def image_complexity(self, X, masks):
        # 복잡도 기준
        threshold = 25.0
        # reshape
        #masks = cp.reshape(masks, masks.shape[:-1])

        R, G, B = X[:, :, :, 0:1], X[:, :, :, 1:2], X[:, :, :, 2:]

        # compute rg = R - G
        rg = cp.absolute(R - G)

        # compute yb = 0.5 * (R + G) - B
        yb = cp.absolute(0.5 * (R + G) - B)

        _masks = cp.logical_not(masks)
        # compute the mean and standard deviation of both `rg` and `yb` ()
        # no masked_where on cupy
        rb_masked =, rg)
        (rb_mean, rb_std) = (cp.mean(rb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)),
                             cp.std(rb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)))

        yb_masked =, yb)
        (yb_mean, yb_std) = (cp.mean(yb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)),
                             cp.std(yb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)))

        # combine the mean and standard deviations
        std_root = cp.sqrt((rb_std**2) + (yb_std**2))
        mean_root = cp.sqrt((rb_mean**2) + (yb_mean**2))

        # derive the "colorfulness" metric and return it
        complexity = std_root + (0.3 * mean_root)

        # 수치 수정
        print('image_complexity Done.')
        return (complexity >= threshold).astype(cp.uint8)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_asum(self):
     x = self._make_random_vector()
     ref = cupy.sum(cupy.absolute(x.real) + cupy.absolute(x.imag))
     out = self._make_out(self.dtype.char.lower())
     res = cublas.asum(x, out=out)
     self._check_pointer(res, out)
     cupy.testing.assert_allclose(res, ref, rtol=self.tol, atol=self.tol)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_iamin(self):
     x = self._make_random_vector()
     ref = cupy.argmin(cupy.absolute(x.real) + cupy.absolute(x.imag))
     out = self._make_out('i')
     res = cublas.iamin(x, out=out)
     self._check_pointer(res, out)
     # Note: iamin returns 1-based index
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(res - 1, ref)
Esempio n. 4
def scf_per_batch(Np, L, xs):  # xs shape (bs,1024,2)
    B = Np//2
    s = scd_fam(xs, Np, L)  # shape (batch, alpha, f_k)
    f = cp.absolute(s)
    alpha = cp.amax(cp.absolute(s), axis=-1)
    freq = cp.amax(cp.absolute(s), axis=-2)
    (bs, my, mx) = f.shape 
    freq = freq[:, (mx//2-B):(mx//2 + B)]

    return alpha, freq   # should be (bs,Np) (bs,Np)
Esempio n. 5
def yangVectorDistance(negativeVector, positiveVector, p=1):
    x = xp.array(negativeVector).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = xp.array(positiveVector).reshape((-1, 1))
    pExp = int(p)
    assert x.shape == y.shape, "x ({}) and y ({}) must be of the same shape".format(
        x.shape, y.shape)
    assert pExp > 0, "p must be an integer greater than 0"
    numerator = vectorPDistance(x, y, pExp)
    max_X_Y = xp.maximum(xp.absolute(x), xp.absolute(y))
    maxes = xp.maximum(max_X_Y, xp.absolute(x - y))
    return numerator / xp.sum(maxes)
Esempio n. 6
def centerCBED(data4D_flat, x_cen, y_cen, chunks=8):
    stops = np.zeros(chunks + 1,
    stops[0:chunks] = np.arange(0, data4D_flat.shape[0],
                                (data4D_flat.shape[0] / chunks))
    stops[chunks] = data4D_flat.shape[0]
    max_size = int(np.amax(np.diff(stops)))
    centered4D = np.zeros_like(data4D_flat)
    image_size = np.asarray(data4D_flat.shape[1:3])
    fourier_cal_y = (cp.linspace(
        (-image_size[0] / 2),
        ((image_size[0] / 2) - 1), image_size[0])) / image_size[0]
    fourier_cal_x = (cp.linspace(
        (-image_size[1] / 2),
        ((image_size[1] / 2) - 1), image_size[1])) / image_size[1]
    [fourier_mesh_x, fourier_mesh_y] = cp.meshgrid(fourier_cal_x,
    move_pixels = np.flip(image_size / 2) - np.asarray((x_cen, y_cen))
    move_phase = cp.exp(
        (-2) * np.pi * 1j * ((fourier_mesh_x * move_pixels[0]) +
                             (fourier_mesh_y * move_pixels[1])))
    for ii in range(chunks):
        startval = stops[ii]
        stop_val = stops[ii + 1]
        gpu_4Dchunk = cp.asarray(data4D_flat[startval:stop_val, :, :])
        FFT_4D = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.fft2(gpu_4Dchunk, axes=(-1, -2)),
                                 axes=(-1, -2))
        FFT_4Dmove = cp.absolute(
            cp.fft.ifft2(cp.multiply(FFT_4D, move_phase), axes=(-1, -2)))
        centered4D[startval:stop_val, :, :] = cp.asnumpy(FFT_4Dmove)
    del FFT_4D, gpu_4Dchunk, FFT_4Dmove, move_phase, fourier_cal_y, fourier_cal_x, fourier_mesh_x, fourier_mesh_y
    return centered4D
Esempio n. 7
    def predict(self, X):
        for column in self.feature:
            if self.discrete_column[column]:
                new_data = []
                for value in X[column]:
                    idx = list(self.inmapping[column].keys())[list(
                        self.inmapping[column].values()).index(column + "::" +
                X.drop(columns=column, inplace=True)
                NewData = pd.DataFrame(new_data,
                X = pd.concat([X, NewData], axis=1)

