'mse'}) reshape=x=pvt.stack().reset_index(drop=False).pivot_table(index=['pass'],values=['mse'],columns=['method','number_of_bins']) if 0: reshape.columns=reshape.columns.swaplevel(0,2) py.offline.plot(reshape[(23,'mse_from_modulo_method')].dropna().sort_index().iplot(asFigure=True)) else: py.offline.plot(reshape.mse.mse_from_modulo_method.dropna().sort_index().iplot(asFigure=True)) exit() columns=[i[:-1] for i in reshape.columns] f2=cufflinks.subplots([reshape[i].figure() for i in columns],subplot_titles=[str(i) for i in columns]) print('hi') py.offline.plot(f2)
df.iplot(subplots=True, subplot_titles=True, legend=False) df = cf.datagen.bubble(10, 50, mode='stocks') figs = cf.figures(df, [ dict(kind='histogram', keys='x', color='blue'), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5), dict(kind='scatter', mode='markers', x='x', y='y', size=5, color='teal') ], asList=True) figs.append( cf.datagen.lines(1).figure(bestfit=True, colors=['blue'], bestfit_colors=['pink'])) base_layout = sp = cf.subplots( figs, shape=(3, 2), base_layout=base_layout, vertical_spacing=.15, horizontal_spacing=.03, specs=[[{ 'rowspan': 2 }, {}], [None, {}], [{ 'colspan': 2 }, None]], subplot_titles=['Histogram', 'Scatter 1', 'Scatter 2', 'Bestfit Line']) sp['layout'].update(showlegend=False) cf.iplot(sp) help(df.iplot)
title='up视频质量走势参考', xTitle='时间', yTitle='比率') return df3.figure( kind='lines', orientation='v', ) def month_video_play(self): df1 = self.df_data[[ 'created', 'stat#favorite', 'stat#coin', 'stat#like' ]] df2 = df1.groupby([df1.created.dt.year, df1.created.dt.month]).agg('sum') # df2.iplot(kind='bar', barmode='stack', orientation='v') df2.iplot(kind='histogram', bins=10) return df2 if __name__ == '__main__': upid = 176037767 analysis_video = AnalysisVideo(upid) figs = cf.figures(analysis_video.month_video_play(), [dict(kind='bar', barmode='stack')], asList=True) figs.append(analysis_video.month_video_play_rate()) layout = sp = cf.subplots(figs, shape=(1, 2), base_layout=layout) sp['layout'].update(showlegend=False) cf.iplot(sp)
# In[9]: train[['Sex', 'Survived']].groupby('Sex').mean().iplot(kind='bar', colors='blue', title='Survival Rate based on Gender') # Around 74% females in the sample survived compared to 18% males. # Our 1st assumption seems to hold true. # In[10]: survived = train[train['Survived'] == 1]['Age'] not_survived = train[train['Survived'] == 0]['Age'] cf.subplots([survived.figure(kind='hist', colors='blue'), not_survived.figure(kind='hist', colors='blue')], shared_yaxes=True, subplot_titles=['Survived', 'Not Survived']).iplot() # The histogram above shows us that survival rate of children is more compared to adults. <br> # Few more observations: # * Infant (Age < 5) survival rate is more <br> # * Most of the passengers aged between 15 to 35 did not survived <br> # * Very few of the oldest passengers (Age=80) survived # In[11]: train[['Pclass', 'Survived']].groupby('Pclass').mean().iplot(kind='bar', colors='blue', title='Survival Rate based on Passenger Class') # Class 1 passengers clearly had the highest survival rate followed by Class 2 and 3
def show(self): self.figure = cf.Figure( cf.subplots(self.figure_list, base_layout=self.figure_list[1].to_dict()['layout'], shared_xaxes=True, shape=(len(self.figure_list), 1)))