Esempio n. 1
 def clear_estimate(self):
     self._af_op = AutofluorescenceOp()
     self._bleedthrough_op = BleedthroughLinearOp()
     self._bead_calibration_op = BeadCalibrationOp()
     self._color_translation_op = ColorTranslationOp()
     self.valid_model = False
     self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, self)
Esempio n. 2
class TasbeCalibrationOp(PluginOpMixin):
    handler_factory = Callable(TasbeHandler)
    id = Constant('')
    friendly_id = Constant("Quantitative Pipeline")
    name = Constant("TASBE")
    fsc_channel = DelegatesTo('_polygon_op', 'xchannel', estimate = True)
    ssc_channel = DelegatesTo('_polygon_op', 'ychannel', estimate = True)
    vertices = DelegatesTo('_polygon_op', 'vertices', estimate = True)
    channels = List(Str, estimate = True)
    blank_file = File(filter = ["*.fcs"], estimate = True)
    bleedthrough_list = List(_BleedthroughControl, estimate = True)

    beads_name = Str(estimate = True)
    beads_file = File(filter = ["*.fcs"], estimate = True)
    units_list = List(_Unit, estimate = True)
    bead_peak_quantile = Int(80, estimate = True)
    bead_brightness_threshold = Float(100, estimate = True)
    bead_brightness_cutoff = util.FloatOrNone("", estimate = True)
    do_color_translation = Bool(estimate = True)
    to_channel = Str(estimate = True)
    translation_list = List(_TranslationControl, estimate = True)
    mixture_model = Bool(False, estimate = True)
    do_estimate = Event
    valid_model = Bool(False, status = True)
    do_exit = Event
    input_files = List(File)
    output_directory = Directory
    _blank_exp = Instance(Experiment, transient = True)
    _blank_exp_file = File(transient = True)
    _blank_exp_channels = List(Str, status = True)
    _polygon_op = Instance(PolygonOp, 
                           kw = {'name' : 'polygon',
                                 'xscale' : 'log', 
                                 'yscale' : 'log'}, 
                           transient = True)
    _af_op = Instance(AutofluorescenceOp, (), transient = True)
    _bleedthrough_op = Instance(BleedthroughLinearOp, (), transient = True)
    _bead_calibration_op = Instance(BeadCalibrationOp, (), transient = True)
    _color_translation_op = Instance(ColorTranslationOp, (), transient = True)
    status = Str(status = True)
    @on_trait_change('channels[], to_channel, do_color_translation', post_init = True)
    def _channels_changed(self, obj, name, old, new):
        for channel in self.channels:
            if channel not in [ for control in self.bleedthrough_list]:
                self.bleedthrough_list.append(_BleedthroughControl(channel = channel))
            if channel not in [ for unit in self.units_list]:
                self.units_list.append(_Unit(channel = channel))

        to_remove = []    
        for control in self.bleedthrough_list:
            if not in self.channels:
        for control in to_remove:
        to_remove = []    
        for unit in self.units_list:
            if not in self.channels:
        for unit in to_remove:        
        if self.do_color_translation:
            to_remove = []
            for unit in self.units_list:
                if != self.to_channel:
            for unit in to_remove:
            self.translation_list = []
            for c in self.channels:
                if c == self.to_channel:
                self.translation_list.append(_TranslationControl(from_channel = c,
                                                                 to_channel = self.to_channel))
            self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('translation_list', self.translation_list))
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('bleedthrough_list', self.bleedthrough_list))            
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('units_list', self.units_list))

    @on_trait_change('_polygon_op:vertices', post_init = True)
    def _polygon_changed(self, obj, name, old, new):
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, (None, None))

    @on_trait_change("bleedthrough_list_items, bleedthrough_list.+", post_init = True)
    def _bleedthrough_controls_changed(self, obj, name, old, new):
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('bleedthrough_list', self.bleedthrough_list))
    @on_trait_change("translation_list_items, translation_list.+", post_init = True)
    def _translation_controls_changed(self, obj, name, old, new):
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('translation_list', self.translation_list))
    @on_trait_change('units_list_items,units_list.+', post_init = True)
    def _units_changed(self, obj, name, old, new):
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE, ('units_list', self.units_list))
    def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None):
#         if not self.subset:
#             warnings.warn("Are you sure you don't want to specify a subset "
#                           "used to estimate the model?",
#                           util.CytoflowOpWarning)
#         if experiment is None:
#             raise util.CytoflowOpError("No valid result to estimate with")
#         experiment = experiment.clone()

        if not self.fsc_channel:
            raise util.CytoflowOpError('fsc_channel',
                                       "Must set FSC channel")
        if not self.ssc_channel:
            raise util.CytoflowOpError('ssc_channel',
                                       "Must set SSC channel")
        if not self._polygon_op.vertices:
            raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, "Please draw a polygon around the "
                                             "single-cell population in the "
                                             "Morphology tab")            

