def receive_image(self, img_msg: ImageMsg): """Process and republish new camera image. The image is cropped to simulate the internal preprocessing of our real camera. Args: img_msg: Published image message. """ br = CvBridge() cv_img = br.imgmsg_to_cv2(img_msg) new_img = cv_img[self.param.output_start_y:self.param.output_end_y, self.param.output_start_x:self.param.output_end_x, ] if self.param.apply_gan: new_img = self.gan_translator( new_img, f_keep_pixels=self.param.factor_keep_pixels, f_keep_colored_pixels=self.param.factor_keep_colored_pixels, ) else: new_img = cv2.cvtColor(new_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) out_msg = br.cv2_to_imgmsg(new_img, encoding="mono8") out_msg.header = img_msg.header self.publisher.publish(out_msg)
def __enter__(self): bridge = CvBridge() cv_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(self.image_msg, desired_encoding=self.desired_encoding) self.tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg") cv2.imwrite(, cv_img) return self.tmpfile.__enter__()
def receive_image(self, msg: ImageMsg): """Receive new camera image and publish corresponding labels.""" try: tf_transform = self.listener.lookup_transform( "vehicle", "sim_world", msg.header.stamp, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.1) ) current_tf = Transform(tf_transform.transform) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(f"Could not lookup transform {e}") return # Pass latest car state to the speaker to ensure tf and # car state are approximately synchronized self.label_speaker.listen(self._latest_car_state_msg) try: # Pause physics to prevent the car from moving any further # while calculating the bounding boxes self.pause_physics_proxy() image_size = ( self.camera_specs.output_size["width"], self.camera_specs.output_size["height"], ) # Update transformations BoundingBox.set_tfs(current_tf, self.camera_specs.P) visible_bbs = self.label_speaker.speak( image_size, self.camera_specs.horizontal_fov ) self.label_publisher.publish( ImageLabelsMsg( img_header=msg.header, bounding_boxes=[bb.to_msg() for bb in visible_bbs], ) ) # Optionally publish an image with bounding boxes drawn into it if self.param.publish_debug_image: colors = self.param.colors.as_dict() visualization_bbs = ( VisualBoundingBox( bb.get_bounds(), label=bb.class_description, color=colors[str(bb.class_id // 100)] if str(bb.class_id // 100) in colors # ID Namespaces are in steps of 100. else colors[str(-1)], ) for bb in visible_bbs ) br = CvBridge() cv_img = br.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) cv_img: np.ndarray = cv_img.copy() cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) for bb in visualization_bbs: bb.draw(cv_img) out_msg = br.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_img, encoding="rgb8") out_msg.header = msg.header self.image_publisher.publish(out_msg) finally: self.unpause_physics_proxy()
def image_parse(img, enc='passthrough'): """ Converts a ros image to a numpy array """ br = CvBridge() image = np.asarray(br.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, desired_encoding=enc)) return image