Esempio n. 1
def __find_eyes(img):
    coords = []
    face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(
        bin_path + '/Resources/Classifiers/haarcascade_frontalface.xml')
    eye_cascade = CascadeClassifier(
        bin_path + '/Resources/Classifiers/haarcascade_eye.xml')
    gray = array(img.convert("L"))

    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
    for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
        roi_gray = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        eyes = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(roi_gray)
        for (ex, ey, ew, eh) in eyes:
            coords.append((x + ex + ew / 2, y + ey + eh / 2))
    return coords
Esempio n. 2
def main():

    image_list = [
        file for file in os.listdir('Dataset') if file.endswith('.jpg')
    # load the pre-trained model
    classifier = CascadeClassifier('lbpcascade_frontalface.xml')
    j = 0

    for i in image_list[:10]:
        j = j + 1
        # load the photograph
        pixels = imread('Dataset/' + i)
        # perform face detection
        bboxes = classifier.detectMultiScale(pixels)
        # print bounding box for each detected face
        #print('Number of faces detected in '+i+' : '+str(len(bboxes)))
        for box in bboxes:
            # extract
            x, y, width, height = box
            x2, y2 = x + width, y + height
            # draw a rectangle over the pixels
            rectangle(pixels, (x, y), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2)

        imwrite('Output/Face_Detection_LBP' + str(i), pixels)
def detect_face_cv2_webcam():
    cap = VideoCapture(0)
    classifier = CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

    # Check if the webcam is opened correctly
    if not cap.isOpened():
        raise IOError("Cannot open webcam")

    while True:
        ret, frame =
        frame = flip(frame, 1)
        gray = cvtColor(frame, COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        faces = classifier.detectMultiScale(
            minSize=(30, 30),

        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
            rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2)

        imshow("Video", frame)
        if waitKey(1) == ord('q'):

Esempio n. 4
class FaceExtractorCascadePipe(FaceExtractorPipe):
    def __init__(
        str = './resources/face_detectors/facedetect_haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml',
        # check if file exists
        open(cascadeXMLFilePath, 'r').close()
        self.face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(cascadeXMLFilePath)

    def getFaceBB(self, image: Image_Type,
                  passThrough: PushPipe.PassThrough) -> Image_Type:
        gray = cvtColor(image, COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        faces = self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
        if (len(faces) > 0):
            # get largest face
            largest = (0, 0, 0, 0)
            for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
                if (largest[-1] * largest[-2] < w * h):
                    largest = (x, y, w, h)
            (x, y, w, h) = largest
            rect = BoundingBox_twopoint(x, y, x + w, y + h)
            return rect
            # no faces found, won't push forward
            self.setErrored("No face found.")
        return image
Esempio n. 5
def cropFace(img):

    # load the photograph
    # pixels = img
    pixels = img

    # load the pre-trained model
    classifier = CascadeClassifier(

    # perform face detection
    bboxes = classifier.detectMultiScale(pixels)

    if len(bboxes) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No faces found.")

    # extract
    x, y, width, height = bboxes[0]
    x2, y2 = x + width, y + height

    BUFFER = int(width * 0.25)

    # show the image
    image = pixels[max(y - BUFFER, 0):min(y2 + BUFFER, pixels.shape[0]),
                   max(x - BUFFER, 0):min(x2 + BUFFER, pixels.shape[1])]
    # imshow('hehe', image)
    # waitKey(0)
    return image
Esempio n. 6
 def crop(self, input_image, output_filename=None, to_gray=False):
     image = asarray(input_image)
     img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
     minface = int(sqrt(img_height ** 2 + img_width ** 2) / self.minface)
     # create the haar cascade
     face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(self.casc_path)
     # detect faces in the image
     faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(
         cvtColor(image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY),
         minSize=(minface, minface),
     # handle no faces
     if len(faces) == 0:
         return None
     # make padding from biggest face found
     x, y, w, h = faces[-1]
     pos = self._crop_positions(img_height, img_width, x, y, w, h,)
     # actual cropping
     image = image[pos[0]: pos[1], pos[2]: pos[3]]
     # resize
     image = resize(image, (self.width, self.height), interpolation=INTER_AREA)
     if output_filename:
         if to_gray:
             cv2.imwrite(output_filename, image)
     return image
Esempio n. 7
    def face_detection(self) -> bool:
        """Detects faces by converting it to grayscale and neighbor match method.

