Esempio n. 1
def look(iplist):
    time.sleep(2)  # delays for 2 seconds
    c = Client()  # creates an instance of the Client class
        #       print 'here before != None'
        #       print iplist
        #       if ips != None:
        if iplist != None:
            print 'here after !=None'
            print iplist
            #          r = c.lookupmany_dict('')
            r = c.lookupmany_dict(
            )  # leverages the lookupmany_dict() function to pass in a list of IPs
            for ip in iplist:  # Iterates over the ips in the list to use a key value in the dictionary from lookupman_dict()
                time.sleep(2)  # delays for 2 seconds
                print " ip here " + ip
                net = r[ip].prefix
                owner = r[ip].owner
                cc = r[
                    ip].cc  # gets the networking information from the dictionary
                #              print net
                line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (
                    net, ip, cc, owner)  # formats the line to print cleanly
                print line
Esempio n. 2
def look(iplist):
	c=Client() # creates an instance of the Client class
		r = c.lookupmany_dict(iplist) # leverages the lookupmany_dict() function to pass in a list of IPs
		for ip in iplist: # Iterates over the ips in the list to use a key value in the returned dictionary from lookupman_dict()
			net = r[ip].prefix; owner = r[ip].owner; cc = r[ip].cc # gets the networking information from the dictionary
			line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (ip,net,cc,owner) # formats the line to print cleanly
        		print line
Esempio n. 3
def look(iplost):
	c=Client() # create instance of client class
		if ips != None:
			r = c.lookupmany_dict(iplist) # uses lookupmany_dict() function to pass in a list of IPs
			for ip in iplist:
				net = r[ip].prefix; owner = r[ip].owner; cc = r[ip].cc # gets network info from dict
				line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (net,ip,cc,owner) # formats the line to print
				print line
Esempio n. 4
def look(ip_list):

    c = Client()
	r = c.lookupmany_dict(ip_list)
	for ip in ip_list:
	    pt = r[ip].prefix + " ------> " + r[ip].ip + "\n" + \
		 r[ip].cc + "\t" + r[ip].owner
	    print pt + "\n" + "-"*60   
    except Exception as e:
	print e
Esempio n. 5
def look(iplist):
    c = Client()  # creates an instance of the Client class
        if ips != None:
            r = c.lookupmany_dict(iplist)  # leverages the lookupmany_dict() function to pass in a list of IPs
            for ip in iplist:  # Iterates over the ips in the list to use a key value in the dictionary from lookupman_dict()
                net = r[ip].prefix;
                owner = r[ip].owner;
                cc = r[ip].cc  # gets the networking information from the dictionary
                line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (net, ip, cc, owner)  # formats the line to print cleanly
                print line
Esempio n. 6
def net_lookup(ips):
        ips = list(set(ips)) # uniq IPs
        r = c.lookupmany_dict(ips)
        for ip in ips:
            net = r[ip].prefix; owner = r[ip].owner; cc = r[ip].cc 
            line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (ip,net,cc,owner) 
            print line

    except Exception as e:
        print e
Esempio n. 7
def net_lookup(ips):
        c = Client()
        ips = list(set(ips))  # uniq IPs
        r = c.lookupmany_dict(ips)
        for ip in ips:
            net = r[ip].prefix
            owner = r[ip].owner
            cc = r[ip].cc
            line = '%-20s # - %15s (%s) - %s' % (ip, net, cc, owner)
            print line

    except Exception as e:
        print e
Esempio n. 8
def net_lookup(ips, results_file):
        c = Client()
        ips = list(set(ips))  # uniq IPs
        r = c.lookupmany_dict(ips)
        cidrs = []

        for ip in ips:
        cidrs = list(set(cidrs))  # uniq CIDRs
        cidr_results = ", ".join(cidrs)
        print "[+] Found Results in CIDRs: " + cidr_results
        if results_file:
            results_file.write("[+] Found Results in CIDRs: " + cidr_results + "\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print e
Esempio n. 9
def build_ip_db(unique_ips):
    ''' Builds up a db of ip addresses that were in the server logs.

        unique_ips: set of ip's that were seen in the server logs
        Returns: the ip db with 'isp_name', 'latitude and 'longitude'
    c = Client()
    ip_db =, 'ip.db'))     # NOTE again, this might get too big and blow everything up
    unique_ips = [ip for ip in unique_ips if ip not in ip_db]     # if we have stuff in ip.db already from a previous run
    ips_fetching = 'Fetching info for this many IPs: {}'.format(len(unique_ips))
    print ips_fetching
    for subset_of_unique_ips in split_list_into_chunks(unique_ips, 10000): # only do 10,000 ip's at a time
        for ip_addr, ip_info_dict in c.lookupmany_dict(subset_of_unique_ips).iteritems():
            lat, lon = get_lat_and_long(ip_addr)    # NOTE maybe take this out so the shelve doesn't ballon too big
            ip_db[ip_addr] = {'isp_name': ip_info_dict.owner,
                              # 'organization': ??? -- would probably need to pull out from whois, but slow and messy
                              'latitude': lat,
                              'longitude': lon}
    return ip_db
Esempio n. 10
from cymruwhois import Client
import sys

#log file location hard coded, change to suit environment
logfile = open('/var/log/honeypot/honeyd.log','r')
source = []
for line in logfile:
	source.append(line.split(' ')[3])

src_country = []
src_count = []
c = Client()

results = c.lookupmany_dict( set(source) )

for res in results:
	country =  results[res].cc
		pos = src_country.index( country )
		src_count[pos] += 1
		src_country.append( country )
		src_count.append( 1 )

for i in range( 0, ( len( src_country ) - 1 ) ):
	sys.stdout.write( "%s:\t%i\n" %( src_country[i], src_count[i] ) )