Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, waypoints):
        self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
        self._current_x = 0
        self._current_y = 0
        self._current_yaw = 0
        self._current_speed = 0
        self._desired_speed = 0
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._current_timestamp = 0
        self._start_control_loop = False
        self._set_throttle = 0
        self._set_brake = 0
        self._set_steer = 0
        self._waypoints = waypoints
        self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
        self._pi = np.pi
        self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi

        ## MPC
        self.mpc = MPC()

        ## PIDs
        self.steering_pid = PID(P=0.34611, I=0.0370736, D=3.5349)
        self.steering_pid.setSampleTime = 0.033

        self.throttle_brake_pid = PID(P=7.0, I=1.0, D=1.026185)
        self.throttle_brake_pid.setSampleTime = 0.033

        ## Pure Pursuit
        self.pp = PP(L=4.5, k_pp=1.3)
        self.stanley = STANLEY(L=4.5, k=4, k_soft=1)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):

        self.twist_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)

        self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
        self._current_x = 0  #data.pose_x
        self._current_y = 0  #data.pose_y
        self._current_yaw = 0  #data.yaw
        self._current_speed = 0  #data.speed
        self._desired_speed = 0
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._current_timestamp = 0
        self._start_control_loop = True
        self._set_throttle = 0
        self._set_brake = 0
        self._set_steer = 0
        self._waypoints = []  #way_list
        self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
        self._pi = np.pi
        self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi

        # TODO: Create `TwistController` object

        # TODO: Subscribe to all the topics you need to
        #rospy.Subscriber('/current_velocity', TwistStamped, self.velocity_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber('/final_waypoints', PoseArray,
        rospy.Subscriber('/imu_topic', Imu, self.current_pose_cb)
        #rospy.Subscriber('/twist_cmd', TwistStamped, self.twist_cb)

        # go into event loop
 def __init__(self, waypoints, control_method):
     self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
     self._current_x = 0
     self._current_y = 0
     self._current_yaw = 0
     self._current_speed = 0
     self._desired_speed = 0
     self._current_frame = 0
     self._current_timestamp = 0
     self._start_control_loop = False
     self._set_throttle = 0
     self._set_brake = 0
     self._set_steer = 0
     self._waypoints = waypoints
     self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi = np.pi
     self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi
     self._kP = 0.8
     self._kI = 0.5
     self._kD = 0.0
     self._Kpp = 4.5
     self._Kvf = 2.5
     self._Kcte = 0.5
     self._Kmpc = 0.3
     self._eps_lookahead = 10e-3
     self._closest_distance = 0
     self._wheelbase = 3.0
     self._control_method = control_method
     self._steering_diff = np.linspace(-10, 10, 21, endpoint=True)
 def __init__(self, waypoints):
     self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
     self._lookahead_distance = 1.2
     self._pure_pursuit_gain = 0.15
     self._kps = 2.5
     self._kds = 0.03
     self._kis = 0.3
     self._wheelbase = 3
     self._uk1s = 0.0
     self._er_1s = 0.0
     self._er_2s = 0.0
     self._current_x = 0
     self._current_y = 0
     self._current_yaw = 0
     self._current_speed = 0
     self._desired_speed = 0
     self._current_frame = 0
     self._current_timestamp = 0
     self._start_control_loop = False
     self._set_throttle = 0
     self._set_brake = 0
     self._set_steer = 0
     self._waypoints = waypoints
     self.minidx = 0
     self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi = np.pi
     self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi
    def __init__(self, waypoints):
        self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
        self._current_x = 0
        self._current_y = 0
        self._current_yaw = 0
        self._current_speed = 0
        self._desired_speed = 0
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._current_timestamp = 0
        self._start_control_loop = False
        self._set_throttle = 0
        self._set_brake = 0
        self._set_steer = 0
        self._waypoints = waypoints
        self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
        self._pi = np.pi
        self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi
        # Definición de errores para el PID LONGITUDINAL
        self.err2 = 0
        self.err1 = 0
        self.err = 0
        self.u1 = 0
        self.u = 0