            A boolean value if not a face was detected.

        cascade = CascadeClassifier(data.haarcascades +
        for _ in range(20):
            ignore, image =
            )  # reads video from web cam
            scale = cvtColor(
                COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # convert the captured image to grayscale
            scale_factor = 1.1  # specify how much the image size is reduced at each image scale
            min_neighbors = 5  # specify how many neighbors each candidate rectangle should have to retain it
            faces = cascade.detectMultiScale(
                scale, scale_factor,
                min_neighbors)  # faces are listed as tuple here
            # This is a hacky way to solve the problem. The problem when using "if faces:":
            # ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
            # When used either of the suggestion:
            # AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'any' / 'all'
            # But happens only when the value is true so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                if faces:
            except ValueError:
                imwrite('cv2_open.jpg', image)
                return True
Esempio n. 8
def extract_face_opencv(f_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier,
                        image: np.ndarray, scale_factor=1.1, size=-1, padding_ratio=0.5) \
        -> List[np.ndarray]:
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image.copy(), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    # let's detect multiscale (some images may be closer to camera than others) images
    bboxes = f_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray,

    res = []

    for (x, y, w, h) in bboxes:
        bbox = [x, y, x + w, y + h]

        width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
        height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]

        bbox = [
            int(bbox[0] - width * padding_ratio // 2),
            int(bbox[1] - height * padding_ratio // 2),
            int(bbox[2] + width * padding_ratio // 2),
            int(bbox[3] + height * padding_ratio // 2)

        width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
        height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]

        padding_width_face = (height - width if height > width else 0) // 2
        padding_height_face = (width - height if width > height else 0) // 2

        bbox = [
            bbox[0] - padding_width_face, bbox[1] - padding_height_face,
            bbox[2] + padding_width_face, bbox[3] + padding_height_face

        left_shift = abs(bbox[0]) if bbox[0] < 0 else 0
        right_shift = bbox[2] - image.shape[1] if bbox[2] > image.shape[
            1] else 0
        top_shift = abs(bbox[1]) if bbox[1] < 0 else 0
        bottom_shift = bbox[3] - image.shape[0] if bbox[3] > image.shape[
            0] else 0

        bbox[0] += left_shift
        bbox[0] -= right_shift
        bbox[1] += top_shift
        bbox[1] -= bottom_shift

        bbox[2] += left_shift
        bbox[2] -= right_shift
        bbox[3] += top_shift
        bbox[3] -= bottom_shift

        face = image[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :] if size == -1 else \
        cv2.resize(image[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :], (size, size))

    return res
Esempio n. 9
class GenericFaceDetection(object):
    def __init__(self, fl, lock, fps=None):
        # Reference to lock > I'm not sure if I am doing this correctly
        self.lock = lock
        # Reference to the FrameLoop object (instance)
        self.fl_ref = fl
        # The target fps
        self.target_fps = fps if fps else fl.fps
        # The current frame of the FrameLoop
        self.frame = None
        # The current frame of the FrameLoop (.jpg encoded)
        self.encodedFrame = None
        # Classifier reference
        self.face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(data.haarcascades + 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
    def detect_generic_face(self):
        while True:
            # Grab the lock
            with self.lock:
                # Make a copy of the frame loop's current frame 
                self.frame = self.fl_ref.frame.copy()
            # Try to detect faces in the current
            faces = self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(self.frame, 1.35, 5)
            # Draw the rectangle around each face
            for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
                rectangle(self.frame, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # Sleep until the time for the next frame

    def encoding_generator(self):
        while True:
            # Grab the lock
            with self.lock:
                # Encode the frame into the `encodedImage` variable
                (flag, self.encodedImage) = imencode(".jpg", self.frame)
            # Check if encoding was successful
            if flag:
                yield(b'--frame\r\n' b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + 
                        bytearray(self.encodedImage) + b'\r\n')
            # Else just skip
                print("Error encoding to .jpg ~(detect_generic_face)")