        output = self.feedforward(X)

        result = []
        for i in range(len(X)):
            row_result = []
            for key, column in enumerate(
                idx = cp.argmax(1 - cp.absolute(self.class_array[column] -
                                                output[i, key]))

        return result
Esempio n. 8
def process_2D(Volume_spectra: cp.ndarray, coordinates: cp.ndarray,
               dispersion: cp.array) -> np.array:
    This function process 2D array of spectrum to return adjusted Bscan.

    :param Volume_spectra: 2nd order tensor containing spectras raw data. Last dimension is depth encoding.
    :type Volume_spectra: cp.ndarray
    :param coordinates: 2D array containing coordinates for k-linearization interpolation.
    :type coordinates: cp.ndarray
    :param dispersion: Array with value for dispersion compensation.
    :type dispersion: cp.array

    if Arguments.dimension[1] == 1:
        Volume_spectra = cp.expand_dims(Volume_spectra, axis=0)
        coordinates = cp.array([coordinates[1]])
        Volume_spectra = detrend_1D(Volume_spectra)
        Volume_spectra = compensate_dispersion_2D(Volume_spectra, dispersion)
        Volume_spectra = linearize_spectra_1D(Volume_spectra, coordinates)

        Volume_spectra = detrend_2D(Volume_spectra)
        Volume_spectra = compensate_dispersion_2D(Volume_spectra, dispersion)
        Volume_spectra = linearize_spectra_2D(Volume_spectra, coordinates)

    if Arguments.shift:
        Volume_spectra = spectrum_shift_2D(Volume_spectra)

    Volume_spectra = fftpack.fft(
        Volume_spectra, axis=1,
        overwrite_x=True)[:, :Arguments.dimension[2] // 2]

    return cp.asnumpy(cp.absolute(Volume_spectra))
Esempio n. 9
    def forward(self, x):
        self.mask = (cp.absolute(x) > 1)
        out = cp.ones_like(x, dtype=np.float32)
        out[x <  0.5] =  0
        out[x < -0.5] = -1

        return out
Esempio n. 10
def process_3D(Volume_spectra: np.ndarray, calibration: dict) -> np.array:
    GPU accelerated

    Volume_spectra = detrend_3D(Volume_spectra)

    Volume_spectra = linearize_spectra_3D(cp.asnumpy(Volume_spectra),

    temp = cp.array(Volume_spectra)

    temp = compensate_dispersion_3D(temp, calibration)

    if Arguments.shift:

        temp = spectrum_shift(temp)

    temp = cp.fft.rfft(temp, axis=2)[:, :, :Arguments.dimension[2] // 2]

    temp = cp.absolute(temp)


    return cp.asnumpy(temp)
Esempio n. 11
def ssb_kernel(processed4D, real_calibration, aperture, voltage):
    data_size = processed4D.shape
    wavelength = e_lambda(voltage)
    cutoff = aperture / wavelength
    four_y = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(data_size[0], real_calibration))
    four_x = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(data_size[1], real_calibration))
    Four_Y, Four_X = np.meshgrid(four_y, four_x)
    FourXY = np.sqrt((Four_Y**2) + (Four_X**2))
    Left_Lobe = np.zeros(data_size, dtype=processed4D.dtype)
    RightLobe = np.zeros_like(Left_Lobe)

    #convert to CuPy arrays
    Four_Y = cp.asarray(Four_Y)
    Four_X = cp.asarray(Four_X)
    FourXY = cp.asarray(FourXY)
    Left_Lobe = cp.asarray(Left_Lobe)
    RightLobe = cp.asarray(RightLobe)

    lobe_calc(Left_Lobe, RightLobe, Four_Y, Four_X, FourXY, cutoff)

    data_phase = cp.angle(processed4D)
    data_ampli = cp.absolute(processed4D)
    left_trotter = cp.multiply(
        cp.multiply(data_ampli, Left_Lobe),
        cp.exp((1j) * cp.multiply(data_phase, Left_Lobe)))
    left_image = cp.sum(left_trotter, axis=(0, 1))
    righttrotter = cp.multiply(
        cp.multiply(data_ampli, RightLobe),
        cp.exp((1j) * cp.multiply(data_phase, RightLobe)))
    rightimage = cp.sum(righttrotter, axis=(0, 1))

    return left_image, rightimage
Esempio n. 12
def absolute(inp) -> 'Tensor':
    engine = _get_engine(inp)

