Esempio n. 1
	def get_2state_gaussian_seq(lens,dims=2,means1=[2,2,2,2],means2=[5,5,5,5],vars1=[1,1,1,1],vars2=[1,1,1,1],anom_prob=1.0):
		seqs = co.matrix(0.0, (dims, lens))
		lbls = co.matrix(0, (1,lens))
		marker = 0

		# generate first state sequence
		for d in range(dims):
			seqs[d,:] = co.normal(1,lens)*vars1[d] + means1[d]

		prob = np.random.uniform()
		if prob<anom_prob:		
			# add second state blocks
			while (True):
				max_block_len = 0.6*lens
				min_block_len = 0.1*lens
				block_len =*np.single(co.uniform(1))+3)
				block_start =*np.single(co.uniform(1)))

				if (block_len - (block_start+block_len-lens)-3>min_block_len):

			block_len = min(block_len,block_len - (block_start+block_len-lens)-3)
			lbls[block_start:block_start+block_len-1] = 1
			marker = 1
			for d in range(dims):
				#print block_len
				seqs[d,block_start:block_start+block_len-1] = co.normal(1,block_len-1)*vars2[d] + means2[d]

		return (seqs, lbls, marker)
Esempio n. 2
def test():
    m, n = 100, 1000
    A = normal(m, n)
    b = normal(m)
    x = l1regls(A, b)
    return x
Esempio n. 3
 def test_l1(self):
     m, n = 500, 250
     P = normal(m, n)
     q = normal(m, 1)
     u1 = l1(P, q)
     u2 = l1blas(P, q)
     self.assertAlmostEqualLists(list(u1), list(u2), places=3)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_cvxopt_sparse(self):
        m = 100
        n = 20

        mu = cvxopt.exp(cvxopt.normal(m))
        F = cvxopt.normal(m, n)
        D = cvxopt.spdiag(cvxopt.uniform(m))
        x = Variable(m)
        exp = square(norm2(D * x))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_cvxopt_sparse(self):
        m = 100
        n = 20

        mu = cvxopt.exp(cvxopt.normal(m))
        F = cvxopt.normal(m, n)
        D = cvxopt.spdiag(cvxopt.uniform(m))
        x = Variable(m)
        exp = square(norm2(D * x))
Esempio n. 6
 def test_l1(self):
     m,n = 500,250
     P = normal(m,n)
     q = normal(m,1)
     u1,st1 = l1(P,q)
     u2,st2 = l1blas(P,q)
     self.assertTrue(st1 == 'optimal')
     self.assertTrue(st2 == 'optimal')
Esempio n. 7
 def test_l1(self):
     from cvxopt import normal, setseed
     import l1
     m,n = 500,250
     P = normal(m,n)
     q = normal(m,1)
     u1 = l1.l1(P,q)
     u2 = l1.l1blas(P,q)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_l1(self):
     from cvxopt import normal, setseed
     import l1
     m, n = 500, 250
     P = normal(m, n)
     q = normal(m, 1)
     u1 = l1.l1(P, q)
     u2 = l1.l1blas(P, q)
     self.assertAlmostEqualLists(list(u1), list(u2), places=3)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_l1regls(self):
        m,n = 250,500
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m,1)

        x,st = l1regls(A,b)
        self.assertTrue(st == 'optimal')
        # Check optimality conditions (list should be empty, e.g., False)
        self.assertFalse([t for t in zip(A.T*(A*x-b),x) if abs(t[1])>1e-6 and abs(t[0]) > 1.0])
Esempio n. 10
def test_l1():
    m, n = 500, 100
    P, q = cvxopt.normal(m, n), cvxopt.normal(m, 1)
    u = l1(P, q)
    qfit = P * u
    residual = qfit - q
    mean_abs_res = sum(abs(residual)) / len(residual)
    print "mean abs residual: %s" % mean_abs_res
    assert mean_abs_res < 1.0
Esempio n. 11
    def test_l1regls(self):
        from cvxopt import normal, setseed
        import l1regls
        m,n = 250,500
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m,1)

        x = l1regls.l1regls(A,b)
        # Check optimality conditions (list should be empty, e.g., False)
        self.assertFalse([t for t in zip(A.T*(A*x-b),x) if abs(t[1])>1e-6 and abs(t[0]) > 1.0])
Esempio n. 12
    def test_l1regls(self):
        m, n = 250, 500
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m, 1)

        x = l1regls(A, b)
        # Check optimality conditions (list should be empty, e.g., False)
            t for t in zip(A.T * (A * x - b), x)
            if abs(t[1]) > 1e-6 and abs(t[0]) > 1.0
Esempio n. 13
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack, solvers, matrix, spdiag, log, div, normal, setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m, n = 100, 30
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m, 1)
        b /= (1.1 * max(abs(b)))
        self.m, self.n, self.A, self.b = m, n, A, b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        op(sum(abs(A * x + b))).solve()
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        lapack.gels(Aprime, bprime)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A * x + b) - 0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(
            np.max([np.abs(A * x.value + b) - 0.5,
                    np.zeros((m, 1))], axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            y = A * x + b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1 - y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0 * z[0] * div(1.0 + y**2, (1.0 - y**2)**2)) * A
            return f, gradf.T, H

        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack,solvers,matrix,spdiag,log,div,normal,setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable,op,max,sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m,n = 100,30
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m,1)
        b /= (1.1*max(abs(b)))
        self.m,self.n,self.A,self.b = m,n,A,b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(np.max([np.abs(A*x.value+b)-0.5,np.zeros((m,1))],axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0,(n,1))
            y = A*x+b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1-y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0*z[0]*div(1.0+y**2,(1.0-y**2)**2))*A
            return f,gradf.T,H
        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
Esempio n. 15
	def get_2state_anom_seq(lens, comb_block_len, anom_prob=1.0, num_blocks=1):
		seqs = co.matrix(0.0, (1, lens))
		lbls = co.matrix(0, (1, lens))
		marker = 0