    def start(self):
        # Run the generic face detection in another thread
        self.t = Thread(target=self.detect_generic_face)
        self.t.daemon = True
Esempio n. 10
def extract_faces(classifier: cv2.CascadeClassifier,
                  image: array) -> Iterator[array]:
    # 顔検出を高速化するため、画像をグレースケールに変換する。
    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # 顔を検出する。
    faces = classifier.detectMultiScale(gray_image)
    # 検出した顔のリストについて反復処理する。
    for x, y, w, h in faces:
        yield image[y:y + h, x:x + w]  # 顔の部分だけを切り取った画像をyieldする。
Esempio n. 11
def start(q, postURLe):
    global embeddedDB
    global postURL
    postURL = postURLe
    embedUpdateTimeout = 0
    detector = CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")
    prevName = None
    while True:
        if (not (q.empty())):
            if (embedUpdateTimeout == 6):
                embedUpdateTimeout = 0
            frame = imutils.resize(q.get(), width=500)
            frame = cvtColor(frame, COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            frameGray = cvtColor(frame, COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            rects = detector.detectMultiScale(frame,
                                              minSize=(30, 30),
            boxes = [(y, x + w, y + h, x) for (x, y, w, h) in rects]
            sendBoxes = [(x, y, x + w, y + h) for (x, y, w, h) in rects]
            encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(frame, boxes)
            names = []

            for encoding in encodings:
                matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(
                    embeddedDB["encodings"], encoding, tolerance=0.48)
                name = "Unknown"
                if True in matches:
                    matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b]
                    counts = {}
                    for i in matchedIdxs:
                        name = embeddedDB["names"][i]
                        counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1
                    name = max(counts, key=counts.get)
            if (len(names) > 0):
                if (prevName == names[0]):
                    eventLogger.eventLogger(frame, sendBoxes[0], names[0],
                    if (names[0] != "Unknown"):
                        print("Recognized: " + names[0])
                        print("Unrecognized stranger!")
                prevName = names[0]
                eventLogger.eventLogger(frame, None, None, postURL)
            embedUpdateTimeout += 1
Esempio n. 12
def detect_face_opencv_haar(face_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier,
                            frame: numpy.ndarray,
                            i_w: int,
    Take haar_cascade and frame (img), search faces in the frame, select face with
    size 'iw'
    :param face_cascade: haarCascade obj
    :param frame: image for face detecting
    :param i_w: out img size
    :param in_height: default height for template img for haarDetector algorithm
    :return: out img (cut to iw)

    iw_h = i_w >> 1  # half of img width

    frame_open_cv_haar = frame.copy()
    frame_height = frame_open_cv_haar.shape[0]
    frame_width = frame_open_cv_haar.shape[1]

    in_width = int((frame_width / frame_height) * in_height)

    frame_open_cv_haar_small = cv2.resize(frame_open_cv_haar,
                                          (in_width, in_height))

    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(
        cv2.cvtColor(frame_open_cv_haar_small, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))

    # choose the first face, find center of rect
    if not list(faces):  # if no face detected select the middle of the picture
        roi = get_roi(int(frame_width / 2), int(frame_height / 2), frame_width,
                      frame_height, iw_h)
        out_small_image = frame_open_cv_haar[roi[1] - iw_h:roi[1] + iw_h - 1,
                                             roi[0] - iw_h:roi[0] + iw_h -
    else:  # faces are detected, select one of them
        x_center = int(
            (faces[0][0] + faces[0][2] / 2) * (frame_width / in_width))
        y_center = int(
            (faces[0][1] + faces[0][3] / 2) * (frame_height / in_height))
        roi = get_roi(x_center, y_center, frame_width, frame_height, iw_h)
        out_small_image = frame_open_cv_haar[roi[1] - iw_h:roi[1] + iw_h - 1,
                                             roi[0] - iw_h:roi[0] + iw_h -

    # logger.debug(VisualRecord("Haar face detector " + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
    #                           [frame_open_cv_haar, out_small_image], "bla bla", fmt="png"))

    return out_small_image
class FaceDetector:
    def __init__(self, faceCascadePath):
        self.faceCascade = CascadeClassifier(faceCascadePath)

    def track_faces(self, image):
        rects = []
        face_rects = self.faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
            minSize=(30, 30),
        for (fX, fY, fH, fW) in face_rects:
            rects.append((fX, fY, fX + fW, fY + fH))
        return (face_rects, rects)
Esempio n. 14
 def crop_face(img):
     Given an image with a single face, crop the face out and return it.
     :param img: 
     # get face classifier
     face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(
     # detect all faces
     detected = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(img, 1.2, 5)
     # get first face detected (probably the largest one)
     (x, y, w, h) = detected[0]
     # return cropped image
     return img[y:y + w, x:x + h]
def main():

    print("Wrong number of arguments.")
    print("  Usage: ./bin/ <file.txt> <image_dir> <output_dir>")

  localizer = bob.ip.flandmark.Flandmark()
  files = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