    return _create_tensor(
        func=wrapped_partial(absolute_backward, inp=inp)
Esempio n. 13
 def Minkowski(self,usu1,usu2,r):
     list_items1 = self.rating_avg.loc[self.rating_avg.loc[:,'userId'] == usu1 ]
     list_items2 = self.rating_avg.loc[self.rating_avg.loc[:,'userId'] == usu2 ]
     mezclar = pd.merge(list_items1, list_items2, how='inner', on='itemId')
     rating_x = mezclar[['adg_rating_x']].to_numpy().transpose()[0]
     rating_y = mezclar[['adg_rating_y']].to_numpy().transpose()[0]
     if(car==0 or r == 0):
         return 0
     Mink = np.sum(pow(np.absolute(np.subtract(rating_x,rating_y)),r))
     return pow(Mink,1/r)
Esempio n. 14
 def loop_body(grid):
     center = grid[1:-1, 1:-1]
     north = grid[0:-2, 1:-1]
     east = grid[1:-1, 2:]
     west = grid[1:-1, 0:-2]
     south = grid[2:, 1:-1]
     work = 0.2 * (center + north + east + west + south)
     delta = np.sum(np.absolute(work - center))
     center[:] = work
     bench.plot_surface(grid, "2d", 0, 200, -200)
     return delta > epsilon
Esempio n. 15
 def Manhattan(self,usu1,usu2):
     list_items1 = self.rating_avg.loc[self.rating_avg.loc[:,'userId'] == usu1 ]
     list_items2 = self.rating_avg.loc[self.rating_avg.loc[:,'userId'] == usu2 ]
     mezclar = pd.merge(list_items1, list_items2, how='inner', on='itemId')
     rating_x = mezclar[['adg_rating_x']].to_numpy().transpose()[0]
     rating_y = mezclar[['adg_rating_y']].to_numpy().transpose()[0]
         return 0
     Man = np.sum(np.absolute(np.subtract(rating_x,rating_y)))
     return Man
Esempio n. 16
def test_silhouette_samples_batched(metric, chunk_divider, labeled_clusters):
    X, labels = labeled_clusters
    cuml_scores = cu_silhouette_samples(X, labels, metric=metric,
                                        chunksize=int(X.shape[0] /
    sk_scores = sk_silhouette_samples(X, labels, metric=metric)

    cu_trunc = cp.around(cuml_scores, decimals=3)
    sk_trunc = cp.around(sk_scores, decimals=3)

    diff = cp.absolute(cu_trunc - sk_trunc) > 0
    over_diff = cp.all(diff)

    # 0.5% elements allowed to be different
    if len(over_diff.shape) > 0:
        assert over_diff.shape[0] <= 0.005 * X.shape[0]

    # different elements should not differ more than 1e-1
    tolerance_diff = cp.absolute(cu_trunc[diff] - sk_trunc[diff]) > 1e-1
    diff_change = cp.all(tolerance_diff)
    if len(diff_change.shape) > 0:
        assert False
Esempio n. 17
def subpixel_pad4D(data4D_flat, final_size, cut_radius, chunks=10):
    stops = np.zeros(chunks + 1,
    stops[0:chunks] = np.arange(0, data4D_flat.shape[0],
                                (data4D_flat.shape[0] / chunks))
    stops[chunks] = data4D_flat.shape[0]
    max_size = int(np.amax(np.diff(stops)))

    final_size = (np.asarray(final_size)).astype(int)
    move_pixels = cp.asarray(
        np.flip(0.5 * (final_size - np.asarray(data4D_flat.shape[1:3]))))

    yy, xx = np.mgrid[0:final_size[0], 0:final_size[1]]
    rad = ((yy - final_size[0] / 2)**2) + ((xx - final_size[1] / 2)**2)
    cutoff = cp.asarray((rad <
                         ((1.1 * cut_radius)**2)).astype(data4D_flat.dtype))

    cbed = cp.zeros(final_size, dtype=data4D_flat.dtype)

    fourier_cal_y = (cp.linspace(
        (-final_size[0] / 2),
        ((final_size[0] / 2) - 1), final_size[0])) / final_size[0]
    fourier_cal_x = (cp.linspace(
        (-final_size[1] / 2),
        ((final_size[1] / 2) - 1), final_size[1])) / final_size[1]
    [fourier_mesh_x, fourier_mesh_y] = cp.meshgrid(fourier_cal_x,
    move_phase = cp.exp(
        (-2) * np.pi * (1j) * ((fourier_mesh_x * move_pixels[0]) +
                               (fourier_mesh_y * move_pixels[1])))

    padded_4D = np.zeros((data4D_flat.shape[0], final_size[0], final_size[1]),
    padded_on_gpu = cp.zeros((max_size, final_size[0], final_size[1]),
    for cc in range(chunks):
        startval = stops[cc]
        stop_val = stops[cc + 1]
        gpu_4Dchunk = cp.asarray(data4D_flat[startval:stop_val, :, :])
        for ii in range(gpu_4Dchunk.shape[0]):
                 0:data4D_flat.shape[2]] = gpu_4Dchunk[ii, :, :]
            FFT_cbd = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.fft2(cbed))
            moved_cbed = (cp.absolute(
                cp.fft.ifft2(cp.multiply(FFT_cbd, move_phase)))).astype(
            padded_on_gpu[ii, :, :] = moved_cbed * cutoff
        padded_4D[startval:stop_val, :, :] = cp.asnumpy(
            padded_on_gpu[0:gpu_4Dchunk.shape[0], :, :])
    del padded_on_gpu, moved_cbed, cbed, FFT_cbd, move_phase, gpu_4Dchunk, move_pixels, cutoff
    return padded_4D
Esempio n. 18
def gpu_resize(dPhi, dAmp, src_x, src_y, nx, ny):
    ratio_x = nx/src_x
    ratio_y = ny/src_y
    # print(ratio_x , ratio_y)
    dPhi[cupy.isnan(dPhi)] = 0
    dPhi[cupy.isinf(dPhi)] = 0
    dAmp[cupy.isnan(dAmp)] = 1
    dAmp[cupy.isinf(dAmp)] = 1
    dAmp[cupy.equal(dAmp,0.0)] = 0.01;
    dAmp = cupy.absolute(dAmp)
    dPhi = cupyx.scipy.ndimage.zoom(dPhi, (ratio_y,ratio_x))
    dAmp = cupyx.scipy.ndimage.zoom(dAmp, (ratio_y,ratio_x))
    dField = cupy.log(dAmp) + 1j*(dPhi)
    return dField
Esempio n. 19
def _eigsh_solve_ritz(alpha, beta, beta_k, k, which):
    t = cupy.diag(alpha)
    t = t + cupy.diag(beta[:-1], k=1)
    t = t + cupy.diag(beta[:-1], k=-1)
    if beta_k is not None:
        t[k, :k] = beta_k
        t[:k, k] = beta_k
    w, s = cupy.linalg.eigh(t)

