def test_hashingvectorizer_alternate_sign():
    # if alternate_sign = True
    # we should have some negative and positive values
    res = HashingVectorizer(alternate_sign=True).fit_transform(DOCS_GPU)
    res_f_array = res.todense().get().flatten()
    assert np.sum(res_f_array > 0, axis=0) > 0
    assert np.sum(res_f_array < 0, axis=0) > 0

    # if alternate_sign = False
    # we should have no negative values and some positive values
    res = HashingVectorizer(alternate_sign=False).fit_transform(DOCS_GPU)
    res_f_array = res.todense().get().flatten()
    assert np.sum(res_f_array > 0, axis=0) > 0
    assert np.sum(res_f_array < 0, axis=0) == 0
def test_hashingvectorizer_norm(norm):
    if norm not in ["l1", "l2", None]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            res = HashingVectorizer(norm=norm).fit_transform(DOCS_GPU)
        res = HashingVectorizer(norm=norm).fit_transform(DOCS_GPU)
        ref = SkHashVect(norm=norm).fit_transform(DOCS)
        assert_almost_equal_hash_matrices(res.todense().get(), ref.toarray())
def test_hashingvectorizer_lowercase(lowercase):
    corpus = [
        "This Is DoC",
        "this DoC is the second DoC.",
        "And this document is the third one.",
        "and Is this the first document?",
    res = HashingVectorizer(lowercase=lowercase).fit_transform(Series(corpus))
    ref = SkHashVect(lowercase=lowercase).fit_transform(corpus)
    assert_almost_equal_hash_matrices(res.todense().get(), ref.toarray())
def test_hashingvectorizer():
    corpus = [
        "This is the first document.",
        "This document is the second document.",
        "And this is the third one.",
        "Is this the first document?",

    res = HashingVectorizer().fit_transform(Series(corpus))
    ref = SkHashVect().fit_transform(corpus)
    assert_almost_equal_hash_matrices(res.todense().get(), ref.toarray())
def test_hashingvectorizer_delimiter():
    corpus = ["a0b0c", "a 0 b0e", "c0d0f"]
    res = HashingVectorizer(
        delimiter="0", norm=None, preprocessor=lambda s: s
    # equivalent logic for sklearn
    ref = SkHashVect(
        tokenizer=lambda s: s.split("0"),
        preprocessor=lambda s: s,
    assert_almost_equal_hash_matrices(res.todense().get(), ref.toarray())
def test_hashingvectorizer_stop_word():
    ref = SkHashVect(stop_words="english").fit_transform(DOCS)
    res = HashingVectorizer(stop_words="english").fit_transform(DOCS_GPU)
    assert_almost_equal_hash_matrices(res.todense().get(), ref.toarray())