        experiment = self._blank_exp.clone()
        experiment = self._polygon_op.apply(experiment)
        self._af_op.channels = self.channels
        self._af_op.blank_file = self.blank_file
        self._af_op.estimate(experiment, subset = "polygon == True")
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, "Autofluorescence")
        experiment = self._af_op.apply(experiment)
        self.status = "Estimating bleedthrough"
        for control in self.bleedthrough_list:
            self._bleedthrough_op.controls[] = control.file

        self._bleedthrough_op.estimate(experiment, subset = "polygon == True") 
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, "Bleedthrough")
        experiment = self._bleedthrough_op.apply(experiment)
        self.status = "Estimating bead calibration"
        self._bead_calibration_op.beads = BeadCalibrationOp.BEADS[self.beads_name]
        self._bead_calibration_op.beads_file = self.beads_file
        self._bead_calibration_op.bead_peak_quantile = self.bead_peak_quantile
        self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_threshold = self.bead_brightness_threshold
        self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_cutoff = self.bead_brightness_cutoff        

        for unit in self.units_list:
            self._bead_calibration_op.units[] = unit.unit
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, "Bead Calibration")
        if self.do_color_translation:
            self.status = "Estimating color translation"

            experiment = self._bead_calibration_op.apply(experiment)
            self._color_translation_op.mixture_model = self.mixture_model
            for control in self.translation_list:
                                                     control.to_channel)] = control.file
            self._color_translation_op.estimate(experiment, subset = 'polygon == True')                                         
            self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, "Color Translation")
        self.status = "Done estimating"
        self.valid_model = True
    def should_clear_estimate(self, changed, payload):
        Should the owning WorkflowItem clear the estimated model by calling
        op.clear_estimate()?  `changed` can be:
        - Changed.ESTIMATE -- the parameters required to call 'estimate()' (ie
          traits with estimate = True metadata) have changed
        - Changed.PREV_RESULT -- the previous WorkflowItem's result changed

        if changed == Changed.ESTIMATE:
            name, _ = payload
            if name == 'fsc_channel' or name == 'ssc_channel':
                return False
        return True
    def clear_estimate(self):
        self._af_op = AutofluorescenceOp()
        self._bleedthrough_op = BleedthroughLinearOp()
        self._bead_calibration_op = BeadCalibrationOp()
        self._color_translation_op = ColorTranslationOp()
        self.valid_model = False
        self.changed = (Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT, self)
    def should_apply(self, changed, payload):
        Should the owning WorkflowItem apply this operation when certain things
        change?  `changed` can be:
        - Changed.OPERATION -- the operation's parameters changed
        - Changed.PREV_RESULT -- the previous WorkflowItem's result changed
        - Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT -- the results of calling "estimate" changed

        if changed == Changed.ESTIMATE_RESULT and \
            self.blank_file != self._blank_exp_file:
            return True
        elif changed == Changed.OPERATION:
            name, _ = payload
            if name == "output_directory":
                return False

            return True
        return False

    def apply(self, experiment):

        # this "apply" function is a little odd -- it does not return an Experiment because
        # it always the only WI/operation in the workflow.
        if self.blank_file != self._blank_exp_file:
            self._blank_exp = ImportOp(tubes = [Tube(file = self.blank_file)] ).apply()
            self._blank_exp_file = self.blank_file
            self._blank_exp_channels = self._blank_exp.channels
            self.changed = (Changed.PREV_RESULT, None)
        out_dir = Path(self.output_directory)
        for path in self.input_files:
            in_file_path = Path(path)
            out_file_path = out_dir /
            if out_file_path.exists():
                raise util.CytoflowOpError(None,
                                           "File {} already exists"
        tubes = [Tube(file = path, conditions = {'filename' : Path(path).stem})
                 for path in self.input_files]
        for tube in tubes:
            self.status = "Converting " + Path(tube.file).stem
            experiment = ImportOp(tubes = [tube], conditions = {'filename' : 'category'}).apply()
            experiment = self._af_op.apply(experiment)
            experiment = self._bleedthrough_op.apply(experiment)
            experiment = self._bead_calibration_op.apply(experiment)
            if self.do_color_translation:
                experiment = self._color_translation_op.apply(experiment)                                                
            ExportFCS(path = self.output_directory,
                      by = ['filename'],
                      _include_by = False).export(experiment)
        self.input_files = []
        self.status = "Done converting!"
    def default_view(self, **kwargs):
        return TasbeCalibrationView(op = self, **kwargs)
    def get_help(self):
        current_dir = os.path.abspath(__file__)
        help_dir = os.path.split(current_dir)[0]
        help_dir = os.path.join(help_dir, "help")
        help_file = None
        for klass in self.__class__.__mro__:
            mod = klass.__module__
            mod_html = mod + ".html"
            h = os.path.join(help_dir, mod_html)
            if os.path.exists(h):
                help_file = h
        with open(help_file, encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
            help_html =
        return help_html