def fast_template_matching(img, tmpl, max_level): pyr_img = build_pyramid(img, max_level) pyr_tmpl = build_pyramid(tmpl, max_level) results = [] for level in range(max_level,-1,-1): ref = pyr_img[level] tpl = pyr_tmpl[level] if level == max_level: results.append(cv2.matchTemplate(ref, tpl, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)) else: mask = cv2.pyrUp(results[-1]) (_, maxval, _, maxloc) = cv2.minMaxLoc(mask) if maxval < 0.5: break #print maxloc mask_h, mask_w = mask.shape mask_w = mask_w / 50 mask_h = mask_h / 50 tpl_h, tpl_w = tpl.shape y = maxloc[1] - mask_h/2 x = maxloc[0] - mask_w/2 w = mask_w + tpl_w h = mask_h + tpl_h res = np.zeros(ref.shape, np.float32) if x+w > ref.shape[1] or y+h > ref.shape[0] or x < 0 or y < 0: # Out of bounds return (0,(0,0)) res[y:y+mask_h+1,x:x+mask_w+1] = cv2.matchTemplate(ref[y:y+h,x:x+w], tpl, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) results.append(res) (_, maxval, _, maxloc) = cv2.minMaxLoc(results[-1]) return maxval, maxloc
def get_LaplacePyramid(name1,name2,size): """ Function that creates Laplacian pyramids of two images name1, name2: names of files containing the images size: number of levels in the lapalacian pyramid """ # We first get the gaussian pyramids of each image. Notice # the function written before is invoked here gaussPy1,gaussPy2 = get_GaussPyrimids(name1,name2,size) # We create a list of Laplacian pyramids; we initialize each list # with the deeper level (smallest image) of each Gaussian pyramid Lapl1 = [gaussPy1[size]]; Lapl2 = [gaussPy2[size]] # We loop over each element of the Gaussian pyramid. Notice the # looping begins with the smallest image in the Gaussian pyramid # (deepest level) # For each element of the Gaussian pyramid... for k in range(size,0,-1): # Increase size of images in turn... G1 = cv2.pyrUp(gaussPy1[k]); G2 = cv2.pyrUp(gaussPy2[k]) #print G1.shape, G2.shape # ... take respective differences with images in turn ... L1 = cv2.subtract(gaussPy1[k-1],G1); L2 = cv2.subtract(gaussPy2[k-1],G2) # ... and append to the list of Laplacian pyramids #print k , L1.shape, L2.shape Lapl1.append(L1); Lapl2.append(L2) return Lapl1,Lapl2
def debugSingleFeature(eyeData, singleFeature, targets): index3 = np.nonzero(targets == 3)[0] index4 = np.nonzero(targets == 4)[0] direction3 = eyeData[index3] direction4 = eyeData[index4] feature3 = singleFeature[index3] feature4 = singleFeature[index4] worst3 = np.argmin(feature3) worst4 = np.argmax(feature4) image3 = direction3[worst3].reshape((28, 42)) # .transpose() image4 = direction4[worst4].reshape((28, 42)) # .transpose() image3 = cv2.pyrUp(image3) image4 = cv2.pyrUp(image4) cv2.namedWindow("singlefeature") cv2.imshow("singlefeature", image3) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imshow("singlefeature", image4) cv2.waitKey(0)
def buildUpsampledLaplacianPyramid(I, nLevels= -1, minSize = 16): if nLevels == -1: nLevels = getNlevels(I,minSize) pyramid = nLevels*[None] pyramid[0] = I if len(pyramid[0].shape) < 3: pyramid[0].shape += (1,) for i in range(nLevels-1): srcSz = pyramid[i].shape[0:2] newSz = tuple([a/2 for a in pyramid[i].shape[0:2]]) newSz = (newSz[1],newSz[0]) pyramid[i+1] = cv2.pyrDown(pyramid[i]) if len(pyramid[i+1].shape) < 3: pyramid[i+1].shape += (1,) for i in range(nLevels-1): newSz = pyramid[i].shape[0:2] up = cv2.pyrUp(pyramid[i+1],dstsize=(newSz[1],newSz[0])).astype(np.float32) if len(up.shape) < 3: up.shape += (1,) pyramid[i] = pyramid[i].astype(np.float32) - up # Make a stack for lvl in range(0,nLevels-1): for i in range(nLevels-1,lvl,-1): newSz = pyramid[i-1].shape[0:2] up = cv2.pyrUp(pyramid[i],dstsize=(newSz[1],newSz[0])) if len(up.shape) < 3: up.shape += (1,) pyramid[i] = np.array(up) return pyramid
def YUV_stream2RGB_frame(stream): w=1280 h=720 size=w*h print stream # stream=np.fromstring(data,np.uint8) #convert data form string to numpy array #Y bytes will start form 0 and end in size-1 y=stream[0:size].reshape(h,w) # create the y channel same size as the image #U bytes will start from size and end at size+size/4 as its size = framesize/4 u=stream[size:(size+(size/4))].reshape((h/2),(w/2))# create the u channel its size=framesize/4 #up-sample the u channel to be the same size as the y channel and frame using pyrUp func in opencv2 u_upsize=cv2.pyrUp(u) #do the same for v channel v=stream[(size+(size/4)):].reshape((h/2),(w/2)) v_upsize=cv2.pyrUp(v) #create the 3-channel frame using cv2.merge func watch for the order yuv=cv2.merge((y,u_upsize,v_upsize)) # print yuv.shape print yuv #Convert TO RGB format # rgb=cv2.cvtColor(yuv,cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR) rgb=cv2.cvtColor(yuv, #show frame cv2.imshow("preview",rgb) cv2.waitKey(5)
def get_image_diff (img1, img2): """ Function: get_image_diff ------------------------ given two images, this finds the eroded/dilated difference between them on a coarse grain. NOTE: assumes both are full-size, color """ #=====[ Step 1: convert to gray ]===== img1_gray = cv2.cvtColor (img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img2_gray = cv2.cvtColor (img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #=====[ Step 2: downsample ]===== img1_small = cv2.pyrDown(cv2.pyrDown(img1_gray)) img2_small = cv2.pyrDown(cv2.pyrDown(img2_gray)) #=====[ Step 3: find differnece ]===== difference = img2_small - img1_small #=====[ Step 4: erode -> dilate ]===== kernel = np.ones ((4, 4), np.uint8) difference_ed = cv2.dilate(cv2.erode (difference, kernel), kernel) #=====[ Step 5: blow back up ]===== return cv2.pyrUp (cv2.pyrUp (difference_ed))
def process_scale(a_lods, lod): a1 = a_lods[lod] a2 = cv2.pyrUp(a_lods[lod+1]) d = a1-a2 for i in xrange(lod): d = cv2.pyrUp(d) v = cv2.gaussianBlur(d*d, (3, 3), 0) return np.sign(d), v
def drawAndSaveCv2(img, shapes, outImgName): img = np.array(img[:, :, ::-1]) #cv2format for shape in shapes: for p in shape: p = map(int, p), (p[0], p[1]), 3, (0, 255, 0)) img = cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(img)) cv2.imwrite(outImgName, img)
def main(): displayer = Displayer() A = cv2.cvtColor(fetch_image('apple.jpg'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) B = cv2.cvtColor(fetch_image('orange.jpg'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # generate Gaussian pyramid for A G = A.copy() gpA = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpA.append(G) # generate Gaussian pyramid for B G = B.copy() gpB = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpB.append(G) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for A lpA = [gpA[5]] for i in xrange(5,0,-1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i-1],GE) lpA.append(L) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for B lpB = [gpB[5]] for i in xrange(5,0,-1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpB[i-1],GE) lpB.append(L) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level LS = [] for la,lb in zip(lpA,lpB): rows,cols,dpt = la.shape ls = np.hstack((la[:,0:cols/2], lb[:,cols/2:])) LS.append(ls) # now reconstruct ls_ = LS[0] for i in xrange(1,6): ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_) displayer.add_image(ls_, i) ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i]) # image with direct connecting each half real = np.hstack((A[:,:cols/2],B[:,cols/2:])) displayer.add_image(ls_, "pyramid") #displayer.add_image(real, "stacked") #for i in range(len(lpA)): # displayer.add_image(LS[i], i) displayer.display()