    # Pick-up k ritz-values and ritz-vectors
    if which == 'LA':
        idx = cupy.argsort(w)
    elif which == 'LM':
        idx = cupy.argsort(cupy.absolute(w))
    wk = w[idx[-k:]]
    sk = s[:, idx[-k:]]
    return wk, sk
Esempio n. 20
def lobe_calc(data4DF, Four_Y, Four_X, FourXY, rsize, cutoff, chunks):
    stops = np.zeros(chunks + 1,
    stops[0:chunks] = np.arange(0, data4DF.shape[-1],
                                (data4DF.shape[-1] / chunks))
    stops[chunks] = data4DF.shape[-1]

    left_image = cp.zeros_like(FourXY, dtype=np.complex64)
    rightimage = cp.zeros_like(FourXY, dtype=np.complex64)
    d_zero = FourXY < cutoff

    for cc in range(chunks):
        startval = stops[cc]
        stop_val = stops[cc + 1]
        gpu_4Dchunk = cp.asarray(data4DF[:, :, startval:stop_val])
        rcalc = rsize[startval:stop_val, :]
        for pp in range(rcalc.shape[0]):
            ii, jj = rcalc[pp, :]
            xq = Four_X[ii, jj]
            yq = Four_Y[ii, jj]

            cbd = gpu_4Dchunk[:, :, pp]
            cbd_phase = cp.angle(cbd)
            cbd_ampli = cp.absolute(cbd)

            d_plus = (((Four_X + xq)**2) + ((Four_Y + yq)**2))**0.5
            d_minu = (((Four_X - xq)**2) + ((Four_Y - yq)**2))**0.5

            ll = cp.logical_and((d_plus < cutoff), (d_minu > cutoff))
            ll = cp.logical_and(ll, d_zero)

            rr = cp.logical_and((d_plus > cutoff), (d_minu < cutoff))
            rr = cp.logical_and(rr, d_zero)

            left_trotter = cp.multiply(cbd_ampli[ll],
                                       cp.exp((1j) * cbd_phase[ll]))
            righttrotter = cp.multiply(cbd_ampli[rr],
                                       cp.exp((1j) * cbd_phase[rr]))

            left_image[ii, jj] = cp.sum(left_trotter)
            rightimage[ii, jj] = cp.sum(righttrotter)

    del gpu_4Dchunk, d_plus, d_minu, ll, rr, left_trotter, righttrotter, cbd, cbd_phase, cbd_ampli, d_zero, rcalc
    return left_image, rightimage
Esempio n. 21
def real_if_close(a, tol=100):
    """If input is complex with all imaginary parts close to zero, return real
    "Close to zero" is defined as `tol` * (machine epsilon of the type for

    .. warning::

            This function may synchronize the device.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.real_if_close`
    if not issubclass(a.dtype.type, cupy.complexfloating):
        return a
    if tol > 1:
        f = numpy.finfo(a.dtype.type)
        tol = f.eps * tol
    if cupy.all(cupy.absolute(a.imag) < tol):
        a = a.real
    return a
Esempio n. 22
def to_periodogram(signal):
    Returns periodogram of signal for finding frequencies that have high energy.

    :param signal: signal (time domain)
    :type signal: cudf.Series
    :return: CuPy array representing periodogram
    :rtype: cupy.core.core.ndarray

    # convert cudf series to cupy array
    signal_cp = cp.fromDlpack(signal.to_dlpack())

    # standardize the signal
    signal_cp_std = (signal_cp - cp.mean(signal_cp)) / cp.std(signal_cp)

    # take fourier transform of signal
    FFT_data = cp.fft.fft(signal_cp_std)

    # create periodogram
    prdg = (1 / len(signal)) * ((cp.absolute(FFT_data))**2)

    return prdg
Esempio n. 23
def phasecorr_gpu(X, cfRefImg, lcorr):
    ''' not being used - no speed up - may be faster with cuda.jit'''
    nimg, Ly, Lx = X.shape
    ly, lx = cfRefImg.shape[-2:]
    lyhalf = int(np.floor(ly / 2))
    lxhalf = int(np.floor(lx / 2))

