Esempio n. 1
def addsec_to_cybox_file(as_observables):
    f = File()
    for observable in as_observables:
        if observable.dataType == 10:  # DataTypeFile
            f.full_path =
        elif observable.dataType == 2:  # DataTypeSHA1 (binary bytes)
            f.sha1 = Hash('hex'))
    return f
Esempio n. 2
def addsec_to_cybox(as_obtype, as_obdata):
    # Addition Security to CybOX mappings, for discrete/separate observables

    # 30: DataTypeSymbolName
    if as_obtype == 30:
        a = API()
        a.function_name = as_obdata
        return a

    # 32: DataTypeLibraryName
    if as_obtype == 32:
        l = Library() = as_obdata
        l.path = as_obdata
        return l

    # 14: DataTypeUsername
    if as_obtype == 14:
        u = UserAccount()
        u.username = as_obdata
        return u

    # 10: DataTypeFile
    if as_obtype == 10:
        f = File()
        f.full_path = as_obdata
        return f

    # 23: DataTypeHostname
    if as_obtype == 23:
        h = Hostname()
        h.hostname_value = as_obdata
        return h

    # 29: DataTypeEnvString
    if as_obtype == 29:
        # Here, Process is meant to represent the hosting process; then we
        # attach the actual environment variable value
        p = Process()
        p.environment_variable_list = as_obdata
        return p

    # 17: DataTypeApplication
    if as_obtype == 17:
        # Particularly on Android, identification of an installed package fits
        # somewhere between File and Process, but not quite either.  The closest
        # fit is around LinuxPackage, which is what we use.  We should technically
        # derive from it, but we're trying to keep things simple.
        p = LinuxPackage() = as_obdata
        return p

    # 11: DataTypeX509
    # 12: DataTypeX509Subject
    # 13: DataTypeX509Issuer
    if as_obtype == 11 or as_obtype == 12 or as_obtype == 13:
        c = X509Certificate()
        if as_obtype == 11: c.raw_certificate = as_obdata.encode('hex')
        if as_obtype == 12: c.certificate.subject = as_obdata
        if as_obtype == 13: c.certificate.issuer = as_obdata
        return c

    # 2: DataTypeSHA1Hash
    # 7: DataTypeVersionString
    # 18: DataTypeString
    # 31: DataTypePropertyName
    # TODO: find the proper CybOX to represent these; for now, we don't
    # report them
    return None