  if os.environ.has_key('SGE_TASK_ID'):
    pos = int(os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID']) - 1
    if pos >= len(files):
      raise RuntimeError, "Grid request for job %d on a setup with %d jobs" % \
          (pos, len(files))
    files = [files[pos]]

  for o in files:
    filename        =  os.path.join(sys.argv[2], o.rstrip("\n"))
    output_filename =  os.path.join(sys.argv[3], o.rstrip("\n")+".pos")

    img =
      img = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(img)
    cc = CascadeClassifier('./pre_annotation/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml')

    face_bbxs = cc.detectMultiScale(img, 1.3, 4, 0, (20, 20))
      key_temp = localizer.locate(img, face_bbxs[0][1], face_bbxs[0][0], face_bbxs[0][2], face_bbxs[0][3])
      if(key_temp is not None):
        R_eye = [ (key_temp[1,0] + key_temp[5,0])/2, (key_temp[1,1] + key_temp[5,1])/2  ]        
        L_eye = [ (key_temp[2,0] + key_temp[6,0])/2, (key_temp[2,1] + key_temp[6,1])/2  ]
        keypoints = [int(L_eye[1]), int(L_eye[0]), int(R_eye[1]), int(R_eye[0])]
        keypoints = [100,100,100,200]

      keypoints = [100,100,100,200]

    print("{0}: {1}".format(filename,str(keypoints)))

    annotations = "L R\n0 {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(str(keypoints[0]), str(keypoints[1]), str(keypoints[2]), str(keypoints[3]))
Esempio n. 16
def opencv_detect(image):
  """Detects a face using OpenCV's cascade detector

  Returns a list of arrays containing (x, y, width, height) for each detected

  from cv2 import CascadeClassifier

  cc = CascadeClassifier(F('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml'))
  return cc.detectMultiScale(
      1.3, #scaleFactor (at each time the image is re-scaled)
      4, #minNeighbors (around candidate to be retained)
      0, #flags (normally, should be set to zero)
      (20,20), #(minSize, maxSize) (of detected objects on that scale)
Esempio n. 17
def detect_face_in_image(
    cv_gray: np.ndarray,
    face_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier,
) -> Tuple[Tuple[int], int]:
    """Run the face detector, and return the coordinates (x,y,w,h) for
    the the FIRST rectangle containing a detected face in the list.
    (Note: There should never be more than one person on a picture,
    if more faces are detected we will simply use the first in the
    list.) If no face is detected, the tuple is empty. Also return the
    number of faces found.
    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(cv_gray)
    n_faces = len(faces)
    if n_faces == 0:
        cv_box = faces
        cv_box = tuple(faces[0])
    return cv_box, len(faces)
def opencv_detect(image):
  Detects a face using OpenCV's cascade detector
  Returns a list of arrays containing (x, y, width, height) for each detected
  from cv2 import CascadeClassifier
  cc = CascadeClassifier('./bob/prepare_eyes_annotations/util/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml')

  faces = cc.detectMultiScale( image, 1.3, #scaleFactor (at each time the image is re-scaled)
                               4, #minNeighbors (around candidate to be retained)
                               0, #flags (normally, should be set to zero)
                               (20,20), #(minSize, maxSize) (of detected objects on that scale)
  if(len(faces) == 0):
    faces = [[0,0,image.shape[0],image.shape[1]]]

  return faces
Esempio n. 19
def __detect_face(cap: cv2.VideoCapture, cascade_classifier: cv2.CascadeClassifier) \
    -> Tuple[np.array, Union[Tuple[None], BOUNDARY_BOX_TYPE]]:
    cap: カメラから画像を取得するクラス
    cascade_classifier: 顔検出器

    1. 取得画像
    2. 以下の構造の顔座標データ
        顔が検出された場合: ((顔1の座標x, 顔1の座標y, 顔1の横幅w, 顔1の縦幅), (顔2の座標x, 顔2の座標y, 顔2の横幅w, 顔2の縦幅), ...)
        顔が検出されない場合: ()
    _, img =
    faces = cascade_classifier.detectMultiScale(img)
    return img, faces
Esempio n. 20
def detect_draw_rect_cascade(face_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier,
                             frame: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Detect faces and draw rects on provided image

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = cv2.resize(gray, (300, 300))

    # Detect faces
    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.1, 4)

    # Draw rectangle around the faces
    for (left, top, width, height) in faces:
        cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (left + width, top + height),
                      (255, 0, 0), 2)

    return frame
Esempio n. 21
def classify(model, cascade_classifier_path_xml, transformations=None):
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(cascade_classifier_path_xml)

    while True:
        ret, img_bgr =
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 2)