    # put on GPU
    ref_gpu = cp.asarray(cfRefImg)
    x_gpu = cp.asarray(X)

    # phasecorrelation
    x_gpu = fftn(x_gpu, axes=(1, 2),
                 overwrite_x=True) * np.sqrt(Ly - 1) * np.sqrt(Lx - 1)
    for t in range(x_gpu.shape[0]):
        tmp = x_gpu[t, :, :]
        tmp = cp.multiply(tmp, ref_gpu)
        tmp = cp.divide(tmp, cp.absolute(tmp) + 1e-5)
        x_gpu[t, :, :] = tmp
    x_gpu = ifftn(x_gpu, axes=(1, 2),
                  overwrite_x=True) * np.sqrt(Ly - 1) * np.sqrt(Lx - 1)
    x_gpu = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.real(x_gpu), axes=(1, 2))

    # get max index
    x_gpu = x_gpu[cp.ix_(np.arange(0, nimg, 1, int),
                         np.arange(lyhalf - lcorr, lyhalf + lcorr + 1, 1, int),
                         np.arange(lxhalf - lcorr, lxhalf + lcorr + 1, 1,
    ix = cp.argmax(cp.reshape(x_gpu, (nimg, -1)), axis=1)
    cmax = x_gpu[np.arange(0, nimg, 1, int), ix]
    ymax, xmax = cp.unravel_index(ix, (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
    cmax = cp.asnumpy(cmax).flatten()
    ymax = cp.asnumpy(ymax)
    xmax = cp.asnumpy(xmax)
    ymax, xmax = ymax - lcorr, xmax - lcorr
    return ymax, xmax, cmax
Esempio n. 24
def transform_dimacs_clause_to_cugen_clause(
        dimacs_clause: str, number_of_literals: int) -> cupy.array:
    Transform a clause line from the DIMACS format to a clause in the cugen SAT format

    :param dimacs_clause: Line representing a clause in a DIMACS file
    :param number_of_literals: The number of literals in the formula
    :return: The clause in the cugen SAT format
    cugen_clause = cupy.array([cupy.nan] * number_of_literals)
    signed_literals = dimacs_clause.split()[:-1]

    for literal in signed_literals:
        literal_as_integer = int(literal)
        literal_as_index = int(cupy.absolute(literal_as_integer) - 1)

        if cupy.isnan(cugen_clause[literal_as_index]):
            cugen_clause[literal_as_index] = 0 if literal_as_integer < 0 else 1
        elif literal_as_integer != cugen_clause[literal_as_index]:
            cugen_clause[literal_as_index] = -2

    cugen_clause[cugen_clause == -2] = cupy.nan

    return cugen_clause
Esempio n. 25
 def loss(self, X, Y):
     """ Compute the loss over the input X and the expected classes Y
     if self.l1 == 0:
         l1 = 0
         l1 = cp.sum(cp.absolute(self.w1)) + cp.sum(cp.absolute(
             self.b1)) + cp.sum(cp.absolute(self.w2)) + cp.sum(
                 cp.absolute(self.b2)) + cp.sum(cp.absolute(
                     self.w3)) + cp.sum(cp.absolute(self.b3))
     if self.l2 == 0:
         l2 = 0
         l2 = cp.sum(cp.power(self.w1, 2)) + cp.sum(cp.power(
             self.b1, 2)) + cp.sum(cp.power(self.w2, 2)) + cp.sum(
                 cp.power(self.b2, 2)) + cp.sum(cp.power(
                     self.w3, 2)) + cp.sum(cp.power(self.b3, 2))
     return categorical_cross_entropy(
         self.fprop(X).T, onehot(Y, self.output_size)) + float(
             self.l1 * l1) + float(self.l2 * l2)
Esempio n. 26
def polyfit(x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False):
    """Returns the least squares fit of polynomial of degree deg
    to the data y sampled at x.

        x (cupy.ndarray): x-coordinates of the sample points of shape (M,).
        y (cupy.ndarray): y-coordinates of the sample points of shape
            (M,) or (M, K).
        deg (int): degree of the fitting polynomial.
        rcond (float, optional): relative condition number of the fit.
            The default value is ``len(x) * eps``.
        full (bool, optional): indicator of the return value nature.
            When False (default), only the coefficients are returned.
            When True, diagnostic information is also returned.
        w (cupy.ndarray, optional): weights applied to the y-coordinates
            of the sample points of shape (M,).
        cov (bool or str, optional): if given, returns the coefficients
            along with the covariance matrix.

        cupy.ndarray: of shape (deg + 1,) or (deg + 1, K).
            Polynomial coefficients from highest to lowest degree
        tuple (cupy.ndarray, int, cupy.ndarray, float):
            Present only if ``full=True``.
            Sum of squared residuals of the least-squares fit,
            rank of the scaled Vandermonde coefficient matrix,
            its singular values, and the specified value of ``rcond``.
        cupy.ndarray: of shape (M, M) or (M, M, K).
            Present only if ``full=False`` and ``cov=True``.
            The covariance matrix of the polynomial coefficient estimates.