		# generate first state sequence, gaussian noise 0=mean, 1=variance
		seqs[0,:] = co.normal(1, lens)*1.0
		bak = co.matrix(seqs)
		prob = np.random.uniform()
		if prob<anom_prob:		

			# add second state blocks
			block_len =
			marker = 1

			# add a single block
			blen = 0
			for b in xrange(
				if (b==num_blocks-1 and b>1):
					block_len = np.round(comb_block_len-blen)
				start =*float(lens-block_len+1))
				#print start
				#print start+block_len
				lbls[0,start:start+block_len] = 1
				seqs[0,start:start+block_len] = bak[0,start:start+block_len]+4.0

				blen += block_len
			print('Anomamly block lengths (target/reality)= {0}/{1} '.format(comb_block_len, blen))

		return (seqs, lbls, marker)
Esempio n. 16
	def train_dc(self, max_iter=50):
		""" Solve the optimization problem with a  
		    sequential convex programming/DC-programming
		    Iteratively, find the most likely configuration of
		    the latent variables and then, optimize for the
		    model parameter using fixed latent states.
		N = self.sobj.get_num_samples()
		DIMS = self.sobj.get_num_dims()
		# intermediate solutions
		# latent variables
		latent = [0.0]*N

		sol = normal(DIMS,1)
		psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS,N)) # (dim x exm)
		old_psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS,N)) # (dim x exm)
		threshold = matrix(0.0)

		obj = -1
		iter = 0 

		# terminate if objective function value doesn't change much
		while iter<max_iter and (iter<2 or sum(sum(abs(np.array(psi-old_psi))))>=0.001):
			print('Starting iteration {0}.'.format(iter))
			iter += 1
			old_psi = matrix(psi)

			# 1. linearize
			# for the current solution compute the 
			# most likely latent variable configuration
			mean = matrix(0.0, (DIMS, 1))
			for i in range(N):
				(foo, latent[i], psi[:,i]) = self.sobj.argmax(sol, i, add_prior=True)
				mean += psi[:,i]

			mpsi = matrix(psi)
			mean /= float(N)
			#for i in range(N):
				#mphi[:,i] -= mean

			# 2. solve the intermediate convex optimization problem 
			A = mpsi*mpsi.trans()
			print A.size
			W = matrix(0.0, (DIMS,DIMS))
			print W
			print A
			print A*A.trans()
			#sol = (W[3:,0].trans() * A[:,3:].trans()).trans()
			#sol = (W[3:,0].trans() * A[:,3:].trans()).trans()
			sol = A[:,DIMS-1]
			print sol

		self.sol = sol
		self.latent = latent
		return (sol, latent, threshold)
Esempio n. 17
    def get_GW_cut(self, graph):

        G = graph
        N = len(G.nodes())

        # Allocate weights to the edges.
        for (i, j) in G.edges():
            G[i][j]['weight'] = 1.0

        maxcut = pic.Problem()

        # Add the symmetric matrix variable.
        X = maxcut.add_variable('X', (N, N), 'symmetric')

        # Retrieve the Laplacian of the graph.
        LL = 1 / 4. * nx.laplacian_matrix(G).todense()
        L = pic.new_param('L', LL)

        # Constrain X to have ones on the diagonal.
        maxcut.add_constraint( == 1)

        # Constrain X to be positive semidefinite.
        maxcut.add_constraint(X >> 0)

        # Set the objective.
        maxcut.set_objective('max', L | X)

        # Solve the problem.
        maxcut.solve(verbose=0, solver='cvxopt')

        # Use a fixed RNG seed so the result is reproducable.

        # Perform a Cholesky factorization.
        V = X.value
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(i + 1, N):
                V[i, j] = 0

        # Do up to 100 projections. Stop if we are within a factor 0.878 of the SDP
        # optimal value.
        count = 0
        obj_sdp = maxcut.obj_value()
        obj = 0
        while (obj < 0.878 * obj_sdp):
            r = cvx.normal(N, 1)
            x = cvx.matrix(np.sign(V * r))
            o = (x.T * L * x).value
            if o > obj:
                x_cut = x
                obj = o
            count += 1
        x = x_cut

        return obj, count
Esempio n. 18
def sp_rand(m,n,a):
    Generates an m-by-n sparse 'd' matrix with round(a*m*n) nonzeros.
    if m == 0 or n == 0: return spmatrix([], [], [], (m,n))
    nnz = min(max(0, int(round(a*m*n))), m*n)
    nz = matrix(random.sample(range(m*n), nnz), tc='i')
    return spmatrix(normal(nnz,1), nz%m, nz/m, (m,n))
Esempio n. 19
    def setUp(self):
        from cvxopt import matrix, normal, spdiag, misc, lapack
        from ubsdp import ubsdp

        m, n = 10, 10
        A = normal(m**2, n)

        # Z0 random positive definite with maximum e.v. less than 1.0.
        Z0 = normal(m, m)
        Z0 = Z0 * Z0.T
        w = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
        a = +Z0
        lapack.syev(a, w, jobz='V')
        wmax = max(w)
        if wmax > 0.9: w = (0.9 / wmax) * w
        Z0 = a * spdiag(w) * a.T

        # c = -A'(Z0)
        c = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
                       'l': 0,
                       'q': [],
                       's': [m]