        # Definitions for the Stanley controller
        self.cterr = 0
        self.herr = 0
        self.l = 2.3
        self.steerout = 0
        self.rx = waypoints[0][0]
        self.ry = waypoints[0][1]
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, waypoints, controller_type="MPC"):
        self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
        self._lookahead_distance = 3.0
        self._lookahead_time = 1.0
        self._current_x = 0
        self._current_y = 0
        self._current_yaw = 0
        self._current_speed = 0
        self._desired_speed = 0
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._current_timestamp = 0
        self._start_control_loop = False
        self._set_throttle = 0
        self._set_brake = 0
        self._set_steer = 0
        self._waypoints = waypoints
        self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi

        self.longitudinal_controller = LongitudinalPID(self._current_speed,
        if controller_type == "PurePursuit":
            from NavigationLibrary.controllers.PurePursuit import PurePursuit
            self.lateral_controller = PurePursuit(self._current_x, self._current_y,
                                                  self._current_yaw, self._current_speed,
        elif controller_type == "StanleyController":
            from NavigationLibrary.controllers.StanleyController import StanleyController
            self.lateral_controller = StanleyController(self._current_x, self._current_y,
                                                        self._current_yaw, self._current_speed,

        elif controller_type == "MPC":
            from NavigationLibrary.controllers.MPC import MPC
            Q = np.eye(4)
            R = 0.01*np.eye(2)
            Qf = 5*np.eye(4)
            Rd = np.eye(2)
            self.controller = MPC(x=self._current_x, y=self._current_y, yaw=self._current_yaw,
                                  v=self._current_speed, delta=0,
                                  L=2, Q=Q, R=R, Qf=Qf, Rd=Rd,

        self.controller_type = controller_type
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, waypoints):
     self.vars                = cutils.CUtils()
     self._current_x          = 0
     self._current_y          = 0
     self._current_yaw        = 0
     self._current_speed      = 0
     self._desired_speed      = 0
     self._current_frame      = 0
     self._current_timestamp  = 0
     self._start_control_loop = False
     self._set_throttle       = 0
     self._set_brake          = 0
     self._set_steer          = 0
     self._waypoints          = waypoints
     self._conv_rad_to_steer  = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi                 = np.pi
     self._2pi                = 2.0 * np.pi
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, waypoints):
     self.vars                          = cutils.CUtils()
     self._current_x                    = 0
     self._current_y                    = 0
     self._current_yaw                  = 0
     self._current_speed                = 0
     self._desired_speed                = 0
     self._current_frame                = 0
     self._current_timestamp            = 0
     self._start_control_loop           = False
     self._set_throttle                 = 0
     self._set_brake                    = 0
     self._set_steer                    = 0
     self._waypoints                    = waypoints
     self._conv_rad_to_steer            = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi                           = np.pi
     self._2pi                          = 2.0 * np.pi
     self._lot_controller               = PID(Kp=60.0, Ki=0.6, Kd=0.001)
     self._lot_controller.output_limits = (-100.0 ,100.0)
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, waypoints):
     self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
     self._current_x = 0
     self._current_y = 0
     self._current_yaw = 0
     self._current_speed = 0
     self._desired_speed = 0
     self._current_frame = 0
     self._current_timestamp = 0
     self._start_control_loop = False
     self._set_throttle = 0
     self._set_brake = 0
     self._set_steer = 0
     self._waypoints = waypoints
     self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi = np.pi
     self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi
     self.crosstrack_error = 0
     self.k_e = 0.8
     self.k_p = 1.908852977263873
     self.k_i = 0.6316572093202273
     self.k_d = 0.0001
     self.total_v_error = 0
 def __init__(self, waypoints):
     self.vars = cutils.CUtils()
     self._current_x = 0
     self._current_y = 0
     self._current_yaw = 0
     self._current_speed = 0
     self._desired_speed = 0
     self._current_frame = 0
     self._current_timestamp = 0
     self._previous_timestamp = 0
     self._start_control_loop = False
     self._set_throttle = 0
     self._set_brake = 0
     self._set_steer = 0
     self._waypoints = waypoints
     self._previous_waypoint = waypoints[0]
     self._current_waypoint = waypoints[1]
     self._conv_rad_to_steer = 180.0 / 70.0 / np.pi
     self._pi = np.pi
     self._2pi = 2.0 * np.pi
     self._kp = 0.2
     self._kd = 0.05
     self._ki = 0.01
     self._stanleygain = 2.5