def Laplacian_Pyramid_Blending_with_mask(A, B, m, num_levels=6): # assume mask is float32 [0,1] # generate Gaussian pyramid for A,B and mask GA = A.copy() GB = B.copy() GM = m.copy() gpA = [GA] gpB = [GB] gpM = [GM] for i in xrange(num_levels): GA = cv2.pyrDown(GA) GB = cv2.pyrDown(GB) GM = cv2.pyrDown(GM) gpA.append(np.float32(GA)) gpB.append(np.float32(GB)) gpM.append(np.float32(GM)) # generate Laplacian Pyramids for A,B and masks lpA = [gpA[num_levels - 1] ] # the bottom of the Lap-pyr holds the last (smallest) Gauss level lpB = [gpB[num_levels - 1]] gpMr = [gpM[num_levels - 1]] for i in xrange(num_levels - 1, 0, -1): # Laplacian: subtarct upscaled version of lower level from current level # to get the high frequencies LA = np.subtract(gpA[i - 1], cv2.pyrUp( gpA[i], dstsize=(gpA[i - 1].shape[1], gpA[i - 1].shape[0]))) LB = np.subtract(gpB[i - 1], cv2.pyrUp( gpB[i], dstsize=(gpB[i - 1].shape[1], gpB[i - 1].shape[0]))) lpA.append(LA) lpB.append(LB) gpMr.append(gpM[i - 1]) # also reverse the masks # Now blend images according to mask in each level LS = [] for la, lb, gm in zip(lpA, lpB, gpMr): ls = la * gm + lb * (1.0 - gm) LS.append(ls) # now reconstruct ls_ = LS[0] for i in xrange(1, num_levels): ls_ = cv2.resize(cv2.pyrUp(ls_), dsize=(LS[i].shape[1], LS[i].shape[0])) ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i].astype('float32')) return ls_
def buildLaplacianPyramid(I, nLevels= -1, minSize = 16, useStack = False): if nLevels == -1: nLevels = getNlevels(I,minSize) pyramid = nLevels*[None] pyramid[0] = I if len(pyramid[0].shape) < 3: pyramid[0].shape += (1,) # All levels have the same resolution if useStack: # Gaussian pyramid for i in range(nLevels-1): srcSz = pyramid[i].shape[0:2] newSz = tuple([a/2 for a in pyramid[i].shape[0:2]]) newSz = (newSz[1],newSz[0]) pyramid[i+1] = cv2.pyrDown(pyramid[i]) if len(pyramid[i+1].shape) < 3: pyramid[i+1].shape += (1,) # Make a stack for lvl in range(0,nLevels-1): for i in range(nLevels-1,lvl,-1): newSz = pyramid[i-1].shape[0:2] up = cv2.pyrUp(pyramid[i],dstsize=(newSz[1],newSz[0])) if len(up.shape) < 3: up.shape += (1,) pyramid[i] = np.array(up) lapl = nLevels*[None] lapl[nLevels-1] = np.copy(pyramid[nLevels-1]) for i in range(0,nLevels-1): lapl[i] = pyramid[i].astype(np.float32) - pyramid[i+1].astype(np.float32) pyramid = lapl else: for i in range(nLevels-1): srcSz = pyramid[i].shape[0:2] newSz = tuple([a/2 for a in pyramid[i].shape[0:2]]) newSz = (newSz[1],newSz[0]) pyramid[i+1] = cv2.pyrDown(pyramid[i]) if len(pyramid[i+1].shape) < 3: pyramid[i+1].shape += (1,) for i in range(nLevels-1): newSz = pyramid[i].shape[0:2] up = cv2.pyrUp(pyramid[i+1],dstsize=(newSz[1],newSz[0])).astype(np.float32) if len(up.shape) < 3: up.shape += (1,) pyramid[i] = pyramid[i].astype(np.float32) - up return pyramid
def show_edges (self): # diff = (self.image_region_normalized - self.last_image_region_normalized) # gray = cv2.cvtColor () # cv2.imshow ('NORMALIZED', cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(np.abs(self.image_region_normalized - self.last_image_region_normalized)))) cv2.imshow ('EDGES', cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(self.edges))) cv2.imshow ('REGION', cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(self.image_region))) key = 0 while key != 27: key = cv2.waitKey (30)
def problem_7(imgA,imgB): #Another solution using image pyramids #For Gaussain Pyramids diffLevels_A=imgA.copy() GaussPyr_A=[] GaussPyr_A.append(diffLevels_A) # Gaussian Pyramids for imgA for itr in range(4): diffLevels_A=cv2.pyrDown(diffLevels_A) GaussPyr_A.append(diffLevels_A) diffLevels_B=imgB.copy() # Gaussian Pyramids for imgB GaussPyr_B=[];GaussPyr_B.append(diffLevels_B) for itr in range(4): diffLevels_B=cv2.pyrDown(diffLevels_B) GaussPyr_B.append(diffLevels_B) #For Laplacian Pyramids (Laplacian pyramids will be appended from lowest resolution to highest resolution) LaplacePyr_A=[GaussPyr_A[3]] #Since we start building the Laplacian pyramids from the bottom for itr in range(3,0,-1): temp_A=cv2.pyrUp(GaussPyr_A[itr]) d=(GaussPyr_A[itr-1].shape[0],GaussPyr_A[itr-1].shape[1],3) temp_A=np.resize(temp_A,d) LDiff=cv2.subtract(GaussPyr_A[itr-1],temp_A) #Bcoz "GaussPyr_A[itr-1]" has a higher resolution than "GaussPyr_A[itr]" LaplacePyr_A.append(LDiff) LaplacePyr_B=[GaussPyr_B[3]] for itr in range(3,0,-1): temp_B=cv2.pyrUp(GaussPyr_B[itr]) d=(GaussPyr_B[itr-1].shape[0],GaussPyr_B[itr-1].shape[1],3) temp_B=np.resize(temp_B,d) LDiff=cv2.subtract(GaussPyr_B[itr-1],temp_B) LaplacePyr_B.append(LDiff) #Blending the two Laplacian Pyramids (all resolution levels) Blend=[] #Note: Blend will have pyramids blended from lower to higher resolution for LapA,LapB in zip(LaplacePyr_A,LaplacePyr_B): Lr,Lc,dimension=LapA.shape temp=np.hstack((LapA[:,0:Lc/2],LapB[:,Lc/2:])) # Laplacian pyramid at each level is blended. This will help reconstruction of image Blend.append(temp) #Reconstructing the Image from the pyramids (Laplcian to Gaussian) final_temp=Blend[0] for itr in range(1,4): final_temp=cv2.pyrUp(final_temp) d=(Blend[itr].shape[0],Blend[itr].shape[1],3) final_temp=np.resize(final_temp,d) final_temp=cv2.add(final_temp,Blend[itr]) #L[i]=G[i]-G[i-1]..diff of gaussian..So, G[i]=L[i]+G[i-1] final_img=np.hstack((imgA[:,0:Lc/2],imgB[:,Lc/2:])) cv2.imshow("Final Blended Image",final_temp) cv2.imwrite("P_7.jpg",final_temp) cv2.waitKey(0)
def blend(image1, image2, mask): # generate Gaussian pyramid for image 1 G = image1.astype(np.float32) gpA = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpA.append(G.astype(np.float32)) # generate Gaussian pyramid for image 2 G = image2.astype(np.float32) gpB = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpB.append(G.astype(np.float32)) # generate Gaussian pyramid for mask G = mask.astype(np.float32) gpM = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpM.append(G.astype(np.float32)) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for image 1 lpA = [gpA[5]] for i in xrange(5,0,-1): rows,cols = gpA[i-1].shape[:2] GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i])[:rows,:cols] L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i-1],GE) lpA.append(L) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for image 2 lpB = [gpB[5]] for i in xrange(5,0,-1): rows,cols = gpB[i-1].shape[:2] GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i])[:rows,:cols] L = cv2.subtract(gpB[i-1],GE) lpB.append(L) # Now add the images with mask LS = [] length = len(lpA) for i in range(length): LS.append(lpB[i]*gpM[length-i-1] + lpA[i]*(1-gpM[length-i-1])) # now reconstruct ls_ = LS[0] for i in xrange(1,6): rows,cols = LS[i].shape[:2] ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_)[:rows,:cols] ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i]) ls_ = np.clip(ls_, 0, 255) return ls_.astype(np.uint8)
