Esempio n. 1
    def factor(W, H = None, Df = None):

        blas.scal(0.0, K)
        if H is not None: K[:n, :n] = H
        K[n:n+p, :n] = A
        for k in range(n):
            if mnl: g[:mnl] = Df[:,k]
            g[mnl:] = G[:,k]
            scale(g, W, trans = 'T', inverse = 'I')
            pack(g, K, dims, mnl, offsety = k*ldK + n + p)
        K[(ldK+1)*(p+n) :: ldK+1]  = -1.0
        # Add positive regularization in 1x1 block and negative in 2x2 block.
        blas.copy(K, Ktilde)
        Ktilde[0 : (ldK+1)*n : ldK+1]  += EPSILON
        Ktilde[(ldK+1)*n :: ldK+1]  += -EPSILON
        lapack.sytrf(Ktilde, ipiv)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.scal(0.0, sltn)
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety = n)
            scale(z, W, trans = 'T', inverse = 'I') 
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety = n + p)
            blas.copy(u, r)
            # Iterative refinement algorithm:
            # Init: sltn = 0, r_0 = [bx; by; W^{-T}*bz]
            # 1. u_k = Ktilde^-1 * r_k
            # 2. sltn += u_k
            # 3. r_k+1 = r - K*sltn
            # Repeat until exceed MAX_ITER iterations or ||r|| <= ERROR_BOUND
            iteration = 0
            resid_norm = 1
            while iteration <= MAX_ITER and resid_norm > ERROR_BOUND:
                lapack.sytrs(Ktilde, ipiv, u)
                blas.axpy(u, sltn, alpha = 1.0)
                blas.copy(r, u)
                blas.symv(K, sltn, u, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
                resid_norm = math.sqrt(, u))
                iteration += 1
            blas.copy(sltn, x, n = n)
            blas.copy(sltn, y, offsetx = n, n = p)
            unpack(sltn, z, dims, mnl, offsetx = n + p)
        return solve
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, prob=QP(), Free=[], **kwargs):
        'Initialize the PDASc'
        # Initialize the superclass
        super(PDASc, self).__init__(prob, **kwargs)
        # Add additional data
        self.F = Free
        nf = len(self.F)
        m = self.QP.numeq
        Q1 = sparse([self.QP.H[self.F, self.F], self.QP.Aeq[:, self.F]])
        Q2 = sparse([self.QP.Aeq[:, self.F].T, spmatrix([], [], [], (m, m))])

        self.ipiv = matrix(1, (nf + m, 1))
        self.Q = matrix([[Q1], [Q2]])
        lapack.sytrf(self.Q, self.ipiv)
        # LDL factorization of Q, dense, option 1
        # lapack.sytrf(self.Q,self.ipiv)
        # self.DiagQi = spdiag([self.Q[i,i] for i in range(nf+m)])
        # self.LQ = copy(self.Q)
        # for i in range(nf+m):
        #     self.LQ[i,i] = 1
        #     for j in range(i+1,nf+m):
        #         self.LQ[i,j] = 0

        # LDL factorization of Q, dense, option 2 by calling Matlab library
        # mlab = Matlab()
        # mlab.start()
        filename = 'temp/' + ''.join([
            random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
            for n in xrange(32)
        s = dict()
        s['A'] = sparse([[Q1], [Q2]])
        write(filename + '.mat', s)
        d = '/home/zhh210/workspace/pypdas/numeric/control/'
        # Memory failure when size is large
        # output = mlab.run_func('getldp.m',{'arg1':filename})

        # self.LQ = matrix(output['result']['L'])
        # self.Dinv = matrix(output['result']['Dinv'])
        # self.P = matrix(output['result']['P'])
        # output = mlab.run_func('saveldp.m',{'arg1':filename})

        # Execute shell command
        cmd = 'matlab -r ' + '"' + "saveldp('" + filename + "');quit" + '"'
        print cmd
        data = read(filename + '.mat')
        self.LQ = matrix(data['L'])
        self.Dinv = data['Dinv']
        self.P = data['P']
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,prob = QP(),Free=[],**kwargs):
        'Initialize the PDASc'
        # Initialize the superclass
        # Add additional data
        self.F = Free
        nf = len(self.F)
        m = self.QP.numeq
        Q1 = sparse([self.QP.H[self.F,self.F], self.QP.Aeq[:,self.F] ])
        Q2 = sparse([self.QP.Aeq[:,self.F].T, spmatrix([],[],[],(m,m)) ])

        self.ipiv = matrix(1,(nf+m,1))
        self.Q = matrix([[Q1],[Q2]])
        # LDL factorization of Q, dense, option 1
        # lapack.sytrf(self.Q,self.ipiv)
        # self.DiagQi = spdiag([self.Q[i,i] for i in range(nf+m)])
        # self.LQ = copy(self.Q)
        # for i in range(nf+m):
        #     self.LQ[i,i] = 1
        #     for j in range(i+1,nf+m):
        #         self.LQ[i,j] = 0