        # Z1 = I - Z0
        Z1 = -Z0
        Z1[::m + 1] += 1.0

        x0 = normal(n, 1)
        X0 = normal(m, m)
        X0 = X0 * X0.T
        S0 = normal(m, m)
        S0 = S0 * S0.T
        # B = A(x0) - X0 + S0
        B = matrix(A * x0 - X0[:] + S0[:], (m, m))

        X = ubsdp(c, A, B)

        (self.m, self.n, self.c, self.A, self.B, self.Xubsdp) = (m, n, c, A, B,
Esempio n. 20
	def get_n_gaussians(num=100, cluster=2, dims=2):
		dmeans = co.random((cluster, dims))
		dvars = co.ones((cluster, dims))
		data = co.matrix(0.0, (dims, num))
		for c in range(cluster):
			for d in range(dims):
				data[d,:] = co.normal(1,num)*dvars[c,d] + dmeans[c,d]
		return data
 def get_psd_matrix(p):
     tmp = matrix(normal((p)**2),(p,p))/2.0
     tmp = tmp + tmp.T
             tmp = tmp + .1*eye(p)
     return tmp
Esempio n. 22
def sp_rand(m,n,a):
     Generates an mxn sparse 'd' matrix with round(a*m*n) nonzeros.
     Provided by cvxopt.
     if m == 0 or n == 0: return spmatrix([], [], [], (m,n))
     nnz = min(max(0, int(round(a*m*n))), m*n)
     nz = matrix(random.sample(range(m*n), nnz), tc='i')
     J = matrix([k//m for k in nz])
     return spmatrix(normal(nnz,1), nz%m, J, (m,n))
Esempio n. 23
def test_minres():

    G=matrix(np.eye(n), tc='d')
    for jj in range(5):




    # Create a MINRES class
    m = MINRES(G,b)

    m.option['show'] = show
    m.option['rtol'] = tol


    if mg>1e-14:sym='No'
    else: sym='Yes'

    print alg
    print "Is linear operator symmetric? (Symmetry is required) " + sym
    print "n: %3g  iterations:   %3g" % (n, m.iter)
    print " norms computed in ", alg
    print " ||x||  %9.4e  ||r|| %9.4e " %( nrm2(m.x), nrm2(G*m.x -m.b))
Esempio n. 24
    def train(self, max_iter=50):
        """ Solve the LatentSVDD optimization problem with a
            sequential convex programming/DC-programming
            Iteratively, find the most likely configuration of
            the latent variables and then, optimize for the
            model parameter using fixed latent states.
        N = self.sobj.get_num_samples()
        DIMS = self.sobj.get_num_dims()

        # intermediate solutions
        # latent variables
        latent = [0] * N

        sol = 10.0 * normal(DIMS, 1)
        psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS, N))  # (dim x exm)
        old_psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS, N))  # (dim x exm)
        threshold = 0

        obj = -1
        iter = 0

        # terminate if objective function value doesn't change much
        while iter < max_iter and (
                iter < 2 or sum(sum(abs(np.array(psi - old_psi)))) >= 0.001):
            print('Starting iteration {0}.'.format(iter))
            print(sum(sum(abs(np.array(psi - old_psi)))))
            iter += 1
            old_psi = matrix(psi)

            # 1. linearize
            # for the current solution compute the
            # most likely latent variable configuration
            for i in range(N):
                # min_z ||sol - Psi(x,z)||^2 = ||sol||^2 + min_z -2<sol,Psi(x,z)> + ||Psi(x,z)||^2
                # Hence => ||sol||^2 - max_z  2<sol,Psi(x,z)> - ||Psi(x,z)||^2
                foo, latent[i], psi[:,
                                    i] = self.sobj.argmax(sol,

            # 2. solve the intermediate convex optimization problem
            kernel = get_kernel(psi, psi)
            svdd = SvddDualQP(kernel, self.C)
            threshold = svdd.get_radius()
            inds = svdd.svs
            alphas = svdd.get_support()
            sol = psi[:, inds] * alphas

        self.sol = sol
        self.latent = latent
        return sol, latent, threshold
Esempio n. 25
    def test_case3(self):
        m, n = 500, 100
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m)

        x1 = variable(n)
        lp1 = op(max(abs(A*x1-b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp1.status == 'optimal')

        x2 = variable(n)
        lp2 = op(sum(abs(A*x2-b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp2.status == 'optimal')

        x3 = variable(n)
        lp3 = op(sum(max(0, abs(A*x3-b)-0.75, 2*abs(A*x3-b)-2.25)))
        self.assertTrue(lp3.status == 'optimal')
Esempio n. 26
def test_minres():

    n = 35
    G = matrix(np.eye(n), tc='d')
    for jj in range(5):
        gg = normal(n, 1)
        hh = gg * gg.T
        G += (hh + hh.T) * 0.5
        G += normal(n, 1) * normal(1, n)

    G = (G + G.T) / 2

    b = normal(n, 1)

    svx = +b
    gesv(G, svx)

    tol = 1e-10
    show = False
    maxit = None
    t1 = t.time()

    # Create a MINRES class
    m = MINRES(G, b)

    m.option['show'] = show
    m.option['rtol'] = tol


    mg = max(G - G.T)
    if mg > 1e-14: sym = 'No'
    else: sym = 'Yes'
    alg = 'MINRES'

    print alg
    print "Is linear operator symmetric? (Symmetry is required) " + sym
    print "n: %3g  iterations:   %3g" % (n, m.iter)
    print " norms computed in ", alg
    print " ||x||  %9.4e  ||r|| %9.4e " % (nrm2(m.x), nrm2(G * m.x - m.b))
Esempio n. 27
    def test_case3(self):
        m, n = 500, 100
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m)

        x1 = variable(n)
        lp1 = op(max(abs(A * x1 - b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp1.status == 'optimal')

        x2 = variable(n)
        lp2 = op(sum(abs(A * x2 - b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp2.status == 'optimal')

        x3 = variable(n)
        lp3 = op(
                    abs(A * x3 - b) - 0.75, 2 * abs(A * x3 - b) - 2.25)))
        self.assertTrue(lp3.status == 'optimal')
Esempio n. 28
    def test_cvxopt_sparse(self):
        m = 100
        n = 20

        mu = cvxopt.exp( cvxopt.normal(m) )
        F = cvxopt.normal(m, n)
        D = cvxopt.spdiag( cvxopt.uniform(m) )
        x = Variable(m)
        exp = square(norm2(D*x))