def main_view_set(): torch_fuze.utils.manual_seed(42) train_set, test_set = mk_quad_points_dataset(20, 20) print("TRAIN SET:") for img, target in train_set: print(target) cv2.imshow('', cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(img))) cv2.waitKey() print("TEST SET:") for img, target in test_set: print(target) cv2.imshow('', cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(img))) cv2.waitKey()
def laplacian_pyramid_blending(img_in1, img_in2): # Write laplacian pyramid blending codes here img_in1 = img_in1[:, :img_in1.shape[0]] img_in2 = img_in2[:img_in1.shape[0], :img_in1.shape[0]] # generate Gaussian pyramid for A G = img_in1.copy() gpA = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpA.append(G) # generate Gaussian pyramid for B G = img_in2.copy() gpB = [G] for i in xrange(6): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpB.append(G) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for A lpA = [gpA[5]] for i in xrange(5, 0, -1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i - 1], GE) lpA.append(L) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for B lpB = [gpB[5]] for i in xrange(5, 0, -1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpB[i - 1], GE) lpB.append(L) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level LS = [] for la, lb in zip(lpA, lpB): rows, cols, dpt = la.shape ls = np.hstack((la[:, 0:cols / 2], lb[:, cols / 2:])) LS.append(ls) # now reconstruct ls_ = LS[0] for i in xrange(1, 6): ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_) ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i]) img_out = ls_ # Blending result return True, img_out
def blend(image, tilesize): b=1 a = len(image) l = len(image[0]) p= image[0:tileSize,30:tileSize] for j in range(0,len(image)-tileSize,tileSize): for k in range(0,len(image[0])-tileSize,tileSize): A = image[j+tileSize-3:j+tileSize,k+tileSize-3:k+tileSize] G = A.copy() gpA = [G] for i in xrange(3): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpA.append(G) B = image[j:j+tileSize,k+tileSize:k+tileSize+tileSize] G = B.copy() gpB = [G] for i in xrange(3): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpB.append(G) lpA = [gpA[2]] for i in xrange(2,0,-1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i]) b = GE[0:len(gpA[i-1]),0:len(gpA[i-1])] L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i-1],b) lpA.append(L) lpB = [gpB[2]] for i in xrange(2,0,-1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i]) b = GE[0:len(gpB[i-1]),0:len(gpB[i-1])] L = cv2.subtract(gpB[i-1],b) lpB.append(L) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level LS = [] for la,lb in zip(lpA,lpB): rows,cols,dpt = la.shape p =la[:,0:2] pp= lb[:,cols/2:] ls = np.hstack((la[:,0:2], lb[:,cols/2:])) LS.append(ls) ls_ = LS[0] # now reconstruct for i in xrange(1,3): ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_) b = ls_[0:len(LS[i]),0:len(LS[i])] ls_ = cv2.add(b, LS[i]) #cv2.imwrite('Pyramid_blending2.jpg',ls_) image[j+tileSize-2:j+tileSize-2+tileSize,k+tileSize-2:k+tileSize-2+tileSize] = ls_ return image
def up(self, im): "assume `im' is at self.level & restore" for level in reversed(range(self.level)): # make sure we get back to the original size exactly divisor = float(pow(2, level)) w = int(numpy.ceil(self.size[0] / divisor)) h = int(numpy.ceil(self.size[1] / divisor)) if len(im.shape)>2: shape = (h,w,im.shape[2]) else: shape = (h,w) z = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) cv2.pyrUp(im, z, (w,h)) im = z return im
def pyr_build(img): #lp = [] G = [img.astype(numpy.float32)] #first build the array images to build from for i in range(pyrSize-1): gi1 = cv2.pyrDown(G[i]) G.append(gi1) lp = [] #now build the actual pyramid from that array for i in range(0, pyrSize-1): h, w, d = G[i].shape gi1_up = cv2.pyrUp(G[i+1], None, (h, w)) L = G[i] - gi1_up lp.append(L) # used the 2 lines below to verify theory about the limits of # when the depth continued to change things - comment out because # the print is otherwise unnecessary # print "smallest height was", h # print "smallest width was", w #L[N] = G[N] lp.append(G[-1]) return lp
def handle(self): # self.greyImg = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.sourceImg, (5, 5), 2) img = self.sourceImg self.shape = img.shape width = self.shape[1] height = self.shape[0] # TODO 将过大图像缩小或者过小图像放大 if width > 400 or height > 300: self.sourceImg = cv2.pyrDown(self.sourceImg, (400, 400 * width / height)) else: if width < 400 or height < 300: self.sourceImg = cv2.pyrUp(self.sourceImg, (400, 400 * width / height)) # 显示原图 cv2.namedWindow("image") cv2.imshow("image", self.sourceImg) cv2.waitKey(0) self.shape = self.sourceImg.shape width = self.shape[1] height = self.shape[0] self.destination = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]]) self.greyImg = cv2.cvtColor(self.sourceImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 图像灰度化 print self.greyImg.shape[1] print self.greyImg.shape[0]
def pyr_build(Gi): lp = [] for i in range (NUM_PYR): #scale it down h = Gi.shape[0] w = Gi.shape[1] Gi1 = cv2.pyrDown(Gi) print 'Gi1 has shape', Gi1.shape #just specifying size as (w, h) works uGi1 = cv2.pyrUp(Gi1, dstsize=(w, h)) print 'unsmall has shape', uGi1.shape Gi = Gi.astype(numpy.float32) uGi1 = uGi1.astype(numpy.float32) Li = Gi - uGi1 lp.append(Li) cv2.imshow(win, 0.5 + 0.5 * (Li / numpy.abs(Li).max())) while cv2.waitKey(15) < 0: pass Gi = Gi1 Gi = Gi.astype(numpy.float32) lp.append(Gi) cv2.imshow(win, Gi/255.0) while cv2.waitKey(15) < 0: pass return lp
def pyr_reconstruct(lp): Ri = lp[-1] for i in range(len(lp)-1,0,-1): h = Ri.shape[0] w = Ri.shape[1] print "h = ", h print "w = ", w uRi = cv2.pyrUp(Ri, dstsize=(2*w, 2*h)) print "uRi h = ", uRi.shape[0] print "uRi w = ", uRi.shape[1] print "lp[i-1] h = ", lp[i-1].shape[0] print "lp[i-1] w = ", lp[i-1].shape[1] Ri1 = uRi + lp[i-1] Ri = Ri1 print "iteration = ", i Ri = Ri.astype(numpy.uint8) cv2.imshow(win, Ri) while cv2.waitKey(15) < 0: pass
def cartoonizer(self, imgRGB): numDownSamples = 2 # number of downscaling steps numBilateralFilters = 7 # number of bilateral filtering steps # -- STEP 1 -- # downsample image using Gaussian pyramid imgColor = imgRGB for i in xrange(numDownSamples): imgColor = cv3.pyrDown(imgColor) # repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of applying # one large filter for i in xrange(numBilateralFilters): imgColor = cv3.bilateralFilter(imgColor, 9, 9, 7) # upsample image to original size for i in xrange(numDownSamples): imgColor = cv3.pyrUp(imgColor) # -- STEPS 2 and 3 -- # convert to grayscale and apply median blur imgGray = cv3.cvtColor(imgRGB, cv3.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) imgBlur = cv3.medianBlur(imgGray, 7) # -- STEP 4 -- # detect and enhance edges imgEdge = cv3.adaptiveThreshold(imgBlur, 255, cv3.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv3.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2) # -- STEP 5 -- # convert back to color so that it can be bit-ANDed with color image imgEdge = cv3.cvtColor(imgEdge, cv3.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) return cv3.bitwise_and(imgColor, imgEdge)
