Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, env):
     self.env = env
     self.session = None
     self._tmpdir = None
     self._sock = None
     self._proxy = None
     self._closed = False
     self._startup_lock = curio.Lock()
     self._poll_lock = curio.Lock()
     self._apiVersion_cache = {}
     self._kind_cache = {}
     self.healthy = curio.Event()
Esempio n. 2
async def amain(hash_func, a, b=None, num_workers=None):
    work_queue = curio.Queue()
    output_lock = curio.Lock()

    output = {'a': {}}
    if b:
        output['b'] = {}

    hashers = curio.TaskGroup(name='hashers')
    if not num_workers:
            num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1
        except NotImplementedError:
            num_workers = 2
    for _ in range(num_workers):
        await hashers.spawn(hash_file_worker, work_queue, output, output_lock,

    for fullpath in walk_all_files(a):
        await work_queue.put(('a', fullpath))
    if b:
        for fullpath in walk_all_files(b):
            await work_queue.put(('b', fullpath))

    await work_queue.join()
    await hashers.cancel_remaining()

    return output
Esempio n. 3
 async def wait_for_cmd_resp(self, *args):
     data = self.pack_command(*args)
     await self.sock.send(data[0])
     # lock is not ok, too many waiting event will cause ReadResourceBusy exception
     async with curio.Lock():
         res_data = await self.sock.recv(1024)
     return res_data
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, circuit):
     self.circuit = circuit  # a caproto.VirtualCircuit
     self.channels = {}  # map cid to Channel
     self.ioids = {}  # map ioid to Channel
     self.ioid_data = {}  # map ioid to server response
     self.subscriptionids = {}  # map subscriptionid to Channel
     self.connected = True
     self.socket = None
     self.command_queue = curio.Queue()
     self.new_command_condition = curio.Condition()
     self._socket_lock = curio.Lock()
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, circuit, client, context):
     super().__init__(circuit, client, context)
     self._raw_lock = curio.Lock()
     self.QueueFull = QueueFull
     self.command_queue = QueueWithFullError(ca.MAX_COMMAND_BACKLOG)
     self.new_command_condition = curio.Condition()
     self.pending_tasks = curio.TaskGroup()
     self.events_on = curio.Event()
     self.subscription_queue = QueueWithFullError(
     self.write_event = Event()
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(
            skt_ctx: Optional["context.BaseSketchContext"] = None) -> None:
        self._ctx = skt_ctx or context.AsyncioSketchContext()
        self._skt_cache: Dict[str, sketch.Sketch] = {}

        if isinstance(self._ctx, context.AsyncioSketchContext):
            self._find_skt_lock = asyncio.Lock()

        elif isinstance(self._ctx, context.CurioSketchContext):  # noqa: SIM106
            self._find_skt_lock = curio.Lock()

            raise RuntimeError("Unknown sketch context.")
Esempio n. 7
async def start_evaluators(params, queue, logger):
    '''Initialize evaluators and run them.

    params: {str:object}
        Parameters for initializing evaluators.
    queue: curio.queue
        An asynchronous queue to pass data for evaluation.
    logger: logging.Logger
        A logger.

    tasks: [curio.Task]
        Tasks running the initialized evaluators.
    lock = curio.Lock()
    tasks = []
    for worker in params:
        command = worker['command']
        tasks.append(await curio.spawn(evaluator(command, queue, lock, logger),
    return tasks
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, socket: -> None:
     self.read_lock = curio.Lock()
     self.write_lock = curio.Lock()
     self.socket = socket = socket.as_stream()
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self) -> None:
     self._lock = curio.Lock()
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, lock=None):
     if lock is None:
         self._lock = curio.Condition(curio.Lock())
         self._lock = curio.Condition(lock._lock)
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__(self):
     self._lock = curio.Lock()
 def __init__(self, encoding=False):
     self._encoding = encoding
     self._read_write_lock = curio.Lock()
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(self, *args, max_events=None, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.cmd_lock = curio.Lock()
Esempio n. 14
 def _lock_factory(self) -> LockLike:
     return cast(LockLike, curio.Lock())
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, f, x0, w0=None, s=augmented_tchebycheff, o=cmaes, d=d0, e=1e-3, max_evals=None):
        '''Create an AWA object.

        f: callable
            The vector-valued objective function to optimize.
        x0: iterable
            A matrix of initial solutions.
            The matrix shape determines the problem dimensionality.
            When the matrix is ``m`` x ``n``, the objective function ``f`` is
            treated as a map from an n-D space to an m-D space (i.e.,
            m objectives, n variables).
        w0: iterable, optional
            A matrix of initial weights.
            The matrix shape must be ``m`` x ``m`` where the value of ``m`` is
            determined by the shape of ``x0``.
            By default, ``np.eye(m)`` is used.
        s: callable, optional
            A scalarization function.
            This function must accept two arguments, a vector-valued objective
            function ``f`` and a weight ``w``, and returns a scalar-valued
            objective function.
            By default, ``augmented_tchebycheff`` function is used.
        o: callable, optional
            An optimization function.
            This function must accept two arguments, a scalar-valued objective
            function ``f`` and an initial solution ``x``, and returns an
            optimal solution to ``f``.
            By default, ``cmaes`` function is used.
        d: callable, optional
            A puseudo-distance function.
            This function must accept two arguments, an address ``a`` and
            another address ``b``, and returns an puseudo-distance between them.
            By default, ``d0`` function is used.
        e: float, optional
            A tolerance of optimization.
            This value is used to stop the search for an address.
            AWA stops the search when d(a, a_old) <= e holds.
            By default, ``1e-3`` is used.

        >>> async def f(x):
        ...     return sum(v**2 for v in x), sum((v-1)**2 for v in x)
        >>> x0 = [[0, 0, 0],
        ...       [1, 1, 1]]
        >>> awa = AWA(f, x0)
        self.f = f
        self.s = s
        self.o = o
        self.d = d
        self.e = e
        self.max_evals = max_evals if max_evals else {}
        self.states = {}
        self.lock = curio.Lock()

        obj = len(x0)
        if w0 is None:
            w0 = np.eye(obj)

        for a, w, x in zip(AddressSpace(obj, 1), w0, x0):
            self.states[a] = AWAState(a, w, x)