    # # TODO
    # # Test scipy sparse matrices.
    # def test_scipy_sparse(self):
    #     m = 100
    #     n = 20

    #     mu = cvxopt.exp( cvxopt.normal(m) )
    #     F = cvxopt.normal(m, n)
    #     x = Variable(m)

    #     D = scipy.sparse.spdiags(1.5, 0, m, m )
    #     exp = square(norm2(D*x))
Esempio n. 29
def random_projection(V, L, Zvp):
    # random projection algorithm
    # Repeat 100 times or until we are within a factor .878 of
    # the SDP optimal value Zvp
    count, obj, lobo = 0, 0, .878 * Zvp
    while (count < 100 or obj < lobo):
        r = cvx.normal(V.size[0])
        x = cvx.matrix(np.sign(V * r))
        o = (x.T * L * x).value[0]
        if o > obj:
            x_cut = x
            obj = o
        count += 1
    return x_cut
Esempio n. 30
	def train_dc(self, max_iter=50):
		""" Solve the LatentSVDD optimization problem with a  
		    sequential convex programming/DC-programming
		    Iteratively, find the most likely configuration of
		    the latent variables and then, optimize for the
		    model parameter using fixed latent states.
		N = self.sobj.get_num_samples()
		DIMS = self.sobj.get_num_dims()
		# intermediate solutions
		# latent variables
		latent = [0]*N

		sol = 10.0*normal(DIMS,1)
		psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS,N)) # (dim x exm)
		old_psi = matrix(0.0, (DIMS,N)) # (dim x exm)
		threshold = 0

		obj = -1
		iter = 0 

		# terminate if objective function value doesn't change much
		while iter<max_iter and (iter<2 or sum(sum(abs(np.array(psi-old_psi))))>=0.001):
			print('Starting iteration {0}.'.format(iter))
			iter += 1
			old_psi = matrix(psi)

			# 1. linearize
			# for the current solution compute the 
			# most likely latent variable configuration
			for i in range(N):
				# min_z ||sol - Psi(x,z)||^2 = ||sol||^2 + min_z -2<sol,Psi(x,z)> + ||Psi(x,z)||^2
				# Hence => ||sol||^2 - max_z  2<sol,Psi(x,z)> - ||Psi(x,z)||^2
				(foo, latent[i], psi[:,i]) = self.sobj.argmax(sol, i, opt_type='quadratic')

			# 2. solve the intermediate convex optimization problem 
			kernel = Kernel.get_kernel(psi,psi)			
			svdd = SVDD(kernel, self.C)
			threshold = svdd.get_threshold()
			inds = svdd.get_support_dual()
			alphas = svdd.get_support_dual_values()
			sol = psi[:,inds]*alphas

		self.sol = sol
		self.latent = latent
		return (sol, latent, threshold)
Esempio n. 31
    def get_2state_anom_seq(lens, comb_block_len, anom_prob=1.0, num_blocks=1):

        seqs = co.matrix(0.0, (1, lens))
        lbls = co.matrix(0, (1, lens), tc='i')
        marker = 1

        # generate first state sequence, gaussian noise 0=mean, 1=variance
        seqs[0, :] = co.normal(1, lens) * 1.0
        bak = co.matrix(seqs)

        prob = np.random.uniform()
        if prob < anom_prob:

            marker = 0

            # add a single block
            blen = 0
            for b in xrange(
                if (b == num_blocks - 1 and b > 1):
                    block_len = np.round(comb_block_len - blen)
                    # add second state blocks
                    block_len =
                            (comb_block_len - blen) / float(num_blocks - b)))

                bcnt = 0
                isDone = False
                while isDone == False and bcnt < 100000:
                    bcnt += 1
                    start = np.random.randint(low=0, high=lens - block_len + 1)
                    if (sum(lbls[0, start:start + block_len]) == 0):
                        #print start
                        #print block_len
                        #print start+block_len
                        lbls[0, start:start + block_len] = 1
                        seqs[0, start:start +
                             block_len] = (bak[0, start:start + block_len] +
                        isDone = True
                if isDone:
                    blen += block_len
            print('Anomamly block lengths (target/reality)= {0}/{1} '.format(
                comb_block_len, blen))
            if not comb_block_len == blen:
                print('Warning! Anomamly block length error.')

        return (seqs, lbls, marker)
    def setUp(self):
        from cvxopt import matrix, normal, spdiag, misc, lapack
        from ubsdp import ubsdp

        m, n = 10, 10
        A = normal(m**2, n)

        # Z0 random positive definite with maximum e.v. less than 1.0.
        Z0 = normal(m,m)
        Z0 = Z0 * Z0.T
        w = matrix(0.0, (m,1))
        a = +Z0
        lapack.syev(a, w, jobz = 'V')
        wmax = max(w)
        if wmax > 0.9:  w = (0.9/wmax) * w
        Z0 = a * spdiag(w) * a.T

        # c = -A'(Z0)
        c = matrix(0.0, (n,1))
        misc.sgemv(A, Z0, c, dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [m]}, trans = 'T', alpha = -1.0)