def processFrame( model, writer, frame, height, width, params ): # Run ViBe on the current frame to update the model. frameStartTime = time.time() model.update(frame) frameEndTime = time.time() if not params.no_out: print "seconds for ViBe processing: %f" % ( frameEndTime - frameStartTime) # Overlay the current frame with the results. # channels = cv2.split(frame) # blank_image = numpy.zeros((height, width), numpy.uint8) # combined = model.foreGround channel = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8) # fullSized = cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(model.foreGround))) fullSized = model.foreGround for pyr in range(model.runnerParams.pyrNum): fullSized = cv2.pyrUp(fullSized) fullSized = postProcessing(fullSized) resultOneChannel = cv2.bitwise_or(channel, fullSized) combined = cv2.merge(( resultOneChannel, resultOneChannel, resultOneChannel )) return combined, combined
def label_face(self, image): self.image = image image_temp = cv2.pyrUp(image) name = 'Current image -- see terminal window for instructions.' msgs = ['Click the top of the forehead!', 'Click the bottom of the chin!', 'Click the leftmost part of the head! (usually an ear)', 'Click the rightmost part of the head! (usually an ear)', 'How does this look?'] self.clicked = [] self.face = [image_temp.shape[1], image_temp.shape[0], -1, -1] for msg in msgs: cv2.namedWindow(name) cv2.rectangle(image_temp, tuple(self.face[0:2]), tuple(self.face[2:4]), (0,0,255), 1) cv2.imshow(name, image_temp) cv2.setMouseCallback(name, self.mouse_callback) self.need_click = True rospy.loginfo(msg) key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == 1048696: # the letter "x", lowercase self.keep_going = False rospy.loginfo('Quitting!') break else: self.face[0] = min(self.face[0], self.clicked[-1][0]) # left boundary self.face[1] = min(self.face[1], self.clicked[-1][1]) # top boundary self.face[2] = max(self.face[2], self.clicked[-1][0]) # right boundary self.face[3] = max(self.face[3], self.clicked[-1][1]) # bottom boundary mask_temp = self.make_mask(image_temp) self.mask = cv2.pyrDown(mask_temp)
def get_tle_vid_goos(vid_name,divisor): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(vid_name) time = 0 tot_time=int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) energies=np.zeros(tot_time,dtype=np.int64) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,time) ret,frame = in_frame=np.zeros(frame.shape,dtype=np.int64) small_frame=cv2.pyrDown(frame) blur_frame=np.zeros(frame.shape,dtype=np.int64) goose=cv2.getGaussianKernel(frame.shape[0],frame.shape[0]/divisor) goose1=cv2.getGaussianKernel(frame.shape[1],frame.shape[1]/divisor),np.transpose(goose1)) m=1/np.max(goosq) center_frame=np.zeros(frame.shape,dtype=np.float64) for color in range(3): center_frame[:,:,color]=goosq*m print tot_time while(time<tot_time): in_frame[:,:,:]=frame small_frame[:,:,:]=cv2.pyrDown(frame) blur_frame[:,:,:]=cv2.pyrUp(small_frame)[:frame.shape[0],:frame.shape[1],:] tle=np.sum(center_frame*np.abs(np.subtract(in_frame,blur_frame))) energies[time]=tle if time%50==0: print time time=time+1 cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,time) ret,frame = return energies
def render(self,frame): canvas = cv2.imread("pen.jpg", cv2.CV_8UC1) numDownSamples = 2 img_rgb = frame # number of downscaling steps numBilateralFilters = 3 # number of bilateral filtering steps # -- STEP 1 -- # downsample image using Gaussian pyramid img_color = img_rgb for _ in xrange(numDownSamples): img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color) # repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of applying # one large filter for _ in xrange(numBilateralFilters): img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 3) # upsample image to original size for _ in xrange(numDownSamples): img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color) # convert to grayscale and apply median blur img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 3) # detect and enhance edges img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2) return cv2.multiply(cv2.medianBlur(img_edge,7), canvas, scale=1./256)
def render(self,frame): numDownSamples = 2 img_rgb = frame # number of downscaling steps numBilateralFilters = 7 # number of bilateral filtering steps # -- STEP 1 -- # downsample image using Gaussian pyramid img_color = img_rgb for _ in xrange(numDownSamples): img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color) # repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of applying # one large filter for _ in xrange(numBilateralFilters): img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7) # upsample image to original size for _ in xrange(numDownSamples): img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color) # convert to grayscale and apply median blur img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7) # detect and enhance edges img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2) # -- STEP 5 -- # convert back to color so that it can be bit-ANDed with color image img_edge = cv2.cvtColor(img_edge, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) final = cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_edge) return cv2.medianBlur(final,7)
def threshold_gradient_strength(self, gradient_mag): """ thresholds the gradient strength such that features are emphasized """ lo, hi = gradient_mag.min(), gradient_mag.max() threshold = lo + self.params['gradient/threshold']*(hi - lo) bw = (gradient_mag > threshold).astype(np.uint8) for _ in xrange(2): bw = cv2.pyrDown(bw) # do morphological opening to remove noise w = 2#0 kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (w, w)) bw = cv2.morphologyEx(bw, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # do morphological closing to locate objects w = 2#0 bw = cv2.copyMakeBorder(bw, w, w, w, w, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2*w + 1, 2*w + 1)) bw = cv2.morphologyEx(bw, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) bw = bw[w:-w, w:-w].copy() for _ in xrange(2): bw = cv2.pyrUp(bw) return bw
apple_copy = cv2.pyrDown(apple_copy) gp_apple.append(apple_copy) orange_copy = orange.copy() gp_orange = [orange_copy] #Gaussian pyramid for orange for i in range(6): orange_copy = cv2.pyrDown(orange_copy) gp_orange.append(orange_copy) #genrating laplacian pyramid for apple apple_copy = gp_apple[5] lp_apple = [apple_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gp_apple[i]) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gp_apple[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_apple.append(laplacian) #genrating laplacian pyramid for orange orange_copy = gp_orange[5] lp_orange = [orange_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gp_orange[i]) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gp_orange[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_orange.append(laplacian) for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gp_orange[i]) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gp_orange[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_orange.append(laplacian)
