Esempio n. 1
 def control(self, signal):
     signal = np.float32([signal])
     if not self.initialized:
         return np.zeros(1, self.kf.DP)
     predicted = np.asarray(
         cv.KalmanPredict(self.kf, cv.fromarray(signal.T.copy())))
     return predicted.T[0].copy()
Esempio n. 2
    def update(self, x, y):
        Updates the filter with a new X,Y measurement

        self.kalman_measurement[0, 0] = x
        self.kalman_measurement[1, 0] = y

        self.predicted = cv.KalmanPredict(self.kalman)
        self.corrected = cv.KalmanCorrect(self.kalman, self.kalman_measurement)
Esempio n. 3
 def update(self, z, t):
     self.t_current = t
     x, vx = None, None
     if self.update_dt():
         self.measurement[0, 0] = z
         state_post = cv.KalmanCorrect(self.kal, self.measurement)
         x = state_post[0, 0]
         vx = state_post[1, 0]
     return (x, vx)
Esempio n. 4
 def observation(self, meas):
     meas = np.float32([meas])
     if not self.initialized:
         cv.Copy(cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy()), self.kf.state_post)
         cv.Copy(cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy()), self.kf.state_pre)
         self.initialized = True
     if self.kf.CP == 0:
     corrected = np.asarray(
         cv.KalmanCorrect(self.kf, cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy())))
     return corrected.T[0].copy()
def kalmanFilter(positions, velocities, processNoiseCov, measurementNoiseCov):
    kalman = cv.CreateKalman(6, 4)
    kalman.transition_matrix[0, 2] = 1
    kalman.transition_matrix[0, 4] = 1. / 2
    kalman.transition_matrix[1, 3] = 1
    kalman.transition_matrix[1, 5] = 1. / 2
    kalman.transition_matrix[2, 4] = 1
    kalman.transition_matrix[3, 5] = 1

    cv.SetIdentity(kalman.measurement_matrix, 1.)
    cv.SetIdentity(kalman.process_noise_cov, processNoiseCov)
    cv.SetIdentity(kalman.measurement_noise_cov, measurementNoiseCov)
    cv.SetIdentity(kalman.error_cov_post, 1.)

    p = positions[0]
    v = velocities[0]
    v2 = velocities[2]
    a = (v2 - v).multiply(0.5)
    kalman.state_post[0, 0] = p.x
    kalman.state_post[1, 0] = p.y
    kalman.state_post[2, 0] = v.x
    kalman.state_post[3, 0] = v.y
    kalman.state_post[4, 0] = a.x
    kalman.state_post[5, 0] = a.y

    filteredPositions = moving.Trajectory()
    filteredVelocities = moving.Trajectory()
    measurement = cv.CreateMat(4, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
    for i in xrange(positions.length()):
        cv.KalmanPredict(kalman)  # no control
        p = positions[i]
        v = velocities[i]
        measurement[0, 0] = p.x
        measurement[1, 0] = p.y
        measurement[2, 0] = v.x
        measurement[3, 0] = v.y
        cv.KalmanCorrect(kalman, measurement)
        filteredPositions.addPositionXY(kalman.state_post[0, 0],
                                        kalman.state_post[1, 0])
        filteredVelocities.addPositionXY(kalman.state_post[2, 0],
                                         kalman.state_post[3, 0])

    return (filteredPositions, filteredVelocities)
 def get_prediction(self):
     self.prediction = cv.KalmanPredict(self.kalman)
     return self.prediction
        cv.SetIdentity(kalman.process_noise_cov, cv.RealScalar(1e-5))
        cv.SetIdentity(kalman.measurement_noise_cov, cv.RealScalar(1e-1))
        cv.SetIdentity(kalman.error_cov_post, cv.RealScalar(1))
        cv.RandArr(rng, kalman.state_post, cv.CV_RAND_NORMAL, cv.RealScalar(0),

        while True:

            def calc_point(angle):
                return (cv.Round(img.width / 2 + img.width / 3 * cos(angle)),
                        cv.Round(img.height / 2 - img.width / 3 * sin(angle)))

            state_angle = state[0, 0]
            state_pt = calc_point(state_angle)

            prediction = cv.KalmanPredict(kalman)
            predict_angle = prediction[0, 0]
            predict_pt = calc_point(predict_angle)

            cv.RandArr(rng, measurement, cv.CV_RAND_NORMAL, cv.RealScalar(0),
                       cv.RealScalar(sqrt(kalman.measurement_noise_cov[0, 0])))

            # generate measurement
            cv.MatMulAdd(kalman.measurement_matrix, state, measurement,

            measurement_angle = measurement[0, 0]
            measurement_pt = calc_point(measurement_angle)

            # plot points
            def draw_cross(center, color, d):
Esempio n. 8
    def Update(self, z, t=None):
        # note: z=(x,y)
        if t is not None:
            tNew = t
            tNew =

        if self.initialized:
            # Update the state transition matrix for dt.
            self.dt = tNew - self.t
            self.kal.transition_matrix[0, 2] = self.dt
            self.kal.transition_matrix[1, 3] = self.dt
            #rospy.logwarn ('KF dt=' + '*' * int(1/(20*self.dt)))

            # Kalman Filtering
            state_pre = cv.KalmanPredict(self.kal)
            if (z is not None) and (self.zf is not None) and (self.dt != 0):
                self.measurement[0, 0] = z[0]
                self.measurement[1, 0] = z[1]
                self.measurement[2, 0] = (z[0] - self.zf[0]) / self.dt
                self.measurement[3, 0] = (z[1] - self.zf[1]) / self.dt

                state_post = cv.KalmanCorrect(self.kal, self.measurement)
                x = state_post[0, 0]
                y = state_post[1, 0]
                vx = state_post[2, 0]
                vy = state_post[3, 0]
                x = state_pre[0, 0]
                y = state_pre[1, 0]
                vx = state_pre[2, 0]
                vy = state_pre[3, 0]
                #rospy.loginfo('KF z==None -> x,y=%s' % [x,y])

            self.zf = z

        else:  # not initialized.
            if (z is not None):
                # Set initial conditions
                x = z[0]
                y = z[1]
                vx = 0.0
                vy = 0.0
                cv.Set2D(self.kal.state_post, 0, 0, z[0])
                cv.Set2D(self.kal.state_post, 1, 0, z[1])
                cv.Set2D(self.kal.state_post, 2, 0, vx)
                cv.Set2D(self.kal.state_post, 3, 0, vy)
                rospy.loginfo('KF initialized kalman filter to %s' %
                              [z[0], z[1], vx, vy])

                self.zf = z

                self.initialized = True
                x = None
                y = None
                vx = None
                vy = None

        self.t = tNew

        return (x, y, vx, vy)