        # Z1 = I - Z0
        Z1 = -Z0
        Z1[::m+1] += 1.0

        x0 = normal(n,1)
        X0 = normal(m,m)
        X0 = X0*X0.T
        S0 = normal(m,m)
        S0 = S0*S0.T
        # B = A(x0) - X0 + S0
        B = matrix(A*x0 - X0[:] + S0[:], (m,m))

        X = ubsdp(c, A, B)

        (self.m, self.n, self.c, self.A, self.B, self.Xubsdp) = (m, n, c, A, B, X)
Esempio n. 33
def snl_problem(seed=None, **kwargs):
    Uniformly scatters N sensors in unit hypercube and generates partial EDM matrix
        seed : random generator seed
            n : number of sensors
            k : dimension of space
            neighbors : number of nearest neighbors
            noise : measurement distance noise
        X : n x k data matrix where X[i,:] is the position of sensor i
        EDM : partial Euclidean distance matrix where nearest neighbor distances
                are filled
        NN : adjacency matrix for nearest neighbor distances

    n = kwargs.get('nsensors', 100)
    k = kwargs.get('dim', 3)
    neighbors = kwargs.get('neighbors', 5)
    noise = kwargs.get('noise', 0.0)

    # generating problem data
    X = matrix([random.uniform(0, 1) for i in xrange(n * k)], (n, k))
    EDM, NN = get_EDM(X, neighbors)

    I, J, V = EDM.I, EDM.J, EDM.V
    EDMnoise = spmatrix(normal(len(I), 1), I, J, (n, n))
    EDMnoise = (EDMnoise + EDMnoise.T) / 2
    EDM[:] = mul(EDM, (1.0 + noise * EDMnoise))[:]
    for i in xrange(n):
        EDM[i, i] = 0.0

    return X, EDM, NN
Esempio n. 34
    def test_mrcompletion(self):
        Ac = cp.cspmatrix(self.symb) + self.A
        Y = cp.mrcompletion(Ac)
        C = Y * Y.T
        Ap = cp.cspmatrix(Ac.symb)
        Ap.add_projection(C, beta=0.0, reordered=True)
        diff = list((Ac.spmatrix() - Ap.spmatrix()).V)
        self.assertAlmostEqualLists(diff, len(diff) * [0.0])

        U = normal(17, 2)
        cp.syr2(Ac, U[:, 0], U[:, 0], alpha=0.5, beta=0.0)
        cp.syr2(Ac, U[:, 1], U[:, 1], alpha=0.5, beta=1.0)
        Y = cp.mrcompletion(Ac)
        Ap.add_projection(Y * Y.T, beta=0.0, reordered=True)
        diff = list((Ac.spmatrix() - Ap.spmatrix()).V)
        self.assertAlmostEqualLists(diff, len(diff) * [0.0])

        Ap.add_projection(U * U.T, beta=0.0, reordered=False)
        diff = list((Ac.spmatrix() - Ap.spmatrix()).V)
        self.assertAlmostEqualLists(diff, len(diff) * [0.0])
Esempio n. 35
def sampler(A, Vr, verbose=False):
    # Generate 1000 samples and apply rounding
    A = A.toarray()
    A[A == 0.] = -1
    Am = matrix(A)
    vals = []
    fbest = float('-inf')
    xbest = None
    for k in range(10000):
        x = matrix(
            [-1. if xi >= 0 else 1. for xi in Vr * normal(Vr.size[1], 1)])
        f =, Am * x)
        if f > fbest:
            if verbose == True:
                print f
                print "with"
            fbest = f
            xbest = x
    x1 = np.array([0 if xi >= 0.0 else 1 for xi in xbest])
    return x1
Esempio n. 36
def get_2state_anom_seq(lens, comb_block_len, anom_prob=1.0, num_blocks=1):
    seqs = co.matrix(0.0, (1, lens))
    lbls = co.matrix(0, (1, lens))
    marker = 0

    # generate first state sequence, gaussian noise 0=mean, 1=variance
    seqs[0, :] = co.normal(1, lens) * 1.0
    bak = co.matrix(seqs)

    prob = np.random.uniform()
    if prob < anom_prob:

        # add second state blocks
        block_len = / float(num_blocks)))
        marker = 1

        # add a single block
        blen = 0
        for b in xrange(
            if (b == num_blocks - 1 and b > 1):
                block_len = np.round(comb_block_len - blen)

            isDone = False
            while isDone == False:
                start = *
                               float(lens - block_len + 1))
                if (sum(lbls[0, start:start + block_len]) == 0):
                    #print start
                    #print start+block_len
                    lbls[0, start:start + block_len] = 1
                    seqs[0, start:start +
                         block_len] = bak[0, start:start + block_len] + 4.0
                    isDone = True

            blen += block_len
        print('Anomamly block lengths (target/reality)= {0}/{1} '.format(
            comb_block_len, blen))
    return seqs, lbls, marker
Esempio n. 37
def cvx():
    # Figures 6.8-10, pages 313-314
    # Quadratic smoothing.

    from math import pi
    from cvxopt import blas, lapack, matrix, sin, mul, normal

    n = 4000
    t = matrix(list(range(n)), tc='d')
    ex = 0.5 * mul(sin(2 * pi / n * t), sin(0.01 * t))
    corr = ex + 0.05 * normal(n, 1)

    # A = D'*D is an n by n tridiagonal matrix with -1.0 on the
    # upper/lower diagonal and 1, 2, 2, ..., 2, 2, 1 on the diagonal.
    Ad = matrix([1.0] + (n - 2) * [2.0] + [1.0])
    As = matrix(-1.0, (n - 1, 1))

    nopts = 50
    deltas = -10.0 + 20.0 / (nopts - 1) * matrix(list(range(nopts)))
    cost1, cost2 = [], []
    for delta in deltas:
        xr = +corr
        lapack.ptsv(1.0 + 10 ** delta * Ad, 10 ** delta * As, xr)
        cost1 += [blas.nrm2(xr - corr)]
        cost2 += [blas.nrm2(xr[1:] - xr[:-1])]