    .. warning::

        numpy.RankWarning: The rank of the coefficient matrix in the
        least-squares fit is deficient. It is raised if ``full=False``.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.polyfit`

    if x.dtype.char == 'e' and y.dtype.kind == 'b':
        raise NotImplementedError('float16 x and bool y are not'
                                  ' currently supported')
    if y.dtype == numpy.float16:
        raise TypeError('float16 y are not supported')

    x = _polyfit_typecast(x)
    y = _polyfit_typecast(y)
    deg = int(deg)

    if deg < 0:
        raise ValueError('expected deg >= 0')
    if x.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError('expected 1D vector for x')
    if x.size == 0:
        raise TypeError('expected non-empty vector for x')
    if y.ndim < 1 or y.ndim > 2:
        raise TypeError('expected 1D or 2D array for y')
    if x.size != y.shape[0]:
        raise TypeError('expected x and y to have same length')

    lhs = cupy.polynomial.polynomial.polyvander(x, deg)[:, ::-1]
    rhs = y

    if w is not None:
        w = _polyfit_typecast(w)
        if w.ndim != 1:
            raise TypeError('expected a 1-d array for weights')
        if w.size != x.size:
            raise TypeError('expected w and y to have the same length')

        lhs *= w[:, None]
        if rhs.ndim == 2:
            w = w[:, None]
        rhs *= w

    if rcond is None:
        rcond = x.size * cupy.finfo(x.dtype).eps

    scale = cupy.sqrt((cupy.square(lhs)).sum(axis=0))
    lhs /= scale
    c, resids, rank, s = cupy.linalg.lstsq(lhs, rhs, rcond)
    if y.ndim > 1:
        scale = scale.reshape(-1, 1)
    c /= scale

    order = deg + 1
    if rank != order and not full:
        msg = 'Polyfit may be poorly conditioned'
        warnings.warn(msg, numpy.RankWarning, stacklevel=4)

    if full:
        if resids.dtype.kind == 'c':
            resids = cupy.absolute(resids)
        return c, resids, rank, s, rcond
    if cov:
        base = cupy.linalg.inv(, lhs))
        base /= cupy.outer(scale, scale)

        if cov == 'unscaled':
            factor = 1
        elif x.size > order:
            factor = resids / (x.size - order)
            raise ValueError('the number of data points must exceed order'
                             ' to scale the covariance matrix')

        if y.ndim != 1:
            base = base[..., None]
        return c, base * factor

    return c
Esempio n. 27
def qmf(hk):
    Return high-pass qmf filter from low-pass

    hk : array_like
        Coefficients of high-pass filter.

    N = len(hk) - 1
    asgn = [{0: 1, 1: -1}[k % 2] for k in range(N + 1)]
    return hk[::-1] * cp.array(asgn)
    Return (x, phi, psi) at dyadic points ``K/2**J`` from filter coefficients.

    hk : array_like
        Coefficients of low-pass filter.
    J : int, optional
        Values will be computed at grid points ``K/2**J``. Default is 7.

    x : ndarray
        The dyadic points ``K/2**J`` for ``K=0...N * (2**J)-1`` where
        ``len(hk) = len(gk) = N+1``.
    phi : ndarray
        The scaling function ``phi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(hk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
    psi : ndarray, optional
        The wavelet function ``psi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(gk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
        `psi` is only returned if `gk` is not None.

    The algorithm uses the vector cascade algorithm described by Strang and
    Nguyen in "Wavelets and Filter Banks".  It builds a dictionary of values
    and slices for quick reuse.  Then inserts vectors into final vector at the

    N = len(hk) - 1

    if (J > 30 - cp.log2(N + 1)):
        raise ValueError("Too many levels.")
    if (J < 1):
        raise ValueError("Too few levels.")

    # construct matrices needed
    nn, kk = cp.ogrid[:N, :N]
    s2 = cp.sqrt(2)
    # append a zero so that take works
    thk = cp.r_[hk, 0]
    gk = qmf(hk)
    tgk = cp.r_[gk, 0]

    indx1 = cp.clip(2 * nn - kk, -1, N + 1)
    indx2 = cp.clip(2 * nn - kk + 1, -1, N + 1)
    m = cp.zeros((2, 2, N, N), 'd')
    m[0, 0] = cp.take(thk, indx1, 0)
    m[0, 1] = cp.take(thk, indx2, 0)
    m[1, 0] = cp.take(tgk, indx1, 0)
    m[1, 1] = cp.take(tgk, indx2, 0)
    m *= s2