        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
            w += 20
            h += 20
            r = max(w, h) / 2
            centerx = x + w / 2
            centery = y + h / 2
            nx = int(centerx - r)
            ny = int(centery - r)
            nr = int(r * 2)

            faceimg_bgr = img_bgr[ny:ny + nr, nx:nx + nr]
            predimg = transformations(faceimg_bgr)
            predimg = np.expand_dims(predimg.numpy(), axis=0)
            outputs = model(torch.Tensor(predimg))
            _, prediction = torch.max(, 1)
            prediction = prediction.item()
            if prediction == 1:
                img_bgr = cv2.rectangle(img_bgr, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
                                        (0, 0, 255), 2)
                cv2.putText(img_bgr, 'No Mask', (x, y - 10),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 0, 255), 2)
            elif prediction == 0:
                img_bgr = cv2.rectangle(img_bgr, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
                                        (0, 255, 0), 2)
                cv2.putText(img_bgr, 'Mask', (x, y - 10),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 255, 0), 2)

        cv2.imshow('img_1', img_bgr)
        k = cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xff
        if k == 27:

def detect_face_cv2(img):
    # load the photograph
    pixels = imread(img)
    # load the pre-trained model
    classifier = CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
    # perform face detection
    bboxes = classifier.detectMultiScale(pixels,
    # print bounding box for each detected face
    for box in bboxes:
        x, y, width, height = box
        x2, y2 = x + width, y + height
        rectangle(pixels, (x, y), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 1)

    imshow("face detection", pixels)
Esempio n. 23
def face_detection(path):
    # Create the haar cascade
    faceCascade = CascadeClassifier( +

    # Read the image
    image = cv2.imread(path)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # Detect faces in the image
    faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(gray,
                                         minSize=(30, 30),

    # Draw a rectangle around the faces
    for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
        cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)

    return len(faces), image
Esempio n. 24
def camera_prediction(model):
    frequency = 0.02  # minutes
    instant = -1

    faceCascade = CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml')
    capture = VideoCapture(0)

    while True:
        ret, frame =
        image = copy.deepcopy(frame)

        gray = cvtColor(frame, COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(gray,

        captured_face = None

        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
            rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
            captured_face = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w]

        imshow('Face detector', frame)

        if captured_face is not None:
            captured_face = resize(captured_face, (image_width, image_height))

            instant = classify_emotion(model, captured_face, instant,
            captured_face = None

        if waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Esempio n. 25
def opencv_detect(image):
  Detects a face using OpenCV's cascade detector
  Returns a list of arrays containing (x, y, width, height) for each detected
    from cv2 import CascadeClassifier
    cc = CascadeClassifier(

    faces = cc.detectMultiScale(
        1.3,  #scaleFactor (at each time the image is re-scaled)
        4,  #minNeighbors (around candidate to be retained)
        0,  #flags (normally, should be set to zero)
        (20, 20),  #(minSize, maxSize) (of detected objects on that scale)
    if (len(faces) == 0):
        faces = [[0, 0, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]]]

    return faces
Esempio n. 26
def cropFace(img_path):

    img = cv2.imread(img_path)

    # load the photograph
    # pixels = img
    pixels = img

    # load the pre-trained model
    classifier = CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

    # perform face detection
    bboxes = classifier.detectMultiScale(pixels)

    if len(bboxes) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No faces found.")
        return None

    # extract
    x, y, width, height = bboxes[0]
    x2, y2 = x + width, y + height

    BUFFER = int(width * 0.25)

    images = []

    # show the image
    for i in range(len(bboxes)):
        x, y, width, height = bboxes[i]
        x2, y2 = x + width, y + height
            pixels[max(y - BUFFER, 0):min(y2 + BUFFER, pixels.shape[0]),
                   max(x - BUFFER, 0):min(x2 + BUFFER, pixels.shape[1])])
        # imshow('hehe', images[i])
        # waitKey(0)
        images[i] = cv2.cvtColor(images[i], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    return images
Esempio n. 27
def facechop(
        image: Path,
        output_dir: Path,
        face_classifier: cv2.CascadeClassifier = FACE_CLASSIFIER,
        cv2_cascade_min_neighbors: int = 5) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:

    if not image.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(image)

    log = simple_logger("imgserve.facechop")

    img = cv2.imread(str(image))

    if img is None:
        raise NotAnImageError(f"file exists, but is not an image.")
    minisize = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    miniframe = cv2.resize(img, minisize)