    # Find solutions with ||xhat - xcorr || roughly equal to 8.0, 3.1, 1.0.
    mv1, k1 = min(zip([abs(c - 8.0) for c in cost1], range(nopts)))
    xr1 = +corr
    lapack.ptsv(1.0 + 10 ** deltas[k1] * Ad, 10 ** deltas[k1] * As, xr1)
    mv2, k2 = min(zip([abs(c - 3.1) for c in cost1], range(nopts)))
    xr2 = +corr
    lapack.ptsv(1.0 + 10 ** deltas[k2] * Ad, 10 ** deltas[k2] * As, xr2)
    mv3, k3 = min(zip([abs(c - 1.0) for c in cost1], range(nopts)))
    xr3 = +corr
    lapack.ptsv(1.0 + 10 ** deltas[k3] * Ad, 10 ** deltas[k3] * As, xr3)
Esempio n. 38
    def test_readme_examples(self):
        import cvxopt
        import numpy

        # Problem data.
        m = 30
        n = 20
        A = cvxopt.normal(m,n)
        b = cvxopt.normal(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = Variable(n)
        objective = Minimize(sum_entries(square(A*x - b)))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        p = Problem(objective, constraints)

        # The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
        result = p.solve()
        # The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
        # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
        # is stored in constraint.dual_value.


        # Scalar variable.
        a = Variable()

        # Column vector variable of length 5.
        x = Variable(5)

        # Matrix variable with 4 rows and 7 columns.
        A = Variable(4, 7)


        # Positive scalar parameter.
        m = Parameter(sign="positive")

        # Column vector parameter with unknown sign (by default).
        c = Parameter(5)

        # Matrix parameter with negative entries.
        G = Parameter(4, 7, sign="negative")

        # Assigns a constant value to G.
        G.value = -numpy.ones((4, 7))

        # Raises an error for assigning a value with invalid sign.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            G.value = numpy.ones((4,7))
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Invalid sign for Parameter value.")

        a = Variable()
        x = Variable(5)

        # expr is an Expression object after each assignment.
        expr = 2*x
        expr = expr - a
        expr = sum_entries(expr) + norm(x, 2)


        import numpy as np
        import cvxopt
        from multiprocessing import Pool

        # Problem data.
        n = 10
        m = 5
        A = cvxopt.normal(n,m)
        b = cvxopt.normal(n)
        gamma = Parameter(sign="positive")

        # Construct the problem.
        x = Variable(m)
        objective = Minimize(sum_entries(square(A*x - b)) + gamma*norm(x, 1))
        p = Problem(objective)

        # Assign a value to gamma and find the optimal x.
        def get_x(gamma_value):
            gamma.value = gamma_value
            result = p.solve()
            return x.value

        gammas = np.logspace(-1, 2, num=2)
        # Serial computation.
        x_values = [get_x(value) for value in gammas]

        n = 10

        mu = cvxopt.normal(1, n)
        sigma = cvxopt.normal(n,n)
        sigma = sigma.T*sigma
        gamma = Parameter(sign="positive")
        gamma.value = 1
        x = Variable(n)

        # Constants:
        # mu is the vector of expected returns.
        # sigma is the covariance matrix.
        # gamma is a Parameter that trades off risk and return.

        # Variables:
        # x is a vector of stock holdings as fractions of total assets.

        expected_return = mu*x
        risk = quad_form(x, sigma)

        objective = Maximize(expected_return - gamma*risk)
        p = Problem(objective, [sum_entries(x) == 1])
        result = p.solve()

        # The optimal expected return.

        # The optimal risk.


        N = 50
        M = 40
        n = 10
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            data += [(1, cvxopt.normal(n, mean=1.0, std=2.0))]
        for i in range(M):
            data += [(-1, cvxopt.normal(n, mean=-1.0, std=2.0))]

        # Construct problem.
        gamma = Parameter(sign="positive")
        gamma.value = 0.1
        # 'a' is a variable constrained to have at most 6 non-zero entries.
        a = Variable(n)#mi.SparseVar(n, nonzeros=6)
        b = Variable()

        slack = [pos(1 - label*(sample.T*a - b)) for (label, sample) in data]
        objective = Minimize(norm(a, 2) + gamma*sum(slack))
        p = Problem(objective)
        # Extensions can attach new solve methods to the CVXPY Problem class.

        # Count misclassifications.
        errors = 0
        for label, sample in data:
            if label*(sample.T*a - b).value < 0:
                errors += 1

        print("%s misclassifications" % errors)
Esempio n. 39
    x0 = matrix(-lmbda[0]+1.0, (n,1)) 
    s0 = +w
    s0[::n+1] += x0
    # Initial feasible z is identity.
    z0 = matrix(0.0, (n,n))
    z0[::n+1] = 1.0

    dims = {'l': 0, 'q': [], 's': [n]}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fs, w[:], dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,
        primalstart = {'x': x0, 's': s0[:]}, dualstart = {'z': z0[:]})
    return sol['x'], matrix(sol['z'], (n,n))

n = 10
w = normal(n,n)
run_go = True
if len(sys.argv[1:]) > 0:
    if sys.argv[1] == "-sp":
        run_go = False

x, z = mcsdp(w)
if run_go:
    print "\n *** running GO test ***"
    helpers.run_go_test("../testmcsdp", {'x': x, 'z': z, 'data': w})
    print "w ", helpers.strSpe(w, "%.17f")
    #print "x=\n", helpers.strSpe(x, "%.17f")
    #print "z=\n", helpers.strSpe(z, "%.17f")
Esempio n. 40
# Figures 6.8-10, pages 313-314
# Quadratic smoothing.