def softmix(A, B): ra, ca, dpt = A.shape rb, cb, dpt = B.shape #rrate=float(ra)/float(rb) #crate=float(ca)/float(cb) #B = cv2.resize(B,None,fx=rrate,fy=crate,interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) B = cv2.resize(B, (ca, ra), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) #cv2.imshow('frame2',B) level = 3 GA = A.copy() gpA = [GA] GB = B.copy() gpB = [GB] for i in xrange(level): # generate Gaussian pyramid for A #size=np.array(GA.shape[0:2],dtype=int)/2+1 GA = cv2.pyrDown(GA) #, dstsize=tuple(size)) gpA.append(GA) # generate Gaussian pyramid for B GB = cv2.pyrDown(GB) #,dstsize=tuple(size)) gpB.append(GB) LA = gpA[level] LB = gpB[level] LS = [] # Now add left and right halves of images in each level rows, cols, dpt = LA.shape ls = np.concatenate((LA[:, 0:cols / 8], LB[:, cols / 8:7 * cols / 8], LA[:, 7 * cols / 8:cols]), axis=1) #ls=np.concatenate((LA[0:rows/8,:],ls[rows/8:7*rows/8,:],LA[7*rows/8:rows,:]), axis=0) ls = np.concatenate((ls[0:7 * rows / 8, :], LA[7 * rows / 8:rows, :]), axis=0) LS.append(ls) for i in xrange(level, 0, -1): size = np.array(gpA[i - 1].shape[0:2], dtype=int) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for A GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i], dstsize=(size[1], size[0])) LA = cv2.subtract(gpA[i - 1], GE) #lpA.append(LA) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for B GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i], dstsize=(size[1], size[0])) LB = cv2.subtract(gpB[i - 1], GE) #lpB.append(LB) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level rows, cols, dpt = LA.shape ls = np.concatenate((LA[:, 0:cols / 8], LB[:, cols / 8:7 * cols / 8], LA[:, 7 * cols / 8:cols]), axis=1) #ls=np.concatenate((LA[0:rows/8,:],ls[rows/8:7*rows/8,:],LA[7*rows/8:rows,:]), axis=0) ls = np.concatenate((ls[0:7 * rows / 8, :], LA[7 * rows / 8:rows, :]), axis=0) LS.append(ls) # now reconstruct ls_ = LS[0] for i in xrange(1, level + 1): size = np.array(LS[i].shape[0:2], dtype=int) ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_, dstsize=(size[1], size[0])) ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i]) return ls_
apple_copy = cv2.pyrDown(apple_copy) gp_apple.append(apple_copy) #generate gaussian pyramid fororange orange_copy = orange.copy() gp_orange = [orange_copy] for i in range(6): orange_copy = cv2.pyrDown(orange_copy) gp_orange.append(orange_copy) # generate laplacian pyramid for apple apple_copy = gp_apple[5] lp_apple = [apple_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gp_apple[i]) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gp_apple[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_apple.append(laplacian) # generate laplacian pyramid for orange orange_copy = gp_orange[5] lp_orange = [orange_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gp_orange[i]) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gp_orange[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_orange.append(laplacian) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level apple_orange_pyramid = [] n = 0 for apple_lap, orange_lap in zip(lp_apple, lp_orange):
def Blur(imagem): imagem = cv2.pyrDown(imagem) imagem = cv2.pyrUp(imagem) return locals
img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) num_down = 2 # number of downsampling steps num_bilateral = 7 # number of bilateral filtering steps # downsample image using Gaussian pyramid img_color = img1 for _ in range(num_down): img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color) # repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of # applying one large filter for _ in range(num_bilateral): img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, d=9, sigmaColor=9, sigmaSpace=7) # upsample image to original size for _ in range(num_down): img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color) #STEP 2 & 3 #Use median filter to reduce noise # convert to grayscale and apply median blur img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7) #STEP 4 #Use adaptive thresholding to create an edge mask # detect and enhance edges img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, blockSize=9, C=2)
gpA.append(G) #%% # generate Gaussian pyramid for B - from base to tip. G = B.copy() gpB = [G] for i in xrange(n): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) gpB.append(G) #%% # generate Laplacian Pyramid for A - from tip to base lpA = [gpA[n]] for i in xrange(n, 0, -1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i - 1], GE) lpA.append(L) #%% # generate Laplacian Pyramid for B - from tip to base lpB = [gpB[n]] for i in xrange(n, 0, -1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i]) L = cv2.subtract(gpB[i - 1], GE) lpB.append(L) #%% # Now add left and right halves of images in each level - from tip to base. LS = [] for la, lb in zip(lpA, lpB): rows, cols, dpt = la.shape
if __name__ == '__main__': #this experiment relies upon a single input argument if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'USAGE <input image name>' sys.exit(-1) img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1]) (h, w, d) = img.shape #convert to single channel grayscale, and form scaled and unscaled binary images #we scale the binary image to have a copy with tones (zip-a-tones) removed #and we form a binary image that's unscaled for use in final masking gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) scaled = cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrDown(gray, dstsize=(w / 2, h / 2)), dstsize=(w, h)) (binthresh, binary) = cv2.threshold(scaled, 190, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) (binthresh_gray, binary_unscaled) = cv2.threshold(gray, 190, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #scale = estimate_scale(binary) #Draw out statistics on average connected component size in the rescaled, binary image components = get_connected_components(binary) sorted_components = sorted(components, key=area_bb) #sorted_components = sorted(components,key=lambda x:area_nz(x,binary)) areas = zeros(binary.shape) for component in sorted_components: if amax(areas[component]) > 0: continue areas[component] = area_bb(component)**0.5 #areas[component]=area_nz(component,binary)
T = np.float32([[1, 0, w / 4], [0, 1, h / 4]]) transl = cv2.warpAffine(swars, T, (w, h)) #2. Rotação # Matriz de Rotação: [[cos x -sen x][sen x cos x]] R = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), 45, 1) rot = cv2.warpAffine(swars, R, (w, h)) #3. Scaling scal1 = cv2.resize(swars, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6) scal2 = cv2.resize(swars, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) scal3 = cv2.resize(swars, (900, 400), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) #4. Pyramiding smaller = cv2.pyrDown(swars) larger = cv2.pyrUp(swars) #5. Cropping sr, sc = int(h * .25), int(w * .25) er, ec = int(h * .5), int(w * .5) cropped = swars[sr:er, sc:ec] #5. Funções aritméricas com imagens # Adição M = np.ones(swars.shape, dtype="uint8") * 58 adicao = cv2.add(swars, M) subtracao = cv2.subtract(swars, M) #cv2.imshow('Translação', transl) #cv2.imshow('Rotação', rot) #cv2.imshow('INTER_LINEAR', scal1)