    faces = face_classifier.detectMultiScale(
        miniframe, minNeighbors=cv2_cascade_min_neighbors)

    count = 0
    padding_pct = 0.2
    for f in faces:
        x, y, w, h = [v for v in f]
        padding = int(h * padding_pct)
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w + padding, y + h + padding),
                      (255, 255, 255))
        sub_face = img[y:y + h, x:x + w]

        output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        cropped_face_image: Path = output_dir.joinpath(
            image.stem + f"-{count}").with_suffix(".jpg")
        log.debug(f"writing {cropped_face_image}")
        cv2.imwrite(str(cropped_face_image), scale_image(sub_face))

        yield cropped_face_image
        count += 1
Esempio n. 28
def get_cropped_faces(
        face_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier = FACE_CASCADES['default']):
    A better version of getting the cropped face. It will return the several faces
    :param image: an image, numpy ndarray
    :param y_plus: margin of y
    :param x_plus: margin of x
    :param face_cascade: a face cascade classifier. The default value is default haarcascade XML file
    :return: cropped faces, (x, y, w, h)
    image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    d = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(image_gray, 1.3, 5)
        for x, y, w, h in d:
            crop = image_gray[y - y_plus:y + h + y_plus,
                              x - x_plus:x + w + x_plus]
            return crop, (x, y, w, h)

    except Exception as e:
        print("Err: ", str(e))
        return 0, (0, 0, 0, 0)
Esempio n. 29
def get_cropped_face(
        face_cascade: cv2.CascadeClassifier = FACE_CASCADES['default']):
    A method to crop a (first) detected face from an image using face cascade classifier from OpenCV

    :param image: an image, numpy ndarray
    :param y_plus: margin of y
    :param x_plus: margin of x
    :param face_cascade: a face cascade classifier. The default value is default haarcascade XML file
    :return: cropped face, (x, y, w, h)
    image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    d = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(image_gray, 1.3, 5)
        [[x, y, w, h]] = d[0]
        crop = image_gray[y - y_plus:y + h + y_plus, x - x_plus:x + w + x_plus]
        return crop, (x, y, w, h)

    except Exception as e:
        print("Err: ", str(e))
        return None, (0, 0, 0, 0)
Esempio n. 30
class Tracker(object):
    A class that takes an input stream of image frames and attempts to detect
    and track any faces within those frames.
    def __init__(self):
        # create classifier to determine what a face is
        self.face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(
        self.trackers = []  # object tracker for each face
        self.tracking_count = 0

    def detect_and_track(self, frame):
        Detect a face within a frame and pass off to 
        :param frame: current frame to detect faces in
        :return: the count of faces detected in the frame
        detected_faces = self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(frame, 1.3, 5)
        for (x, y, w, h) in detected_faces:
            # attempt to track the face if it is
            # not already being tracked
            self.track(x, y, w, h, frame)
        return self.tracking_count

    def track(self, x, y, w, h, frame):
        Attempt to track a face detected in a frame
        :param x: the x coordinate of the detected face
        :param y: the y coordinate of the detected face
        :param w: the width of the detected face
        :param h: the height of the detected face
        :param frame: the frame the face was detected in
        x_c = x + (w // 2)  # x-coord of center point
        y_c = y + (h // 2)  # y-coord of center  point

        # see if the detected face coordinates are
        # close to one of the faces we are already
        # tracking
        matched = False
        i = 0
        while not matched and i < len(self.trackers):
            curr_tracker = self.trackers[i]
            position = curr_tracker.get_position()
            # coordinates for tracked face `t`
            # must cast to int() for dlib
            x_t = int(position.left())
            y_t = int(
            w_t = int(position.width())
            h_t = int(position.height())
            x_t_c = x_t + (w_t / 2)  # x-coord of center point
            y_t_c = y_t + (h_t / 2)  # y-coord of center point

            # boolean values to check if the detected face is
            # inside of any of the faces we are already tracking,
            # and vis versa.
            x_c_inside_tracked = x_t <= x_c <= x_t + w_t
            y_c_inside_tracked = y_t <= y_c <= y_t + h_t
            x_t_c_inside_detected = x <= x_t_c <= x + w
            y_t_c_inside_detected = y <= y_t_c <= y + h