from math import pi
from cvxopt import blas, lapack, matrix, sin, mul, normal
try: import pylab
except ImportError: pylab_installed = False
else: pylab_installed = True

n = 4000
t = matrix(list(range(n)), tc='d')
ex = 0.5 * mul( sin(2*pi/n * t), sin(0.01 * t))
corr = ex + 0.05 * normal(n,1)

if pylab_installed:
    pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w', figsize=(8,5))
    pylab.plot(t, ex)
    pylab.title('Original and corrupted signal (fig. 6.8)')
    pylab.plot(t, corr)

# A = D'*D is an n by n tridiagonal matrix with -1.0 on the 
# upper/lower diagonal and 1, 2, 2, ..., 2, 2, 1 on the diagonal.
Ad = matrix([1.0] + (n-2)*[2.0] + [1.0])
As = matrix(-1.0, (n-1,1))
Esempio n. 41
# The robust LP example of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, uniform
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, dot, op, sum
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m, n)
b = uniform(m)
c = normal(n)

x = variable(n)
op(dot(c, x), A * x + sum(abs(x)) <= b).solve()

x2 = variable(n)
y = variable(n)
op(dot(c, x2), [A * x2 + sum(y) <= b, -y <= x2, x2 <= y]).solve()

print("\nDifference between two solutions %e" % nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Esempio n. 42
	def get_gaussian(num,dims=2,means=[0,0],vars=[1,1]):
		data = co.matrix(0.0,(dims,num))
		for d in range(dims):
			data[d,:] = co.normal(1,num)*vars[d] + means[d]
		return data
Esempio n. 43
 def test_basic_no_gsl(self):
     import sys
     sys.modules['gsl'] = None
     import cvxopt
     cvxopt.normal(4, 8)
     cvxopt.uniform(4, 8)
Esempio n. 44
# The 1-norm support vector classifier of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, setseed
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m,n) 

x = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
u = variable(A.size[0],'u')  
op(sum(abs(x)) + sum(u), [A*x >= 1-u, u >= 0]).solve()

x2 = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
op(sum(abs(x2)) + sum(max(0, 1 - A*x2))).solve() 

print("\nDifference between two solutions: %e" %nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Esempio n. 45
# Original comments below

# Section 6.1.2
# Boyd & Vandenberghe "Convex Optimization"
# Original by Lieven Vandenberghe
# Adapted for CVX Argyris Zymnis - 10/2005
# Comparison of the ell1, ell2, deadzone-linear and log-barrier
# penalty functions for the approximation problem:
#       minimize phi(A*x-b),
# where phi(x) is the penalty function

# Generate input data
m, n = 100, 30
A = cvxopt.normal(m,n) #np.random.randn(m,n)
b = cvxopt.normal(m,1) #np.random.randn(m,1)

# l-1 approximation
x1 = Variable(n)
objective1 = Minimize( norm(A*x1-b, 1) )
p1 = Problem(objective1, [])
#p1 = Problem(Minimize( norm(A*x1-b, 1), []))

# l-2 approximation
x2 = Variable(n)
objective2 = Minimize( norm(A*x2-b, 2) )
p2 = Problem(objective2, [])

# deadzone approximation
# minimize sum(deadzone(Ax+b,0.5))
Esempio n. 46
    x0 = matrix([uls[:n], 1.1 * abs(rls)])
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1)

    # z0 = [ (1+w)/2; (1-w)/2 ] where w = (.9/||rls||_inf) * rls
    # if rls is nonzero and w = 0 otherwise.
    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:
        w = .9 / max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    z0 = matrix([.5 * (1 + w), .5 * (1 - w)])

    dims = {'l': 2 * m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c,
                             'x': x0,
                             's': s0
                         dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n], sol['z'][m:] - sol['z'][:m]

m, n = 1000, 100
P, q = normal(m, n), normal(m, 1)
x, y = l1(P, q)
Esempio n. 47
    # attention: this is the shape parameter of a Gaussian
    # which is 1/sigma^2
    k_param = 2.4

    N_pos = 10
    N_neg = 10
    N_unl = 10

    # generate training labels
    Dy = np.zeros(N_pos+N_neg+N_unl,
    Dy[:N_pos] = 1
    Dy[N_pos+N_unl:] = -1

    # generate training data
    Dtrainp = co.normal(2,N_pos)*0.6
    Dtrainu = co.normal(2,N_unl)*0.6
    Dtrainn = co.normal(2,N_neg)*0.6
    Dtrain21 = Dtrainn-1
    Dtrain21[0,:] = Dtrainn[0,:]+1
    Dtrain22 = -Dtrain21

    # training data
    Dtrain = co.matrix([[Dtrainp], [Dtrainu], [Dtrainn+0.8]])

    Dtrain = np.array(Dtrain)

    # build the training kernel
    kernel = get_kernel(Dtrain, Dtrain, type=k_type, param=k_param)

    # use SSAD
Esempio n. 48
    def test_numpy_scalars(self):
        n = 6
        eps = 1e-6
        P0 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        eye = cvxopt.spmatrix(1.0, range(n), range(n))
        P0 = P0.T * P0 + eps * eye


        P1 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P1 = P1.T*P1
        P2 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P2 = P2.T*P2
        P3 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P3 = P3.T*P3

        q0 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q1 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q2 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q3 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)

        r0 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r1 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r2 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r3 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)

        slack = Variable()
        # Form the problem
        x = Variable(n)
        objective = Minimize( 0.5*quad_form(x,P0) + q0.T*x + r0 + slack)
        constraints = [0.5*quad_form(x,P1) + q1.T*x + r1 <= slack,
                       0.5*quad_form(x,P2) + q2.T*x + r2 <= slack,
                       0.5*quad_form(x,P3) + q3.T*x + r3 <= slack,