# 展示图像函数 def show_img(img_name, img_src): cv2.imshow(img_name, img_src) cv2.waitKey(2000) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # 高斯金字塔,拉普拉斯金字塔 img = cv2.imread("AM.png") show_img("AM", img) # 向上采样,就是放大 up = cv2.pyrUp(img) show_img("up_img", up) # 向下采样,就是缩小 down = cv2.pyrDown(img) show_img("down_img", down) # 先向上采样,再向下采样,两次都存在精度损失,跟原始对比,效果肯定差 up_down = cv2.pyrDown(up) res = np.hstack((img, up_down)) show_img("img-up_down", res) # image代表输入的图片。注意输入的图片必须为二值图片。若输入的图片为彩色图片,必须先进行灰度化和二值化。 # mode # 表示轮廓的检索模式,有4种: # cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL
def LaplacianBlend(self,images, masks, n=5): """ Blending the input the input images using Laplacian Blending. Essentially, we reduce the the image to smaller sizes using OpenCV()'s pyrDown() and obtaining a gaussian pyramid. Then upsample the images using pyrUp() and finding the difference of Gaussian and hence the laplacian pyramid. Image mask are used to find the partition and the Laplacian pyramid images are joined to get the desired result's laplacian pyramid. Next, the pyramid is upsampled again and add the Gaussians at each level to get the desired result. """ # Ensuring the input images are a multiple of 2^n where n is the number of # layers of the laplacian pyramid. print(images[0].shape) assert(images[0].shape[0] % pow(2, n) == 0 and images[0].shape[1] % pow(2, n) == 0) # Empty list of Gaussian pyramids and laplacian pyramids for each of the input images g_pyramids = [None]*len(images) l_pyramids = [None]*len(images) _, W, _ = images[0].shape # Calculating pyramids of the images for i in range(len(images)): # Gaussian Pyramids G = images[i].copy() g_pyramids[i] = [G] #Storing the pyramids in a list to the corresponding image index for _ in range(n): G = cv2.pyrDown(G) g_pyramids[i].append(np.float32(G)) # Laplacian Pyramids l_pyramids[i] = [G] for j in range(len(g_pyramids[i])-2, -1, -1): G_up = cv2.pyrUp(G) G = g_pyramids[i][j] L = G - G_up # Difference of Gaussian (DOG) l_pyramids[i].append(L) #Storing the pyramids in a list to the corresponding image index # Making the masks boolean for further operations for i in range(len(masks)): masks[i] = masks[i].astype('bool') common_mask = masks[0].copy() #All masks will be iterated and will be combined to the common mask common_image = images[0].copy() #All images will be iterated and will be combined to the common image common_pyramids = [l_pyramids[0][i].copy() for i in range(len(l_pyramids[0]))] #All pyramids will be iterated and will be combined to the common pyr final_image = None # Iterating on the images. for i in range(1, len(images)): _, x1 = np.where(common_mask == 1) _, x2 = np.where(masks[i] == 1) # Sorting the common image and the image to be added to left and right if np.max(x1) > np.max(x2): left_py = l_pyramids[i] right_py = common_pyramids else: left_py = common_pyramids right_py = l_pyramids[i] # Finding the region of intersection between the common image and the current image mask_intersection = np.bitwise_and(common_mask, masks[i]) if True in mask_intersection: _, x = np.where(mask_intersection == 1) # finding the coordinate for the verticle line which would helpin overlapping the left and the right image. x_min, x_max = np.min(x), np.max(x) midPt = ((x_max-x_min)/2 + x_min)/W # Finally we add the pyramids LS = [] for lap_L, lap_R in zip(left_py, right_py): _, cols, _ = lap_L.shape ls = np.hstack((lap_L[:, 0:int(midPt*cols)], lap_R[:, int(midPt*cols):])) LS.append(ls) # If there is no intersection, simply add the images else: LS = [] for lap_L, lap_R in zip(left_py, right_py): _, cols, _ = lap_L.shape ls = lap_L + lap_R LS.append(ls) # Reconstruct the image final_image = LS[0] for j in range(1, n+1): final_image = cv2.pyrUp(final_image) final_image = final_image + LS[j] final_image[final_image>255] = 255; final_image[final_image<0] = 0 common_image = final_image common_mask = np.sum(common_image.astype(bool), axis=2).astype(bool) common_pyramids = LS return np.uint8(final_image)
rimg = cv2.flip(img, 1) #Erosion kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(img_GRAY, kernel, iterations=1) #Dilation dilation = cv2.dilate(img_GRAY, kernel, iterations=1) #Opening opening = cv2.morphologyEx(img_GRAY, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) #Closing closing = cv2.morphologyEx(img_GRAY, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) #Lower resolution lower_reso = cv2.pyrDown(img) #Higher resolution higher_reso = cv2.pyrUp(img) #on parcours les colonnes de l'image avec un pas de cols/5 for j in range(0, cols - math.floor(cols / 5) + cols % 5 + 1, math.floor(cols / 10)): #on parcours les lignes de l'image avec un pas de rows/5 for i in range( 0, rows - math.floor(rows / 5) + cols % 5 + 1, math.floor(rows / 10)): img_crop_1 = img[i:i + math.ceil(rows / 5), j:j + math.ceil(cols / 5)] chemin_img_crop_1 = chemin_dossier_traite + '/' + dossier + '_' + nom_fichier + '_' + str( i) + '_' + str(j) + ext_fichier cv2.imwrite(chemin_img_crop_1, cv2.resize(img_crop_1, (299, 299)))
# create Gaussian pyramid 1 # We can find Gaussian pyramids using cv.pyrDown() and cv.pyrUp() functions. layer = img1.copy() gaussian_pyramid = [layer] for i in range(6): layer = cv2.pyrDown(layer) gaussian_pyramid.append(layer) # create laplacian (laplaacian) pyramid 1 layer = gaussian_pyramid[5] laplacian_pyramid = [layer] # start =5, stop = 0, -1 = reverse order for i in range(5, 0, -1): size = (gaussian_pyramid[i-1].shape[1], gaussian_pyramid[i-1].shape[0]) gaussian_expanded = cv2.pyrUp(gaussian_pyramid[i], dstsize = size) laplacian = cv2.subtract(gaussian_pyramid[i-1], gaussian_expanded) laplacian_pyramid.append(laplacian) ################### # create Gaussian pyramid 2 # We can find Gaussian pyramids using cv.pyrDown() and cv.pyrUp() functions. layer = img2.copy() gaussian_pyramid2 = [layer] for i in range(6): layer = cv2.pyrDown(layer) gaussian_pyramid2.append(layer) # create laplacian (laplaacian) pyramid 2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @author : eko.zhan # @time : 2021/9/2 19:56 import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread("../data/dog-1.jpg") # 拉普拉斯金字塔 L = G -PyrUp(PyrDown(G)) pyr_img = img - cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrDown(img)) print(pyr_img.shape) cv2.imshow("res0", img) cv2.imshow("res1", pyr_img) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def amplifyGauss(pyramid, index, levels): filteredFrame = pyramid[index] for level in range(levels): filteredFrame = cv2.pyrUp(filteredFrame) filteredFrame = filteredFrame[:videoHeight, :videoWidth] return filteredFrame
closing = cv2.morphologyEx(thres, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(closing, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) #closing = cv2.morphologyEx(opening, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) edges = cv2.Canny(closing,100,200) #edges = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, 5) #ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,50,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) empty = np.zeros(frame.shape, dtype=np.uint8) #kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) #edges = cv2.dilate(edges,kernel,iterations = 2) # really chunks it up #contours,hierarchy= cv2.findContours(closing,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #cv2.drawContours(empty, contours, -1, (0,0,255), 1) #cv2.imshow('res',cv2.pyrDown(empty)) show = closing for i in range(N-1): show = cv2.pyrUp(show) cv2.imshow('gray',gray) cv2.imshow('gld',show) #cv2.imshow('contours',empty) #cv2.imshow('res',cv2.pyrDown(edges)) k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF if k == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread('lena.jpg') lr = cv2.pyrDown(img) hr = cv2.pyrUp(img) cv2.imshow('original', img) cv2.imshow('down', lr) cv2.imshow('up', hr) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
async def recv(self): frame = await self.track.recv() if self.transform == "cartoon": img = frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24") # prepare color img_color = cv2.pyrDown(cv2.pyrDown(img)) for _ in range(6): img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7) img_color = cv2.pyrUp(cv2.pyrUp(img_color)) # prepare edges img_edges = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_edges = cv2.adaptiveThreshold( cv2.medianBlur(img_edges, 7), 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2, ) img_edges = cv2.cvtColor(img_edges, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # combine color and edges img = cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_edges) # rebuild a VideoFrame, preserving timing information new_frame = VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="bgr24") new_frame.pts = frame.pts new_frame.time_base = frame.time_base return new_frame elif self.transform == "edges": # perform edge detection img = frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24") img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # rebuild a VideoFrame, preserving timing information new_frame = VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="bgr24") new_frame.pts = frame.pts new_frame.time_base = frame.time_base return new_frame elif self.transform == "rotate": # rotate image img = frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24") rows, cols, _ = img.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), frame.time * 45, 1) img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows)) # rebuild a VideoFrame, preserving timing information print(img[0]) new_frame = VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="bgr24") new_frame.pts = frame.pts new_frame.time_base = frame.time_base return new_frame else: # return frame # print(frame) # if not # = await self.wsSession.ws_connect("") img, warped, needsUpdate = processFrame(frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24")) new_frame = VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="bgr24") new_frame.pts = frame.pts new_frame.time_base = frame.time_base if needsUpdate: imencoded = cv2.imencode(".jpg", warped)[1] async with ClientSession() as session: async with'', data=imencoded.tobytes()) as resp: # async with session.get('') as resp: # print(resp.status) print(await resp.text()) # await resp.text() session.close() #"update requested") return new_frame
]) rasters1, rasters2 = reg4(rasters1, rasters2, N) imgg1 = cv.merge((rasters1[2], rasters1[1], rasters1[0])) imgg2 = np.uint8(cv.merge((rasters2[2], rasters2[1], rasters2[0]))) img1h = cv.merge((rasters1[0], rasters1[1], rasters1[2])) img2h = np.uint8(cv.merge((rasters2[0], rasters2[1], rasters2[2]))) sp = img1h.shape img1h = img1h[sp[0] % (1 << T):, sp[1] % (1 << T):, :] img2h = img2h[sp[0] % (1 << T):, sp[1] % (1 << T):, :] change = [] for i in range(T): img1d = cv.pyrDown(img1h) img2d = cv.pyrDown(img2h) img1l = cv.subtract(img1h, cv.pyrUp(img1d)) img2l = cv.subtract(img2h, cv.pyrUp(img2d)) # plt.subplot(1, 3, 1), plt.imshow(cv.equalizeHist(cv.cvtColor(img1l, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)), 'gray') # plt.subplot(1, 3, 2), plt.imshow(cv.equalizeHist(cv.cvtColor(img2l, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)), 'gray') img1l = np.array([img1h[:, :, j] for j in range(N)]) img2l = np.array([img2h[:, :, j] for j in range(N)]) change.append(CDetect4(img1l, img2l, 4, N, 0)) img1h = img1d.copy() img2h = img2d.copy() # plt.subplot(1, 3, 3), plt.imshow(change[-1], 'gray') # img1h = np.array([img1h[:, :, j] for j in range(N)])
import cv2 img = cv2.imread('lena.jpg') layer = img.copy() gp = [layer] for i in range(6): layer = cv2.pyrDown(layer) gp.append(layer) #cv2.imshow(str(i),layer) layer = gp[5] cv2.imshow("Upper level of GP",layer) lp= [layer] for i in range(5,0,-1): gaussian = cv2.pyrUp(gp[i]) lapa = cv2.subtract(gp[i-1],gaussian) cv2.imshow(str(i),lapa) cv2.imshow('Original',img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
print("Number of loop iterations: " + str(numberOfIterations)) dstSW = np.ones((height * 2, width * 2), np.uint8) xFimgY = mem_manager.cma_array( (height, width), np.uint8) #allocated physically contiguous numpy array xFimgY[:] = imgY[:] # copy source data xFdst = mem_manager.cma_array( (height * 2, width * 2), np.uint8) #allocated physically contiguous numpy array print("Start SW loop") startSW = time.time() for i in range(numberOfIterations): cv2.pyrUp(imgY, dst=dstSW) #pyrUp on ARM stopSW = time.time() print("Start HW loop") startPL = time.time() for i in range(numberOfIterations): xv2.pyrUp( xFimgY, dst=xFdst ) #pyrUp offloaded to PL, working on physically continuous numpy arrays stopPL = time.time() print("SW frames per second: ", ((numberOfIterations) / (stopSW - startSW))) print("PL frames per second: ", ((numberOfIterations) / (stopPL - startPL))) print("Checking SW and HW results match") numberOfDifferences, errorPerPixel = cvu.imageCompare(xFdst, dstSW, True,
def __blur_image(self): for i in range(0, self.__blur_times): self.__img = cv2.pyrDown(self.__img) self.__img = cv2.pyrUp(self.__img)
def apply_blur_and_downsampling(self): result = cv2.pyrUp(self.__image) self.__show_result(result, "blur and downsample")
phi[idx] = vectorize(PATH + filename) labels.append(1) PATH = "../data/neutral/" offset = idx + 1 for idx, filename in enumerate(neutralfiles): phi[idx + offset] = vectorize(PATH + filename) labels.append(0) lr = logistic.Logistic(dim) lr.train(phi, labels) d_red =, 55, 65) l_red =, 200, 200) orig = cv2.imread("braillerstuv.jpg") orig = cv2.pyrUp(orig) img = orig.copy() img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create('MSER') fs = detector.detect(img2) fs.sort(key=lambda x: -x.size) def supress(x): for f in fs: distx =[0] -[0] disty =[1] -[1] dist = math.sqrt(distx * distx + disty * disty) if (f.size > x.size) and (dist < f.size / 2): return True
