def MotionNotify(config_file_path,notify): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() logfile = config.get('log', 'logfile') logger = logit(logfile)"Config file read - log initialized ") # mail account credentials username = config.get('mail', 'user') password = config.get('mail', 'password') from_name = config.get('mail', 'name') sender = config.get('mail', 'sender') mailServ = config.get('mail','server') smtp = config.get('mail', 'port') print 'config read' # Recipient email address (could be same as from_addr) recipient = config.get('mail', 'recipient') # Subject line for email subject = config.get('mail', 'subject') # First line of email message message = config.get('mail', 'message') # Folder (or collection) in Docs where you want the media to go folder = config.get('docs', 'folder') # Options delete_files = config.getboolean('options', 'delete-files') send_email = config.getboolean('options', 'send-email') event_started_message = config.get('mail', 'event_started_message') presenceMacs = [] network = None ip_addresses = None try: forceOnStart = config.getint( 'activate-system', 'force_on_start' ) forceOnEnd = config.getint( 'activate-system', 'force_on_end' ) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass 'Based on network presence should the email be sent %s', active ) return active ## Thats all she wrote ... if notify or system_active() : msg = event_started_message send_email(msg)'msg sent') else:'somebody home') if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == 'win32': cwcfg = r'/Users/charles/data/cwtest/motion/notify/motion-notify.cfg' print cwcfg sys.argv = ['', cwcfg, 1] logger = logit('notify.log') cfg_path = sys.argv[1] # motion-notify on Git notify = True if not os.path.exists(cfg_path): print('Config file does not exist [%s]' % cfg_path) MotionNotify(cfg_path,notify) #'main cw-notify done\n')