        # We now find the primal result and compare it to the dual result
        # to check if strong duality holds i.e. the duality gap is effectively zero
        p = Problem(objective, constraints)
        primal_result = p.solve()

        # Note that since our data is random, we may need to run this program multiple times to get a feasible primal
        # When feasible, we can print out the following values
        print(x.value) # solution
        lam1 = constraints[0].dual_value
        lam2 = constraints[1].dual_value
        lam3 = constraints[2].dual_value

        P_lam = P0 + lam1*P1 + lam2*P2 + lam3*P3
        q_lam = q0 + lam1*q1 + lam2*q2 + lam3*q3
        r_lam = r0 + lam1*r1 + lam2*r2 + lam3*r3
        dual_result = -0.5* + r_lam
        self.assertEquals(intf.size(dual_result), (1,1))
Esempio n. 49
from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, normal, setseed, blas, lapack, solvers
import nucnrm

# Solves a randomly generated nuclear norm minimization problem 
#    minimize || A(x) + B ||_*
# with n variables, and matrices A(x), B of size p x q.


p, q, n = 100, 100, 100
A = normal(p*q, n)
B = normal(p, q)

# options['feastol'] = 1e-6
# options['refinement'] = 3

sol = nucnrm.nrmapp(A, B)

x = sol['x']
Z = sol['Z']

s = matrix(0.0, (p,1))
X = matrix(A *x, (p, q)) + B
lapack.gesvd(+X, s)
nrmX = sum(s)
lapack.gesvd(+Z, s)
nrmZ = max(s)
res = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
Esempio n. 50
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

from cvxpy import *
import numpy as np
import cvxopt
from multiprocessing import Pool

# Problem data.
n = 10
m = 5
A = cvxopt.normal(n,m)
b = cvxopt.normal(n)
gamma = Parameter(nonneg=True)

# Construct the problem.
x = Variable(m)
objective = Minimize(sum_squares(A*x - b) + gamma*norm(x, 1))
p = Problem(objective)

# Assign a value to gamma and find the optimal x.
def get_x(gamma_value):
    gamma.value = gamma_value
    result = p.solve()
    return x.value

gammas = np.logspace(-1, 2, num=100)
Esempio n. 51
from cvxpy import *
import numpy as np
import cvxopt
from multiprocessing import Pool

# Problem data.
n = 10
m = 5
A = cvxopt.normal(n, m)
b = cvxopt.normal(n)
gamma = Parameter(sign="positive")

# Construct the problem.
x = Variable(m)
objective = Minimize(sum_squares(A * x - b) + gamma * norm(x, 1))
p = Problem(objective)

# Assign a value to gamma and find the optimal x.
def get_x(gamma_value):
    gamma.value = gamma_value
    result = p.solve()
    return x.value

gammas = np.logspace(-1, 2, num=100)
# Serial computation.
x_values = [get_x(value) for value in gammas]

# Parallel computation.
pool = Pool(processes=4)
par_x =, gammas)
Esempio n. 52
    def F(x=None, z=None):
        if x is None: return 0, matrix(1.0, (n, 1))
        if min(x) <= 0.0: return None
        f = -sum(log(x))
        Df = -(x**-1).T
        if z is None: return matrix(f), Df
        H = spdiag(z[0] * x**-2)
        return f, Df, H

    return solvers.cp(F, A=A, b=b)['x']

# Randomly generate a feasible problem

m, n = 50, 500
y = normal(m, 1)

# Random A with A'*y > 0.
s = uniform(n, 1)
A = normal(m, n)
r = s - A.T * y
# A = A - (1/y'*y) * y*r'
blas.ger(y, r, A, alpha=1.0 /, y))

# Random feasible x > 0.
x = uniform(n, 1)
b = A * x

x = acent(A, b)
Esempio n. 53
# # data = ax1.scatter([1],[2])
# # ax1.scatter([1],[2])

# xdata = [1]
# ydata = [1]
# ax1.plot(xdata, ydata, 'o')
# # data.set_ydata(arange(2))
# cid = fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)

# # Problem data.
m = 4
n = 3
A = cvxopt.normal(m,n) 
b = cvxopt.normal(m)

# # Construct the problem.
x = Variable(n)
objective = Minimize(sum(square(A*x - b)))
constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 0.5]
# constraints = [A*x + b <= 0]
p = Problem(objective, constraints)

# The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
result = p.solve()
# The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
print x.value
# # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
# # is stored in constraint.dual_value.
Esempio n. 54
# Ported from cvx matlab to cvxpy by Misrab Faizullah-Khan
# Original comments below

# Boyd & Vandenberghe, "Convex Optimization"
# Joelle Skaf - 08/23/05
# Solved a QCQP with 3 inequalities:
#           minimize    1/2 x'*P0*x + q0'*r + r0
#               s.t.    1/2 x'*Pi*x + qi'*r + ri <= 0   for i=1,2,3
# and verifies that strong duality holds.

# Input data
n = 6
eps = sys.float_info.epsilon

P0 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
eye = cvxopt.spmatrix(1.0, range(n), range(n))
P0 = P0.T * P0 + eps * eye

print P0

P1 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
P1 = P1.T * P1
P2 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
P2 = P2.T * P2
P3 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
P3 = P3.T * P3

q0 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
q1 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
q2 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
Esempio n. 55
 def test_basic_no_gsl(self):
     import sys
     sys.modules['gsl'] = None
     import cvxopt