        # LDL factorization of Q, dense, option 2 by calling Matlab library
        # mlab = Matlab()
        # mlab.start()
        filename = 'temp/'+''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(32)])
        s = dict()
        s['A'] = sparse([[Q1],[Q2]])
        d = '/home/zhh210/workspace/pypdas/numeric/control/'
        # Memory failure when size is large
        # output = mlab.run_func('getldp.m',{'arg1':filename})

        # self.LQ = matrix(output['result']['L'])
        # self.Dinv = matrix(output['result']['Dinv'])
        # self.P = matrix(output['result']['P'])
        # output = mlab.run_func('saveldp.m',{'arg1':filename})

        # Execute shell command
        cmd = 'matlab -r '+'"'+ "saveldp('"+filename + "');quit" + '"'
        print cmd
        data = read(filename+'.mat')
        self.LQ = matrix(data['L'])
        self.Dinv = data['Dinv']
        self.P = data['P']
Esempio n. 4
    def factor(W, H=None, Df=None):
        blas.scal(0.0, K)
        if H is not None:
            K[:n, :n] = H
        K[n:n+p, :n] = A
        for k in range(n):
            if mnl:
                g[:mnl] = Df[:, k]
            g[mnl:] = G[:, k]
            scale(g, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(g, K, dims, mnl, offsety=k*ldK + n + p)
        K[(ldK+1)*(p+n):: ldK+1] = -1.0
        # Add positive regularization in 1x1 block and negative in 2x2 block.
        K[0: (ldK+1)*n: ldK+1] += REG_EPS
        K[(ldK+1)*n:: ldK+1] += -REG_EPS
        lapack.sytrf(K, ipiv)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety=n)
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety=n + p)
            lapack.sytrs(K, ipiv, u)
            blas.copy(u, x, n=n)
            blas.copy(u, y, offsetx=n, n=p)
            unpack(u, z, dims, mnl, offsetx=n + p)

        return solve
Esempio n. 5
    def factor(W, H=None, Df=None):
        blas.scal(0.0, K)
        if H is not None:
            K[:n, :n] = H
        K[n:n+p, :n] = A
        for k in range(n):
            if mnl:
                g[:mnl] = Df[:, k]
            g[mnl:] = G[:, k]
            scale(g, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(g, K, dims, mnl, offsety=k*ldK + n + p)
        K[(ldK+1)*(p+n):: ldK+1] = -1.0
        # Add positive regularization in 1x1 block and negative in 2x2 block.
        K[0: (ldK+1)*n: ldK+1] += REG_EPS
        K[(ldK+1)*n:: ldK+1] += -REG_EPS
        lapack.sytrf(K, ipiv)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'   GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0    0          ] * [ uy   [ = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I          ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # On entry, x, y, z contain bx, by, bz.  On exit, they contain
            # the solution ux, uy, W*uz.
            blas.copy(x, u)
            blas.copy(y, u, offsety=n)
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')
            pack(z, u, dims, mnl, offsety=n + p)
            lapack.sytrs(K, ipiv, u)
            blas.copy(u, x, n=n)
            blas.copy(u, y, offsetx=n, n=p)
            unpack(u, z, dims, mnl, offsetx=n + p)

        return solve
Esempio n. 6
def Aopt_KKT_solver(si2, W):
    Construct a solver that solves the KKT equations associated with the cone 
    programming for A-optimal:

    / 0   At   Gt  \ / x \   / p \
    | A   0    0   | | y | = | q |
    \ G   0  -Wt W / \ z /   \ s /


    si2: symmetric KxK matrix, si2[i,j] = 1/s_{ij}^2
    K = si2.size[0]

    ds = W['d']
    dis = W['di']  # dis[i] := 1./ds[i]
    rtis = W['rti']
    ris = W['r']

    d2s = ds**2
    di2s = dis**2

    # R_i = r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1}
    Ris = [matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1)) for i in xrange(K)]
    for i in xrange(K):
        blas.gemm(rtis[i], rtis[i], Ris[i], transB='T')

    ddR2 = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    sumdR2_C(Ris, ddR2, K)