            # check if this face matches any faces we have been tracking
            matched = all([
                x_c_inside_tracked, y_c_inside_tracked, x_t_c_inside_detected,
            i += 1

        if not matched:
            # not matched face, start tracking the detected face
            new_tracker = dlib.correlation_tracker()
                frame, dlib.rectangle(int(x), int(y), int(x + w), int(y + h)))
            self.tracking_count += 1

    def update(self, frame):
        Update the list of trackers with a new frame
        :param frame: the current frame to update the trackers with
        # remove any bad quality trackers
        self.trackers = [t for t in self.trackers if t.update(frame) >= 7]
        self.tracking_count = len(self.trackers)

    def get_coordinates(self):
        Get the x, y, w, h coordinates for a rectangle around
        each currently tracked face
        :return: a list of tuples (x, y, w, h) for a face
        positions = []
        for t in self.trackers:
            p = t.get_position()
                (int(p.left()), int(, int(p.width()), int(p.height())))
        return positions

    def crop_face(img):
        Given an image with a single face, crop the face out and return it.
        :param img: 
        # get face classifier
        face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(
        # detect all faces
        detected = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(img, 1.2, 5)
        # get first face detected (probably the largest one)
        (x, y, w, h) = detected[0]
        # return cropped image
        return img[y:y + w, x:x + h]
Esempio n. 31

#Get the file paths to read from
detector_output_files = directory_paths(test_annotation_dir)

#Open all the files and read the JSON
annotation_files = batch_open_deserialise(detector_output_files)

#For each of the hand marked test files
for annotation_file in annotation_files:	
	#Read the image corresponding to the annotation
	img = imread(fix_path(annotation_file['imagePath']))
	print "detecting... "
	classifier_output = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, 
												minSize=(175, 175), #Constrain scale within a range around training scale
												maxSize=(225, 225))	#Run the detector
	total_detections = len(classifier_output)
	fp = 0
	tp = 0
	#Open all the files and read the JSON
	golgi_polygons = annotation_file['shapes']

	for golgi_polygon in golgi_polygons:
		#Make the list of points into a Shapely Polygon object
		golgi_polygon_shape = Polygon(golgi_polygon['points'])
		for detected_rect in classifier_output:
			(x1, y1, w, h) = detected_rect
Esempio n. 32
from cv2 import CascadeClassifier
from cv2 import imread
from cv2 import rectangle
from cv2 import imshow
from cv2 import waitKey
from cv2 import destroyAllWindows

#Cargamos un modelo pre-entrenado para reconocimiento facial y creamos un modelo en cascada con el
classifier = CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

#cargamos una foto de prueba
pixels = imread('image/foto grupal.jpg')

#realizamos el reconocimiento facial. 1.1 significa ampliar la foto un 10% y 3 indica el nivel de fiabilidad de la deteccion
bboxes = classifier.detectMultiScale(pixels, 1.1, 3)
#representamos los cuadros delimitadores de los rostros detectados
for box in bboxes:
    # para mostrar la imagen original con los cuadros delimitadores dibujados encima haremos lo siguiente:
    # extraemos cada propiedad del resultado (x e y de la esquina inferior izq del cuadro delimitador y su altura y anchura)
    x, y, width, height = box
    x2, y2 = x + width, y + height
    # dibujamos un rectangulo sobre los pixels
    rectangle(pixels, (x, y), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 1)

#imprimimos la imagen con la deteccion y la mantenamos abierta hasta que el usuario pulse una tecla
#mostramos la imagen
imshow('face detection', pixels)
#mantenemos la ventana abierta hasta que se pulse una tecla
Esempio n. 33
import urllib
import pylab
import numpy

from import *
from cv2 import CascadeClassifier, waitKey, imread, imshow, cvtColor, equalizeHist, rectangle, Sobel, GaussianBlur

face_cascade_name = "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";
eyes_cascade_name = "haarcascade_eye.xml";

face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(face_cascade_name)
eyes_cascade = CascadeClassifier(eyes_cascade_name)

image = imread("jaxons_class_crop.jpg")
colour_image = image
image = cvtColor(image, CV_BGR2GRAY)
image = equalizeHist(image)

objects = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(image, 1.1, 2, 0 | CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, (30, 30))

for x, y, w, h in objects:
	rectangle(image, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 255, 255))
	face_image = image[y:y+h,x:x+w]

imshow("Image", image)

Esempio n. 34
class FaceDetector(object):
    """Face Detector

    Face detection by Haar Feature-based Cascade Classifier in OpenCV.