    # construct the grid of points
    x = cp.arange(0, N * (1 << J), dtype=float) / (1 << J)
    phi = 0 * x

    psi = 0 * x

    # find phi0, and phi1
    lam, v = eig(m[0, 0])
    ind = cp.argmin(cp.absolute(lam - 1))
    # a dictionary with a binary representation of the
    #   evaluation points x < 1 -- i.e. position is 0.xxxx
    v = cp.real(v[:, ind])
    # need scaling function to integrate to 1 so find
    #  eigenvector normalized to sum(v,axis=0)=1
    sm = cp.sum(v)
    if sm < 0:  # need scaling function to integrate to 1
        v = -v
        sm = -sm
    bitdic = {'0': v / sm}
    bitdic['1'] =[0, 1], bitdic['0'])
    step = 1 << J
    phi[::step] = bitdic['0']
    phi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = bitdic['1']
    psi[::step] =[1, 0], bitdic['0'])
    psi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] =[1, 1], bitdic['0'])
    # descend down the levels inserting more and more values
    #  into bitdic -- store the values in the correct location once we
    #  have computed them -- stored in the dictionary
    #  for quicker use later.
    prevkeys = ['1']
    for level in range(2, J + 1):
        newkeys = ['%d%s' % (xx, yy) for xx in [0, 1] for yy in prevkeys]
        fac = 1 << (J - level)
        for key in newkeys:
            # convert key to number
            num = 0
            for pos in range(level):
                if key[pos] == '1':
                    num += (1 << (level - 1 - pos))
            pastphi = bitdic[key[1:]]
            ii = int(key[0])
            temp =[0, ii], pastphi)
            bitdic[key] = temp
            phi[num * fac::step] = temp
            psi[num * fac::step] =[1, ii], pastphi)
        prevkeys = newkeys

    return x, phi, psi
Esempio n. 28
cp_diff_amp = cp.asarray(np_diff_amp, dtype="float32")
cp_sup = cp.asarray(np_sup, dtype="float32")
cp_initial_dens = cp.asarray(np_initial_dens, dtype="float32")
cp_dens = cp.asarray(np_dens)

print("iteration scale_factor Rfactor OS_ratio gamma")
with open(log_path, mode='a') as log:
    log.write("iteration scale_factor Rfactor OS_ratio gamma")

for i in range(int(iteration) + int(additional_iteration)):

    cp_structure_factor = cp.fft.fft2(cp_dens, norm="ortho")  #【フーリエ変換】
    cp_structure_factor = cp.fft.fftshift(
        cp_structure_factor)  #fftshiftを使ってシフト
    cp_amp = cp.absolute(cp_structure_factor)  #絶対値をとる


    #	np_amp = cp.asnumpy(cp.square(cp_amp))#cupy配列 ⇒ numpy配列に変換
    #	tifffile.imsave('diff.tif' ,np_amp)
    #	exit()

        (cp_diff_amp % 2 > 0.0) & (cp_amp % 2 != 0.0)] = cp_structure_factor[
            (cp_diff_amp % 2 > 0.0) & (cp_amp % 2 != 0.0)] * cp_diff_amp[
                (cp_diff_amp % 2 > 0.0) & (cp_amp % 2 != 0.0)] / cp_amp[
                    (cp_diff_amp % 2 > 0.0) & (cp_amp % 2 != 0.0)]

    cp_structure_factor_bk = cp_structure_factor
    def admittanceMatrixE(self):
        shapeParams = self.shapeFunctionParameters()
        whereIsZero = (cp.absolute(shapeParams) - 1e-12 < 0)
        indexZero = cp.where(whereIsZero)
        isConst = indexZero[2] == 2 # 1 for const x, 0 for const y
        indicesConstX = cp.where(isConst)[0]
        indicesConstY = cp.where(~isConst)[0]
        sortedElNodeIndices = cp.sort(self.nodeisElectrode[self.isValid], axis=1)
        admittanceMatrixE = cp.zeros((self.n_pts,
        shapeMatrix = cp.zeros((shapeParams.shape[0], shapeParams.shape[1], 2))
        integratingMatrix = cp.zeros((shapeParams.shape[0], 2))
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstY, :, 0] = shapeParams[indicesConstY, :, 0] + shapeParams[indicesConstY, :, 2] * self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 1, 1][:, None]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstY, :, 1] = shapeParams[indicesConstY, :, 1]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstX, :, 0] = shapeParams[indicesConstX, :, 0] + shapeParams[indicesConstX, :, 1] * self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 1, 0][:, None]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstX, :, 1] = shapeParams[indicesConstX, :, 2]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 0] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 1, 0] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 0, 0]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 1] = 0.5 * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 1, 0], 2) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 0, 0], 2))
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstX, 0] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 1, 1] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 0, 1]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstX, 1] = 0.5 * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 1, 1], 2) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 0, 1], 2))
        integrals = cp.einsum('ijk, ik -> ij', shapeMatrix, integratingMatrix)
        integrals[:] = cp.absolute(integrals)
        #integr = cp.sum(cp.multiply(shapeMatrix, integratingMatrix[:, None]), axis=2)

        #print(cp.sum(cp.round_(integrals, 16) == cp.round_(integr, 16)))

        indexElectrode = sortedElNodeIndices[:, 0] // self.n_per_el
        integrals = - integrals / self.z[indexElectrode][:, None, None]
        integrals = integrals.ravel()
        indexElectrode = cp.tile(indexElectrode, (self.n_per_el, 1)).T.ravel()
        indexNode = self.tri[self.twoFromElectrode][self.isValid].ravel()
        #admittanceMatrixE [self.tri[twoFromElectrode][isValid].ravel(), indexElectrode] += integrals.ravel()
        indSort = cp.argsort(indexNode)
        indexNode = indexNode[indSort]
        indexElectrode = indexElectrode[indSort]
        integrals = integrals[indSort]

