def _send_heartbeat_loop(self): if self._status.get_status() != self._status.RUNNING: log.warn('control service will stop. stop sending heartbeat') return hostinfo = None if platforms.is_linux(): hostinfo = cuphb.LinuxHost(str(self._agent_ipport), True, self._confdict['control']['interface']) elif platforms.is_mac(): hostinfo = cuphb.MacHost(str(self._agent_ipport), True, self._confdict['control']['interface'])'to create msg and send msg') netmsg = msg.CNetMsg(is_postmsg=True) netmsg.set_from_addr(self._agent_ipport, (1, 1)) netmsg.set_to_addr(self._master_ipport, (1, 1)) netmsg.set_flag(1) netmsg.set_msg_type(self._type_man.getnumber_bytype('HEART_BEAT')) netmsg.set_uniq_id(1) netmsg.set_body(hostinfo.serilize()) self.post_msg(netmsg)'finish queue sending heartbeat to {0}'.format( self._master_ipport)) self._executor.delay_exec( int(self._confdict['control']['heartbeat_interval']) - 3, self._send_heartbeat_loop, urgency=executor.URGENCY_HIGH)
def lock(self, blocking=True): """ lock the file :param blocking: If blocking is True, will block there until cup gets the lock. True by default. :return: return False if locking fails :raise Exception: raise cup.err.LockFileError if blocking is False and the lock action failed """ if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac(): flags = 0x1 if FILELOCK_SHARED == self._locktype: flags = FILELOCK_SHARED elif FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE == self._locktype: flags = FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE else: raise err.LockFileError('does not support this lock type') if not blocking: flags |= FILELOCK_NONBLOCKING ret = None try: ret = fcntl.flock(self._fhandle, flags) except IOError as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) except Exception as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) return ret elif platforms.is_windows(): win_lockfile(self._fhandle, blocking)
def unlock(self): """unlock the locked file""" if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac(): try: fcntl.flock(self._fhandle, FILELOCK_UNLOCK) except Exception as error: raise err.LockFileError(error) elif platforms.is_windows(): win_unlockfile(self._fhandle)
import sys import copy import shutil from cup import err from cup import decorators from cup import platforms __all__ = [ 'LockFile', 'FILELOCK_SHARED', 'FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE', 'FILELOCK_NONBLOCKING', 'FILELOCK_UNLOCK', 'mk_newnode' ] CANNOT_DEL_PATHLIST = ['/'] if platforms.is_linux() or platforms.is_mac(): import fcntl FILELOCK_EXCLUSIVE = fcntl.LOCK_EX FILELOCK_SHARED = fcntl.LOCK_SH FILELOCK_NONBLOCKING = fcntl.LOCK_NB FILELOCK_UNLOCK = fcntl.LOCK_UN elif platforms.is_windows(): import msvcrt def file_size(fobj): """win file size""" return os.path.getsize(os.path.realpath( def win_lockfile(fobj, blocking=True): """win lock file""" flags = msvcrt.LK_RLCK
return getattr(builtins, name) """Forbid everything else""" raise pickle.UnpicklingError("global '%s.%s' is forbidden" % (module, name)) else: pass def restricted_loads(s): """Helper function analogous to pickle.loads()""" return RestrictedUnpickler(io.BytesIO(s)).load() if plat.is_linux(): from cup.res import linux elif plat.is_mac(): from cup.res import mac try: # pylint: disable=W0611 import Queue as queue except ImportError: # pylint: disable=F0401 import queue class Device(object): """ Base class for all devices in heartbeat service """ def __init__(self, name):