    # upper triangular representation si2ab[(a,b)] := si2[a,b]
    si2ab = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
    p = 0
    for i in xrange(K):
        si2ab[p:p + (K - i)] = si2[i:, i]
        p += (K - i)

    si2q = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    blas.syr(si2ab, si2q)

    sRVR = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    #  We first solve for K(K+1)/2 n_{ab}, K u_i, 1 y
    nvars = K * (K + 1) / 2 + K  # + 1  We solve y by elimination of n and u.
    Bm = matrix(0.0, (nvars, nvars))

    # The LHS matrix of equations
    # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
    # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
    # = -d_{ab}^{-2}l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

    # Coefficients for n_{ab}
    Bm[:K * (K + 1) / 2, :K * (K + 1) / 2] = cvxopt.mul(si2q, ddR2)

    row = 0
    for a in xrange(K):
        for b in xrange(a, K):
            Bm[row, row] += di2s[row]  # d_{ab}^{-2} n_{ab}
            row += 1
    assert (K * (K + 1) / 2 == row)

    # Coefficients for u_i

    # The LHS of equations
    # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
    dg = matrix(0., (K, K * (K + 1) / 2))
    g = matrix(0., (K, K))
    for i in xrange(K):
        g[i, :] = Ris[i][K, :K]
    # dg[:,(a,b)] = g[a] - g[b] if a!=b else g[a]
    pairwise_diff(g, dg, K)
    dg2 = dg**2
    # dg2 := s[(a,b)]^{-2} dg[(a,b)]^2
    for i in xrange(K):
        dg2[i, :] = cvxopt.mul(si2ab.T, dg2[i, :])

    Bm[K * (K + 1) / 2:K * (K + 1) / 2 + K, :-K] = dg2
    # Diagonal coefficients for u_i.
    uoffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
    for i in xrange(K):
        RiKK = Ris[i][K, K]
        Bm[uoffset + i, uoffset + i] = RiKK**2

    # Compare with the default KKT solver.
    TEST_KKT = False
    if (TEST_KKT):
        Bm0 = matrix(0., Bm.size)
        blas.copy(Bm, Bm0)
        G, h, A = Aopt_GhA(si2)
        dims = dict(l=K * (K + 1) / 2, q=[], s=[K + 1] * K)
        default_solver = misc.kkt_ldl(G, dims, A)(W)

    ipiv = matrix(0, Bm.size)
    lapack.sytrf(Bm, ipiv)
    # lapack.potrf( Bm)

    # oz := (1, ..., 1, 0, ..., 0)' with K*(K+1)/2 ones and K zeros
    oz = matrix(0., (Bm.size[0], 1))
    oz[:K * (K + 1) / 2] = 1.
    # iB1 := B^{-1} oz
    iB1 = matrix(oz[:], oz.size)
    lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, iB1)

    # lapack.potrs( Bm, iB1)

    #  The solver
    def kkt_solver(x, y, z):

        if (TEST_KKT):
            x0 = matrix(0., x.size)
            y0 = matrix(0., y.size)
            z0 = matrix(0., z.size)
            x0[:] = x[:]
            y0[:] = y[:]
            z0[:] = z[:]

            # Get default solver solutions.
            xp = matrix(0., x.size)
            yp = matrix(0., y.size)
            zp = matrix(0., z.size)
            xp[:] = x[:]
            yp[:] = y[:]
            zp[:] = z[:]
            default_solver(xp, yp, zp)
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(zp, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)

        # pab = x[:K*(K+1)/2]  # p_{ab}  1<=a<=b<=K
        # pis = x[K*(K+1)/2:]  # \pi_i   1<=i<=K

        # z_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-1} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i = r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t}
        misc.scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')

        l = z[:]

        # l_{ab} := d_{ab}^{-2} z_{ab}
        # \mat{z}_i := r_i^{-t}r_i^{-1} \mat{z}_i r_i^{-t} r_i^{-1}
        misc.scale(l, W, trans='N', inverse='I')