        unique, counts = cp.unique(indexNode, return_counts=True)
        #print("number of unique entries", unique.shape)
        #print("counts \n", counts)
        index_pointer = cp.zeros(self.n_pts + 1)
        sum_count = cp.cumsum(counts)
        index_pointer[unique[:]+1] = sum_count[:]
        nonzeroes = cp.nonzero(index_pointer)[0]
        mask = cp.zeros(index_pointer.shape[0], dtype='b1')
        mask[nonzeroes] = True
        mask[0] = True
        zeroes = cp.where(~mask)[0]
        #time_loop = time()
        while (index_pointer[1:]==0).any():
            index_pointer[zeroes] = index_pointer[zeroes - 1]
        '''for i in range(index_pointer.shape[0]):
            if i == 0:
            elif index_pointer[i] == 0:
                index_pointer[i] = index_pointer[i-1]'''
        #print('time for loop ',time()-time_loop)
        index_pointer2 = cp.arange(self.n_pts + 1)
        #print('indexEl', indexElectrode)
        admittanceMatrixE = sp.csr_matrix((integrals, indexElectrode, index_pointer), shape=(self.n_pts,, dtype=integrals.dtype)
        adm = admittanceMatrixE.toarray();
        #a = (sortedElNodeIndices[0,0])
        # print(adm[:,1])
        #print('sum zeroes ',cp.sum(adm>0))
        return adm; 
    def admittanceMatrixC2(self):
        compute matrix to calculate integral of two shape functions
        over the length of the electrode (assuming they are non-zero) - shape ((n_el * n_per_el - 1), 3, 3, 3)
        shapeParams = self.shapeFunctionParameters()
        whereIsZero = (cp.absolute(shapeParams) - 1e-12 < 0)
        indexZero = cp.where(whereIsZero)
        isConst = indexZero[2] == 2 # 1 for const x, 0 for const y
        zeroShapeFunc = cp.array(indexZero[1])
        indicesShapeFunctions = cp.outer(cp.ones(shapeParams.shape[0]), cp.arange(3))
        indicesShapeFunctions[:, ~zeroShapeFunc] = 0
        outerOfShapeFunc = cp.einsum('ijk, ipq -> ijpkq', shapeParams, shapeParams)
        integratingMatrix = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0], outerOfShapeFunc.shape[3], outerOfShapeFunc.shape[4]))
        for i in range(20):
            #print(self.pts[nodeisElectrode[isValid], :][i])
        sortedElNodeIndices = cp.sort(self.nodeisElectrode[self.isValid], axis=1)
        firstOrderY = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        secondOrderY = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        thirdOrderY = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        constX = cp.ones((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0], 3))
        firstOrderY[:] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 1] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 1] # y2 - y1
        secondOrderY[:] = 0.5 * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 1], 2) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 1], 2)) # 1/2 (y2^2 - y1^2)
        thirdOrderY[:] = 1./3. * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 1], 3) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 1], 3)) # 1/3 (y2^3 - y1^3)
        constX[:, 1] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 0]
        constX = cp.einsum('ij, ik -> ijk', constX, constX)
        integratingMatrix[:, 0, 0] = firstOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 0, 1] = firstOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 1, 0] = firstOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 0, 2] = secondOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 2, 0] = secondOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 1, 1] = firstOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 1, 2] = secondOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 2, 1] = secondOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:, 2, 2] = thirdOrderY[:]
        integratingMatrix[:] = integratingMatrix * isConst[:, None, None]
        #intm = cp.array(integratingMatrix)
        firstOrderX = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        secondOrderX = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        thirdOrderX = cp.empty((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0]))
        constY = cp.ones((outerOfShapeFunc.shape[0], 3))
        firstOrderX[:] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 0] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 0] # x2 - x1
        secondOrderX[:] = 0.5 * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 0], 2) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 0], 2)) # 1/2 (x2^2 - x1^2)
        thirdOrderX[:] = 1./3. * (cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 0], 3) - cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 0, 0], 3)) # 1/3 (x2^3 - x1^3)
        constY[:, 2] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][:, 1, 1]
        constY = cp.einsum('ij, ik -> ijk', constY, constY)
        indicesConstX = cp.where(isConst)[0]
        indicesConstY = cp.where(~isConst)[0]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 0, 0] = firstOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 0, 1] = secondOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 1, 0] = secondOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 0, 2] = firstOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 2, 0] = firstOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 1, 1] = thirdOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 1, 2] = secondOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 2, 1] = secondOrderX[indicesConstY]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 2, 2] = firstOrderX[indicesConstY]
        for i in range(40):
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstX] = cp.multiply(integratingMatrix[indicesConstX], constX[indicesConstX])
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY] = cp.multiply(integratingMatrix[indicesConstY], constY[indicesConstY])

        admittanceMatrix = cp.einsum('ijklm, ilm -> ijk', outerOfShapeFunc, integratingMatrix)
        admittanceMatrix[:] = cp.absolute(admittanceMatrix)
        admittanceMatrix[admittanceMatrix < 1e-18] = 0
        #admittanceMatrix2 = cp.sum(cp.multiply(outerOfShapeFunc, integratingMatrix[:, None, None, :, :]), axis = [3,4])

        #number_of_equal = cp.sum(cp.equal(cp.round_(admittanceMatrix, 16), cp.round_(admittanceMatrix2, 16)))
        #print(number_of_equal == admittanceMatrix.shape[0] * admittanceMatrix.shape[1] * admittanceMatrix.shape[2])
        return admittanceMatrix