''' 图像金字塔。这是(高斯采样)向上取样。 ''' import cv2 o = cv2.imread('C:\\D\\testImgs\\chapter12\\image' + '\\p.bmp') r1 = cv2.pyrUp(o) r2 = cv2.pyrUp(r1) r3 = cv2.pyrUp(r2) cv2.imshow('o', o) cv2.imshow('r1', r1) cv2.imshow('r2', r2) cv2.imshow('r3', r3) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def pyr_up(image): pyr_up_img = cv2.pyrUp(image) return pyr_up_img
apple_gaussian_p = [apple_pyramid_level] for i in range(NUM_OF_LEVELS): apple_pyramid_level = cv2.pyrDown(apple_pyramid_level) apple_gaussian_p.append(apple_pyramid_level) # generate Gaussian pyramid for orange orange_pyramid_level = orange.copy() orange_gaussian_p = [orange_pyramid_level] for i in range(NUM_OF_LEVELS): orange_pyramid_level = cv2.pyrDown(orange_pyramid_level) orange_gaussian_p.append(orange_pyramid_level) # generate Diff Pyramid for apple apple_diff_p = [apple_gaussian_p[NUM_OF_LEVELS - 1]] for i in range(NUM_OF_LEVELS - 1, 0, -1): apple_diff_level = cv2.pyrUp(apple_gaussian_p[i]) apple_diff_level = cv2.subtract(apple_gaussian_p[i - 1], apple_diff_level) apple_diff_p.append(apple_diff_level) # generate Diff Pyramid for orange orange_diff_p = [orange_gaussian_p[NUM_OF_LEVELS - 1]] for i in range(NUM_OF_LEVELS - 1, 0, -1): orange_diff_level = cv2.pyrUp(orange_gaussian_p[i]) L = cv2.subtract(orange_gaussian_p[i - 1], orange_diff_level) orange_diff_p.append(L) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level blend_diff_p = [] for la, lb in zip(apple_diff_p, orange_diff_p): rows, cols, dpt = la.shape blend_diff_level = np.hstack(
numpySecond = cv2.imread(filename='./samples/multiband-orange.png', flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR).astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0 # blend the apple and the orange using multiband blending with paplacian pyramids # creating a laplacian pyramid with seven levels for each of the two images numpyFirst = [ numpyFirst ] numpySecond = [ numpySecond ] for intLevel in range(6): numpyFirst.append(cv2.pyrDown(numpyFirst[-1])) numpySecond.append(cv2.pyrDown(numpySecond[-1])) numpyFirst[-2] -= cv2.pyrUp(numpyFirst[-1]) numpySecond[-2] -= cv2.pyrUp(numpySecond[-1]) # end #add left and right halves of images in each level halfImg = [] for m,n in zip(numpyFirst,numpySecond): r1,c1,d1 = m.shape r2,c2,d2 = n.shape #temp = numpy.concatenate((m[:,0.0:c1/2], n[:,c2/2:])) temp = numpy.hstack((m[:,0.0:c1/2], n[:,c2/2:])) halfImg.append(temp)
def apply_makeup(subject, warped_target): zeros = np.zeros(warped_target.shape, dtype=warped_target.dtype) ones = np.ones(warped_target.shape, dtype=warped_target.dtype) face_mask = np.where(warped_target==[0,0,0], zeros, ones*255) cv2.imshow('mask', face_mask) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() sub_lab = cv2.cvtColor(subject, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) tar_lab = cv2.cvtColor(warped_target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) sl, sa, sb = cv2.split(sub_lab) tl, ta, tb = cv2.split(tar_lab) face_struct_s, skin_detail_s = decomposition(sl) face_struct_t, skin_detail_t = decomposition(tl) #color transfer gamma = .8 ''' type = sa.dtype sa.dtype = float ta.dtype = float sb.dtype = float tb.dtype = float ''' type = sa.dtype ra = np.where(True, sa*(1-gamma)+ta*gamma, zeros[:,:,0]) rb = np.where(True, sb*(1-gamma)+tb*gamma, zeros[:,:,0]) ra = ra.astype(type) rb = rb.astype(type) #print(ra.shape) ra = cv2.bitwise_and(ra,ra,mask = face_mask[:,:,0]) rb = cv2.bitwise_and(rb,rb,mask = face_mask[:,:,0]) #skin-detail transfer gammaI = 0 gammaE = 1 skin_detail_r = np.where(True, skin_detail_s*gammaI + skin_detail_t*gammaE, zeros[:,:,0]) skin_detail_r = skin_detail_r.astype(type) #Work on the base layer fp_mask = find_mask(subject, True) src_gauss = cv2.pyrDown(face_struct_s) src_lapla = face_struct_s - cv2.pyrUp(src_gauss) dst_gauss = cv2.pyrDown(face_struct_t) dst_lapla = face_struct_t - cv2.pyrUp(dst_gauss) face_struct_r = np.where(face_mask[:,:,0]==0, face_struct_s, dst_lapla + cv2.pyrUp(src_gauss)) cv2.imshow('transfering target', face_struct_r) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() face_struct_r = np.where(fp_mask[:,:,0]==255, face_struct_s, face_struct_r) #cv2.imshow('mask', fp_mask) #cv2.imshow('transfering target', face_struct_r) #cv2.imshow('keeping src', face_struct_s) #cv2.imshow('diff', face_struct_s - face_struct_r) cv2.waitKey(0) rl = face_struct_r+skin_detail_r rl = cv2.bitwise_and(rl,rl,mask = face_mask[:,:,0]) res_lab = cv2.merge((rl, ra, rb)) res = cv2.cvtColor(res_lab, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR) fp_mask = find_mask(subject, False) res = cv2.bitwise_and(res,res,mask = face_mask[:,:,0]) res = np.where(face_mask==[0,0,0], subject, res) res = np.where(fp_mask==[255,255,255], subject, res) #apply lip makeup M, lip_map = lip_makeup(subject, warped_target) res = np.where(lip_map==[255,255,255], M, res) # cv2.imshow('old', res) # cv2.waitKey(0) res = overlay(subject, res, face_mask[:,:,0]) cv2.imshow('res', res) # cv2.imwrite('res.jpg', res) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 as cv import numpy as np src = cv.imread("/home/gyh/opencv/lena.jpg") cv.imshow("src",src) img1 = cv.pyrDown(src) cv.imshow("img1",img1) #(尺寸变小,分辨率降低,信息丢失)。 img2 = cv.pyrUp(img1) cv.imshow("img2",img2) #(尺寸变大,但分辨率不会增加),经过pyrDown之后再用pyrUp,不会增加分辨率。 #拉普拉斯金字塔可以有高斯金字塔计算得来,公式如下: #L i = G i − pyrUp (G i+1 ) #高斯金字塔 def demo(src1): level=3 temp = src1.copy() G=[] for i in range(level): dst = cv.pyrDown(temp) G.append(dst) cv.imshow("G"+str(i),dst) temp = dst.copy() return G #拉普拉斯金字塔
gp_apple_r = [apple_r_copy] for i in range(6): apple_r_copy = cv.pyrDown(apple_r_copy) gp_apple_r.append(apple_r_copy) apple_g_copy = apple_g.copy() gp_apple_g = [apple_g_copy] for i in range(6): apple_g_copy = cv.pyrDown(apple_g_copy) gp_apple_g.append(apple_g_copy) # step 3: generate laplacian pyramids apple_r_copy = gp_apple_r[5] lp_apple_r = [apple_r_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv.pyrUp(gp_apple_r[i]) laplacian = cv.subtract(gp_apple_r[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_apple_r.append(laplacian) apple_g_copy = gp_apple_g[5] lp_apple_g = [apple_g_copy] for i in range(5, 0, -1): gaussian_expanded = cv.pyrUp(gp_apple_g[i]) laplacian = cv.subtract(gp_apple_g[i - 1], gaussian_expanded) lp_apple_g.append(laplacian) # Step 4: Add both halves apple_r_g_pyramid = [] n = 0 for apple_r_lap, apple_g_lap in zip(lp_apple_r, lp_apple_g): n += 1
def WaveletTransform(image, wavelet): coeffs = pywt.dwt2(image, wavelet) cA, (cH, cV, cD) = coeffs #####------For db2 trimming down the image to maintain size consistancy------##### if wavelet=='db2': cA=cA[1:len(cA),1:len(cA)] cH=cH[1:len(cH),1:len(cH)] cV=cV[1:len(cV),1:len(cV)] cD=cD[1:len(cD),1:len(cD)] print 'len(cA) '+str(len(cA)) print 'len(cH) '+str(len(cH)) print 'len(cV) '+str(len(cV)) print 'len(cD) '+str(len(cD)) #####------Scaling the transformed image by 2------##### cA=cv2.pyrUp(cA) cH=cv2.pyrUp(cH) cV=cv2.pyrUp(cV) cD=cv2.pyrUp(cD) print 'len(cA)up '+str(len(cA)) print 'len(cH)up '+str(len(cH)) print 'len(cV)up '+str(len(cV)) print 'len(cD)up '+str(len(cD)) return cA,cH,cV,cD