        ccc: Cascade Classifier
    def get_abs_path(file_name='haarcascade.xml'):
        """Return absolute path for given file name under data directory."""
        return abspath(join(__file__, pardir, pardir, 'data', file_name))

    def download_haarcascade_xml(save_path=None):
        """Download haar cascade file and save into given path."""
        if not save_path:
            save_path = FaceDetector.get_abs_path()

        xml_url = (''
        xml_doc = urlopen(xml_url).read().decode('utf-8')

        with open(save_path, 'w') as xml:

    def __init__(self, file_path=None):
        """Init Haar Cascade Classifier

        Create classifier instance with given XML file.
        Download XML from the web if the file does not exist.

            file_path: the path for cascade classifier XML file
        if not file_path:
            file_path = FaceDetector.get_abs_path()
        if not exists(file_path):
        self.ccc = CascadeClassifier(file_path)

    def get_faces_pos(self, img, minNeighbors=3):
        """Get the position for each detected face.

        Call detectMultiScale function in CascadeClassifier and get detection

            img:    Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where
                    face is detected
            minNeighbors:   Parameter specifying how many neighbors each
                            candidate rectangle should have to retain it

            numpy.ndarray contains position information for each detected face.
            For each position information, it has (x, y, w, h), where:
                x - the minimum horizontal coordinate of the image position.
                y - the minimum ordinate of the image position.
                w - Image width.
                h - Image height.
        return self.ccc.detectMultiScale(img, minNeighbors=minNeighbors)

    def get_faces_img(self, img, fpos=None, minNeighbors=3):
        """Get Images for each detected face.

        Crop face images from the original image.
        If face position is not given, use get_faces_pos to detect it first.

            img:    Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where
                    the face is detected
            fpos:   numpy.ndarray contains position information for each
                    detected face
            minNeighbors:   Parameter specifying how many neighbors each
                            candidate rectangle should have to retain it
                            (Use only when fpos is not given)

            A tuple contains cropped face images.
        if not fpos:
            fpos = self.get_faces_pos(img, minNeighbors=minNeighbors)
        faces = [img[y:y + h, x:x + w] for (x, y, w, h) in fpos]
        return tuple(faces)
Esempio n. 35
def detect_human_face():

    # 得到user目录下的所有文件名称,即各个好友头像
    pics = listdir('image')

    # 使用人脸的头像个数
    count_face_image = 0

    # 存储使用人脸的头像的文件名
    list_name_face_image = []

    # 加载人脸识别模型
    face_cascade = CascadeClassifier(

    for index, file_name in enumerate(pics):
        print(u'正在进行人脸识别,进度%d/%d,请耐心等待……' % (index + 1, len(pics)))
        # 读取图片
        img = imread('image/' + file_name)

        # 检测图片是否读取成功,失败则跳过
        if img is None:

        # 对图片进行灰度处理
        gray = cvtColor(img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # 进行实际的人脸检测,传递参数是scaleFactor和minNeighbor,分别表示人脸检测过程中每次迭代时图
        faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
        if (len(faces) > 0):
            count_face_image += 1

    print(u'使用人脸的头像%d/%d' % (count_face_image, len(pics)))

    # 开始拼接使用人脸的头像
    pics = list_name_face_image
    numPic = len(pics)
    eachsize = int(math.sqrt(float(640 * 640) /
                             numPic))  # 先圈定每个正方形小头像的边长,如果嫌小可以加大
    numrow = int(640 / eachsize)
    numcol = int(numPic / numrow)  # 向下取整
    toImage ='RGB',
                        (eachsize * numrow, eachsize * numcol))  # 先生成头像集模板

    x = 0  # 小头像拼接时的左上角横坐标
    y = 0  # 小头像拼接时的左上角纵坐标

    for index, i in enumerate(pics):

        print(u'正在拼接使用人脸的微信好友头像数据,进度%d/%d,请耐心等待……' % (index + 1, len(pics)))
            # 打开图片
            img ='image/' + i)
        except IOError:
            print(u'Error: 没有找到文件或读取文件失败')
            # 缩小图片
            img = img.resize((eachsize, eachsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            # 拼接图片
            toImage.paste(img, (x * eachsize, y * eachsize))
            x += 1
            if x == numrow:
                x = 0
                y += 1'data/使用人脸的拼接' + ".jpg")

    # 生成一个网页
    with open('data/使用人脸的微信好友头像拼接图.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        data = '''
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html xmlns="">
                  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
                  <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
                <p><font size=4px><strong>描述内容</strong></font></p>
                <img src="使用人脸的拼接.jpg" />

        data = data.replace(
            '描述内容', '在{}个好友中,有{}个好友使用真实的人脸作为头像'.format(len(friends),