        # The RHS of equations
        # d_{ab}^{-2}n_{ab} + vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( \sum_i R_i* F R_i*)
        # + \sum_i vec(V_{ab})^t . vec( g_i g_i^t) u_i + y
        # = -d_{ab}^{-2} l_{ab} + ( p_{ab} - vec(V_{ab})^t . vec(\sum_i L_i*)

        # Lsum := \sum_i L_i
        moffset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        Lsum = np.sum(np.array(l[moffset:]).reshape((K, (K + 1) * (K + 1))),
        Lsum = matrix(Lsum, (K + 1, K + 1))
        Ls = Lsum[:K, :K]

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= l[:K * (K + 1) / 2]

        dL = matrix(0., (K * (K + 1) / 2, 1))
        ab = 0
        for a in xrange(K):
            dL[ab] = Ls[a, a]
            ab += 1
            for b in xrange(a + 1, K):
                dL[ab] = Ls[a, a] + Ls[b, b] - 2 * Ls[b, a]
                ab += 1

        x[:K * (K + 1) / 2] -= cvxopt.mul(si2ab, dL)

        # The RHS of equations
        # g_i^t F g_i + R_{i,K+1,K+1}^2 u_i = pi - L_{i,K+1,K+1}
        x[K * (K + 1) / 2:] -= l[K * (K + 1) / 2 + (K + 1) * (K + 1) -
                                 1::(K + 1) * (K + 1)]

        # x := B^{-1} Cv
        lapack.sytrs(Bm, ipiv, x)
        # lapack.potrs( Bm, x)

        # y := (oz'.B^{-1}.Cv[:-1] - y)/(oz'.B^{-1}.oz)
        y[0] = (blas.dotu(oz, x) - y[0]) / blas.dotu(oz, iB1)
        # x := B^{-1} Cv - B^{-1}.oz y
        blas.axpy(iB1, x, -y[0])

        # Solve for -n_{ab} - d_{ab}^2 z_{ab} = l_{ab}
        # We need to return scaled d*z.
        # z := d_{ab} d_{ab}^{-2}(n_{ab} + l_{ab})
        #    = d_{ab}^{-1}n_{ab} + d_{ab}^{-1}l_{ab}
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] += cvxopt.mul(dis, x[:K * (K + 1) / 2])
        z[:K * (K + 1) / 2] *= -1.

        # Solve for \mat{z}_i = -R_i (\mat{l}_i + diag(F, u_i)) R_i
        #                     = -L_i - R_i diag(F, u_i) R_i
        # We return
        # r_i^t \mat{z}_i r_i = -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i +  diag(F, u_i)) r_i^{-t}
        ui = x[-K:]
        nab = tri2symm(x, K)

        F = Fisher_matrix(si2, nab)
        offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
        for i in xrange(K):
            start, end = i * (K + 1) * (K + 1), (i + 1) * (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            Fu = matrix(0.0, (K + 1, K + 1))
            Fu[:K, :K] = F
            Fu[K, K] = ui[i]
            Fu = matrix(Fu, ((K + 1) * (K + 1), 1))
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} diag( F, u_i) r_i^{-t}
            cngrnc(rtis[i], Fu, K + 1, alpha=-1.)
            # Fu := -r_i^{-1} (\mat{l}_i + diag( F, u_i )) r_i^{-t}
            blas.axpy(z[offset + start:offset + end], Fu, alpha=-1.)
            z[offset + start:offset + end] = Fu

        if (TEST_KKT):
            offset = K * (K + 1) / 2
            for i in xrange(K):
                symmetrize_matrix(z, K + 1, offset)
                offset += (K + 1) * (K + 1)
            dz = np.max(np.abs(z - zp))
            dx = np.max(np.abs(x - xp))
            dy = np.max(np.abs(y - yp))
            tol = 1e-5
            if dx > tol:
                print 'dx='
                print dx
                print x
                print xp
            if dy > tol:
                print 'dy='
                print dy
                print y
                print yp
            if dz > tol:
                print 'dz='
                print dz
                print z
                print zp
            if dx > tol or dy > tol or dz > tol:
                for i, (r, rti) in enumerate(zip(ris, rtis)):
                    print 'r[%d]=' % i
                    print r
                    print 'rti[%d]=' % i
                    print rti
                    print 'rti.T*r='
                    print rti.T * r
                for i, d in enumerate(ds):
                    print 'd[%d]=%g' % (i, d)
                print 'x0, y0, z0='
                print x0
                print y0
                print z0
                print Bm0

    #  END of kkt_solver.

    return kkt_solver